• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,593 Views, 164 Comments

Princess Celestia did WHAT? - Compass The Pegasus

"Wait, so you're telling me that you 'accidentally' burned down Canterlot Castle and need to stay with me until it's fixed?" The shitpost story of all time.

  • ...

The Return

Twilight lifted the huge bag off of the floor and waited for the train to come by. Spike sat on a nearby bench, messing with a stick that he found under it. Four hours they had spent there, waiting for the train, but it seemed like it wasn’t coming. Slightly pissed that all the effort put into distracting Celestia and Luna were basically futile, Twilight swung the bag over her back and turned around.

“Hey, Spike… come on, let’s just go back.”

“But we’ve waited here for such a long time!” he said, looking a little disappointed.

“Yeah I know, but this is a waste of time now. I might as well go back and clean up the mess I made…” Spike tried to keep his mouth shut, but it exploded out.


“That’s nice Spik- WHAT!?” She had a panicked look in her eye and if Spike didn’t start running now, he would be getting the worst hissy fit that Twilight has ever given.

“Thanks, sky!” He yelled as he bolted back toward the castle. Twilight’s ears basically had smoke pouring out of them. Her shout scrunched up in the most adorable frown possible.

“I am NOT adorable. I’m ANGRY!” Said the incredibly cute pony as her face turned bright red. Before She could say anything else, the heard a familiar sound. The screech of train tracks and the chugging of a steam engine. Her eyes basically dropped at the sight of the train on the horizon, but little did she know that she was about to be knocked back on her butt.

“Stop spoiling it!” She said to me. Okay, then tell the story yourself.

“Fine! I will!” I said out loud to the sky. Ponies around me looked at me like I was crazy. One mare even covered her kid’s eyes. Whatever, I didn’t have time to think about any of that. I carefully watched the train approach the station, but as it got closer, I realized that this wasn’t the same train. This was a private train.

“What the?’ I said as turned my head in confusion… Okay, this isn’t working. Hey, guy in the sky can you please come back? You tell the story much better than I do.

Twilight then looked up at the empty blue sky like a total idiot.

“Oh come on, that’s pretty mean.” She said, not remembering that she was the one who told me to buzz off.

“Jeez, fine! I’m sorry! Are you happy now?” She asked. To answer her, yes. I am.

“Then keep telling the story!” She said again at the sky, while she should be watching the strange train coming towards her.

“Oh right.” She squinted again as the train got much closer and it was in face a very small private train. It looked familiar, but she couldn’t place it. The moment it rolled up to the station and stopped, she instantly knew exactly who it belonged to, but she wasn’t sure if should should have been elated or devastated. The door opened and a figure stepped out.

“Hello Twilight!”


Spike arrived at the front entrance and fell to his knees panting. He was sure that he put enough distance between himself and Twilight to not have his eardrums blown out, but after that fight with Tirek, he wasn’t all that sure.

“Oh boy, now I gotta deal with those two clowns.”

If only poor Spike knew what was about to unfold. Poor, poor Spike.

“Not helping dude!”

Alright, fine. Spike approached the door and let himself in. He expected to see a bunch of broken stuff, but everything was inexplicably clean. He couldn’t believe it, so he ran over to the west wing, but it was totally intact!

“What?” He asked to no one in particular as he touched the walls to make sure that he wasn’t seeing things. It was real! Everything was fine! Spike instantly jumped up and ran over to the east wing, where he expected to see the disaster that he left behind, but it was almost like he has never stepped into the room that day. The princesses were nowhere to be found.

“Well, I don’t care anymore. This is great news! I’m totally gonna just read comics in my room for the rest of the day. If something else happens, it’s not on me!” He said as he forgot my previous narration.

“Yeah, yeah whatever dude.” He climbed the stairs up to his room and notices that his door was open. He NEVER left the door open! Something was fishy about all this. Slowly, he approached the door and entered with caution.

“H-Hello? Princess Luna? Princess Celestia? Are you there?” He asked into the dark void of his room. A simple echo from off the stone walls came back and he swore he heard a bit of movement behind his bed. It could be the wind, or it could be two really mischievous princesses trying to pull a prank on him.

“T-this isn’t f-funny guys! Come on out! Show yourselves!” Spike bravely, continued to move further into the room, leaving pace between him and the door. He approached the bed and looked under it. Nothing.

“Huh. maybe I did really just leave the door open. It HAS been pretty chaotic the past few days.” He said and he jumped onto the bed.


The door suddenly slammed shut and the lights went on. Spike screamed, expecting to be the next victim of some crazy murderer. Little did he know that he was in fact a victim, but not of a murder.

“Hello Spike!”

He was a prisoner of love.

“Sweetie Belle? What the heck are you doing in my room?”

“It’s time you sang more love songs to me!”

“But you never answered the question!”

“Oh, I’ve been living in your room ever since you showed me around.”

“... Excuse me, WHAT?”

“I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU LOVE ME” Sweetie Belle screamed as she lunged towards Spike.


Author's Note:

It's been a while. How's it going my friends?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!