• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,592 Views, 164 Comments

Princess Celestia did WHAT? - Compass The Pegasus

"Wait, so you're telling me that you 'accidentally' burned down Canterlot Castle and need to stay with me until it's fixed?" The shitpost story of all time.

  • ...

The Accident

“Shut up Lulu. I WILL win this bet.” Celestia said as she put a rounded container full of cake batter into the stone oven. She set the oven to the highest setting and smirked at her sister, who was herself struggling to mix her batter. Luna stuck her tongue out at her sister as she picked up the pace of mixing her batter.

Luna stirred as fast as her magic would let her, but more batter was hitting her face and the floor than the bowl. After a couple of minutes she felt satisfied with her effort and poured the batter into a large, round container. Her smile faded after seeing that it only filled a third of the way. Celestia couldn’t hold back her laughter. Celestia’s personal kitchen echoed with “I knew I was gonna win!” along with tapping on the tile floor as Celestia danced around.

“Oh shut up Tia. Should I remind you of the time we bet who could pull the best prank on each other? That itching powder from Baltimare sure did its job well. For THREE whole weeks!” Luna began giggling as she remembered her sister in a courtroom meeting during the incident. Her face was priceless! She looked like she ate the sourest lemon on the planet, and was resisting the urge to make any expression. Celestia blushed at that memory and then said,

“Well, It sure would be a catastrophe if I told all eight of your coltfriends that there may be ‘others,’” Tia said with a knowing smirk.

“Tia! You wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

“Ugh, fine. Blackmail. I knew you were a cheater.” Luna said, looking at Celestia. Celestia opened her mouth to say that SHE obviously started it with the powder talk, but was interrupted by a guard who just walked in.

“Princess Celestia! Blueblood has gotten himself in trouble with the Mafia in Manehattan again. He tried to kiss Corleone’s sister and now he’s in the hospital with fourteen broken bones.”

The stallion left as fast as he came, leaving Celestia and Luna to do the loudest double facehoof the planet has ever seen.


“Go to bed Lulu, I have to go deal with that blundering idiot. Again.” They both left the kitchen and completely forgot about the cake in the oven, which was slowly blackening.

As the Guard described, Blueblood was in a full body cast. It’s a shame Corleone didn’t break his jaw too. Blueblood just keeps jabbering on about how he just wanted a kiss.

“This is preposterous! I just wanted a kiss! I’ll have your entire family persecuted. No! Executed! Yes, that’s it! I WILL HAVE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY EXE----” His words were cut off when the nurse stuck a syringe in his neck. Even Celestia cringed at the sight. It wasn’t a normal syringe, it was HUGE! The entire thing was probably as big as Celestia’s leg!

“Woo!” The nurse spoke up. “This guy was almost impossible to shut up.” She turned, and realized the princess was there. She instantly bowed and said “Hello Princess.”

Celestia was more intrigued by the syringe rather than Blueblood. Celestia turned and asked the nurse her name.

“My name is Nurse Redheart. I’m here from Ponyville to visit a friend, but ended up having to carry this loudmouth moron back here. Luckily, I carry this syringe everywhere I go just in case,” she stroked the syringe with her hoof before hugging it. “Just in case.”

“Say, can I borrow that sometime?” Celestia asked.

“Ummm. Uh. Y-yeah sure! Anything for you, Princess!” she seemed half-hearted about giving the syringe away, but accepted nonetheless. Celestia then turned and walked out the building and something popped into her mind. Her smile instantly fell and turned to a frown. Then a look of utter horror took over her face.

“The cake… uh oh”

She got back to the castle as fast as she could, but didn’t find a castle. Instead, there was a single brick wall.

“I prepared the damn thing to be able to withstand an invasion, but noooo. It can’t stand a kitchen fire, can it?” Celestia muttered to herself. “Perfect.”

Luna landed next to her and said, “Sister, I think the castle has burned down. Just a bit.” She smiled sheepishly as her sister turned to her with a twitchy eye.

“This is going to take weeks to repair at the fastest pace possible. This. Is. Bad!” Luna knew that even though she seemed calm on the outside, she was panicking on the inside. “Wait! I know! I’ll just ask Cadence if we can stay with them for the time being!” She spawned a piece of parchment and quill. She quickly scribbled out the situation and then rolled up the paper. With a whoosh, the parchment was gone.

After about five minutes another parchment appeared in its place. It had Cadence’s seal on it. Celestia opened it and read,

“Dear Celestia,

I sadly have to refuse because of the ‘prank war’ going on between Luna and I. Screw you Luna. Don’t think I’ll ever let you live down putting those toy cockroaches in my food. I barely ate for a week. Payback time motherbucker.“

“Luna. Why didn’t you tell me this?” Luna shrugged. “A prank this funny should have been celebrated! Let’s go to Twilight’s and… Wait. Twilight! We can go to her new Castle in Ponyville!”

“Good idea Tia!” Luna exclaimed, but soon had a look of concern on her face. “Do you think she will let us in?” She asked.

“Hahaha. Of course, Twilight will do anything I ask her. Besides, a week or two won’t be much of a problem.” Luna laughed along with her sister. She knew it was true.

“To Twilight’s castle then.” Luna said as she spread her wings

“To Twilight’s castle.” Celestia agreed. She spread her wings and took off with her sister towards Ponyville.

Author's Note:
