• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 18,100 Views, 625 Comments

From Biochemistry with Love - IMN

When a graduate student ends up on the wrong side of Equestria. He must do what he can to survive, which basically means becoming the ultimate changeling nerd.

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Chapter 6: A Wit(less) Trial

Author's Note:

Considering that chapter 6 and 7 are the last of the 2014 chapters, I feel the need to address your concerns regarding the dates of the chapters and how they are updated.

When I get an idea for a story I create the story here on Fimfiction, with that said, I actually write a draft of several chapters as to how the story will turn out. these chapters are then marked by the date of creation of the chapters, I leave the story to rest until if fully fermented in my head, then when I feel my skills are sufficient enough I submit the story for publishing and to be viewed by the populace.

Because of this some chapters have a date going back to 2014, as it coincide with the time I created that particular page, not the time I worked on the chapter itself.

This particular story I started working on it in July this year, and the initial drafts were completely rewritten from the ground up.

With that being said, I have a bit of bad news regarding the updates, you see, my life is extremely sporadic, one day I have nothing better to do, the next I barely have time to scratch my head. because of this, chapter updates are also extremely sporadic and often coincide with the free time I have left.

you can have multiple chapters updated in a span of a single week, while other times entire month goes by without an update. That doesn't mean I will never update, it just means I didn't have time to update.

For now at least, I can work on this story continuously until hopefully three more chapters have been published.

What the hell?

H-he then t-turned into me and made a very scary f-face, a-and I was so horrified, I nearly blacked out.

Just what exactly is going on around here?

He had the gall to shapeshift into me~! But that’s not all, after he did, he hissed at me! With my own face! Talk about vulgarity.

What are these?

Of course I remember her! She the one I blasted with my Party Cannon, and the one after her, I used TWILI-GUN.

These aren’t trials!

I am only seventy eight percent certain that she is the one Pinkie Pie *ahem* used me to blast her, honestly, I wasn’t exactly keeping score, I was more focused on reaching the elements if anything else.

This is a farce!

Ah didn’t care who it was, Ah kept buckin’ until there were none of them left to buck.

I can almost see Shining Armor sneering at me from behind, ‘not fixed’ he said, Bah! These trials are as fixed as a pole in a gentlemen's club.

And this one is the worst of the bunch.

“How should I know which flank I kicked? They all look the same to me.”

That was the last straw, “How, in all that is heaven and holy, is that an admissible witness in this trial?” I yelled at the top of my voice, I stared in anger as every creature in that room was glaring daggers at me with all their might.

The now irksome judge slammed with her hammer dully, then pointed her hoof at me and said, “Another outburst like that and I’ll have you executed without a trial.”

“Just one question,” I didn’t give her a chance to deny it for me, “Can she not be a witness in my trial? I doubt she’ll add anything of substance to it.”

“Hey!” protested the cyan pegasus with rainbow colored hair, only to be silenced with another loud tap from the judge.

“That is up for the prosecution to decide, and you,” She glared at me with her ‘this is your last warning’ stare. "wait your turn."

I nodded fervently, before slumping back into a corner, a mixture of nervousness and irritation plastered all over my face.

“Support, are you okay?” Skipper asked tentatively.

“I’m fine,” she reeled from my reply, guess that came out a bit more forceful than expected, “a bit annoyed, that’s all.”

“Uhm, if it’s alright, there is something I want to do before you go on trial,” She sais more sheepishly than usual.

I looked at her and she turned away, blushing excessively. One might wonder how is it possible to see a blush underneath her black coat, well it's hard to explain, it's more like I can taste it, a mixture of something spicy and sugary at the same time. Whatever she has on her mind must be something quite shameful, “If it involve anything sexual, then no. I’m irked, not horny.”

“What? NO! Nothing like that.” She yelled, her blush intensifying with the taste of spiciness while the sugary taste subsided.

“Guilty as charged!” I hear Celestia calling, the now routinely sound of a step forward, followed by a blast. I watched as the ashes danced lazily on the prosecution stand where the changeling once stood. At the beginning of the day there were nine of us, now there is only Skipper and I, and if I don’t do something about it… No, I don’t want to think about it. Thinking about it will only lead me to be more nervous and that is the last thing I want to be.

“Five minute recess,” The Bailiff bellowed.

There are a lot of shuffling around. I look at Skipper who was still spicy tasting, but looked rather crestfallen.

I rolled my eyes then rubbed my template, me and my sympathetic heart, “Tell me what is it you want to do, and if I like it, we’ll do it.”

Almost instantly, Skipper cheered up, her blush intensifying with a less spicy, more sugary taste, “Well, you know I was a drone, right? And drones have no name, so there are a lot of things drones aren’t allowed to do like share their energy between each other. I never did that and I was hoping to do it in case, you know…” She gave me a dejected look, good to know I’m not the only one struggling with my mortality.

“Alright, sounds like a good idea,” Immediately, she cheered up, “And how do we transfer energy from one to ….”

Something squashed my lips shut.

Skipper just kissed me.

Oh my god, Skipper is kissing me!!

What the hell? What is she thinking? We are in the middle of the courtroom, theater, thingy! Ponies are watching us! What will they think of us?


Who cares what they think! They are going to kill me anyway, might as well enjoy it. Now if I can stop thinking, and actually enjoy the kiss.

Tastes like baklava for some reason, no, it's more than that, the taste is less milky more fruity, cheese cake perhaps? Still not right, it's less creamy more crunchy, like a fruit, what was it's name again?


What's up with my taste buds? I need to...

Suddenly, Skipper broke the kiss and scolded, “You’re thinking too much!”

“How would you know? This was your first kiss!”

“Every time I tap into your dormant energy reserve, you dim the flow!”

What the hell does that mean? But before I could voice my question, “The court will now resume the trials,” God, can her voice be more irksome? “Bailiff send in the next defendant.”

“That’s my cue,” I said disappointingly, “Don’t go anywhere, I have tons of questions for you to answer.”

I turned around and walked toward the prosecution stance. The first thing I noticed was the level of chatter and giggles in the court was several levels higher than usual, I’m guessing our little stunt didn’t go unnoticed.

The second thing I noticed is how unusually calm I am, I may as well be walking to my death, yet I feel rejuvenated somehow. I didn’t give it much thought, but everything is so light and clear. At least I don’t have to worry about that pit in my stomach.

I took the stand, chains warped around my three hooves, the cage closes and a white shield suddenly flared around me. I stood up straight, cleared my throat, and made my introduction:

“Greetings and Good morrow to every pony, Judges, Princesses, and all; Support Pillar is my name, changeling oddity is my game. How can I help you today?” Okay, that came out too bright, but I can’t seem to be able to darken my mood; not that I am complaining, the judge seemed to have turned whiter while hiding a mirth, the prosecutor have turned darker with her scowl now showing, and the audience fell into a cacophony of laughter.

A new memory floated from my thesis proposal, I stood in front of six highly decorated and self-absorbed professor trying to explain to them that all my hard work for the past 8 month was correct and fruitful; to say that it was the longest hour of my entire life is an understatement; their eyes ever judging, their face unyielding, their frown horrifying.

So the fact that I broke nearly everyone with a simple greeting tells me a lot about this world.

“Well first it’s half past two in the afternoon…” The dark one spat poisonously.

I interrupted her just for the spite, “Noon? Shouldn’t we take a recess for lunch?”

“You let us worry about our stomachs, because you are here on trial for your actions during the invasion of Canterlot during my niece’s wedding.”

“And pray tell,” I answered her smugly, “what were my actions during your wedding? Congratulations on the wedding by the way, hope she lives happily ever after,” dear lord, I think her eyes are glowing red with rage, so cute. “As far as I remember I was smashed to the city’s front gate, if I didn’t have a thick skull, my doctor says I could have died.”

I turned to the witness stand, “And besides, none of the witnesses here ever saw me during the invasion, and I’d be sure if someone did, I mean I am the most recognizable changeling out there, am I not?”

The cyan one tsked while the others nodded in agreement, then something that I did not expect to happen, happened.

The pink mare with the crazy hair and the crazier speech stood up and said, “Of course I know you didn’t have anything to do with the invasion, silly Pillar,” she said with a broad smile that sent shivers down my back, “I know but you came into existence just as Princess Cadence and Captain Shining touched horns and made the big woosh that defeated queen meanie pants Chrysalis.”

I stare at her for a bit, “Really? How?”

“My pinkie sense told me!” I raised an eye brown, “When Twilight helped Cadence out of the goo, I got am itchy back, tickly stomach and numb hoofsies, that means an interdimensional portal have opened and something came through from it.”

... Eh? This is my defense?

“And now that I take a closer look at you, I get all the hibbi jibbies, which means you are the one who came out of it!”

What the..? What is wrong with that witness? Is divination a thing that is admissible in court? Will my life end because of the words of a fortuneteller?

“Makes sense." Did the judge just...?


Nope, don't think about it. I will not invite criticism or doubt upon someone who have just saved my life. I ought to be thankful for the opportunity instead.

The prosecutor walked toward me, her smugness still high “What do you say to this, mister Support?”

“As far as I know, I am innocent of such crime,” Take the high road, swallow my pride and my curiosity. Should be simple enough. I must take advantage of every opportunity I have if I am to get out of here alive, “I am a drone with a name that has not been tarnished with blood of this invasion.”

Doubt started to spread like a sweet nectar smell, guess the rambling of that fortuneteller did work in my favor after all. Now to see how the rest of this will go, from the judge’s glaring I think not well apparently, she most likely did not expect one of her subjects to speak up against her prejudice, or over her plan for eradicating us all? Not sure, but I certainly don't like that look

This was further affirmed, when the cyan pegasus struck the pink mare from behind while saying, "Why did you do that for? This wasn't what we planned to do!" Could there have been dissent, or possibly traitors, among the original architects of this trial?

"But Dashie~! He's the one that's been giving me all the hibbie jibbies!" Or it could possibly the rambling a mad mare.

"It doesn't matter," Interfered a purple unicorn, "Even if he managed to defend himself well, the princesses will end this exactly how they ended Lovecraft trial."

Now this is interesting, so they are going to use the same argument that was used against that first changeling. Now if only I knew what it was.

"Uh girls? H-he's l-looking at us!" One of the witnesses, the highly frightened one, pointed at me as if I am Satan incarnate. I smile back and wave. as the rest of the six glared daggers at me.

“Order, order in the court,” The judge called while tapping her hammer, “This court will take ten minute recess.”

The bailiff came and took me to my cage. Upon entering Skipper lifted her hoof for a high five, “Keep it up and you just might get your freedom back,” she said jovially, however upon noticing my spacing she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“These trials are more fixed than I thought, the moment the judge will return will probably the start of my actual trial,” I answer her gravely.

“How do you know that?”

“Let’s say intuition.” I thought for a moment, “Celestia is not done with me that’s certain, but I am not about to let her take my life so easily, I have an idea and if it succeed, I want you to either follow my lead or follow in my footsteps, either way, if you play your cards right, you might escape with your head on your shoulders.”