• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,906 Views, 50 Comments

Curse of the Siren - Nephilinae

Now that the Dazzlings powers have been striped from them... Where does the Curse of the Siren go?

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I bolted awake... The gem at my throat was BURNING... Like an electric shock mixed with a feeling of fire...

"FAUST THAT HURTS!" I yelled. The gem was DEMANDING my attention... It WANTED me to know something... The burning feeling wanted me to go somewhere... No, scratch that, it wanted me to FIND something... The burning feeling started to die down after a few seconds, but the urge to go find that something still remained. I checked the time... 4:04 AM... The burning died out completely. Ugh.. Why did that stupid gem have to get me up this early? I tried going back to sleep, but the uneasy feeling of needing something kept slumber away. I pushed the driver seat back up and checked around the clearing. No flashing lights, no police officers busting open the door, no concerned citizen approaching uneasily... Everything was fine...

I opened the car door and stepped outside, stretching my arms and legs. Dawn hadn't come yet, but it was still fairly bright... To me at least. Okay... What did I have to work with... Car that I needed to get rid of, several thousand dollars, a book of bank accounts, a cell phone that was in the car, something else I would need to ditch... Eh, no time like the present. I took the phone and threw it into the trees. Okay... What now... I guess I didn't have much to do... I could do the thing that the gem wanted... Oh, who was I kidding? I HAD to do it... Whatever the gem wanted me to find must be important or something... I finished stretching, and got back into the car. I soon had the car turned on, and was pulling out of the woods. The gem tugged at me to head East... Here we go.

I had been driving for several hours now... The call, as I had started to "call" it... That was awful... I'm sorry... Was slowly starting to point South. I had passed through several small towns already, and was putting gas in the stolen car in the latest one... When I heard someone whistle. I looked up to find three slime ball guys looking at me.

"Hey there sweet cheeks!" one of them called. Seriously? I hadn't showered in two days, was driving an obviously stolen car, and was probably scraped up still from last night's forest foray... The clouds around them reeked of desperation, which my gem refused to drink for some reason. I choose to ignore them and continue with my business.

"Hey lady! I'm talkin' to you!" I started to hum as the desperation mixed with rage. My jewel sipped at the tainted emotion... But it didn't like it.

"Yo lady! When we're talkin' to you... You pay attention..." another one stated in a forced "gangsta" accent. I had finished filling up, and had just locked the door so I could go pay for the gas. Unfortunately, that lead me past them. I tried to go around them, but they blocked my path.

"Where do ya think yer goin'?"

"I am going to pay for my gas, and then I am going to leave." I stated with what I hoped was a "deadly edge" tone.

"What about us? Come on... Let us show you a good time..."

Ha. No.

Beat it buddy.

I sang. The slimeball's eyes buldged.


Beat it before I...

Tear out your heart, rip off your head,

Push you off a cliff, make you quake with dread,

The trio took a step back as their emotion clouds started to become fear. My gem eagerly drank the stench.

Pierce your lungs, rend your spine,

Poison your drink, and shred you fine...

And I'll enjoy every minute of it.


The trio started to run away.

"And stay away!" I laughed. I entered the building to find the clerk peeking over the counter at me. I felt bad for the poor kid. I put $40 down to pay for the gas. He gulped and did the cashier thing.

"Keep the change" I said as I turned to walk out, motioning that he kept the four something dollars that was left over.

I went out to the car I found one of the jerks sitting in the drivers seat. He smiled at me as I felt something cold press against my back. Huh, I thought I just took care of them...

"Into the passenger seat." someone whispered in my ear. It was another of the earlier trio... And he still stank of fear. I knew I should've been at least a LITTLE afraid... But I just couldn't bring myself to fear these losers... I would've been terrified a few days ago certainly... But somehow, the gem at my throat just didn't worry about it at all... And it's attitude was infectious. I climbed into the car quietly. The two others got into the back seat. The driver pulled onto the road.

"So sweet cheeks..." be began as if he didn't just abduct me. "Tell me about yourself." Was this some sort of fetish thing? Forcefully abducting a girl and then acting like it's a normal date? I wouldn't grace that question with a response... Or at least a response he wanted...

AahhahhAhhh... aaahhhAhhh...

My lips were barley moving, I was acting on instinct... Somehow, I felt this was the correct move.

"What's she saying?"

"Hey! Quite humming!"

"Shut up guys!"

Aaahhahh Ahh... Ahhahhahh...

I poured more emotion into the simple song. My pendent drank their anger like a drunk.

"I'm trying to keep your 'Date' from ruining your 'date'!"

"If she wants to sing then let her sing!"

"Seriously! What is she saying?!"

AaahAhhahh... AaahAhhahh...

"Did you not just see what she just did to us?! I'M SORRY... I'd have thought that your plan inludes 'Not getting a psycho chick'!"

"The plan doesn't come into effect until we get to the clearing!"

"WHAT IS SHE SAYING?!" The driver turned around to yell at the stupidest one.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled. I smirked as I saw what was happening on the road. Even though I was screaming inside, my gem assured me I would be fine.

"Hey assholes... Thanks for the perfect excuse for me to ditch the car." I stated. The driver turned around just in time for him to hit a light pole. While the idiots bounced around like a bouncy ball, I hardly felt a thing. When we had finished our abrupt stop, I checked the other three to make sure they were all out... They were. I grabbed the purse that had all of my supplies and calmly opened the door. No I'm serious... I didn't feel a thing. I even quickly checked for cuts and bruises as I walked away... I was fine. I didn't feel drowsy... I could feel my toes, lower back, fingers... Everything.

I hid in the shadows of a nearby building as the police arrived. They scurried over the "accident" like a swarm of ants... I decided that I should probably leave before a concerned citizen pointed at me and yelled "She was in there too!" Let me see... What could I do? I needed another vehicle or something to find this thing that my gem wanted me to find... That was for sure... I walked down the street as casually as I could, hoping for a sudden epiphany. I could steal another car... One car, two cars, who cared at this point? But I needed a vehicle that I could keep for a while with out arousing suspicion... And for that I needed a...

"Used car dealership..." I stated out loud as I rounded a corner to see a used car dealership.

I started looking at the partially rusted cars. I had about... seven thousand? So seven thousand, minus tax... I think that was how it worked... I had never actually bought a car before... There was one that was in decent condition... And only a little under five thousand...

"May I help you?" I turned around to find a guy that wore what must've been a salesman, at least judging by the ugly mustard yellow uniform suit he was wearing...

"I was wondering if this one works." I stated, gesturing towards the decent car. My gem then noticed that he became nervous for some reason.

"Oh no... I wouldn't get that one... I would get... This one." he stated, walking over towards a more derelict van that was more expensive. He was very nervous now, but he was good at hiding it... It was almost as if he was lying.

"I'm sorry, but what's wrong with this one?" I asked, gesturing back towards my original choice. The salesman fidgeted.

"I wouldn't say that anything is wrong..." He began.

"Then why would I want a van that's nearly completely rusted, over a somewhat good conditioned car?" I asked. He seemed to be sweating now.

"I'm sorry! But that car is reserved for modification by another customer!" he stated in a business like tone. I somehow had a hunch who it was.

"Can I ask what you're going to do to it?" I asked sweetly. The salesman seemed to stop sweating for a moment.

"Let's see... New rims, new paintjob, engine block upgrade, custom fuel injector upgrade, custom decals, and fuzzy dice..." he listed off, putting a finger to his chin. Even though most of those went over my head, I knew exactly who was going to buy it.

"The person you're reserving this for wouldn't happen to be a square jawed numb skull that is followed by a wanna-be gangster and a naive half wit would it?" I asked. The salesman looked at me.

"How did..."

"Call it a lucky guess." I figured that in a town of only three or four thousand, there was only going to be enough room for a few idiots like that... So, it didn't take a genius to think that through. But I've been proven wrong about that kind of thing before. "Look, the price you want for this is..." I checked the information about the car. "$4,899? Tell you what... I'm willing to give six thousand even for it." His emotional cloud became what I thought was excitement... It was confirmed by a twinkle in his eye.

"Six thousand?" he asked, beginning to reek like greed, which was devoured by my gem.

"Six thousand, and a little advice." I smiled. He looked at me funny. "Next time you see the guy you wanted to reserve the car for... Try saying 'Beat it buddy.'" I winked. He looked at me in confusion. Oh well... I tried.

"So... Six thousand?" he asked. I took out the purse and began counting bills.

"I can pay for it right now in cash." I stated. His eyes bulged...

"Well... Um..." he gaped. "Why don't we go inside and fill out the paperwork?"

I don't think that is quite necessary...

I sang. Totally a rip off from Star Wars... But he was too distracted by the prospect of six thousand dollars.

"I'll go get the keys then shall I?" he smiled. I could tell it was fake though because the corners twitched... Not to mention his emotions were screaming greed. He ran to go get the keys. You know... I had to admit... Despite not being able to come off or anything... My pendent was pretty handy. I don't think I've been hungry since the night I got it... That and the weird singing ability? I could probably rule the whole world if I tried... Eh... Too much paper work involved. The salesman came running back out with a key chain and piece of paper in his hand.

"Here you go Miss..." he stated sweat forming on his brow. I pulled out the promised six thousand.

"Here you go." I said as I handed the wad to him. He gave the keys and paper in return.

"What's this?" I asked, holding out the paper.

"It's the title... For plates and all that..."He stated.


"Oh." I deadpanned as I twirled the key on my finger as he counted.

"Thank you for your business..." He finally said after he was done. "Come again!" he added cheerfully. Hopefully I wouldn't have to. I got into my purchase and drove off with it. It seemed to work fine, at least I didn't hear anything clanking around anywhere... The gas was full, supplies in the passenger seat... Nothing left to do but answer the calling!

I'll admit I snickered when I went past the wreck I caused... The trio were in the back's of separate police cruisers looking disgruntled. Their jaws dropped as they saw me pass by in the "new" car. I greeted them with a wink and a two finger salute. They looked like they were yelling something... Probably profanity... But I couldn't hear them. I passed through the small town without further incident.

Ugh! It was now several hours later and as I got closer and closer to the call, it just got worse, and worse, and worse... And on top of that the sun was now starting to set, low enough to get light in my eyes, but high enough to also make the car heat up... I had always hated driving around this time... I was frustrated, tired, and the sun light seemed brighter than usual... I decided I needed to stop, if only for an hour... The next town I went through had this 50's cafe/coffee shop that seemed to be open 24/7. I pulled in and checked the open hours. Yep, 24/7. I pocketed some of the money and hid the purse under the driver seat. I then locked the car as I got out and stretched. Faust, it was good to stand again... I looked back at the car as I went inside... And noticed I needed license plates... Faust. Fucking. Damn it... Yay, more stuff I had to do. Oh well, future me problem... Present me needed a rest... And maybe coffee to see if I still benefited from it's obvious effects. I sat down at a booth, enjoying the rest. Eventually however a waitress came by and asked for my order. To Tartarus with it... I ordered a coffee. I usually had the employees add an asinine amount of sugar and creme... But with the cardboard taste I figured it would probably taste the same black anyway. She looked at me strangely for ordering the coffee at this hour... But I didn't care, I NEEDED to find whatever it was I was looking for... And if that meant chugging a whole pot of coffee to see if I could still get hyper from the stuff to drive all night... Then so be it. I mused to myself that it was still warm at least... And warm card board is as weird as you think it is. I rested my head on my hand. I needed to start thinking about how I wasn't going to get caught without a license plate...

Thankfully my thoughts were answered when a drunk guy stumbled in. I knew they were answered as I had seen him exit his car when he drove in, and he had stumbled across the parking lot. I'd just steal his... He was going to get arrested anyway... I quickly formed a plan on how I would procure his plates... The only thing I'd need is a tool to get the things off and on... It was a kind of screwdriver wasn't it? But was it the cross kind or the flat ones? Ugh... I knew little to nothing about cars... I should probably get both just in case... But where could I... There was a hardware store open across the street. Wow... That was... Too convenient. It was like some lazy author of a shitty fan fiction had just said "Screw it." and just plopped the damn thing down on a whim.

Oh well... I'd hate to waste such a good opportunity... Even if it was too convenient. I downed my coffee, put some money on the table, and made my way casually out the door. I didn't know how long the drunk would stay in the cafe... So I had to act fast. I hurried across the street and checked the open times... Good they were open for another hour. I opened the door and went to what looked like the relevant section. I quickly browsed over everything.

Why didn't they sell these damn screwdrivers separately? I just needed the two for crying out loud! But nooo... They had to force me to buy a twenty dollar pack for something I'd probably only use once... I snuck back across the street after buying the smallest pack of screwdrivers I could find and quickly found the drunks car. I knelt down annnd... What lucky arbitrary tool was I going to use?

... Oh you've got to be kidding me... TWIST TIES?!? SERIOUSLY?! I face palmed... This guy had twist ties holding his license plate to his car? I now knew why the hardware store was too convenient. I twisted the plate off and snuck to the other end of the vehicle to find the same thing. I rolled my eyes as I twisted that one off too...

It would've been too obvious if I had put the new plates on in full view of the dinner... I was lucky that the drunk had parked off to the side a little... I hopped into my car and drove off. It was almost dark now... I figured I should find a place to rest, if the coffee didn't work that is, and put the plates on. Thankfully I didn't see any police cars or anything as I drove out of the town... I soon found a dead end road with a cul de sac at the end. Perfect. I parked the car and got to work twisting the things on... I should probably get something better than twist ties... Oh well, I'll see what I can scrounge up later. Then I started getting that feeling when you know you've had too much coffee. I smiled despite not being able to get the warm card board taste out of my mouth. I got back into the car and started to drive into the night.

Author's Note:

There is no fourth wall... Yas... :pinkiecrazy: