• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,593 Views, 164 Comments

Princess Celestia did WHAT? - Compass The Pegasus

"Wait, so you're telling me that you 'accidentally' burned down Canterlot Castle and need to stay with me until it's fixed?" The shitpost story of all time.

  • ...

Letting them in was a mistake...

“Lulu! Why did you send me all the toilet paper in the castle?” Celestia asked, as she came out of the library. Thirty-six rolls of toilet paper in her magical aura, and one on her horn. “I was kinda in the middle of a meeting with a couple nobles….” Spike walked out of a storage closet right behind of Celestia. It would have been soo awkward if she’d seen him. Spike slowly tiptoed out of sight, and right as he thought he was out of Celestia’s earshot, he ran as fast as possible away from there… Right into Sweetie Belle.

“Hi Spike!” She squeaked in the most adorable way. It’s difficult to not D’awww at her. Nothing on the planet can explain how Spike can turn down this adorable filly. Even at my various attempts to annoy Spike, he seems to be ignoring me, so lets continue, shall we?

“Hi Sweetie Belle,” said Spike. “Wait, how did you get in here?” he questioned.

“Oh, Princess Twilight let me in. She said you were in here somewhere, so yay!” Aww. I can’t believe Spike can resist this level of adorableness.

“Darn it Twilight,” muttered Spike under his breath.

“Why don’t you show me your new room, Spike?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah sure. I guess.”


“I’ll give you a lifetime supply of waffles!” Luna yelled at her sister.

“You can do better than that.” Celestia sneered, pulling back the toilet paper from Luna’s reach.

“I’ll give you my crown!”


“My soul?”

“That’s better.”

At this very moment, Twilight walked around the corner to see Celestia holding a giant pile of toilet paper, and Luna’s hoof sticking out the bathroom door.

“What the heck is going on here?” Twilight yelled. Celestia froze in her tracks and stared at Twilight. She looked like a deer in headlights. At this very moment, Luna saw the chance and she took it. She snatched the hovering TP roll from the air, and slammed the door shut.

“You two are acting like foals!” Twilight yelled. Celestia’s face sunk like a stone into a really fake looking frown. I don’t know how, but Twilight bought it.

“Ugh, just… I don’t know! Go to your room or something!” Twilight finished. She walked off back to her library. “Why did I let them in?” she muttered as she slammed the door shut.

“Yes!” Whispered Celestia as she lifted her hoof to knock on the bathroom door. Luna opened the bathroom door at that very moment and stepped out. The door hit Celestia’s face hard. She fell back on her butt as she watched Luna walk out. She looked like a war veteran. She had war paint on her face, and a TP bandana on her forehead. Various cuts and bruises covered her body, and she wore an eyepatch. She walked forward about thirty steps, and turned around. As soon as she looked, the bathroom exploded. Ash, dust and burnt Toilet Paper covered Celestia’s mane as she sat, mouth wide open.

“I guess you could say that I have an…” She pulled out a pair of aviators, and put them on. “Explosive personality.” Man, Luna is such a badass. She trotted out of Celestia’s sight, and left her in the aftermath.

“I can’t believe I’ve been outpunned like this” Celestia said as she fell on her side, knocked out.

Meanwhile, in Spike’s room Sweetie Belle looked at all the various things Spike has collected from all his gem-searching journeys with Rarity. Spike showed off the huge ruby he had found.

“Wow Spike, I didn’t know you collected all this cool stuff!” said Sweetie Belle as she observed the precious stone.

“Yeah, it’s become a hobby. You wanna see the rest of the cool stuff I’ve collected over the all four seasons?” Spike asked.

“What? Four seasons? What are you-”

“Don’t worry about it. Check out this cool suit of armor we bought from Saddle Arabia. Isn’t it shiny?”

“Oooh! Cooool!”

As Spike continued to show Sweetie Belle things, she got increasingly bored and started to fall asleep while Spike spoke. She needed to find somewhere to sleep.

“Oh! Would you look at that? There’s a bed on the side of the room. I guess I’ll use that for now.” Sweetie Belle thought as she snuck off to the bed and lay under the covers. She was out like a light in less than thirty seconds. Spike didn’t notice her absence and continued to rattle off facts about things nopony cared about. When he finally did notice, he said,

“Huh, I guess she went home. Oh well, nap time.” Hey yawned and got in his bed completely unaware of Sweetie Belle’s presence. Sweetie Belle was small enough to be mistaken as the comforter itself. Spike’s bed was never made, so it always had mountains of cloth around it, completely hiding Sweetie Belle.

Twilight sat at a table in the library. She was working on a paper about acids and bases and their properties. A titration set was on one table and a large amount of bakers and test tubes. A large chart of the PH scale was flattened out in front of her.

“Hmm… If I (insert chemistry jargon) maybe I’ll be able to neutralize these chemicals.” As soon as she finished her sentence, Celestia burst into the room. A terrified look on her face.

“Aaaah!” She screamed as she bolted around the room. She tripped on a small barrel of clear liquid, and stumbled onto Twilight.

“Hey! Get off! Get out! I’m trying to WORK! Wait… what did you just knock over?” She levitated the barrel up to reveal the label. “HCl… Oh ponyfeathers! You tripped on the acid!”

“I’m tripping on acid?” Asked Celestia. Her face twisted into a look of confusion. “Really? That explains the living bananas.”

“...What?” Twilight looked around and noticed the acid eating away at her carpet. “Oh no! Uh… Where’s the base? Drop it!”

Luna ran into the room with a boombox over her shoulder. “Somepony say drop the bass?”