• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 537 Views, 3 Comments

Letters from a Changeling - RainbowEclipse

A brief explantion of the Changelings and how Queen Chrysalis became the mare she now is.

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I was punished again. The whipping hurts really bad. Not only that, but the security is even tighter. I am locked in a room and the window that had previously promised my escape was bolted. My back hooves are chained to the floor, my wings are tied, and I was placed in our interrogation room. This was a room that we used to question our prisoners in. It is enchanted so that magic can not be used. I have three guards standing inside with me, watching my every move. My mother told me that because of my behavior, I will arrive at my coronation in chains.

I fear that escaping is not an option anymore. And I am not sure if I can withstand the whole hive, including my mother. I had another dream that dims my hopes even more so.

I saw the future me transform into another pony. She was so full of love, I couldn’t believe it. She was an alicorn, too. I trapped her in some kind of cave and wickedly laughed. While in that form, I took control of another handsome unicorn just as full of love. Then I saw the same pony that was in my other dream. I trapped her as well. Then it ended and I was horrified. I don’t know if I will get a chance to write again. I hope that whoever finds this will use this knowledge to stop me.I am going to give it my best to fight the draining ceremony, but if not, if I become this monster, please share this letter. With anyone who can help me. And if you ever find Shred, please tell her that I love her.


Princess Chrysalis

Comments ( 3 )

Hay, every pony! This is my first fanfic, please comment and give me feedback! Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

So, I'll just have a quick look at the story - this is what annoys me the most;

Chapter lengths!!!

If you want positive feedback on things like this, I suggest you combine these chapters into one or you extend them all :facehoof:

I absolutely adore how you wrote this! It was amazing. I just wish the chapters were a bit longer, so I'd have more to read. I look forward to reading more of your stories later on good job:pinkiehappy:

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