• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,906 Views, 50 Comments

Curse of the Siren - Nephilinae

Now that the Dazzlings powers have been striped from them... Where does the Curse of the Siren go?

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Night came and went with out event. The sun rose steadily in the east and began it's arc across the sky as I drove closer to my goal. It was only until now that I was feeling sleepy from driving all night... I knew coffee affected me more than most people... But certainly not keeping me up all night... I think my gem was messing with my body... And mind. Saying Tartarus instead of hell, Faust instead of God, referring to it as "mine", what seemed to be night vision, digestive system changes... There was a whole list to choose from, most of which I probably wasn't even aware of... I had started to change, and granted most of the changes seemed to be good... I wasn't sure if I was okay with it changing me with out my permission. For instance... I noticed that my gem mostly ate what would have been called "bad" emotions... But it didn't take them away from the person... No, I amplified the rage and greed, and ate the excess... I shook my head, I had been thinking about my situation all night in my coffee induced state... I needed a break. I pulled into another town and quickly got a morning tea... It tasted like card board still, but it did wake me up a little... But not enough to stop me from dozing off. I sluggishly locked my car doors and put the seat down, falling into a quick nap.


I woke up to someone tapping on my window.

"Huh? What?" I asked as I sat up. I looked out the window to see a police officer standing outside... Oh fuck... He made a gesture for me to roll the window down.

"Miss? May I ask what you're doing?" he asked.

Haha... Funny story...

"I'm sorry I was driving all night and I just needed to catch a quick nap is all." I said instead, still the truth but not the whole truth.

"Why didn't you get a hotel room?" He asked.

Why didn't I get a hotel room? Oh yeah, calling thingy... That, and trying to stay out of public areas so no one saw my face and reported me to the police... Whom should of posted my description online or something by now... Look how well that turned out... Ugh! Quit thinking about why not Circe! Make an excuse or something! ...Have I been silent too long? Um...

I smiled at the officer, he raised an eyebrow in return.

Uh... Fuck...

"I'm just on my way to my sister's house and it's just a few towns over. It wouldn't have been worth getting a room..." I smiled again. Where did that come from? His eyebrow went even higher... How in Tartarus did he do that? What is life?!

"Okay Miss... I'll let you off with a warning, but don't let me catch you loitering in a parking lot again..." He stated. Loitering? For how long was I out exactly? I turned the car on as the officer walked away towards his cruiser. I blinked when I saw the time. 1:36?! I slapped myself awake, buckled up again, and continued my journey.

My gem growled. No, I'm serious. It legit growled at me like a stomach... It was the weirdest thing ever. It was around three o'clock, so I decided to stop at Micky D's or something, and eat the small children's greed at wanting to stay or something. I was sipping at a card board flavored soda... I think it was Coke... Or DP... Something with a red label and caffeinated... Little children were indeed running and screaming behind the glass behind me, emitting their own little clouds of greed as they wanted to stay in the ball pit, and their parents anger as they tried to get their spawn to settle down... It was beautiful. All I had to do was sit there happily humming away, taking a few sips from the liquid cardboard occasionally... Which tasted just as weird cold as it did warm... I was feeling pretty content...

But then I noticed this blue haired girl staring at me. I didn't think I looked funny enough to be stared at... The other patrons hadn't anyway. Or the other patrons were VERY used to weird looking people... But I didn't think that was the case... No, there was something about that girl and her magenta eyes... Wait... MAGENTA EYES?! I casually looked over again, yep... Magenta... Those magenta eyes were boring into my face... There was something about the way she stared at me that just seemed off... It wasn't curiosity... It wasn't anger or malice... I... Couldn't read what emotion she emitted... Wait... THAT'S IT! She didn't have her own personal cloud of emotion that surrounded her! I would've never have guessed that she was there if I hadn't seen her staring at me... But regardless she stared on. The two girls she sat with were talking to her urgently, but she paid them no mind.

This was getting a little too weird, so I filled my soda back up... Probably mixing two different sodas... But I didn't care as I couldn't taste it anyway. I walked out as quickly as I could without drawing too much attention to myself...


"Look what you did Sonata! She's running away!"

"Didn't you see how happy she was? We shouldn't take it away from her..."

"Sonata... Do you not recall the feeling of power we got from that same activity? We can not trust some random Human with being a Siren!"

"Shut up Aria! I remember just as well as you do!"


"And... Well... Don't you think it's time we tried something new?"



"What'd I say?"

"Sonata... I know you're always the one that wants to try new things... But being MORTAL?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

"Adaigo... Think of all the new things we've been able to do since we became human! Look at your burger right now and say to me it wasn't good!"

"Dios maldiciĆ³n ello Sonata..."

"Adaigo... Please stay in this century..."

"Ugh... Fine... Yes, Sonata... The burger was interesting to say the least... But I don't want to stay mortal just for cheap fast food!"


"Look, Sonata..."


I was once again driving down the road that lead towards my goal. The encounter at Micky D's had shaken me. That girl who stared at me knew something... Something she wasn't supposed to... Did I let anything slip? No... I don't think so... Sooo... Why? Why was she staring? I shook my head. It was over and done, odds were I'd never see that blue haired girl ever again. Besides, when I had left, she was still sitting there, she couldn't have trailed me... There was no way a random girl at Micky D's could follow me... I mean, I can see miles down the road behind me! No one was on the road with me! No one's there... I can relax... I can be calm... No one's there... I took a deep breath. Okay... Everything is fine... Totally fine... Totally fine...

I continued driving for several hours... I hadn't seen another car in... Two hours? Something like that. Anyway, I had calmed myself down from the incident at Micky D's... Partially. I wasn't dwelling on it though... I was putting all my attention and energy trying to figure out what I was looking for... And getting there as fast as I could. But there wasn't much I could do there as I was essentially on a straight, flat road that happened to be heading PRECISELY in the same direction that I needed to go. I saw a hitch hiker up ahead... It wasn't the first I'd seen today... In fact on this road alone, I had seen SEVEN... Not including the one just ahead. I slowed down just enough to not be rude and went to the opposite side as... The gem suddenly told me the call was becoming BEHIND me. I slammed the breaks. Probably almost breaking them... But I didn't care. I looked in the mirror and saw the hiker staring at my car. With probably the same expression I was wearing. I got out of the car, not even bothering to turn it off. The hitch hiker, walked towards me as I got out. We soon faced each other. SHE looked as shocked as I felt. Here it was... The source of the call...


Author's Note:

I used google for the translation! Don't hurt me! :fluttercry: