• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,365 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

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Prologue or Summary In More Words


One of the greatest things ever, you know what that is? Dreams. They allow your mind to wander in a unique mixture of memories, experiences, and desires. In this case... mostly desires. See Trixie, ahem, The Great and Powerful Trixie is having one of those dreams right now. Now the desire part I emphasized only two sentences ago? That's the kind of dream she was having. Get what I mean? Now are you curious of this dream's contents? Wait... no? Well either way, I won't be describing any of those images. I'd like to keep this narration a bit clean. Let's just say she's dreaming about some mare and it's just getting really good. That mare... being Twilight. Oops! Sorry that was a spoiler alert! It's not like the story is about Trixie and Twilight getting together. Where'd you get that idea? Onto the story.


The Great and Powerful Trixie was having the most wonderful of dreams. She'd squeezed her pillow and kicked the blanket around her. The equine's face was full of love and joy. She giggled playfully as if somepony was "tickling" her. What could you say about this dream she was having? If this braggart of a unicorn could talk to you right now, she wouldn't tell you anything. Was she dreaming of that egghead, Twilight Sparkle? The showmare's reaction to such a question would be a lowered brow and a swift buck to the face. So yes, she is dreaming of Twilight Sparkle. The lovely pony who fled when challenged by the arrogant but inferior Trixie. The lavender mare that lulled the Ursa Minor to sleep, carried it back for miles and put it into its cave. She basically showed up the infamous mare who was at their worst at that moment.

After those love sparking events, Trixie actually began to think about this pony a lot, in a good way. You could call it a friendship of sorts, but it's really just a crush. Something this stubborn mule would never admit to anyone. She would say something like, "Trixie respects Twilight's...magic." A short and simple way to show what denial looks like. Still at this point, Trixie was moving about in her bed that she only imagined was there. The pillow was really a bed of leaves and the blanket was the starry sky of night. She was lying on the grassy pasture, not too far off from the dirt path she traveled on. Trixie tossed and turned some more with the most smug grin on her face. Apparently the "tickling" was over. Something unmentionable is happening in her dream now.


After Trixie ran away from Ponyville, she had nowhere to go. Her caravan was destroyed and her beloved cape and hat along with it. She was left with just the mane on her head and the tail on her plot. She has survived for weeks on just eating pine cones. Which are very nutritious! Makes that coat smooth and shiny! Her path made of Equestria's soil was her only direction. There weren't any other travelers on this same path. She past countless trees and saw many little critters scurrying away at the mere sight of her. Trixie didn't think she was that intimidating or anything. What she didn't know was the look on her face could be considered something to be afraid of. Her eyes were red rimmed, always wildly staring at the never ending road in front of her. Nose and mouth were never moving. It made Trixie look like a mechanical, psychotic alien. Her constant thoughts on past events kept her awake. There were times that she would sleep, but most of the days were full of insomnia.

The Great and Powerful mind of Trixie went through many changes on this journey to who cares. Her initial thoughts were that of anger. To express this, she spoke out loud to herself. No one would hear her anyway.

"That inconsiderate unicorn! How dare she! Shying that horn of hers. Holding that much power! Coming out of left field with her... amazing feats of magic," her last words making her head bow and anger dissipate. She only kept up her appearance at the end of the day. Never was her anger toward Twilight genuine. As a few days passed by, her thoughts took a southern dip into near depression.

"Couldn't that mare have said something before? Trixie doesn't mean any hostility. She just wants people to love her and chant her name. Does Trixie ask for too much? What does Twilight really think of her?" This day was short lived. Trixie could show weakness when there were no other ponies around. It made her feel secure about showing it without ridicule. With the striped mane unicorn on the brain, her emotions seem to be drawn closer to her.

"Trixie wonders how Twilight is doing... what do you think little bunny?" The bunny thought that she was going to be somepony's dinner. Its back was pinned to a tree, its whole body shaking.

"Who knew Trixie could fall in love with such a friendly mare. She thought she was destined for a royal stallion! Smart and Considerate Twilight Sparkle stole Trixie's heart." She found herself picking petals off a small dandelion. As clichéd as it felt it was exactly that. The last petal picked gave the isolated mare some hope. Trixie still could not go back to Ponyville. With so many witnesses to her arrogance came so many enemies.

'Nopony likes a boasting unicorn,' she thought.


In the chill of the night, the most powerful equine of all Equestria snapped up, with eyes broadened, and body glistening with cold sweat. Her head pivoted to the left and to the right. She could have sworn she had heard something. Perhaps it was the cold night air. As she rose up to her hooves, memories of her dream's contents floated back to her. You would think she would mimic that silly grin from when she was sleeping. Instead, reality had hit her. She wasn't anywhere close to the lavender pony and her feelings are still one-sided at this point. So instead of that uplifting crease in her lips, it headed south instead. Tears in her eyes, she held back her sobs. At first, she was okay with being away from Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle. As the days have passed, she's learned about her feelings and began to wish on expressing them. Who knew how far she was from that place by now. She could be miles away, by now.

She drifted across the empty and never ending road. Travelling on hoof should be considered suicide when considering how isolated Ponyville is. She has been walking this path for weeks. Without her caravan she couldn't travel very far. Remember, Ponyville is like some backwater town with nothing in around it for miles. Trixie won't die from this journey, however. There isn't a Tragedy tag on this story. The sleep deprived and aching mare trudged for what seemed like forever, like most of her days had went. Her thoughts being on only one pony. It was almost sad how she only thought of this one pony and not of her situation. Did she not care for herself?

That would be the complete one-eighty of the real Trixie. She couldn't help it, though. A mare with such raw power as Twilight Sparkle could attract any power loving pony. Trixie was one of them. Her love for Twilight was impressive for not even 5 minutes of show each other’s feats and exchanging few words. A good comparison would be another story with a darker and rigged lining. This Trixie would be driven to suicide. With a noose wrapped around her neck, she was stopped by another. A unicorn named Twilight. How she convinced the troubled mare was amazing. She was very persuasive! The mare so close to death would stay by her rescuer's side forever. Until the latter, being Twilight, decided to raise their dead ancestor. That last part wasn't part of the comparison by the way.

Trixie was still limping towards a town she could see in the distance. Civilization was a great relief! Her front hoof that was injured for no real reason could now heal a lot better. The O' Great One closed in on the entrance to these groups of houses and huts. She was lifted that she has made it somewhere after weeks of travelling by herself. Desperate for something to eat other than what she found on the ground. Perhaps she could stay at an inn and sleep on a real bed for the night. With how famished and pathetic she looked, she wouldn't even have to pay. Trixie formed a small smile of ease at these thoughts. Unfortunately her body wasn't up to the task of progressing any further. She had walked through the town to some degree but then collapsed from exhaustion. Just to clarify, it's a Romance story. So for the sake of that particular tag, she fell unconscious in front of a hollowed tree....

Which happens to be a library...

And somepony lives in this library...

That's a hollowed tree...



It's Twilight's house, obviously.


Remember Twilight Sparkle? The object of Trixie's affection? We're going to talk about her at this point. She's a main character so it's okay. She is currently sleeping in her bed. Having a dream of her own. Again, I can't tell you the contents of the dream! It's just too much for you to handle. If you must know something about it, it's about Trixie. Oh, yes! It's not a one sided love after all, huh? Yes, Twilight is also in love with Trixie.


After Twilight ran away from the show, she could never stop thinking of the silver maned mare. She researched her feelings with book after book, but couldn't find the meaning to them. This was before she encountered the Ursa Minor. Amazing what can happen when the canon doesn't explain her absence that well. She saved Trixie from the translucent beast and felt proud she could protect her. Trixie trying to still look good after this performance, announced her title, and ran off. For Twilight, she didn't need to try. Trixie always looked good to her. Since then, Twilight really missed this showmare and has never stopped invading her mind since she left. She was able to scavenge through the smashed caravan and obtain her cape and hat. She cherished these objects as if Trixie was always close to her. Occasionally she sniffed the clothes to help memorize that jasmine mint scent it gave.

She kept Trixie's clothes under her bed. This was the only thing that she would have under her bed. It's not like she keeps any kind of mare magazines stashed in a box under there. The less known about that the better. Panning up to the top of this bed at this time is the light sleeper known as Twilight Sparkle. She cooed and gave slight whines in her sleep. Her face didn't mimic the cocky grin of Trixie's. She is the sweet, innocent smiling kind of mare. She didn't want to lust after Trixie (Well ok, maybe a little). All she wanted was to have fun and spend time with her. Probably until the day she died. Like any young schoolmare stricken by love. Even if she hasn't seen her in weeks. The bookworm swayed in her sheets and covers, giggling as if she shared the same "tickling" dream from her opposite. Suddenly a thump or better yet, a thud could be heard at the door. A normal person wouldn't wake up from such a noise but as mentioned Twilight Sparkle was a very light sleeper. Cue dramatic waking up and almost falling out of bed, Twilight.

She walked down the steps from her bedroom and stopped to rub her eye.

"Who could it be this late at night," she wondered. As she opened the door, a cerulean blue hoof fell in the opening. This took Twilight back a few steps as the door continued to open. The showmare of her dreams was at her doorstop, unconscious.

...Don't even go there!

End of Prologue


Author's Note 11/5/11 - I have revised nearly this entire prologue. Hopefully the taste is a bit more satiable. I know my unique way of narrating came off as a bit obnoxious. I apologize. As always, I am still learning. Hopefully my style will improve with time. Thanks to all who read and showed their support through criticism! I really do appreciate the helpful input!

Author's Note: I have never written a fan fiction about ponies before and I had this one in the back of my mind for two weeks. I usually don't write fan fictions at all so this is going to be a very amateurish work. I honestly just wanted to have fun and poke at my favorite shipping. Unless you've read every other Twixie story, I'm afraid some of my jokes and/or references to other fan fictions might be missed. I wrote this mostly for me anyway... After reading the rules of submitting, I've come to understand a fear that this might be looked upon as a trollfic. (Which wasn't my intention at all) I'm not to sure what kind of fanfiction this is... I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

Not sure if I'll continue but, hey if you guys like it or something it would probably give me the motivation to continue. Just saying.