• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,906 Views, 50 Comments

Curse of the Siren - Nephilinae

Now that the Dazzlings powers have been striped from them... Where does the Curse of the Siren go?

  • ...


"Seriously though... What now?" Calliope asked.

"Uh..." I moaned. I honestly had no idea what to do now. "I dunno... You got any ideas?" I asked.

"Well..." Calliope sniffed. "Judging by the smell of the car... I'd say you haven't slept in a decent bed in a couple days..." she deduced. I nodded sadly in confirmation. "And I also haven't had a decent nights sleep in several days... To Tartarus with it... Hang a right." she commanded. I turned right. "We both need a decent hotel to sleep at..."

"Sounds good." I agreed. My days awake were starting to wear on me. "Which one?" I asked.

"Wait for it to come around the corner... Annnd... That one will do perfectly." Calliope pointed. I looked towards the building that came into view around the corner. "It has decent service and is fairly cheap." she added.

"Perfect." I replied, pulling into the drive of the decent looking hotel. I soon found a parking space and we scraped together our meager belongings. As we walked into the decent lobby we passed by an arguing couple... I'm pretty sure we both slowed down considerably. But we thankfully made it past them without drawing their attention too much.

"Can we get a room?" I asked the lady at the desk. Her glasses slipped down her nose as she looked over her glasses like bifocals.

"Smoking or non-smoking?" she asked.

"Non-smoking please." I answered.

"How many nights?"

"Just one."

"Just the two of you?" the lady asked, her eyes drifting towards Calliope.

"Just the two of us." I agreed.

"I bet it will..." The lady said grumpily. The now familiar aroma of anger wafted towards me. I looked back at Calliope, who merely shrugged. Why would... Oh... OH!

"It's not like that..." I stated as I waved my arms to ward off those ideas.

"Uh huh. Driver's license. $200 per night. Sign here." the lady slammed a clipboard onto the desk. I realized right then about my driver's license. The police would easily track a record of me staying here... I kind of grimaced.

"Look kid... Do you really think that you can get away with a little hanky panky and not even have your license?" the lady gave me one of those looks of disbelieve. Her perfume of anger became that of annoyance.

"Um... I..." I stammered.

"She must've left her wallet at home." Calliope answered for me. "Here." she stated as she brought out her own license and showed it to the desk lady.

"Alright then Ms... $200 and sign on the paper..." the desk lady stated, turning towards her computer to glance at something. I dug in the purse and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills and gave them to Calliope, who in turn handed them to the lady. She then picked up a pen and began to scribble her name onto the paper.

"Wait wait wait... Why do we even need to sign a name?" I asked. "Shouldn't the drivers license be enough for an ID?"

"Yeah. But the managers have been insistent that we get more proof of identity... Seeing as there's been a rash of stolen items from the room and all..." The lady sat in her office chair and picked up a newspaper.

"Oh." I answered simply, feeling kind of stupid about asking... But then again how was I supposed to know? Oh well. Calliope grabbed the key cards as the lady slide them forward, keeping one hand on her paper.

" Room 271... Have fun kids." she deadpanned.

"We're not..." I began. But Calliope grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Come on sis!" she exclaimed.

"To each their own I guess..." I heard the lady mumble beneath her breath as Calliope pulled me towards the elevator bank. She pushed the up button and we waited for literally half a second before the doors opened. I found myself forced into the elevator, my "sis" following close behind.

"Geez... Why so touchy feely suddenly?" I asked when the doors closed.

"I dunno." Calliope smirked. I face palmed. The elevator ride after that was uneventful. Likewise, the walk searching for our room was also uneventful.

"268... 269... 270... 271!" Calliope counted off as we searched the hallway. She quickly put the key card in and opened the door. The room inside was pretty nice... Only there was only a single bed... The two of us stood in front of the bed in silence for a solid minute.

"Sooo..." I started. "That explains the desk ladies behavior..."

"Yes. Yes it does." Calliope agreed. We continued in silence for a few moments longer.

"I can sleep on the floor..." I offered.

"Oh no!" Calliope exclaimed. "You've been driving nearly nonstop for FOUR days straight! YOU get the bed!"

"Ha... No." I argued. "You've been having a hard time with your family! You deserve a good bed!"

"Ugh..." she groaned. "Okay... We share the bed?"

"I don't want to give the desk lady any of the satisfaction..." I mumbled. Calliope facepalmed.

"Don't be such a baby!" she exclaimed, yanking my stolen belongings off my shoulder and throwing them to the floor.

"What are you-" I began, only to be interrupted by Calliope pushing me into the bed. "Hey!" I shouted.

"Oh what's the matter?" she asked as she climbed over me onto what she must've thought was her side. "Afraid to share a bed with another girl?" she asked.

"No..." I grumbled.

"Then what's the matter?!" she exclaimed, settling down into the covers.

"I just don't feel comfortable thinking about it..."

"Stop right there..." Calliope stated. "Just a few hours ago, you were joking about how that van was rocking..."

"What? Oh! No!" I waved my hands at her. "I'm just not comfortable thinking about ME with anyone else!"

"Are you..." she began, but stopped. "Ugh... Fine." she stated as she looked at me. Calliope turned and clicked the lights off. Not that it mattered to us because everything still looked like it was dawn out. I sighed and rolled away from Calliope. And I let myself drift off into some very welcome sleep.


Taptaptap... Taptaptap... Taptaptap...

I bolted awake at someone knocking at the door. Calliope moaned next to me, but didn't move otherwise.


"I'm coming, I'm coming..." I urged as I pushed my legs off the bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I slowly made my way towards the door and looked out the little peep hole hotel doors have. Standing there... Was that freaking girl with the magenta eyes and blue hair from the Micky D's.

I was now wide awake.

Did she recognize me from a police poster? What did she want? Was she expecting a bribe or something to buy her silence? I silently put the chain lock on so it locked the door so she couldn't force her way in, and opened the door slightly.

"What do you want?" I asked showing only one eye through the crack, not bothering at all with the normal need to be polite... It was after all who knew when in the night, and she obviously knew about me.

"What do I want?" she repeated, her voice was high pitched like the stereotypical popular girl from school. "I want to enjoy hamburgers and pizza for the rest of my life." That got me for a moment.

"I'm sorry... What?" I asked. The girl groaned.

"I know what you are! I know what is happening to you! And I know what it feels like!" she whisper exclaimed. I felt an eyebrow being raised.

"I still don't know what you're talking about..." I responded.

"Eating emotions, a complete shut down of all your taste buds, night vision, a practical immunity to pain and injury... Only to name the few that you've noticed by now... Which isn't including the mental changes..." the blue haired girl stated. I had to admit... This girl talked a lot more intelligently than her voice gave any reason to believe.

"Okay... For a moment, let's pretend for a moment you are correct... Why would I trust you?" I asked with no small amount of accusation tainting my voice.

"Faust is the God Queen of our native universe." she answered. Well... Two birds one stone. "I know you won't... Can't trust me..." the blue haired girl continued. "But I have answers for you and what is happening..." I thought about it for a moment. This girl didn't look TOO strong... While true that I couldn't read her emotions like a normal person... She DID explain why I was cursing Faust instead of God... "Have you had a taco yet?" she asked, interrupting my internal monologue with her question.

"I... What?" I asked with a small amount of annoyance.

"A taco... Have you had one yet?" she asked again.

"No." I yawned.

"Awesome!" the blue haired girl exclaimed. "I want to be there when you first eat a taco!"

"Yeah... No. That isn't happening." I stated.

"Okay... How about we go to a taco place right now... My treat." she asked. I pulled my head away from the door and looked at Calliope on the bed. Would she wake up and find me missing? Was it worth leaving her alone to find answers? I faced back towards the cracked door.

"One mo..." I stated, closing the door gently. I quickly trotted back into the room to find some paper. "Paper... Paper..." I mumbled absent-mindedly. After finding a notepad and pen in the nightstand... I quickly scribbled.


Had to quickly run out for supplies. BRB shortly.


I put the note on the nightstand and silently stole a card key.

The blue haired girl was still waiting when I opened the door and stepped outside.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yup." I answered. The blue haired girl turned towards down the hallway. I followed her to the elevators. "Sooo... What's your name?" I asked as we were waiting for the elevator.

"Hm? Oh... My name is Sonata... Yours?" Sonata replied.

"Circe." I answered.

"Hm..." Sonata thoughtfully hummed.

"What?" I asked.

"If I remember correctly... Circe is the Greek enchantress who lured sailors into her lair and turned them into pigs... Very fitting I think." she responded.

"Well done." I applauded. "Not many people can recall off hand the Odyssey." But then her last statement hit me. "Fitting?" I asked. The doors to the elevator then choose to open.

"Yeah... When the Eurpoeans came over was an AWESOME time..." Sonata happily stated. Wait wait wait wait wait... Did she just...

"Europeans?" I asked as I followed her into the elevator. "Back up... Start from the beginning, and make sense."

"Okay..." Sonata sighed as she settled in the elevator. "Nearly 4 thousand years ago... Three sea pony witches cursed themselves to be immortal, at the cost of living off music that provoked bad feelings..."

"Stop..." I groaned. "Sea pony witches? If your pulling my leg... I WILL throw you off the tallest building I can find." I growled as the doors closed.

"What?! Okay... That wasn't the best place to start..." Sonata amended. "My two sisters and I... Come from a different world... One where the majority of citizens are what a human would call ponies..."

"Still not making sense." I growled.

"Three of those ponies... The sea pony witches... Cursed themselves to achieve immortality... But they had to do it by feeding off angry feelings." Sonata continued to explain.

"So... What would you know about these witches?" I groaned.

"I... What?" Sonata asked.

"You're referring to these 'ponies'..." I quoted the air with my fingers. "... in the third person. And since I doubt you're four thousand years old... You aren't them." I stated with an icy tone.

"You're right... I'm not four thousand..." she answered after a moment.

"So when can I throw you off a building?"

"I'm only two thousand."

If I had been drinking, I'm pretty sure I would've sprayed it everywhere.

"Well... More like 1 and a half thousand..." Sonata continued.

"Stop stop stop stop..." I groaned.

"What?" she asked as the elevator stopped and opened the doors to the lobby.

"You're waaaaay too young to be over a thousand years old..." I started. "Tartarus... I think you're younger than me!"

"Another thing... Tartarus is Faust's prison for criminals and monsters... Which is what you've become."

"Ha!" I exclaimed, attracting the attention of the night desk lady. "... I'm still as human as you are missy..." I whispered.

"Deny it all you want..." Sonata whispered back. "You're a siren to the core now."

"Ugh..." I groaned. This girl was insane! And she didn't know she was insane! Well... Not many insane people do...

We walked into the night air, a crescent moon was nearing a high point in the sky. "A siren?" I asked when we were out of earshot of the hotel. "I'm human! As human as I ever was! ... Am!" I corrected myself. With blinding speed Sonata reached into the neck of my hoodie and pulled gently on the pendent. When she touched the warm gem, it was like she had grabbed my arm and twisted... Hard...

"THIS." she stated with more steel than I thought her voice could hold. "THIS is why you aren't human anymore... THIS is what connects you to me... Me to another generation of siren... And them to the three Witches." She growled. "Believe it or not... You ARE one of us now..." she finished, letting go of the pendent. I sighed with relief. Sonata sighed. "You have no idea what power you now hold..."

"Okay..." I panted, still in pain from the contact. "Let's say I believe you... Why?" I asked. Sonata giggled.

"You're just like Aria when we found her..." she continued to giggle. "The important question isn't why... It's HOW."

"Okay... How?" I asked.

"The original curse was cast upon three alike pendents..." She gestured in the vague vicinity of my chest. "The original pendents were meant to be chosen by the wearer... A.K.A... The witches... But the second generation, my progeny... Stole them from the original three. But somehow... Those three were destroyed... We never did really discover who our predecessors were...Adagio and I lived in the same village when it happened. We were both having a hard time and we both got our pendents..." Sonata explained as we continued walking down the sidewalk. "But eventually we were pulled towards another, Aria lived across the kingdom... It took us months to find her... But when we did, the three of us were unstoppable... But then that stupid Starswirl banished us to this world..."

"Starswirl?" I deadpanned.

"A very powerful magic user at the time... Which was 1 and a quarter thousand years ago."

"Wait..." I stated as something occurred to me. "If you never met your predecessors... How do you know about the witches?" I asked.

"In time, you'll learn to ask the pendent for much more than a source of food." She answered as she pointed at the gem which was half hidden. "Anyway... The three of us were trapped here for over a thousand years. Spent most of our early years here searching for a way back... You couldn't imagine our relief when the Europeans first landed. I think it was the Vikings? Or was it Columbus? I dunno, we still have arguments about that..."

"Sooo you still argue with your sisters... Over history... Which you've personally experienced..." I asked with no small amount of disdain.

"Hey! I'd like to see you predict the next major event of history AND be there!" Sonata argued.

"Fair point..." I conceded. "So... How'd you loose your siren status?" I asked after a moment.

"Hm?" Sonata responded.

"You keep talking about how you're immortal... And how you nearly witnessed history... But you don't have a pendent... Which you said made me a siren... So, what happened?" I asked. Sonata sighed depressingly.

"We... Adagio, Aria, and I got too greedy... This world isn't designed for the three of us... We couldn't eat like we did in Equestria. So when we finally got a taste after a thousand years... We weren't prepared for the sheer amount of power that Equestrian magic has."

"You over ate?" I asked.

"No... I think it was something those seven ARE more than anything..." Sonata replied in a thoughtful tone. "But anyways... After a very powerful burst of Equestrian magic... Our powers were stripped, and our pendents destroyed. That was Nearly a week ago."

"Soo... What you're telling me, I inherited your powers after you got a major beat down?" I asked. Sonata put a finger to her mouth and thought about my sentence for a moment.

"That sums it up... Yes." she replied.

"Okay... Why me?" I asked.

"You?" she asked.

"Yes, why do I have freaky otherworldly powers instead of... Anyone really." I explained my question.

"Oh... Well... We haven't figured out the exact requirements yet... But it seems to be those who like music far more than average, and have had some degree of mental problems... To use modern human terms. But the curse determined you, your friend, and one other whom you haven't found yet to be worthy of being a siren." What she said made a little sense... I was as anti-social as they can get without being classified as "abnormal"... Calliope probably had issues derived from family problems... I was also obsessed with music, but I had no idea what Calliope was like...

By this time we had walked several blocks from the hotel. Traffic was kind of dead on the road that was parallel of the sidewalk Sonata and I were on... But the store fronts and buildings were starting to get brighter and be open more often as we approached what must've been a highway.

"So what were you like before you became a siren?" I asked out of sheer curiosity.

"... I think I was the town clown..." Sonata said after a moment.

"You think?"

"It's been a thousand years Circe... I hardly remember what my family's names were... But I do remember that I made a point to attend every dance I could... Where I could sing and be as musical as I wanted..." Sonata shrugged. "Back then music wasn't a very big thing... But look were it got me! I've lived longer than the township... Which I have no doubt no longer exists... I've traveled farther than even Lord Discord and I've done things most ponies would scoff at."

"Looking at the bright side." I held up a hand in an imaginary toast. Just then I noticed that the sun was starting to peak over the Eastern horizon. "Say... What time is it?" I asked.

"Uh..." Sonata replied, pulling out a phone and checking the time. "Nearly six." she said after a moment scrolling on her phone.

"So where are we going to get a taco?" I asked.

"I thought there was a 24/7 place somewhere around here..." Sonata replied, turning in a circle looking at the store fronts. "Maybe it's... Aha!" Sonata suddenly exclaimed as we rounded a corner. In front of us was indeed a 24/7 place that had garish Mexican decorations EVERYWHERE.

"I didn't even know those existed..." I murmured.

"If it's an idea... It exists." Sonata stated as we picked up speed towards the restaurant.

"Did you just butcher Rule 34?" I asked.

"Same idea behind it." Sonata replied nonchalantly. I somehow shrugged and face palmed at the same time.

The restaurant wasn't in abysmally poor condition... I had seen a few Micky D's that were worse off. It was entirely empty though, except for the poor sod behind the counter that was nursing a diet coke trying to stay awake for the final hours for his shift.

"One quesidla and root beer, and one MONSTER taco and root beer please." Sonata ordered at the counter. The guy behind the counter jolted when he realized he had work to do.

"Will that be all?" he yawned.

"Yep." Sonata replied cheerfully.

"That'll be $14.57..." He yawned again. Sonata counted money and laid it on the counter. "Thank you for your business... Your meal will be ready in ten minutes... Please come again..." the clerk droned. Sonata took a number from beside the cashier and we went to a corner booth. I sat with my back to the wall and Sonata sat across.

We were waiting for several minutes when a gang of drunk guys walked in with the mood for munchies. They were the stereotypical drunk attitude, shenanigans included... They all reeked of a kind of happy stupor. My pendent didn't care much for them. Finally the clerk brought our food out and set Sonata's folded tortilla and soda and my rather large taco/ soda on the table. He grunted something and walked away.

"Hey baby!" I heard one of the drunken guys called. I ignored him and began unwrapping the monstrosity Sonata got for me. "We came in here looking for spice! Instead we found two hot ladies! Close enough!" I groaned and slammed my head on the table.

"Ignore them Circe... They're just attracted to the siren magic."

"They said 'two'." I deadpanned into the table.

"I'd say I look nice for my age..." Sonata giggled. I groaned again and took a slurp from the soda.. Which still tasted like cold, soggy, cardboard.

"Alright... Let's see what all your fuss is..." I said as I picked up the huge taco.

"I got something bigger you can bite!" the drunks continued to catcall. I continued to ignore them and took a bite... And by Faust... Tartarus... God... And whatever may be considered holy... It was the best fucking thing I had tasted to date.

"Hmmm!" I groaned.

"Aw yeah! She likes it!"

"Wow..." I moaned. "It's like... Wow..." It tasted exactly like you would expect an excellent taco to taste like... Only a thousand times better. I took several bites in rapid succession. I cannot stress enough how FREAKING AMAZING it was...

"Slow down Circe..." Sonata advised.

"Can't." I grunted, trying not to spill the source of heavenly taste.

I had finished my taco well before Sonata got halfway with her meal. So I sat there awkwardly wishing for more taco and sipping the liquid cardboard... And ignoring the local drunken idiots. When Sonata finished we took what was left of our soda and left the restaurant.

"How did you figure out the taco thing?" I asked Sonata.

"I think we took a trip to Europe when the colonies were trading regularly... Some visionary cook who was fairly poor at the time had the recipe... We happened to taste his food while there so we sponsored him with a lot of gold to get him kick-started... I'd say we were pretty successful."

"How'd you get the gold?" I asked while taking a sip of soda out of pure habit.

"Lure one or two treasure galleons to their doom and collecting tribute from the Aztecs and Mayans will tend to get you gold..." Sonata smirked.

"Wait... So, you literally sirened MULTIPLE ships?" I asked.

"Sirening probably means something different to you than to me but... Yes." Sonata chuckled. I joined in her giggling and happened to look behind us as I did so. Behind us, was the whole group of drunken men following us. My mirth instantly vanished and was replaced with suspicion. Sonata and I turned a corner, I glanced out of my eye to still see them on our trail.

"We're being followed." I whispered to the blue haired girl next to me.

"Is that why your laughing suddenly felt half hearted?" she asked.

"Probably." I stated as the group behind us rounded the corner. I had to think quickly... How could I deal with these jerks? How... I spotted an entrance to a dead end alley way that I happened to look into on our first walk through. "Sonata..." I whispered as I came up with an idea... Or more like my gem told me what I had to do.

"Yeah?" she asked. We were right in front of the alley now.

"I'm sorry." I stated as I half tripped half pushed her into the alley.

"Hey! Whoah!" she screamed as she fell into the dark.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" I shouted loud enough for the guys behind us to be heard, and rushed into after Sonata. Whom, I had shoved hard enough to be near the back wall, was trying to stand up.

"What the hell Circe?!" she shouted as she turned back towards the entry way... Only to find the group of drunken silhouettes making their way into the small alley. "Circe?" Sonata asked with no small amount of concern. Where was I? I must've missed saying I was now hanging above everyone's head, clinging to both sides of the small area... Neither Sonata nor the drunks had seen me jump.

"Where'd the udder wun go?" asked a particularly drunk one. He was answered with a bunch of "Ah dunnos."

"Circe?" Sonata squeaked. Aw... That was rather adorable... The emotional cloud around the drunks began to turn from a stupor, to a simmering disappointment.

"Maybe she noticed us and left her friend behind for us?" A drunk wondered. Close... But no cigar.

"Why would she have the gall to only leave us one?!" some idiot shouted. The disappointment turned into rage.

"Seriously?" I asked myself quietly. But I began to eat the emitted rage like candy. That taco may have been made by a deity... But I was born to do this... I could feel power inside me growing... Feeding me with it's energies. The group had advanced so I was now behind them. I decided to drop down.

Dare you to look away...
I dare you to turn your gaze...
I dare you to not meet my eye...

I hadn't even hummed the first few bars... This was directly from my soul.

Care to look at the demon?
Care to see the view?
Can you handle the sight?
Care to see your end?

The entire group had now turned towards me, their gazes as if they were watching a horror film that was doing it's job.

Dare you to look away...
I dare you to turn your gaze...
I dare you to not meet my eye...

I spotted Sonata behind everyone with her jaw to the floor.

Turn away!
Bend a knee!
Don't let me see you rise!
Don't you dare break my gaze!

The drunks were now scrambling backwards... Into a dead-end. Sonata on the other hand was approaching very cautiously.

Can't look away! Can't back down! No escape! No avoiding my wrath!

I stepped menacingly closer. Sonata was now standing behind me.

Can't stand for long! Won't close your eyes! Nothing shall escape...

By now all to the drunks were now huddled into the corner as much as they could.


I let the last high note ring in every ones ears as I ended the song... Although most of my audience had fainted in a pathetic corner. I also noted a growing puddle on the ground around them. I turned back towards Sonata, who's jaw was still touching the ground.

"What?" I asked as I didn't do anything.

"Wha... W... Wha..." she stammered. I pushed her jaw back into position.

"Try again."

"W... What'd you just do?!" she shouted with no small amount of surprise. I looked back at my scared-shitless handy work.

"Um... I just sirened?" I shrugged.

"No!" Sonata shouted. "How'd you go all scary monster thing on them?!"

"I... Sirened?" I shrugged again. I literally had no idea what she was talking about. I had just dropped down, sang, scared a bunch drunks like they were fillies, and am now talking to Ms. blue hair. Sonata looked at me like I was crazy.

"The only time my sisters and I came anywhere CLOSE to doing what you just did was a week ago when our powers were stripped..." Sonata explained. "And even then they were pale and weak!"

"... I'm confused me lost me somewhere in the translation." I answered truthfully. Sonata gave me a look of thoughtfulness and study.

"... You have no idea what you just did do you?" she asked.

"I dropped down, sang, scared a bunch of fillies, and am now talking to you!" I responded, waving my arms at Sonata. She bit her lower lip in thought.

"Say... How come you haven't fainted like those drunks?" I asked as I realized she was lucid while the others weren't so lucky.

"Hm?" she hummed, coming out of deep thought. "Oh... Siren song can't affect other sirens..." she responded offhandedly. After several solid minutes of her thinking. "You better get back to your room Circe... But I have to warn you... The next time you see probably won't be as a friend." That got me curious.

"What? What'd you mean 'not as a friend'?" I asked.

"Remember how I said the second generation of sirens stole the pendents from the originals?" she asked, giving me a pointed look.

"Yeah... Wh- oh..." I responded as her meaning caught me.

"My sisters desperately want their powers back..."

"While you 'want to enjoy hamburgers and pizza for the rest of your life'." I quoted.

"Being immortal is fun for the first century... But it goes down hill really fast after that." Sonata nodded.

"Well... This is a damper on our relationship..." I stated, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yes... Yes it is." Sonata smiled. "But please trust me when I say... I'm sorry." she added as she turned away.

"Tell your sisters that I won't go down so easy!" I exclaimed. I heard her laugh as she went out of earshot. I looked up towards the sun as she exited my sight.

"I'd better get back to Calliope..." I murmured to no one in particular.


"So Sonata? Did you enjoy your stroll?"


"Oh don't worry Sonata... We totally didn't see you talking to one our successors."

"Don't lie Aria... It really doesn't fit you... And fine... Yes, I did talk to Circe."

"Circe? Is that her name?"

"Bleh... Another stupid human name..."

"I wouldn't discount it too quickly Aria... Circe was an enchantress in the Odyssey that turned men into animals... It's not bad as human names go for a siren."

"A mortal name is still a mortal name Adagio... So what'd you do Sonata? Did you warn her about how 'My sisters are coming!', 'They have this kind of weakness!' Ha! Don't make me laugh... Even though they're sirens they won't stand a chance."

"I wouldn't bet against that Aria..."

"Yeah right... So you told them about us? How's that going to help?"

"Oh... I guess you didn't see everything then?"

"What could a hopeless human turned siren possibly do to impress me?"

"She was... IS... A far more powerful siren then the three of us put together-"


"-on Equestria."



"You're bluffing."

"She achieved her true form on seven... SEVEN drunken idiots!"

"We achieved our true form on seven Equestrians... So what?"

"We both know our forms from them were pale and weak Aria... Circe was as strong and healthy as a full grown Alicorn."

"Sonata... We all know a siren can't get that strong HERE... In this magicless hell-hole."

"Alright Adagio... Aria... Go ahead. Steal all the new sirens pendents. Gain your powers back... But expect me to tell you... 'I told you so' when all is said and done."

Author's Note:

Again, sorry about the delay, Starbound, work, yadda yadda. Sadly, the next chapter might take even longer to be released, due to my own negligence. :twilightsheepish: Sorry 'bout that...

Sooo... While watching Rainbow rocks... I noticed that Sonata didn't know what her punch tasted like... Commenting: "Is it the punch? I knew I put in too much juice!" That got me thinking... Couldn't she just taste the punch to see if it was good? Judging by the previous comment, no she can't. But what about the famous "Taco Tuesday"? Why'd she seem so excited over something she probably can't taste? My personal headcannon being that there is a certain chemical/magical mixture that makes taco seasoning able to be tasted by a siren tongue.