• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 18,100 Views, 625 Comments

From Biochemistry with Love - IMN

When a graduate student ends up on the wrong side of Equestria. He must do what he can to survive, which basically means becoming the ultimate changeling nerd.

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Chapter 11: On the Road To Manehatten

“As you can see, with these results I can conclude that the drug doesn’t work.”

As I finished the speech I gave an anxious sigh, “Are there any questions?” With a final mouse click I went to the end slide.

One of the professors raised his hand, “So basically you wasted your funding on nothing?”

“Not nothing!” I hurried desperately, “By disproving something that doesn’t work I saved countless of hours and more funding on something that is basically useless.”

“But that doesn’t live up to our expectations of you,” A second doctor said, “We wanted results, you gave us none.”

“You are a disappointment to our group.” suddenly my doctor sounded a lot like the prosecutor.

Sweat started dripping on my forehead, and I suddenly felt my mouth go dry, “But I…”

“Silence!” the white alicorn sitting on the judging stand stood, “Your presence is a disgrace of our time, even the air you’re breathing is insulting!”

“But…” I tried to stand, but my hooves were chained; my voice barely registered at the clamor of the courtroom.

“Because of the countless crimes you have committed, I hereby find you guilty!” The judge slammed the hammer once with enough force that the ceiling shattered above her, revealing nothing but darkness. “Guards!” She screamed.

I looked around and the guards shadowing the pillars step forth, their horns ablaze.

“This is a mistake!” I pleaded, “I am not who you think I am!” But my plea fell on deaf ears.

The last thing I felt was the scorching heat of the spells cast upon me.

And then I woke up.

Breathing heavily, I sat up and looked for the nearest water bottle. I grabbed onto the first cup of water that was given to me and gulped it in one go. I sighed in relief. Just as I was about to place the cup of water, I noticed it; I still had hooves. I immediately searched around scanning the dimly light train cabinet I was in. A pony was sitting in front of my looking at me anxiously.

“Quite a nightmare you had,” Doctor Loveheart remarked, “I was about to wake you when you suddenly sat up.”

“I’m alright,” I sighed.

A train passing my window caused me to jump. That’s when I realized that I was still on a train heading from Canterlot to Manehatten. It was a small cabinet room out of several in the car with two seats on each side of the cabinet wall, a window to my left, the cabinet’s door to my right, and a small table in the middle. The entire thing had a nineteenth century feel to it, and when one added the smell of its cherry wood, the entire thing was a deliberate trap to cause nostalgia.

I noticed something amiss, “Where is Skipper?”

“Toilet,” The doctor said, “She ate too many sweets.”

I nodded, then slumped my head backwards in my seat. Somehow, we had made it out of the city in one piece; to say the city was well guarded was an understatement. Sentries and patrols searched the city with a fine comb for a whole week, it felt insane how much horse power was used just to find us.

Thankfully, we had a surprisingly good cover story. Skipper was taking the role of the lovely earth pony mare with pink frou-frou mane named Passionate Jewel, while I was taking the role of the rather skittish scholar named Book Smart who was mutilated by the menacing changelings so badly he wears bandages like a mummy all the time.

Personally, I would have called foul the first time I heard my cover story. But the success of the sob story was undeniable. The drama of the poor nerd who sacrificed himself to save his loved one was such a hit that before we left Canterlot, we were invited to an audience with Princess Cadence herself!

Needless to say, we refused the invite.

The doctor regarded me for a moment, “Is it the same nightmare as last time?”

“Yes,” I said solemnly.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

I shook my head in response.

“You are going to have to talk about it eventually,” He said while rolling his eyes at me. I silently turned my head to the window.

l had been having the same nightmare for a week, and this wasn’t the first time I even talked about it with him. Loveheart is a nice guy and talking to him always felt like talking to a therapist, but talking without reaching the desired effect had become tiring.

The doctor sighed, “Okay, forget about that dream; let’s talk about something else.”

“There is nothing to talk about,” I replied with a disgruntled heave.

“That’s not the sound of someone who have nothing to talk about,” The doctor suddenly exclaimed, “You came into an entirely new existence not so long ago. You must have at least something exciting to tell me.”

I turned toward the doctor. He just beamed a sincere smile at me. I sighed.

“I don’t think I understand things well enough to be of any assistance,” I let out. Sure, it wasn’t the entire truth, but it was still the truth.

“What is it that you don’t understand?” The doctor straightened his back, then placed his hooves on the table in a manner reminiscent to when he was listening to a patient in need.

“What was the meaning behind those trials?” Was my first question.

“I don’t know,” He replied.

I slammed the table with my hoof, “That’s not an answer.”

“The only thing I can offer you are speculations,” He crossed his hooves on the table, “If I knew anything with certainty I would have already told you by now.”

“Speculations are better than nothing,” I said with open hooves, “Anything is better than nothing!” I suddenly realized I was raising my voice.

“Alright,” The doctor replied calmly, “But first, can you tell me what you think you know? I’ll fill in the gaps as we go along.”

I hate his roundabout ways.

“Fine, not like we have anything else to do.” I sat back, relaxed my shoulders then started my recollection, “I came into this world as this black-horse-bug thing and the moment I wake up, I learned that I am under trials. What trials you might ask? It’s the trials of every changeling in the dungeon of horse Cambridge apparently. Where they all got murdered by the end.”

“You know, we could do without the sarcasm,” The doctor pointed.

Uh no, this isn’t a two way conversation right now, Doctor.

“I’m sorry. Was it your life on the line back then?” He shook his head, “Then I’m allowed a bit of sarcasm.”

“Alright,” The doctor took out a small notebook, then scribbled something while saying it out loud, “Gets cranky after having a nightmare.”

Is-Is he studying me?

“Please, continue.” he resumed without missing a beat.

I look at him in shock, “You’re unbelievable!”

“I try my best.” He said with a coy smile.

“All I know of this situation is that there are a lot of angry ponies who are angry at the changelings who somehow treated the ponies the same way one treats the defeated in a war. Barbarically, might I add. But at the same time, there is no reason for the changeling to act the way they did which begs the question, why was there an invasion in the first place?”

“You just provided an ample summary over what happened,” The doctor noted, “What else did you learn?”

“I learned that all my science based knowledge is useless,” Something which I am still bitter at even a week later, “And I learned that there is such a thing as magic that can defies the laws of nature,” Which is a thing that I need to be wary of, “I also learned that I am the most wanted criminal in the history because of something I did not intended on doing.”

“What about the creatures you befriended?” The doctor asked to my astonishment.

“Now wait just a moment,” I pointed my hoof at him, “Are you trying to dodge my question or something?”

“No,” The doctor shrugged, “I am, however, trying to lighten your mood, though. As a changeling, being in a continual state of bad mood and having too many bad thoughts might lead to some adverse effects on your health.”

Well, that can be said for any race.

“Let’s see, you have Princess Celestia who wants to kill me because I bored her to sleep and missed her raising the sun, there’s Princess Luna who wants to kill me out of spite, there is princess Cadence who, according to your conclusion, was trying to indoctrinate me to become her agent, and finally there is Shining Armor who I think has a man crush on me.”

Loveheart raised an eyebrow, “Man crush?”

“As in he’s interested in my manliness,” I said while stroking my hair to show my profile which only added to Loveheart’s confusion.

“I meant it as sarcasm,” I deadpanned.

“I don’t get it.”

I hoofpalmed, “Just forget it.”

Taking advantage of my sudden break from counting those who are wishing me harm, the doctor used his secret weapon, “What about Twilight Sparkle?” The doctor asked, and a memory of a certain purple pony appeared in front of me.

I felt myself grinning like an idiot, “She’s an angel sent from heaven.” As the image of her petite figure danced in my imagination, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

“Even though she is the most determined in crushing you where you stand?” The doctor inquired as if trying to pry me from my dream.

“She can crush me whenever she wants to.”

Wait, what? Damnit heart, this no time for being smitten! Even though she listened to my entire lecture… and took notes… and had questions… and possibly might have figured out my mistake before I found it…

Damn it mind, not you too!

The doctor laughed, “Then what about me, huh?”

“Oh you have been a blessing,” I never thought I’d smile so much, “I know for certain that I would have been killed without your help.”

“And Skipper?” He finally asked.

As if on cue, Skipper opened the door with a loud Bang, followed by a deep, rumbling belch before I could have answered. “I am never eating that many sweets ever again,” She said while rubbing her stomach.

“She’s Skipper. How else can anyone describe her?” I replied, and the doctor chuckled.

“Support! You’re awake!” She cheered.

“You’re forgetting our codenames, Passionate Jewel,” I enunciated every word of her name.

Skipper pouted. “Well, I’m sorry, Book Worm, for not being a worry wart all the time.” She then crossed her front-hooves and turned her face away.

I growled at her, “It’s Book Smart, and I am not a worry wart. I am reasonably cautious from being found,” I pointed at the picture of me adorning the cabinet wall with a bounty of several thousands of bits.

Skipper suddenly turned toward me with a big smile, “Well don’t you worry!” She said, then jumped at me smothering me with a big hug, “If any of the baddies come for you, I’ll protect you!”

I wanted to retort, but a clerk came into view. He looked at us spooning, smiled, and continued his way.

“I should say,” The doctor remarked with a mischievous smile on his face, “the only reason why this cover is such a success is because you two make an adorable couple.”

“Why does the cabinet taste of cinnamon, ginger, and cocoa tea all of a sudden?” I asked while pulling Skipper off of me.

“It does?” The doctor asked while closing the cabinet door. Then a realization hit him, “Wait, you’re a Nirvana spawn!”

“Again, I don’t know what that mean,” I stated.

“Well, I told you that there is more than one hive in Equestria, right?” He asked and I nodded. “Well, Queen Nirvana’s hive doesn’t feed on love, rather it feeds on excitement. And depending on the emotion behind that excitement, the taste differs.”

“So, I was feeding on the clerk's emotions just now?” I noted and he nodded in return. “But you guys never tasted anything.”

“Normally we don’t,” The doctor said, “unless we’re making out that is.” He continued with a wink and a nudge.

I felt my face burning, “That was only once on the dining table!” He gave me a look, “And on the clinic bed...” He raised an eyebrow, “And on your desk…..” he peered over his nonexistent glasses, “Several times, each……..” I finally said with a muted voice.

The doctor finally broke in a laugh, “It’s quite alright,” He assured me, “Changelings are very open about their sexuality between themselves. Even I made out with her a while back.” Okay, Skipper need to get off me right now. She protested with an ‘aww’ when I pushed her away.

“What’s surprising though, is that you never wanted to make out with me.” He then pouted.

I felt my cheeks blaze with fiery heat. How on earth would I respond to that?

“I, didn’t know it was a thing...” Yes, that’s right! He can’t fault me if I didn’t know anything.

I turned to Skipper, “Is it?” I asked her just to be sure.

She simply shrugged.

The doctor chortled, “Don’t worry, I forgive you for not knowing.”

Wait, what? How is that an apology?

“Ponies have the same reaction for same sex couples, I thought that you might be the same.”

“Oh good,” I exhaled relief, “I thought you might pressure me to make out with you or something.”

“Well…” The doctor wanted to say something, then gave a dejected sigh, “Never mind.”

“What?” I asked.

“Changeling society is a bit more liberal to most; friendship and courtship are often blurred,” The doctor said, “I was a bit hoping that you might ease up on being, well, human, and gave in a bit.”

“So you want to kiss me.” That came out more of a statement than a question.

“The short answer is yes,” He said, “The long answer is that kissing is a form of social greeting; it’s how we get to know each other on an emotional level.”

Here we go again…

“When we kiss, we share more than simple saliva; feelings, thoughts, devotions, and even level of trust are all there, inside that simple kiss. By not accepting a kiss, you are rejecting me as your hive mate...”

For someone who has supposedly been alive for hundreds of years, one would think he would be less obvious about it. But no, Loveheart just adored sending me signals regarding kissing me. It’s not like I don’t understand where he’s coming from; I mean, if one’s race have evolved into feeding off of an emotions for sustenance, it would be hard to be choosy about where it came from.

And now that I am a changeling, I think I need to consider approaching it the same way. What if I might end up one day feeding off a male instead of a female? Would I be willing to perform? Just thinking about it gives me chills, but also intrigues me.

Loveheart once argued that changeling society is ridiculously pansexual, and that the only reason why a changeling guy and a changeling girl would ever get together is to have nymphs. Would the same behavior be expected of me in the near future? I sure hope not... But what if...?

Only one way to find out.

“Fine, fine,” I interjected, “You don’t need to turn this into a sob story in order to get a kiss out of me.”

“Wait? So, you want me to kiss you?” The doctor asked, but when I didn’t provide a quick answer he continued, “You do know I was simply messing around, right? I’d rather not kiss someone who doesn’t want to; you have no idea how bad it will taste.”

I exhaled. I think too much blood is running in my head, “You said that changelings don’t like being shunned by other changelings; it’s their culture to do so. As it stands, I am a changeling, there is no doubt about it, and if that means entertaining some homosexual tendencies, then so be it.”

Doctor Loveheart smiled, but somehow it wasn’t that predatory smile; it was like a teacher whose student finally understood a difficult lesson.

I gulped, “Just give me a moment; to be ready, alright?”

“You’re going to kiss Loveheart?!!” Skipper suddenly exclaimed, glee dazzling in her eyes.

“I’ll punish any remark coming from you,” I told her acridly.

Skipper lifted her hoof, made a zipping motion over her mouth, then unzipped her mouth, “I’ll say nothing of the sort,” Then zipped her mouth again.

My mind suddenly screamed at me, 'I am about to kiss a century old creature just to keep up social standards!', but my body was telling me another story; every time I kissed Skipper, there was a different flavor in my mouth; the sugary candy like taste came when we were exploring, a thick honey taste came when she was feeling promiscuous, and a fruity taste came depending on the level of excitement. If changelings feed off of emotions, then what would an elder taste like? Would a male taste different than a female? And why is it important for me to find that out?

Am I normal for thinking such?

I sighed, there is no point in wasting further time then. I closed my eyes scrunched my face and puckered my lips while waiting for the kiss. And waited, and waited.

And waited…

Okay, what gives?

I opened my eyes slightly to see Loveheart trying his best to suppress his laughter, only to fail the moment I eased my expression.

I turned to Skipper who looked perplexed, “What?” I asked.

Loveheart managed to catch a breath before Skipper could answer and said, “You looked adorable! Like someone who just ate a sour lemon!”

I looked at Loveheart in disbelief. Adorable?!! How dare he! I put on my best experimental face and the only thing he could come up with was adorable?

That’s it, no more Mr. Nice-Guy! I jumped from my seat, grabbed Loveheart by the neck, then plunged my mouth straight into his

Oh my God! What the hell am I doing??!!


Something’s not right.

It feels hot.

Am I getting kissed or am I drinking soup?

No, soup is an underestimation of the taste. It’s more like a thick broth than simple soup. I can taste a myriad of herbs as well; parsley leaves, rosemary, and thyme just to name a few. Somehow, the thickness now tastes like that of mashed potato with garlic. All with a hint of the taste of medium rare steak in the midst of it all.

And the taste is gone.

Why is the taste gone?

“You can stop drooling now,” Loveheart stated, and I opened my eyes.

Loveheart was idling me with casual curiosity, while Skipper had her hooves on her mouth. I can even see the shape of her camouflage fading as her black skin was turning very red.

“That was hot!” She said the moment she noticed me looking at her.

That might have ruined my mood, but I can still taste that steak in my mouth. So I simply scoffed.

“So, how did I taste?” Loveheart asked.

“That was, surprisingly delicious,” I begrudgingly admitted barely containing my fawning over the plethora of mouth-watering tastes.

“You’re not bad yourself,” He said with a dignifying smile, “Chicken cutlets with honey mustard sauce. I’d say you wanted more; a lot more.”

“Why do you assume that?” I asked.

“Because of how you taste,” The doctor said, returning to his demeanor, “Usually we trade emotions like a full course meal. First you have the appetizer which could be anything from soup to cheese to crude meat. then, there are the starches such as fries or pasta and then the main dish which is normally meat. And finally, you have desert.

“A changeling without a name would probably have a poor taste and you would not recognize the taste of any of the dishes. A newly named changeling, or an inexperienced one would only allow you to taste one dish; in Skipper’s case, only sweets. You on the other hoof, started with a meaty taste almost like bare cutlets, but instead of digressing into a lighter meal, you offered a greater dish based on the same taste. the cutlets turned into a sandwich with a crispy breading before ending it with cutlets on fried rice.”

Loveheart burped, “you made me full for the next three days just because you were trying to taste more.”

“And is that a bad thing?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” He replied, “I never tasted something like you before. You taste like a changeling, but at the same time, you don’t taste like one. I think your human nature is stronger than what it seems.”

“The next time you two kiss, can I join in?” Skipper suddenly interjected.

But before I could retort, a whistle blew loudly outside as the train’s wheels squealed to a halt.

“That’s our stop,” Loveheart stated while standing up to pick his bag from the compartment overhead.

As I reached for mine, I realized something, “You never told me what were your speculations regarding our predicament.”

Loveheart looked at me, then at the cabinet door which was abuzz with passing ponies. “Not within an earshot of others,” He stated to my ire, “Though, I can tell you one thing; we are about to find out.”