• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 7,019 Views, 366 Comments

A shadow of what I once was. - FaelaArts

Twilight get's caught in a blizzard, and finds Sombra, broken and unconscious.

  • ...

Sombra's Memories: Adulthood

Author's Note:

In case anyone wants a chrono order.

“Come on slowpony, thou run as fast as crystal grows!” Luna laughed as Sombra growled, and his horn lit up, and crystal began to grow under him, forming a slide that shattered behind him. Luna took to the air as they raced across the grassland, heading toward the empire.

“It was never in doubt I would win,” he spoke, standing with his chest out as Luna gasped on the ground. Glaring at him, she tripped him with her magic, watching as his eyes widened and his cape tangled around him. Both began to laugh openly. and stand back up. Turning, they headed into the city.

“I wish my sister had more time to come here, I miss hanging out with you.” Luna smiled at the civilians as they passed. Sombra chuckled, and leaned into Luna both enjoying the company.

“Soon I too will be tied up in the tape of a leader, but I will try my hardest to make time for you. My Moon. Sombra paused, entering side street. Luna tilted her head, but smiled as Sombra rolled his eyes, and gestured for her to follow.

“Where are we going?” Luna watched as Sombra held a hoof over his mouth and shushed her, coming toward a local park. As they emerged, a large group of children could be seen playing. However, she was quick to notice the one pony who was larger, laughing merrily as she played with the children.

“Crystal,” he shouted over the clearing, and the pony raised her head. Smiling, he felt his heart melt, and she strolled over, a sassy swing to her step as she raise an eyebrow.

“Well well my Prince, bring your marefriend along?” Crystal winked, and Luna quickly opened her mouth to disperse such rumors. However she was cut off as Sombra chuckled, and stepped to Crystal's side, their tails curling together.

“My dear, are you jealous I find more mares than you do colts?” Sombra smirked and they both nuzzled for a moment, chuckling good naturedly. Turning to Luna, Sombra smiled, a smile so warm and welcoming Luna felt a slight pang of jealousy, knowing she would never be the cause of such a smile. Luna discarded it quickly though, she had no romantic interest in Sombra.

“This is Crystal Heart, we are to be wed within the year. She cares for the local orphans, and I give her my allowance to help feed them.” Sombra smiled warmly at Crystal, and both leaned toward the other.

“Brother, Father there is a matter I must discuss, now that my studies have completed and I am free.” Sombra stood before the throne, his brother standing to the side of his father. The king was now older, showing his age despite the steel in his eyes. The prince stood beside the father, tall and proud. Unlike the father, there was a coldness to the eyes, as if he was looking down upon you.

“You may speak son.” The King motioned with a hoof, noticing the way his second born carried himself. There was strength, dignity, but also something else. A softness, despite the hardships witnessed. If not for the difference in color, it was almost like seeing his wife reborn. The Prince narrowed his eyes as Sombra bowed low, and straightened up.

“I have thought long and hard on this, determining the best method to dealing with this issue do to the complicated nature of the subject. As such, I eventually concluded that the only way to get this out in the open, while also seeing justice done, is to speak the issue to you, Father. The issue is thus: my brother, the current Prince, killed my Mother.” Sombra paused, and waited. The King made no outward reaction, and the Prince was also skilled at the mask. Sombra did not need to read them however, he knew their thoughts from years of being around them.

The King leaned forward, “Prove it.” Sombra nodded slowly, and closed his eyes for a moment, opening them as he began.

“On the day you broke the news to me about her demise, I snuck in to see the body. Upon her body is a scarf, which covered up a wound made by two fangs puncturing the body. As you well know, Changelings only drain nutrients via the horn, their fangs are not designed to drain the essence from a pony.” Sombra paused once more, and continued.

“Crystal Ponies are designed to drain nutrients from crystals in cases of emergency, and we naturally absorb some of the energy if we are surrounded by crystal. I believe the conclusion is obvious.” Sombra bowed his head as he finished, raising it and looking directly at his father. The King paused, putting a hoof to his chin, calculating.

“There are other ponies it could be, for example you.” Speaking up, the Prince suggested helpfully to the King, who nodded once, and raised his gaze to Sombra. Sombra bowed once more.

“That would normally be the case, however you kept a diary. While you don’t so much as come out and admit it, I do believe this counts as enough evidence to debunk that theory.” Sombra held up a green book, and the Prince growled, before once more returning to his poker face. The King took the book as it was levitated over to him, and flicked through the pages. After a moment, he raised his head, and looked to the Prince.

“It is a forgery father, to cover his lies and deceit.” The Prince made no move as the King narrowed his eyes, and then turned toward Sombra once more.

“Do you desire the throne? Is that the reason you bring this to my attention?” The King waited as Sombra blinked, and then shook his head.

“No father, my aim is sorely to see justice done. I have been trained to advise the king, not be it.” Sombra saluted once, and once more stood at attention. The King glanced to the Prince, and then back to Sombra.

“Very well my son, however there is a problem you must face. As you are challenging the word of a Prince, who outranks you, you will be required to face your brother in a duel. The better fighter decides the fight, the truth, and who will be the heir to my throne.” The Kind watched as Sombra paused, looking away as he considered the new information. The Prince stepped forward, reading his sword.

“I will defend my honor as rightful heir to my final breath!” The Prince began to buckle up the loosely worn armor, putting the sword in his teeth, placing a second one in his tail, gripped by earth pony magic. On his four feet were special runes carved into his hooves. Finished, he stood proud, and waited.

“I’m afraid my father, I must decline the offer.” Sombra bowed his head, and the King raised an eyebrow.

“What is your reasoning, my son?” The King waited as Sombra pointed to the prince, and spoke honestly.

“The Prince has been trained to lead far better than I could ever achieve, and I would not be able to dedicate myself to the arcane arts as I so dearly wish. His dethronement might spell disaster for the Crystal Empire, as he is a strong leader, if one who wishes to destroy whom he does not like. My mother is dead, but the Empire is still here, and must be protected, even if it means her death will never see justice..” Sombra bowed once more, and turned to leave.

“As noble as that is my son, you do not have a choice. By bringing this issue to my attention, you must now fight your brother so he can regain his honor and pride that you tried to take away.” The King watched Sombra pause, and the Prince smirk. Traditions had to be honored, and Sombra had to be tested.

“I do not want to fight,” he spoke, turning to look at the two. The Prince smirked, and dived forward, lowering his blade to swipe at Sombra. Sombra backflipped out of the way, looking down as the Prince leapt for him. Sword met magic and Sombra sailed across the room, standing on the wall.

“Brother, please.” Sombra blocked another blow with his magic as the Prince swung a hoof, impacting it against the shield. The shield shattered, and the Prince twisted as he fell, swiping with his tail. Sombra’s magic glowed and a scythe materialised, blocking the attack. Still standing on the wall, Sombra looked down at the Prince, who growled.

“There’s no alternative,” sighed Sombra, and he closed his eyes as they began to leak purple mist. After a moment, he opened them revealing his green eyes. Sombra raised his front feet, and ended the spell, sending him landing on the floor. Sombra raised his scythe, and looked to his brother, who was grinning, picturing how this was going to end.

It was over in a moment. The Prince dived for Sombra, who side stepped and used magic to throw the Prince off balance. Rolling back to his feet, the Prince apprached more slowly, and blinked as he was suddenly flung into the air by the flat side of Sombra’s scythe. Sombra leapt up and once more hit him with the flat side, sending the Prince to the ground. Before he could get up, Sombra was once more over him, scythe pressed into the Prince’s neck. The Prince tried to swipe at Sombra with his tail, but found his second blade tossed away with magic.

“No! You can’t! How?” The Prince struggled vainly as Sombra stood over him, vacant of any expression.

“I am to be your wizard, that is what I was trained for. My job is to protect you, and I cannot do that unless my level of expertise is above that of any other pony.” Sombra looked to the King as he clapped his hooves together slowly.

“Well spoken my son, you have proven yourself, and are now the successor to my throne. I will see that justice is done to your brother.” The King motioned with a hoof, and Sombra stepped away from the old Prince, his blade vanishing like shadow. Two guards walked over and lowered their sword to the old Prince’s neck, who glowered but remained still. Walking toward the edge of the throne room, he looked down over the city, not concerned with the lack of guardrails.

“But father, I have not been trained to be a successor.” Sombra looked toward a section of the town that was slowly rising out of poverty, and saw the dancing form barely visible from this height.

“Don’t worry my son, we still have plenty of time to teach you the ways of the Kin-Graaaalk” The King’s noise at the end drew Sombra’s attention, and he turned, widening his eyes as he saw his father being held by his brother, mouth closed over the neck as he drained the life out of him. The guards were unconscious on the floor, and Sombra began to cast a spell to release his father, but knew it was already too late.

“Father!” Sombra saw the body be dropped, and his brother slowly make his way toward him, bloodlust in his eyes.

“Sombra, as rightful heir, I order you to obey me.” The Prince, while technically no longer the Prince, had yet to be officially removed from his position. Sombra watched as the Prince walked toward him, and shook his head.

“I cannot brother,” he replied, and the Prince smiled in response, standing very close to his brother.

“Then die,” he spoke, and dived forward, biting down on Sombra’s neck. Sombra twisted backwards, avoiding the bite but causing him to land on his back. The Prince began to slip forward, having misjudged the closeness of the edge. Sombra rolled out of the way, and called upon his magic, trying to grab his brother before he fell. However, he grabbed him just as he was about to vanish over the edge, and now there was nothing but his magic holding the brother there.

Sombra stood up, and concentrated, slowly lifting his brother back into the platform, but still holding in the magic. Sombra breathed in, and then back out, and looked coldly at his brother. The brother raised his hoof and shattered the magic, diving forward and biting down on Sombra’s neck.

Sombra cried out in pain, that quickly grew silent, and closed his eyes as he slumped. It was not well known, but draining from the neck also injected a spell into the victim, rendering them unable to retaliate. Sombra’s eyes sparked, and the purple glow faded as he tried to fight it, and failed. Horn barely glowing, he reached out instinctively for a spell he hadn’t realised he knew, and his horn trailed a beam of green energy toward his brother’s flat head.

The beam thickened, and revered, and Sombra felt his mind clear, but was still unable to move. Both brother’s met each other’s eyes, and the Prince growled. Changelings absorbed magic from the horn due to the fact it was much more efficient, if dangerous. It did not stop the subject from struggling, making subterfuge much more important. However, as the Prince was an Earth Pony, and not a Unicorn, so he was forced to resort to inefficient tactics.

“Curse, you,” the Prince spoke as he released Sombra, unable to bite down any longer due to drained energy. The Prince collapsed to the right, and found nothing but air. Sombra was slow to react, as the poison was still wearing off, and he tried to once more grab his brother. However, he was not fast enough, and the body fell out of his range, sailing down the large drop of the castle, and landed with a thud.

In the end, my brother still got off easy. Justice was not done today.’ Sombra looked down sadly, before turning and making his way past the recovering guards to the body of his father, and closed the open eyes. Lifting up the body, he descended the stairs to a proper balcony, and raised his voice.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire! I bring you terrible news! Below me, you will find the body of my brother, and in my magic, is my father.” Sombra did not hide his tears, lest they think he planned this. All bowed their heads, and the empire dimmed slightly in brilliance. Sombra lowered his father’s body, and closed his eyes for a moment.

“We will hold a funeral to bury both tomorrow. As with all days of mourning, we wll cease all work to honor our fallen King, and Prince, before moving on for the sake of what we stand for.” Sombra opened his eyes, and looked down at all the people, and saw some nod.

“Any and all discussions about succession can wait until after. That is all.” Sombra bowed his head, and once more took his father’s body inside, laying it down in a sleeping position. After a moment, guards brought up the body of the Prince, badly broken and dead.

“Please leave me,” he spoke bowing his head as he let himself cry over his family. The guards stood over him.

“I’m sorry my Prince, but we need you to take over the King’s duties. They cannot wait for you to mourn.” The crushing sadness in the guard’s voice spoke volumes over how this death was affecting all, and Sombra stood, breathing in and out as he cast a spell. Turning, his face was devoid of emotion, and he stood tall and proud as he gave a nod.

“Very well, let us go.”

“Oh my. Luna, look.” Celestia hovered in place as Luna came to a stop beside her. Both had flowing manes, a side effect of using the Elements of Harmony. Looking down, Luna breathed in sharply. Below them was a chain of ponies marching along single file, collars over their necks. Each one was nearly gray in color, and the crystals all seemed to reflect that color tenfold. The same color as Sombra.

“Let’s find Sombra, something must be wrong,” she replied, taking the lead as Celestia followed closely behind. Luna landed in front of the crystal palace, and entered, quickly informing the dejected guards she was looking for Sombra.

“Final floor, be quicker to fly I suppose.” The guard sighed, and stopped blocking their path. Sharing another glance, the two sisters took to the air, landing on the very top floor. They quickly found Sombra, who was currently sitting at a desk, turning to glare at a large group of unicorns who were looking at a chalkboard, covered in complicated magical formula.

“Work faster or so help me I’ll fire you and bring in some Earth Ponies. Frankly they could do twice the work you are doing, even without magic!” Sombra hissed at the unicorns, all wearing collars, and they flinched and turned back to the chalkboard, resuming work at a faster place. Sombra growled, but once more turned to his desk, scribbling like a pony possessed.

“Sombra.” Luna spoke quietly, watching Sombra jump. Any louder and she would have been vaporised on the spot. Turning, Sombra raised an eyebrow, and stood up, approaching them.

“Sombra, what’s wrong with everypony here?” Luna took a step forward, glancing to the unicorns who glanced to them with the barest hint of curiosity. Sombra paused for a moment, before narrowing his eyes.

“Nothing is wrong here, my servants are just trying to solve simple magical formula.” Sombra narrowed his eyes at the unicorns, and they quickly returned to work. Celestia narrowed her eyes, but quickly slid on a poker face. While unrefined, she still had a very good one.

“What are the civilians doing down there, and what do the collars do?” Celetia approached the window and pointed, pretending to have some vague interest. If Sombra saw through her guise, he said nothing. Sombra glanced out the window quickly, levitating over a spare collar as he narrowed his eyes at the view.

“Those ponies are...I believe they are transporting crystal from the caves below to finish the completion of the wall around or city. As for the collar, it is something I created with my fear magic.” Sombra pointed to the unicorns, and for a moment a small smile, and a sparkle in his eyes as they dimmed slightly, but still glowing green, emerged on his face.

“The collar’s basically convert emotion into magic. I...misplaced the key to remove them, and they have magical protection so they can’t be taken off.” Sombra glanced to the unicorns and they jumped once more, speeding up in their work on the board. Luna shared a glanced with Celestia, and both sighed.

“Sombra, please remove the collars, and why are your eyes green and leaking a purple mist?” Luna took a step toward Sombra, who turned and headed back toward his desk, sitting down and starting his fast paced scribbling once more.

“I will once I find the key. That is a side affect of me using fear magic. I locked it so whenever I feel extreme emotion it's automatically converted into magic, but not all of it. It helps me keep an even edge, and I can live with the side effect. It was nice seeing you two, but I’m very busy, you know where the exit is.” Sombra didn’t glance up as the two sisters bowed, and slowly exited the room.

“I SAID WORK HARDER YOU LAYABOUTS, WE’RE ON A COUNTDOWN HERE!” Sombra’s final yell could be heard even from the outskirts of the city.

“Sister, what do we do? Sombra is…” Luna paused, biting her lip, just what was Sombra. He seemed like his normal self, and yet had no regard for his subjects. That was breaking a silent law that shouldn’t be broken. Celestia slowed to a glide, and breathed out, looking to her sister.

“Corrupted, he’s corrupted my sister. And as peacekeepers, raiser of the sun and moon, we must use the Elements of Harmony on him. I would prefer to have a small army to occupy the Crystal Empire once we reclaim it, so let us teleport back .” Celestia paused, hovering as she charged up the spell and lowered her horn. Luna bit her lip, but did the same, and with a small poof, both traveled the vast distance in a matter of moments.

Ignoring the snowstorm swirling around him, Sombra trudged through the snow. Behind him, a trail of gray crystals grew in his wake. After reaching a large hill, Sombra climbed to the top, and waited. Soon enough, she arrived.

“This better be important, I can’t leave my kingdom alone for long, what with forces approaching from three sides.” Sombra narrowed his eyes as the dark blue pony approached, hair billowing in an ethereal breeze. Luna smiled warmly, and bowed her head in greeting.

“I’m afraid it is Sombra. And I’m also afraid I have to do this.” Luna lowered her horn, and suddenly thick magic chains surrounded his body, a large circular device emerging from her pocket and landing on his horn. Sombra cried out in anger, and he glared openly at her.

“Betrayer! Traitor!” Sombra screamed loudly as he fought against the ties now holding him in place. Luna walked up and leaned down, meeting his glare with concerned eyes.

“Sombra, you’ve been corrupted by the force you designed to protect your empire. Please, I beg of you, surrender to my sister willingly before it is too late! We can still save you.” Luna saw the anger as his pupils constricted to pinpricks, and he dived forward, trying to bite her. Luna leapt back, and bit her lip, looking to a bright light slowly approaching from the direction she had come.

“I should have known your sister would turn against me, and thus turn YOU against me. You Alicorns are vile fickle gods who play with your subjects lives! I will not give in until every single pony under your command is feasting on your body! I will starve them! I will show you just how ugly and disgusting your subjects are! TRAITOR!” Sombra’s eyes began to flash green, and his horn began to lightly flicker.

“Please Sombra! My sister did nothing! She was the one that told me not to come here tonight! Sombra you treat your subjects as slaves! When was the last time you called them your subjects? You’re losing yourself Sombra, please come back to us! Come back to me! Trust me, we’re friends aren’t we?” Luna was pleading now glancing between the growing orb of light and the red glow coming from Sombra’s horn as his eyes flickered, before finally turning bright green and glaring at her.

WE. ARE. NOT. FRIENDS. TRAITOR!” An explosion of magic rippled out of Sombra, and the chains and limiter broke as a crystal exploded outward around him. Leaping out of the crystal Sombra changed a spell and fired, ensnaring Luna as he loomed over her, laughing mockingly. He raised his eyes and narrowed them, seeing the orb nearly upon them. Leaning down, he whispered gently into her ear.

“Soon you too will know what betrayal feels like, and I only hope I am around to see it.” Sombra vanished into the large crystal, traveling almost instantaneously along the trail he had left behind him on his way. As he passed through each one, they exploded, shattering into a million pieces and leaving no trace.

“You found it?” Sombra turned on the unicorn, who was holding up a shaky, but correct, spell formula. Sombra took it as he nodded, it was correct. Smiling, he turned and walked to the center of the room, and concentrated. After a moment, he cast the spell, sending a pulse of magic around the kingdom. The unicorns in the room glanced down as the collars fell off with a dull slapping sound.

‘Did I do it soon enough?’ Sombra walked over to the edge and looked down, and breathed out in relief. All who had been affected by the collars was now smiling again and dancing for joy. Sombra turned toward the unicorns, and they bowed.

“You have done well,” he spoke, bowing his head in return and motioning for them to leave. The wall around the city had been finished, and the effects of the collars was gone. Sombra turned and made his way down, quickly finding a Pegasus near the bottom wearing golden armor.

“Commander, who is the status of our enemies?” Sombra flicked his tail, and the Commander fell into line beside Sombra. Both walked to the west side of the city, and sailed some stairs to reach the battlements on top of the wall.

“My King, the Gryphons will be here at daybreak from the west, with the army from the east close behind. We have yet to confirm if they are Changelings, but it is highly likely. The northern snow clouds are still far off, and will arrive last. Finally, as you requested we kept an eye on the south, and can confirm a small army is approaching, and they are going to arrive shortly before the threat from the north.” The Commander followed Sombra, before saluting once they came to the group of Earth Ponies manning the battlements.

“We cannot risk being flanked, make sure a quarter of our forces are stationed east at all times. Ensure a Pegasi can contact reinforcements if they attack before we finish with the Gryphons. We will use standard iron defence tactics for the first push.” Sombra sent out his orders, and the Commander continued to salute.

“Are we taking survivors sir?” The Commander was not the youngest of the force, having seen many years of war under the old King before Sombra had gained the throne. It had been his negligence that had costed the King his life, and he sought to redeem himself at every possible chance. Sombra respected him, and used his tactical guidance on numerous occasions.

“Let them flee if they can, however take the wounded into custody, take some healers over with an armed guard. They’ll insist the guard isn’t necessary, don’t listen. Once they are healed we will see if any are worth a trade, and then send them back with a message.” Sombra looked as the Commander nodded, still saluting. Sombra tilted his head, and then bowed once.

“That is all, dismissed.” Sombra watched the Commander fly away to give out orders, and turned his attention to the west. With Equestria now their enemy, it would mean a tough challenge against the northern threat. However, as long as they had Crystal Heart, they would be able to repel them for at least 24 hours, giving them enough time to maybe sign a truce with Celestia.

I don’t understand, don’t they trust me? We were friends, why did Luna think the only solution was to trap me?’ Sombra bit his lip and sighed, frowning. Was this a landgrab by Celestia? It was the only possible reason. The last time they had come to the Empire, they had left on friendly terms, right?

It ceases to matter, what is done can be solved once the Gryphons and Changelings are dealt with. There is still a chance they will listen to me, for old times sake.’ Sombra felt the sun slowly rise behind him as the Commander landed, a Unicorn in his hooves. As the darkness slowly lifted, the Unicorn cast the spells on Sombra, and held a constant one on her horn.

“I am connected to the Generals sire,” she spoke, bowing once. Sombra nodded as he watched the army slowly march over the hill, and make a beeline for the Empire. Slowly, forces rose out of the small openings along the wall, closing up behind them. Taking lines, the Crystal Ponies saluted the General as he barked orders at them, and then turned to the advancing army.

The fight begun, and Sombra watched it unflinchingly. In the center of his formation, a single Unicorn was powering shields designed to protect the group with crystals, trained beside Sombra since birth for that role. The Gryphons hit, and their waves faltered as the Crystal Ponies stood before them without breaking lines. They had tactical victory, it would be a simple fight.

“Sir, a Unicorn reports three Changelings have been detected in the Empire,” the Unicorn spoke, saluting the King. Sombra frowned and turned toward her, opening his mouth to give orders as another pony approached them, an Earth Pony.

“Sire! I was going to serve Crystal Heart when I realised all her guards had vanished! She’s undefended!” As the pony gasped for breath, Sombra stiffened. Gone? But those were personal guards Luna had gifted him for-

“Commander, take control of the fight here,” he spoke, turning and concentrating. Teleporting off the wall, he began to use his crystal magic to slide along the path at top speed. No, surely Luna wouldn’t call her guards off when she knew he was in the middle of a war. Had Celestia put her up to it? Possible, but it was unimportant. Crystal Heart was unguarded, that was all that mattered.

”Listen Crystal Heart, your death is inevitable, however I am not cruel. I will give you one chance to send a message to your husband, and if such a chance arises we will deliver it.” Queen Pupa stood calmly over the crying form in front of her, desperately trying to keep her wound from bleeding out. Looking down, she clenched her teeth, and then smiled, looking up and letting the warmest smile created flow from her face.

“Sombra, if you are hearing this, I did not survive the attack. I’m sorry, I failed the kingdom, but I know you would not want me to worry about that. As this might be the last time we have to talk, that is, if you ever manage to hear this message, I want you to know that our first meeting was one of the best memories of my life. And not because I managed to get a loogie on your face.” The mare chuckled, before wincing, now gasping for breath.

“I know it hurts...And I know you will likely be unable to forgive yourself for this. I know what you’re like. But I...You need to remember...the good times...don’t let sadness cloud you...be strong for the Empire...Protect our subjects...And know this...even though...being yours has cost me my life...I would never...trade it...for...another. I love you.” The mare collapsed to the ground, tears falling down her face, and she was gone.

Sombra slid into the room and his eyes widened as he saw the sight in front of him. Two changelings and one Queen, standing over his Wife’s body, holding the crystal in her magic. They turned, and Sombra felt himself fill with an emotion he didn’t recognize at first.

Unquenchable rage.

Sombra fired off two bolts of magic, slicing the two Changelings to ribbons instantly. As their bodies slumped, Sombra called upon shadow, and pulled out his scythe. The Queen narrowed her eyes, and picked up a weapon laying nearby, some sort of pike, and dived forward. Sombra slammed into her with a spell of pure force cast on his scythe, sending her into the wall, leaving a large Changeling sized indent in it, nearly as thick as she was. The Queen coughed, and collapsed to the floor, and began to laugh as Sombra slowly approached her.

“Are you going to kill me? Go on! Do it! I got my revenge on you for killing my sister, and a new Queen is already born. The Changeling army was a farce to distract you, and now your precious one is dead, as mine is.” The Changelings spat at Sombra, who levitated it away and raised his scythe, looming over the Changeling.

“I did not kill my mother, my older brother did.” Sombra briefly connected to the hive, sending his proof in the form of a few images of finding his mother, and the fight, before slamming the link closed. The Queen paused, and slowly her eyes widened in silent horror as she looked to his Wife. After a moment, she lowered her head.

“Go on, kill me. After what I just did I deserve justice. I was not aware the younger brother was ruling.” Queen Pupa looked down, feeling the guilt slicing through her as she realised what she had done. It had not been revenge, justice toward the one who had killed her sister, but a murder of someone’s Wife. After a moment, she raised her head, realising the killing stroke was not coming.

“There is no justice in this world,” he spoke, turning toward the guards running toward the door to assist him. It was likely the Commander’s orders. Sombra let his scythe fade once more into shadow, and walked over to Crystal Heart, and sat down in front of her.

“Escort Queen Pupa to the wall and throw her out. If she resists kill her.” Sombra heard all leave, and lowered his head, and sobbed quietly into her coat. He would never see her smile. He would never hear her insults. He would never see an heir. He would never see her. Slowly, a wing was draped over him as a pony sat beside him.

“I wish you had time to mourn. I wish all those you loved had been given proper time to mourn. Alas, the kingdom needs you now more than ever. I’m afraid you must put aside your mourning for us. I know it is selfish of us, but we need you.” The Commander bowed his head and waited. After a few moments, Sombra stood and breathed in and out a few times. Turning, he was once more serious.

“Report,” he spoke, and the Commander saluted.

“The Gryphons have been taken care of, and the Equestrians are to arrive within the hour. What are your commands?” The Commander brought over a blanket, and slowly covered Her body. Looking down, he saw the Crystal Heart cutie mark, the one that marked her the first true Queen of the Empire to be born in three lifetimes.

“I need some time to commune with the Heart. Please escort all civilians to the caverns under the palace, and order all guards to join them.” Sombra saw the confusion on the Commander’s face, but he saluted and followed orders as he was trained to. Sombra smiled sadly as the Commander left, and walked over to the discarded Heart. Levitating it up, he touched his horn gently to it.

“Our Heart, the Empire is facing tragedy. I will soon fall to an old friend, and even if I do not fall we cannot hope to stop the force coming from the north. Without my Crystal Heart, we cannot hope to send enough magic your way to keep them off for even 24 hours.” Sombra paused, and he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

“I am without any options to save my kingdom, and I must instead trust their lives to the Equestrians in the silent hope their weapon is enough to protect them. Their memories must be altered so they think they have been forced into my control, otherwise Celestia might punish them too.” Sombra lowered his head slightly, keeping his horn touching.

“I failed you, and I dare not ask for a miracle. But please, keep my subjects safe, for I can no longer protect them.” Sombra opened his eyes, and placed the Heart in the center of the room, watching as it slowly levitated up and two crystals sprung out to meet it. Sombra turned, and walked down the stairs to where his subjects were being escorted into the caverns below. The Commander saluted once every Crystal Pony was inside.

“Goodbye, my subjects.” Sombra closed his eyes, and sent a pulse of magic over the compacted group, causing all to gain green eyes and purple mist for a brief moment before a dazed look covered their face. As they all turned to look at him, they began to back further into the cave with a fearful look on their face. Sombra waited until the Commander was inside, and covered the entrance with a layer of gray crystal. It would shatter upon his demise.

Turning, Sombra breathed in, and turned into shadow, slithering up to the room his love was laying in, and carried her body slowly to just outside the wall. Solidifying, he levitated out a small box of dirt, and levitated her inside, removing the blanket. Staring at her for a moment, he forced himself to look away as he released the magic, letting the dirt cover her.

Sombra turned to his city, and slowly began decorating it in his colors. Talking to his old friends was no longer an option. The time it would take to convince them would leave not enough time to realise there was a threat coming from the north. If he wanted them to have the best chance of defeating the old enemy, he had to let his defeat be quick. And convincing somepony as stubborn as Celestia would not be quick.

Finally, Sombra slithered up to the throne room, and took a seat, and rubbed his forehead. Even now, he could feel the despair and fear from the ponies he had trapped, which would soon turn to joy upon his demise. Sombra hated how he was manipulating them, but it was his Empire’s only chance. Sombra closed his eyes, and waited as the seconds ticked by.

They wanted a corrupt villain? So be it.

Sombra opened his eyes as they crashed through the window of the throne room, and smiled. Standing up, he called upon his shadow magic to bring up his scythe as they blasted him with a concentrated burst of magic. Sombra dived into the shadow, and emerged unharmed after it had faded.

Crystal sprung out underneath him and he slammed into Celestia with it, glancing at Luna from the corner of his eyes and letting a sly smile fall on his face. Turning, he blocked her attack, and sent her sprawling in the next moment. Concentrating, crystal sprang up around her, knocking her out for a moment.

Leaping back as Celestia shattered the crystal, he dodged an attack aimed at his side, earning a slice that caused him minor discomfort. Concentrating, it was healed in mere moments. Sombra leaned back and grew a crystal in front of him as Celestia charged, her blade sinking deep into it before it shattered and impaled Sombra. Sombra melted into shadow, and rose up behind Celestia, swinging his blade.

Leaping into the air, Celestia dodged the blade and slammed into the ground as dust sprung up around her. Looking around, she deflected a blow from behind and pushed into Sombra, pinning him against the wall for a moment. Luna shook her head, concentrating as she shattered the crystal. Sombra kicked Celestia away and covered himself in a thick shield of Crystal as both once more fired.

All three landed, and sized each other up. Sombra lowered his head, and laughed.

“So much hatred.” Sombra smiled, and melted into shadow. Celestia and Luna began to look around rapidly, trying to pick where the next attack would come from.

“Show yourself coward!” Celestia flared her wings and lit up the room, eliminating any shadows. Still unable to find him, she frowned.

“You speak of cowardice, have you forgotten whose domain you are in?” Sombra spoke from underneath Celestia, his scythe rocketing out of the shadow. Flaring her wings, Celestia managed to avoid it at the cost of it slicing through her leg. Wincing, she stood with it one leg off the ground, and glared at Sombra.

“I care not what dark pacts you made! You will fall! Celestia fired an arc of light at Sombra, who deflected it with his scythe. Luna charged forward, managing to score a slice though his cheek. Twirling, she kicked Sombra, sending him to the other corner of the room. Sombra turned his eyes to Celestia, and a wicked smile crossed his face.

“It seems even the gods lack purity in their hearts, I can taste your wrath.” Sombra licked his lips, and his eyes glowed even brighter as he smiled at them. Bowing his head, his smile only grew.

“And it is delicious.” Sombra acted quickly, knocking Celestia back with crystal and diving into her as Luna attempted to defend. Charging her, Celestia dodged, hovered his attack was not what she had been expecting. Sombra turned his head, and lightly tapped Celestia with his horn, spell already on it. Flipping backward, he dodged an attack from luna, and thrust crystal out of the ground with his head as he slid into land. Luna growled, and tried to escape.

Sombra turned to Celestia, who was now looking at something only she could see. Sombra closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them and turning toward Luna, eyes narrowing as he smiled. Giving a shrug, he added another layer of crystal, pinning her down as he stepped onto it and peered into her eyes.

“Why such lengths to protect her petty imperialistic interests?” Sombra narrowed his eyes further, and Luna spat at him, horn glowing as she tried to break free.

“You’re a fool if you think that’s what I’m trying to protect.” Luna cried out in pain as the crystal tightened around her, and Sombra growled, raising his head to look down at her.

“Failing to protect more like. How do you expect to defeat the tougher enemies that will arise in the future, if you can’t defeat a simple Unicorn?” Sombra shrugged closing his eyes as he made a noncommittal gesture. Opening his eyes, he blinked, taking a step back, and realised Luna was smiling.

She also happened to be levitating three gems.

“Because we stand for Harmony! And we will never let darkness enslave those who can’t fight. And you forgot one major fact Sombra.” As Luna smirked, Sombra tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

“And what is that?” Sombra flinched, and turned rapidly around, seeing Celestia stand.

“Illusion spells need to be maintained to keep the pony trapped. Sister! Now!” Luna and Celestia both rose up into the air, the crystal holding Luna shattering. Sombra fell to the floor and looked rapidly between them, and then smiled warmly and looked down.

The elements fired a rainbow at Sombra, which consumed him, leaving only a fading shadow. Luna and Celestia smiled at each other, and then blinked in surprised as the Crystal Empire simply vanished around them, leaving them the only two forms on the snowy landscape.

“Curses, he must have known he was going to lose, come sister.” Celestia made to fly away, but paused as Luna looked sadly around her.

“He was one of the only ponies I know who appreciate my night.” Luna looked up toward her sister, who smiled and brought a wing around her.

“Come not my sister, plenty of ponies love your night, as they love my light. In fact, let us celebrate our victory in your honor.” Celestia saw Luna smiled warmly, and turned beginning to fly away.

“Now of course since everypony sleeps during the night, we will have to hold it during the day-” Celestia continued speaking as Luna followed behind, looking down mutely. Luna knew; while it would be in her honor, being held during the day meant it would actually be about Celestia.

Silently sighing, she followed her sister home.

Sombra opened his eyes to white.

“I guess this is death,” he spoke, sitting up and looking around, finding nothing but white.

“Not quite,” spoke a voice as a form slowly appeared in front of him. Sombra tilted his head and leaned forward as the form got clearer. Eyes widening, he realised it was his mother, and took a step forward.

“Mother? You’re alive?” Sombra saw the form stop a few steps away, and shake her head.

“Again, not quite,” she spoke in a masculine voice. Sombra narrowed his eyes, and said nothing. ‘Mother’ sighed, and her form shifted into many different ponies, of different genders.

“We, are a construct of the Crystal Heart, the greatest thing ever to be created by the three races during the final battle against the Windigoes. Now, we are simply known as the crystal we created, and our story is passed down, diluted by time. Well,” she paused, and shrugged.

“I say ‘battle’ but it was really just a final goodbye before we expected death.” The form shimmered, and split into three. Sombra blinked, and decided to keep silent. All were in the image of his mother.

“We took on the form of your mother, as we are inclined to believe it will help you draw some sort of comfort from our words. However, we weren’t entirely sure.” Two of them spoke together, and glanced to the third who rolled his eyes.

“What do you want from me, shouldn’t the Elements have defeated me?” Sombra watched as all three approached, and took points in front, and to his sides, speaking around him in perfect sync.

“We, as a device created for the same purpose as the Elements, calmly discussed your punishment to prevent your life from being wasted.” All three walked forward, and turned to look back at him.

“As such, we have managed to come to an arrangement which will remove a threat to our existence that only we can battle against, in return for you being spared from vanishing to dust.” All three once more merged into a single pony, and smiled gently at Sombra.

“We greatly care for our little King, who got so close to the truth of the Empire, he found a True Queen to be his Wife.” Sombra was glad the Heart didn’t transform as an example, it was too soon. As such, he still winced.

“Truth of the Empire?” Sombra winced as his head suddenly throbbed, and looked to his hoof, and fell backward as it vanished into shadow. The Heart approached, and leaned over him.

“This Empire was created as the final wall to protect against the Windigoes, should they ever return. In fact, Crystal Ponies are caused by the continued presence of us. When Equestria was founded, the majority moved down, while a town remained above to act as an early warning to their return. It was never made to last centuries, protecting against them.” The Heart walked away, and his hoof reformed. Blinking at it, he looked to the Heart.

“If it wasn’t for your timely appearance, and the finding of a True Queen, it would have fallen within a week. Do you know why we call her a True Queen?” The Heart sat down, and motioned Sombra over.

“Because she is able to perfectly tune with the Heart,” he replied, walking over and sitting down. Sombra flinched as the Heart gave a nod, and pointed to the symbol on his mothers flank, and touched Sombra’s.

“As a pony whose sole talent is love, only a True Queen would understand the very nature of love, and be able to guide the Empire to that light.” The Heart nodded, and removed his/her hoof.

“What do you want from me.” Sombra looked coldly at the Heart, cutting off all conversation on that specific topic.

“Sombra, what you have been trying to accomplish, is the reduction of fear and hate that can enter a person. You understood that ponies need it, and did not want to remove it, but you’re building a dam to stop a flood. It can work, for a time, but it won’t stop the issue. You need to stop the source for that.” The Heart smiled as Sombra blinked, and continued.

“That’s right, Windigoes. We didn’t realise it at the time, but the reason ponies had grown to the point to be at each other’s neck was because of them. They have this...pulse, they do that affects the entire world. Think of it similar to a blanket of snow covering the world, but invisible. It’s their way of making their food source grow.” The Heart stood up, and stepped back.

“If we wipe out Windigoes, this effect vanishes. But the problem with this is how. And frankly, we just don’t know how one would get that high a concentration of harmony to pull it off. At least, until we saw you at work. We firmly believe you hold the key to not only saving the Empire, but the entire world from being consumed by hatred. And so, we ask for your help.” The Heart bowed before Sombra, who stood up in response.

“Where are we?” Sombra looked around as the Heart answered, speaking from his bow.

“Technically, you are inside the crystal with us. Your body remains outside surrounded by rainbow. This is all taking place within a fraction of a microsecond. You are currently oversaturated with magic, I would not advise casting any spells.” Still bowing, the Heart motioned toward the hoof that had become shadow shortly before. Sombra nodded once, and brought a hoof to his chin.

“Is that what you designed the crystal above the palace for?” Sombra waited as the Heart rose, and nodded.

“How much magic can it take?” Sombra tilted his head as the Heart grinned.

“Good for one full go around the planet before shattering.” While complicated, and difficult to build, the palace had been made to absorb magic from the residents, to be sent to the heart, and then sent as a laser to the crystal which would then send it out as a pulse. They had been careful in the design, and it was designed to last, unlike the town.

“Would the Elements, you, the Crystal Ponies, and a True Queen be enough?” Sombra waited as they slowly nodded.

“It would however you would need somepony to convert all the conflicting energies into one pure energy. Somepony who is an expert at manipulating magic and harmony.” The Heart winked, and Sombra nodded. That obviously meant him.

“However, if you do not have the True Queen, it wouldn’t harmonise into one properly, and so we are going to have to resort to waiting until a new True Queen is born.” The Heart waited patiently as Sombra.

“Won’t that take years? The Windigoes are coming, we don’t have years.” Sombra tilted his head as the Heart nodded, and swiped his hoof at the white around them. It transformed, and suddenly they were above the Empire, looking down upon a wave of ice-blue charging into the Empire.

“My dear King, they are already here. And it is going to take hundreds of years for a True Queen to be born. With only your sister to spread Crystal Pony genes into Equestrians once more.” Waving a hoof, the Heart leaned down, looking at all the Windigoes.

“Every single Windigo is down there, ready to destroy the one thing halting their feeding. It is why the Elements agreed to our proposal in return for your life. For you see, we plan to protect the Empire, as you asked, while also saving your life and trapping all Windigoes until the chance to destroy them once and for all returns.” The Heart smirked down, before once more swiping and returning them to the white nothing.

“How are you going to do that?” Sombra stepped back, feeling a chill up his spine as the Heart’s smile only grew.

“We’re going to make you immortal.” The Heart turned away and made an irritated motion as it continued.

“We tried Alicorn but the Elements refused on the grounds you aren’t a bearer. No matter, we’ve got other methods to grant you the power you’ll need.”

“But, if I don’t die, I can never see my beloved in the afterlife, nor my mother.” Sombra looked down, closing his eyes as he clenched his teeth. When would he be allowed to rest? Would he be forced to serve his Empire forever, instead of just a simple lifetime?

“Don’t worry, it’s only temporary, we’ll remove it the same time we remove the powers we are gifting you with.” The Heart put an arm around Sombra, who flinched and stepped away.

“Look, we need to turn you into a battery that will run indefinitely, because we don’t know when the True Queen will be born. We can’t power the spell ourselves, we’re just a complicated converter.” The Heart stepped back, and sat down.

“You swear you will remove it once I have done my duty?” Sombra raised his head, and the Heard nodded enthusiastically.

“How long will I be used as a power source?” Sombra sat down in front of the Heart, looking it straight in the eyes.

“200 years tops,” the Heart made a cross on their chest, and smiled. Sombra sighed, and lowered his head. As King, his duty came before his own desires, always.

“Very well.” Sombra stayed seated as the Heart split into three once more, all beaming as they formed a triangle around him.

“Excellent, while we begin the process there is a few tiny tidbits we do need to tell you,” spoke one, looking to the second.

“You see, while you will be awake and unaffected by the Windigoes while trapped in the time bubble, you won’t be able to actually leave the city,” continued the second.

“We’ll detect the True Queen give or take a few years after, but we need you to sort of ‘push’ her along otherwise she won’t be able to repel the Windigoes in time to buy you the chance to enact the plan.” The third one lowered his head to the ground, and dissolved into it, forming a crystal heart symbol.

“That is fine,” replied Sombra. After all, he was currently a ‘corrupt King.’

“There’s also the fact we’re going to have to give you more power than you can possibly handle to power the spell, and it is likely to affect your brain slightly. We haven’t entirely nailed down how much, but I suggest read a lot of books.” The second one also vanished into the ground, the two hearts joined together by a line going around Sombra.

“After the new Queen activates us, we will remove the power and also your immortality as promised. After that, we entrust the fate of the Kingdom to you. Don’t fail us this time.” Finally, the first one dissolved, and a triangle formed around Sombra, and he was blinded by a pure white light, somehow even brighter than the whiteness around him.

And then...darkness.

Sombra opened his eyes and looked down, most of his body was currently a large shadow. Examining his body, it seemed the power had been too much to hold in a Unicorn, but not in his shadow form. Flying down to the city, he passed the place he had trapped the citizens, and blinked. They were entombed in ice, and surrounded by greedy Windigoes, feasting on them. Sombra tried to interact, but found he simply faded through both.

Turning, Sombra took in the sky, noticing how everything outside the city was just, nothing, black. Flying toward the castle, he made his way down the street and into the Empire’s library, and toward a section he had never touched that was filled with Fiction.

Opening a random one, he began to read.

An explosion of love, destroying the shadow, all but a horn. It flew through the air, landing in some bushes. The sun began to shine, and the world moved on.

The first to come were the ears, allowing him to hear his surroundings.

Next, the eyes, to see the grass that hid his recovery.

A mouth, followed by his pitch black mane growing back in.

A body, four legs, and finally a tail. A lot of time had passed, but he was finally whole again. A pull using his hoof to drag himself forward, he no longer just saw bush, but a large white expanse of snow. Slowly, it began to fall on his exposed body, and he closed his eyes. His body had finally returned.

But his power had not.

Comments ( 26 )

And so it is done.
It was a good ride, and while I feel the ending could have had a bit more to it, I'm fairly satisfied.

sequels? or no sequels tis a question i must ask ... anyway i have enjoyed this thoroughly ...is sad that i wont have a story that constantly updates anymore


I didn't notice it's completed. Here I am bouncing in my seat saying "Gonna go to the country and read me some 'Shadow'!" Then I check it out and BAM! there's a completed tag...

This has been a fun ride though! I've enjoyed it immensly! There better be a sequel comming or I'mma cry... :fluttershbad:


I don't really see how there's much room for a sequel. :\ You'd have to convince me otherwise. Personally I think Sombra should be left alone to heal.


I don't know!

Have it be his healing process, how he grows closer (or farther) to the Mane 6 and the Princesses.... Heck you could go romantic on this. There are like two options I could see this going romance wise. I'm pulling this romance mess outta thin air because I can't think of anything.

If you don't feel there should be a sequel I can't really force you. Like my brother used to say "You get what you get and you don't have a fit."

5232522 See, there has to be something interesting to make me want to write 1k about it everyday. And I'm not going to use romance.

5232503 honestly i should have phrased that better ... i'm on board with you in the aspect of it being well and good completed ...i'm more along the lines of a prequel sort of thing ....maybe to further explain some things or just as pinkielunashy said maybe for a romance (though definitely not any new love interest ) that isn't to say this story isn't well and good already hell really i'm only asking because i want more ... or maybe a spin-off not about sombra about like crystal heart's back story if you'd like ...i'd find that immensely interested going in with the knowledge i already have from this story ... i'm just putting it out there ... you don't have to do anything really ... but hell if you do decide to do anything like this you really don't have to write 1000+ words a day for these ...maybe make them a one-shot or a story updated when you feel like doing so ...all in all this story was great and you did a wonderful job ... thanks for listening and have a good one

5232564 will there be sequel? :twilightblush:

Yeah sorry, there's not going to be something new. That's why there were so many flashbacks at the end, to clear up any questions remaining. I've already started a new story.

5236230 no no its fine man ...what are your opinions on people writing spinoffs then?

5236310 They can if they want, I'm just not going to.

5236314 i see ...i might do just that ...though if i do im not gonna publish anything without runing it by you first

5236319 Sure go ahead, can't wait to see it.

Now this was a nice story.

You sure write a lot of darkfic. What I've seen of you, though, is that you avoid the pitfall of bleakness, and as I hate bleak narratives with an icy passion, that you avoid them impresses me.

5467564 I use dark to show it revolves around an underlying theme that is dark. In this case, Sombra's past.

Ooooohohohooooh wow. This is... a masterpiece.
Thank you.

6276747 How about:

Gritting her teeth, Twilight fired a bolt-


6302614 Just because Fluttershy CAN be more assertive, doesn't mean she WILL.

7346842 Then why isn't there an alternate universe tag?

What was the chrysalis chapter(s) ?

Necropost :rainbowlaugh:

Basically, the idea is that if somebody is really powerful they will naturally turn corrupt- even in real life. Even if they gain power for benevolent reasons, most people will become evil in order to do things they want easily.
So here, I’m saying that Sombra wasn’t turned evil by dark magic, he just turned evil because he was powerful.

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