• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 7,019 Views, 366 Comments

A shadow of what I once was. - FaelaArts

Twilight get's caught in a blizzard, and finds Sombra, broken and unconscious.

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I must focus on my goals.

Ignoring the snowstorm swirling around him, Sombra trudged through the snow. Behind him, a trail of gray crystals grew in his wake. After reaching a large hill, Sombra climbed to the top, and waited. Soon enough, she arrived.

“This better be important, I can’t leave my kingdom alone for long, what with forces approaching from three sides.” Sombra narrowed his eyes as the dark blue pony approached, hair billowing in an ethereal breeze. Luna smiled warmly, and bowed her head in greeting.

“I’m afraid it is Sombra. And I’m also afraid I have to do this.” Luna lowered her horn, and suddenly thick magic chains surrounded his body, a large circular device emerging from her pocket and landing on his horn. Sombra cried out in anger, and he glared openly at her.

“Betrayer! Traitor!” Sombra screamed loudly as he fought against the ties now holding him in place. Luna walked up and leaned down, meeting his glare with concerned eyes.

“Sombra, you’ve been corrupted by the force you designed to protect your empire. Please, I beg of you, surrender to my sister willingly before it is too late! We can still save you.” Luna saw the anger as his pupils constricted to pinpricks, and he dived forward, trying to bite her. Luna leapt back, and bit her lip, looking to a bright light slowly approaching from the direction she had come.

“I should have known your sister would turn against me, and thus turn YOU against me. You Alicorns are vile fickle gods who play with your subjects lives! I will not give in until every single pony under your command is feasting on your body! I will starve them! I will show you just how ugly and disgusting your subjects are! TRAITOR!” Sombra’s eyes began to flash green, and his horn began to lightly flicker.

“Please Sombra! My sister did nothing! She was the one that told me not to come here tonight! Sombra you treat your subjects as slaves! When was the last time you called them your subjects? You’re losing yourself Sombra, please come back to us! Come back to me! Trust me, we’re friends aren’t we?” Luna was pleading now glancing between the growing orb of light and the red glow coming from Sombra’s horn as his eyes flickered, before finally turning bright green and glaring at her.

WE. ARE. NOT. FRIENDS. TRAITOR!” An explosion of magic rippled out of Sombra, and the chains and limiter broke as a crystal exploded outward around him. Leaping out of the crystal Sombra changed a spell and fired, ensnaring Luna as he loomed over her, laughing mockingly. He raised his eyes and narrowed them, seeing the orb nearly upon them. Leaning down, he whispered gently into her ear.

“Soon you too will know what betrayal feels like, and I only hope I am around to see it.” Sombra vanished into the large crystal, traveling almost instantaneously along the trail he had left behind him on his way. As he passed through each one, they exploded, shattering into a million pieces and leaving no trace.

Sombra opened his eyes as the nurse gently shook him awake, and turned toward her. After a moment, she removed his bandages and gently began to press on his rib. Sombra winced, but it was only mildly sore, instead of intense pain. The nurse smiled, and indicated he should try sitting. Sitting up, Sombra could feel the pain still there, behind a numbness that was likely painkillers. The nurse prodded him again, and nodded. Smiling, she stepped back.

“You’ll be able to leave today. Honestly I’m surprised by how fast you healed. Even unicorns take a day or so longer than you have.” The nurse waited as Sombra picked up all his items, and held out a saddlebag for him to put them it. It was very old and worn, but Sombra took it anyway, grimacing as she handed him a bottle of painkillers.

Sombra was led out of the hospital, and the nurse bidding him farewell, closing the door behind him. Sombra looked around, and realised he was finally alone. Reaching into his mane, he pulled out an ancient looking box and opened it, looking at the old fashioned bits inside. If Sombra was lucky, they were still worth something.

Entering the town, Sombra quickly found an antique shop, selling a lot of the light bringer’s in different shapes and designs. Pulling out a coin, the stallion went absolutely mad, asking for ten times the amount they were worth. Sombra handed over five coins, and kept the rest in his mane, taking the change and putting it in his new saddlebags, exiting the store. Looking around, he stopped a diner and sat down.

“I’ll have that one.” Sombra pointed to the drink called ‘hot chocolate’ that said it contained milk and some unknown substance. As he waited, he flicked his ear, hearing the sounds of shouting in the distance. Taking a sip, Sombra immediately decided he wanted to drink this everyday. It was above average quality.

“SOMBRRAAAA!” The purple one called Twilight flared her wings, stopping mere inches away and blocking out the sun. Sombra took another sip and turned his eyes to her. Twilight puffed, and slowly lowered her wings, relieved to see the limiter was still on his horn.

“How did you pay for that?” Twilight pointed toward the cup of hot chocolate as Sombra pulled out the box of ancient money, all in almost pristine condition. Those were worth a fortune! Twilight fired a bolt of energy into the sky where it exploded into a firework, and sat down as she waited for the others to show up. Once all had, she situated a glare on Sombra.

“Do that again and so help me I’ll-I’ll-” Twilight tried to think of a good punishment, and Sombra raised an eyebrow, and waved a hoof as he opened his mouth.

“Kill me?” Sombra took another sip of his drink, enjoying the taste. How did this ‘chocolate’ make something as plain as milk taste so good. Twilight lowered her hoof and glanced to her friends, who all shrugged. Turning, she bit her lip and sighed.

“Could you not wander off without at least one of us with you? I was this close to vaporising you on sight back there.” Twilight wasn’t being serious, she didn’t have a spell to vaporise a pony. It would be something she should definitely look up, however.

“If you insist.” Sombra took another sip of his drink, and Twilight blinked, eyes widening.

“Uhhh, thanks.” Twilight glanced to her friends, and they all shrugged. Whatever that drink was, Sombra seemed to be enjoying it too much to even give them a glare.

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