• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 7,007 Views, 366 Comments

A shadow of what I once was. - FaelaArts

Twilight get's caught in a blizzard, and finds Sombra, broken and unconscious.

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The Twilight one seems easiest. I shall start with her.

“That’s called a chocolate thickshake. I thought you might like it.” Twilight pointed to the large cup as it was served to them by a pony, and dug into her burger, feeling her stomach cry out in joy. Sombra took a sip of the drink, and then immediately drained the entire cup. Growling, he held a hoof to his forehead.

“Oh, that’s called a brain freeze, it’s why you don’t drain those drinks too quickly. Sorry, I should have warned you.” Twilight chuckled lightly and scratched the back of her head, looking away. After a moment, Sombra stopped scowling, and returned to a monotone expression.

“So I was wondering, about that alchemy stuff on your desk. Do you think you’d be willing to teach me about it? It sounds so exciting, knowledge forgotten by time.” Twilight put down her burger and looked to the sky, wings flaring as he eyes sparkled with possibility.

“If you insist,” he replied, sipping his drink to see if it was empty. Putting it back down, he concluded that it was. Twilight chuckled, and called the pony over ordering a second one. Twilight handed over the bits and turned back to Sombra, tilting her head and giving him a warm smile. Sombra glanced away and growled in irritation.

“Oh! That reminds me, you mentioned Changeling in one of those papers.” Twilight paused and levitated the new drink over to Sombra, thanking the pony as she left. After a while of Sombra slowly sipping his drink, Twilight realised she would have to actually ask a question. Her eyes narrowed, and she breathed out.

“The Changelings are gone, we kicked them out of Equestria similar to the way you were kicked out of the Crystal Empire. What, are you saying they’re infiltrating Ponyville or something.” Twilight chuckled and shook her head, impossible. Sombra sighed and turned, motioning to the pony who had been serving them. Slowly, the pony approached, wondering if they wanted something else.

“I assume then you have some sort of spell to reveal a Changeling’s real identity. Go on, you know what to do.” Sombra turned to Twilight, and motioned with a hoof. The pony in question looked between them, and put on a nervous smile. Twilight growled, and opened her mouth to object, and closed it. The spell didn’t hurt ponies, and it only removed their disguise.

“Fine, but you owe me five of those ancient bits if you’re wrong.” Twilight stood up, leaning her hooves on the table as her horn glowed green and she fired a bolt of energy at the pony. After a moment, she snorted and turned back to Sombra, pointing a hoof at the Changeling.

“See, just a regular-” Wait a minute. Twilight turned and widened her eyes as the Changeling looked to her sheepishly, and then vanished in a poof of green smoke. Twilight blinked, and turned her eyes on Sombra.

“But, how did you-” Once more, Twilight was cut off, this time by Sombra instead of herself.

“I think the real question here, is how long you have until they attack now you know they are here.” Sombra sipped his drink thoughtfully as Twilight widened her eyes, and glanced toward the Everfree. You could hide an army in there.

“Twilight! Changelings are advancing from the Everfree!” Rainbow Dash skidded into a landing, a group of Pegasi behind her, all looking worried. Twilight’s wings flared, and she glanced to Sombra, before realising they were looking to her for direction. Before she could think more on it however, a small group of ponies landed in the clearing, folding their bat-like wings.

“My Princess, Princess Luna ordered us here to assist you once she heard King Sombra was in Ponyville. We are sorry for the delay, but she relayed that two full squadrons would be required, and we took some time to mobilise. They are currently hovering in the air above us, waiting for your commands.” The batpony bowed, and silence abounded in the clearing.

Twilight was frozen, half rearing back, wings flared, as she tried to comprehend the situation. Two full squadrons? That was 48 ponies! How did she handle this newfound responsibility? Not only did she now have an entire town thrust on her small shoulders, but a small army. Giving a squeak, her mind collapsed in on itself, and her brain drew a blank.

“Oh for crystals sake, do you have no idea how to lead an army? Who has been training you to be a leader?” Sombra put down his drink and stood up, glaring toward Canterlot. The moon had sent forces to Ponyville upon hearing he was there, how curious. Twilight blinked, and her head slowly turned.

“I’ve led ponies before but never to a battle! I have no idea how to handle this!” Winter wrap up? Twilight could organise that. Tell guards to continue a search for missing Princesses? Twilight could do that. But lead an army into battle, in which some might get seriously injured, or worse? Twilight gulped.

“Get a squadron to form a front line just outside Ponyville. Get those Pegasi to help lead the civilians out of the area, and check for Changelings, and find every able bodied pony to join the front line.” Sombra growled as if she was being stupid, and Twilight realised she was in a way. Nodding, she frowned as she shook her head, trying to get her priorities straight.

“Do as Sombra suggested Dash and uh…” Twilight paused and turned toward the batpony, who bowed. Dash saluted, and flew off.

“Glimmerwing your highness, and what of the second squadron?” Glimmerwing, Twilight realised, was actually a female with a low voice. Feeling embarrassed, she glanced to Sombra as he levitated his drink over and took a long sip, wincing and putting a hoof to his forehead.

“Nngh, flanking maneuver! I don’t care!” Sombra swiped at Twilight, who stepped out of the way of the hoof and nodded once. Flank the Changelings and fight from both sides? That sounded like a good tactic. Turning, she smiled at Glimmerwing.

“The second squadron is to wait high in the air for my signal, which will be fireworks. Don’t mistake them for magic blasts, it looks a lot different. When that signal is cast, flank the Changelings and we can catch them from behind.” Twilight smiled, watching Glimmering salute and take to the sky like a rocket, approaching black specks in the sky. If she hadn’t been looking, she wouldn’t have noticed them.

“I’ll need you to be in fighting condition too, so we’ll make a quick stop to Rarity’s once you’re done nursing your brainfreeze.” Twilight turned and waited as Sombra glared at her, eyes flashing green for a moment, before he breathed out in defeat. Twilight turned, and they quickly galloped to Rarity’s. There wasn’t much time before the fight would begin.

“Rarity I need those crystals for Sombra, Changelings are attacking.” Twilight saw Rarity widen her eyes, and quickly levitate over a smaller chest and hold it out, flipping the lid. Sombra snatched it with his magic forcefully, and levitated the few crystals out, looking them over.

“Not bad,” he commented, and began inserting them into his mouth and biting down, swallowing each one without draining the magic first. Sombra disliked the feeling of the magic draining as it traveled down his neck, but he was not a fool, they were out of time. Soon enough, the chest was empty, and he closed his eyes, magic enveloping his horn. Smiling, he opened his eyes, which were now bright green and leaking purple mist. Twilight felt a shiver pass through her spine.

“Did you just almost give me a compliment,” stuttered Rarity as Sombra left the shop, eyes wide. Twilight glanced back and opened her mouth.

“Help Dash get everyone to the other side of the city. Check for Changelings, you know the spell right?” Twilight waited as Rarity confirmed with a nod, before running after Sombra, who hadn’t stopped his brisk walk. Surprisingly, Twilight heard him muttering under his breath.

Come little Changelings, I’ll take thee away. Into a land of resentment. Come little Changelings, the time’s come to play. Here in my garden of shadows” As Sombra sung Twilight felt her spine crawl, and shuddered, slowing down to drop out of earshot. Each word made her want to run away from Sombra, despite the fact she knew she had nothing to fear.

Well, except fear itself.

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