• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 18,100 Views, 625 Comments

From Biochemistry with Love - IMN

When a graduate student ends up on the wrong side of Equestria. He must do what he can to survive, which basically means becoming the ultimate changeling nerd.

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Chapter 3: What's your name again?

Wow, I never struck someone without a probable cause before, perhaps I really need to step back and take a deep breath.

“Nurse! Send for the royal guard! No, the captain of the guard! Hurry!” I heard the doctor yell from behind. I couldn't actually blame him, though I don't think I actually care.

“Come now doctor Lovegood, you are talking as if I am a danger to everyone around here,” I replied nonchalantly, honestly I am nothing but an innocent injured dark horse who is looking for his medication.

“It’s Loveheart, and yes, you are!” The doctor replied hysterically, “You just punched me for trying to stop you before you poisoned yourself!"

“Please doctor, don’t belittle my intellect,” I don’t know why he thinks I’m an idiot, I know my medicine, I specialized in creating one after all, “I am simply searching for something that would remove the hallucinogen from my system,” Really a pharmacy needs to be more organized than this, “Now where is the active charcoal?” I ended mumbling to myself.

“For the last time you are not under any hallucinogen, your blood results are as clear as Celestia’s sun!” Oh again with the lies, when is he going to understand that I am not falling for it.

“Oh pish posh, if I am not under any hallucinogen then how can you explain how I came to be a black horse…”


“Right, Changeling; I don’t even know how I came to horse Cambridge…”


“Fine, Canterlot; and now I am being informed that I am to be beheaded for a crime I don’t even know if it was possible for me to commit.” Really, news like that can destroy a person’s mood, and why is there so many aphrodisiac around here?

“I never said beheaded,” Oh, give it a rest, doctor; I uncovered your entire ploy against me, “What do you mean how you came to be a changeling? I thought you lost your memory.”

I froze for a moment, then turned slowly with my most disappointed scowl yet, “You disappoint me doctor,” I stated and the doctor winced, “if my instincts tell me that I had thumbs on my forelimbs, wouldn’t I conclude that I wasn’t a changeling before all this happened?”

“You had thumbs before you lost your memory?” Now he pays my rambling any attention, “What were you before becoming a changeling? A diamond dog?”


“A Gryphon?”


“A dragon?”

Okay that might have been awesome, “No, I used to be a human before turning to a changeling.”

I watched in horror as the doctor laughed so hysterically that he literally fell on his back chocking. Now, I’m mad. A vial of Epinephrine danced at the corner of my eyes, I grabbed it with my functional hoof and…

So that’s how you grab stuff with your hoof! It’s still physically impossible now that I think about it, but at least I learned something new today. Now, to get back to business. Where is the needle?

“What are you doing?” The doctor managed to calm his laughter long enough to see me filling the needle with epinephrine, with my mouth and my only functioning hoof might I add.

“How do I put this?” I am honestly tired of being coy, I want answers now, “Tell me everything you know or I will drug them out of you.”

“You wouldn’t!” The doctor gave me a horrorstruck expression.

“Try me!” I said while pointing the needle to his face.

The second moment I looked up, I saw myself on the ground with something heavy lying on top of me, the needle now out of my reach, “Nice tackle, Twinkle Toes!” I heard a voice coming toward me but without any footsteps.

“Thanks Rotten Breath, I’ve been practicing,” the one above me answered.

I looked up to where the first voice came from and instantly I’m flabbergasted.

That horse have wings! And he’s flying! That’s actually pretty cool, even if it is, again, a physics defying feat.

“What are you doing you brutes?! That is my patient you are tackling,” I turned toward the doctor in surprise as he lurched toward the guard on top of me and shoved him off, “Get off,” he ordered forcefully.

“What gives doc.? We thought he was threatening you; ain’t that why you called us in here?” That flying pony is right, doctor, what is your angle here?

“The only threat that changeling poses is to himself, without any memory, forced into a dungeon, and awaiting execution would make anypony suicidal,” ignoring the blatant disregard of the English language, why would he cover for me? I was planning on torturing him just a mere moments ago.

“Then leaving him like this just won’t do,” I heard a third voice from behind the door.

I turned to see who is it this time, but then something even more miraculous caught my eye. The needle that I dropped was casually floating next to my head.

I stare agape at it as it flew toward the doctor. “How?” but my question was cut off as I felt my entire being was being lifted from the ground by some unseen force; I look with further astonishment as my hoof was shrouded by a purple aura. I fidgeted as my body was being lifted above ground, but somehow the purple aura seemed to have restricted all my movement.

“That should keep you from being a danger to anyone else,” The third voice announced, I stared wide eyed as a white horse with blue mane and golden armor waltzed in, his horn glowing with the same aura as the one I’m shrouded in.

“Ah captain Armor, thank you for coming here,” The doctor addressed the newcomer warmly, “I was fearing of having to patch him again after what these brutes did to him.”

“It’s alright doctor, I am fully aware that our royal guards aren’t known for their finesse,” then the captain addressed me, “Are you alright?”

I just stare.

“Does it hurt anywhere?”

I blink.

“Do you even understand what I am saying?”

I blink again, “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

I gesture to all of me, “How did you do this?”

“Oh this?” he flicked his horn at me and a swing that way, then flicked his horn again and I swing the other way, “That is just simple telekinesis spell every unicorn can do.”

I gave him the stink eye, “Pardon my skepticism but I don’t believe you.”

The captain looks at me mouth hanging, “But I just levitated you.”

“Yes and I believe you,” He now gives me a perplexed, “All the more reason why I believe there is a hallucinogen in my blood stream. Would you mind to test my blood again and this time include the illegal ones as well as the rare ones?” I asked the doctor who simply let out a chuckle.

The doctor then turned toward the captain, “His memory loss is extremely severe my lord, he thought he was from a mythical race called humans before being turned to a changeling,” Mythical?! Well at least that explains his reaction, “I fear he may have some issues that needs to be addressed if he is to be trialed fairly.”

Now I just want to punch the doctor in the face, to state a trial that needs to be fair means that someone had been declared innocent.

“So basically he’s a blockhead?”


“Call me blockhead one more time,” I said with the guard’s neck squeezed in my hoof.

I feel the warp field wrapping around me again and pulling me away from the guard who weezed the moment I let him go. Pulled again toward the captain I saw a stunned face mixed with a lot of apprehension, guess my outburst was truly unwarranted, “I don’t know how you managed to escape my telekinetic field, but would you please don’t do that ever again. Unless you want a more lethal measurement to be taken against you.”

I gulped, “Okay sir,” I replied with a salute.

“But that is fascinating,” the doctor intervened, “Looks like being called a blockhead was significant enough to have you attack another without reservation, do you think you can tell us why?”

I looked at the doctor in surprise, but there is no doubt about it. Being called a blockhead irked me to no end, and I don’t think I know why… or maybe I do? I need to think about it a bit.

Think calmly about it.

“What the fuck does that mean?” the bully asked when I gave him my name.

“So you got your memory back?” The doctor asked with hopefulness in his eyes.

“Just bits and pieces,” That memory though placed me in a rather foul mood.

“Can you tell us what exactly do you remember now?” The captain asked.

Well, for starters I have now confirmation that I was indeed human and am not losing my sanity; I definitely got transported somehow into this changeling body and am waiting execution. “I think I remember my name,” I said to the waiting crowd, but I can’t give them my real name, especially if I suffered because of it.

I take a look at my entourage, the doctor was called Loveheart, or was it Love Heart? Not sure. The captain was Shining Armor I think, and if I recall correctly, the guards called each other Twinkle Toes and Rotten Breath? Okay, not the most aesthetical names thus far. Maybe my name wouldn’t be that bad after all.

“Well?” The captain tapped his hoof.

I smile, I think I have the best idea as of yet, “Just call me… Support Pillar.”

Author's Note:

No I don't think I will give you the character's real name in the foreseeable future because I'm a pain like that :P