• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,367 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

  • ...

The Twelfth Chapter-- Wait... Twilight Has What?

Chapter 12: Wait... Twilight Has What?!

You know what? I have a confession to make. In the story, there seems to be a hint at a mystical force that drives these two ponies together and puts them through pure misery anytime they believe their love has been realized. Well, needless to say, that force is me, the author. I know it’s quite shocking to everyone, but I do indeed tease both these characters half to death. Although, I don’t think I should be the enemy, here. For those of you reading this, I blame you. That’s right! You’re reading whatever this story is and guffawing at its teasing demeanor! You should be ashamed! Wait... doesn’t that mean we both like it? So, there isn’t really a problem...

Oh, I lost track of what the joke was! You guys stink! Oh well... Have your tease of a story be put in front of you. Happy reading?


The Just and Enamored Trixie relinquished her laughter filled struggle with her arch nemesis turned best friend, Twilight Sparkle. As she laid her head back, the perspective of the room from her eyes had flipped upside down. Almost forgetting her crush was right on top of her, something on the other side of the room locked her gaze. Above the curious mare, Twilight was distracted by her own thoughts of her self-declaration from the night before. ‘This silence seems like a good opportunity to tell Trixie how I feel,’ she thought.

“Hey, Trixie? I... have something to tell you,” she began, averting her eyes to avoid making contact with her friend’s. However, the showmare below her didn’t respond in any way as she was currently fixated on something else. It took a moment for Twilight to realize she was being ignored before she looked back and noticed Trixie was staring at something. Following her line of sight, Twilight noticed a small protrusion from under the comforter draped onto the floor.

Knowing the things she kept under her bed caused Twilight’s heart to submerge. Suddenly, a purple light enveloped the space around the box and was shoved back underneath the bed. Having done this on impulse, the egghead knew Trixie wasn’t going to just pretend it didn’t happen. In fact, her head propped back up to see Twilight’s guilty expression, right on cue. There was something the magician saw that her friend didn’t want her to see.

“What was that... box under your bed, Twilight?” she asked, easily able to identify what it must have been. Regardless of predicting the mare’s interrogation, the bookworm’s head was drenched instantly with perspiration. She knew exactly what was beneath that star-patterned bed of hers and it was something she could never let this particular unicorn see. It could easily be verified as passionate research that she would take to the grave with her. Nopony had ever grasped a hint of such possessions, nor would they ever be curious enough to search her bedroom. Her supreme organization cloaked the room perfectly, invisible from any suspicion.

Unfortunately, one mare’s keen eye was able to spot a flaw in her precise structure which only resulted from Twilight’s laziness from pushing a simple box further into darkened space. ‘Come to think of it, when Trixie and I landed on the ground, the whole room shook. Was that just enough force to jolt the box into view?’ pondered the librarian. Either way, she needed to come up with a lie quickly, in order to dismiss any further investigation.

“Nothing!” she said with a questionable inflection. Though she was clever in avoiding conversation with strangers, getting past this showmare was going to prove no easy feat.

“Liar,” responded Trixie, contorting her face into a disapproving grimace. It was obvious Twilight was hiding something from her. Scrambling from underneath the lavender bind, she promptly made a crawl towards the questionable object’s resting place. After only a few steps, her progress was tugged at from behind, bringing her to a stop. Looking over her shoulder was a view she remembered from before, except this time the tail-clenching mare was far more desperate. Before speaking, she winced in pain from being pulled back by the silver hairs on her posterior.

“Let Trixie go, Twilight Sparkle!” she cried as she attempted to halt her reverse progression by slamming her forehooves down in front of her. Twilight drew the magician back with all her might, making a muffled sound of disagreement. Slowly the backwards momentum of Trixie’s body ground to a point where movement ceased and both ends tugged to gain control. Surprised at the strength of the egghead’s jaw, Trixie could only lift her behind up in a struggling attempt to free herself. Neither side could make any stride and eventually, both of them caved in simultaneously, wheezing through dilating nostrils.

“Fine! If you won’t let Trixie get closer to that thing, than she will just bring it to her!” declared Trixie. Almost instantly, the dark depths of where the object sat was illuminated in a blue glow, which slid out a magic-veiled box made of cardboard. Twilight dropped the tail she had a hold of with a shocked gasp once her secret container was revealed. Bringing it up to eye level, Trixie examined the case and easily figured its original use could have been to house a pony’s shoes. Due to Twilight’s reaction though, it was far too suspicious for the box to have those kinds of contents.

“Twilight, what are you hiding from Trixie in this box?” she asked, turning to face the over-anxious mare who’s jaw was misaligned. The bookworm’s body only trembled as her mind was being torn apart with contemplations of Trixie’s various negative reactions. Sure, she had wanted to tell her how she liked mares as well as liking the magician, but this wasn’t the proper way of showing it. In fact, the contents of the container could only result in a complete misunderstanding of her ulterior motives.

What if Trixie thought the reason she had such things were to imitate the images with her? With that heart-stopping question crossing her mind, she knew right then that she needed to get that box as far away from her friend as possible. Unfortunately, that friend only looked at the pondering mare with an indifferent look.

“If you won’t tell Trixie, then she will find out for herself,” announced the magician while lifting the cover off. Knowing she couldn’t stop the magical aura with her own, Twilight lunged with her forehoof extended. The top of the box was slammed back into place by a lavender hoof, while the other hoof helped grasp it by pushing up from the bottom. From there, Twilight tried to pry the glowing encasement from her friend’s magical hold.

“Twilight! What are you doing? Give. Trixie. The. Box!” Trixie demanded, gritting her teeth as she pulled back with her horn.

No! I refuse to let you see what’s inside!” replied the librarian as she tugged the box back closer to her.

“Let your best friend see what’s in it!” shouted back the showmare, dragging it back to her side.

“No!” Twilight yelled while jerking it over to her end again. This was getting nowhere for either of them. Keeping her mystical hold on the box they fought over, Trixie brought her forehooves to either side of it.

“Let... go!” she cried, tearing away the cardboard case from Twilight’s firm clasp, which caused said mare to dive forward, having lost her hold so swiftly. Now, with her back turned facing her friend, Trixie became the sole holder of the secret container once again.

“There. Now let’s see what’s in here...” she commented, relieved from the stressful wrestling. She began to raise the top of the box and anticipated its tempting secrets inside. Her attempt was thwarted yet again, from what sounded like a battle cry just behind her. Losing complete control over the suspicious object resulted from a lavender figure landing on top of it from above. Trixie fell back, catching herself with her forehooves as she watched the bookworm guard the case with her entire body.

Before she could even make an argument against Twilight’s reckless tactics, she saw the body that covered the box brighten in a purple veil, surrounding it. She was then engulfed herself in the brilliant light and found her weight to be nonexistent as she left the ground. The hold around her tightened quickly, preventing her from moving any of her limbs. So much so that she felt as if a rope was constricting her, making her grunt in pain. Opening one of her eyes to catch glimpse of the egghead, she saw the pupils from her eyes had vanished, and white light seeped from her gaze.

“Twilight... please... it hurts!” she pleaded to the enraged mare below. Twilight, who was blinded by her desperation at that moment, heard her friend’s cry and promptly vanquished the magical grip around her. Her violet irises appeared in her eyes again as she made a frightful expression to what she had done. Watching Trixie pick herself up from the hardwood floor, she could feel her tear ducts giving way.

“Trixie, I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sor--” her apology cut short by Trixie’s abrupt action. Distracted from the reason she got so upset in the first place, she had momentarily forgotten what she was supposed to protect. In one hasty move, the box under Twilight’s frame was plucked from underneath her. With its forward movement halted, the side facing Twilight began to rise upwards. Frame by frame, the container shifted over on its side with the cover losing its snug place and flying above the box’s trajectory. The topless box finished its transition as the entire contents of it spilled out.

The sight of her desires pouring onto the floor in front of her, plunged her heart down as it caused Twilight's body to drop down with it. Intrigued by what fell from the opened box, Trixie cautiously approached it. Across from her, the librarian could only watch in fear as her friend picked the object up with a magical blue glow. Once the item was in plain sight, Twilight's tense structure softened as her fears were unrealized. Unfolding the star patterned fabric, the magician couldn't help but smile at her cape's cheeky design.

"This is... my old cape," she said in slight disbelief. Peering further into the cardboard case, she was able to pull out another item of clothing, this time a pointed hat with the same scheme as the cape. She placed the blue-veiled accessory neatly over her silver mane and glowing horn.

"Where did you find these?" asked Trixie, keeping the same grin. At ease now, Twilight felt better that it wasn't those unmentionables she stowed away underneath the same bed. In fact, she was surprised that she didn't take into consideration the possibility of the hat and cape being the box's contents in the first place. Becoming so worked up over the worst of the pair must have distracted her from any positive reasoning. Still, now that the storm had blown over, she could now continue pursuit of her love for the cerulean blue unicorn. She began by answering the question the mare gave with wholehearted honesty.

"I found them in the wreckage of your caravan. It wasn't easy to find, since it was so much wood to go through, but I still managed to salvage it. Also, the fabric was torn in a few places, so I sewed the holes up and cleaned the filth that was on it," she explained, excited to reveal her great find. As much as Trixie was joyful that her friend went through all the trouble of finding and fixing part of her property, she felt amiss as to why she went out of her way for her.

“I really appreciate it, Twilight, but why all this for me?” asked the magician, slightly confused. At this point, confessing to the mare would have been all too easy for Twilight, yet she somehow missed the opportunity by saying something misleading instead.

“Because we’re best friends?” she replied, questioning herself at the same time with a sheepish smirk. Even she knew that statement didn’t make any sense in this context.

“But, we weren’t best friends until yesterday. When did you actually find this stuff?” questioned Trixie.

“A week ago...?” Twilight attempted to remember when exactly she found the clothes herself. She only knew it was some time after her day and night research about the feelings she developed. Still, the truth was beginning to come out, but not in the way she had wanted.

“So before we were even reacquainted, you went to Trixie’s destroyed mobile home and took her hat and cape? Washed it, fixed it, and then put it in a box under your bed?” inquired the azure mare, implying something wasn’t right with her friend’s actions. The argument took Twilight aback as it made her sound like some creepy stalker pony.

“W-Well I mean sure, bu--” Trying to defend herself, she was caught off-guard by even more curious words.

“Also, you were protecting this box like your life depended on it. Yet now, you’re suddenly okay with Trixie having it? Twilight, what’s going on?” Trixie questioned further, pointing at the empty box they fought over. In fact, the entire fight made it seem like the showmare’s garments were extremely precious to Twilight. While this was true, it didn’t exactly cast her in a positive light. The whole overprotective nature of a few pieces of clothing made the librarian seem very obsessive. It was all over now; she was a creepy stalker pony. Regardless, she would fight back with points of her own that she gathered throughout the previous day.

“Well... you collapsed on my doorstep!” she blurted out, narrowing her eyes and making a justified step towards the Trixie. Her debate was quickly vanquished, however.

“Not on purpose. Trixie had no idea where she was or where you lived for that matter.” admitted Trixie, factually. That one hoof that made a step toward her now rose in the air in slight shock. After a few seconds elapsed, it went right back down as more of the past day’s fishy events came flooding back.

“Well you hugged me only minutes after we met again,” Twilight pointed out, making Trixie tread backwards a bit. The bookworm only closed the distance by walking closer to her, stopping but a foot away, and continuing her verbal attack.

“You also fainted after I barely touched you,” she argued.

“Trixie thought you licked her cheek!” Trixie stepped forward, keeping her guard up.

“What? I would never do that. What about when you pushed me down so a bookcase wouldn’t fall on me?” Twilight also edged closer, practically butting heads.

“You mean the same bookcase you could have easily lifted in the first place?” rebutted Trixie. Twilight’s head reeled back in reaction, yet still snapped back, ready to deliver more.

“Your private show?” she continued the dispute.

“A ‘thank you’ for your hospitality,” Trixie mocked another weak point. From there the quarrel only continued, going back and forth between the two, with Twilight staying on the offensive.

“You asked me to tell you how I really felt about you while I was under a trance!”

“You mean, you pretended to be hypnotized?”

“Uh... well-- Your show was named after me, or should I say a very obvious substitute of me.”

“Oh yeah? What about your favorite book? You know, the one about two mares falling in love?”

“You knew? You still read it with me, though...”

“And how you held Trixie from behind provocatively?”

“You said your neck hurt!”


Lashing their brutal accusations at one another, eventually they began to wither out. Coming to the end of it all, their foreheads rested on each other’s, horns crossed, and faces beaded with sweat.

"You grabbed me in your sleep and wouldn't let go..." murmured Twilight, lying about the fact she didn't actually struggle during that ordeal.

"Trixie was asleep... She can't help her sleeping habits, Twilight," mumbled Trixie, leaving the truth out that she actually dreamed of the lavender mare last night.

"Besides, you were all over me this morning," she added with a hue of red coming across her cheeks. Twilight mimicked her rosy glow as the debate came to a stalemate.

"What were we fighting about, again?" asked the librarian, changing the subject.

"Actually, Trixie doesn't remember herself. She only knows that we've been at it for several minutes," Trixie replied. Looking into each other’s eyes closely, they easily became distracted by their heart’s calling. Becoming lost in the vivid colors of their irises, their faces unknowingly drew the other in. Once the tip of their noses touched, however, they both snapped out of it and ceased their subconscious movement. The pair made a distance between themselves as Twilight sat back on the hardwood floor, soon followed by Trixie. An awkward silence befell them as the ticking of the clock over by the bedside was the only audible sound that could be heard.

Having a moment to reflect on the details of their debacle, both of the mares couldn’t deny the other’s unexplained faithfulness. Truthfully, both of them had dropped hints of their feelings all throughout the day, though, it was only now when the events bundled up that it was clearly understood. The pair would sneak glances at each other before looking away, avoiding complete eye contact. Eventually, Trixie spoke up, breaking the muted air with the same piercing words she first inquired.

“Twilight... Why do you have Trixie’s clothes hidden under your bed?” she asked for the second time. Meeting her friend’s concerned gaze, the bookworm bit her lip as anxiety coerced her to respond with another question.

“Why did you want to know how I felt about you?” Knowing this might lead to a repeat of the previous fight, Trixie gave in and chose to answer this time, instead.

“Perhaps, Trixie was curious if you felt something...” the magician hesitated how the word she was going to use would be interpreted.

“Special.” She grimaced as her brows lowered in fear of immediate rejection.

“Special? You wondered if I felt something unique about you?” pried Twilight, making sure she understood the inquiry correctly.

“Y-Yes?” Trixie gulped, shutting her eyes, anticipating to be struck down this time. However, the egghead finally caught on and comprehended the opportunity to move ahead with how she really felt. Even with her sudden strength, though, it wasn’t easy as pie to just blurt out everything at once. This would have to be done slowly and thoroughly for the smoothest transition.

“I do think of you as somepony sp-- spec... shh shh,” stuttered Twilight, wrestling the words out of her mouth. An ear perked up off of Trixie’s head, since she picked up on the unicorn’s stumbling words. Glancing at the head-scratching mare, she decided to help out with her pronunciation.

“You think of Trixie as somepony special?” she guessed easily. The egghead nodded furiously upon hearing the correct words being spoken so fluently. Upon opening her eyes, her head flew back a couple inches from how quickly Trixie shortened the distance between them. The showmare’s eyes were glimmering with energy as her thousand wishes were beginning to be granted at once.

“Really?! How special? How special is Trixie to you, Twilight?” The enthusiastic unicorn beamed. As she stretched her head forward with a huge grin, the bookworm’s head strained back, nervous. After swallowing a lump in her throat, she forced a smile and continued to encourage her friend’s sudden burst of life.

“Very special!” she exclaimed, peeking behind her to ensure she could back up if needed. Trixie reverted to her sitting position, however, so there wouldn’t be any test of how far their necks could extend out. Looking at her now, Twilight saw her crush looked disappointed for some reason. She gave her a bemused expression to hint at her confusion, yet the magician simply upturned her nose in response.

“Was that it, Twilight Sparkle? Just ‘very special’ is how you consider Trixie?” she complained with her head in the same position. Apparently, she wanted to be more than really unique and Twilight wasn’t too sure on how to deliver that. Sliding closer to the magician, she attempted to tell her in the most honest way she could.

“Well okay, you are... the most special,” said Twilight, putting a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. Trixie snapped back with a scarlet glow on her muzzle since she didn’t expect that kind of response.

“Do you really mean that?” she asked with slight disbelief in her eyes.

“O-Of course, I do! What about you? How special am I, to you?” replied Twilight, hoping for a mutual response. For such a question, though, Trixie’s mouth easily scrunched up, mirroring the egghead’s previous uncertainty. Luckily, her friend already admitted to it, easing some of the weight off of her.

“There is no other pony more special to Trixie,” she admitted with a slight cringe at how cheesy she must have sounded. Fortunately the lavender mare in front of her didn’t seem negatively affected by it. In fact, she grew a deeper blush than what Trixie already had, hanging her head in deep thought. In a blue envelopment, the star-patterned hat moved from a silver maned head and rested softly upon Twilight’s head. The hat budged the mare’s straight bangs down as she tilted her head back up, her eyes covered by her striped hair.

“Do you like Trixie?” questioned Trixie as she lifted her friend’s mane to reveal those shimmering violet irises. Averting her gaze, Twilight found it difficult to confirm her truthful words under the pressure of the showmare’s stare. A pair of azure hooves brought her face back to that eye contact, having the need to spot any inconsistencies her expression might have. Thinking about it now, the librarian found confessing to her friend wasn’t as easy as she previously imagined.

“I-I do,” she said simply. Trixie’s eyes broadened for a moment as her stomach fluttered and heart sang.

“Do you like me, Trixie?” Twilight asked, frantically searching her crush’s face for any subtle reactions. The magician’s emotions weren’t up for display, but could be heard in the sound of her voice.

“Yes,” she replied, suppressing her jaw from stuttering. Twilight grabbed Trixie’s face as she did hers recently and kept their eyes locked in combat.

“Please, say it better than that,” she pleaded, with dilated pupils complimenting her flushed face. Having the past day flashing through her mind, she found it hard to believe that those events would eventually lead to this. Her lips quivered from dehydration as her chest wanted to burst from the quick thumping that took place inside.

“T-Trix-- No, The Great and Powerful Trixie really likes you, Twilight Sparkle!” shouted Trixie, her eyelids snapped shut from the impact of her own words leaving her body. Slightly unfolding one eye, she peered through to catch a glimpse of her crush with a clear fluid welling up in her eyes. Before she would let the tears roll down her cheeks, Twilight put her newly found admirer to the test.

“Well, I really, really like you,” she argued, as her tear ducts begun to flow out.

“Trixie really, really, really likes you!” Trixie prodded back, escalating the moisture in her own eyes to break out.

“Then I really, really, really, re--” Twilight’s declaration was cut short from the two blue hooves moving behind her and pulling her into an embrace with the showmare. Their bodies flared and broke in sweat as their internal temperatures were raised to a fever pitch. Trixie’s mouth moved up to graze the egghead’s ear with the quiet coo of her true affection.

“I love you,” she whispered. Hearing this made Twilight’s forehooves form a tight bond around the mare’s back.

“I love you too, Trixie,” she murmured back. In response, Trixie pulled her closer, coercing the lavender unicorn to grace her entire figure with her own. Mending their hearts with the quiet sobs of supreme joy, their linked frames kept their tight grip. Both fearful of letting go lest this reality they’ve uncovered prove to be false. Trixie, herself, was far more terrified of it as she broke the union to clarify her concern.

“Wait...” she began, keeping the mare she adored at forelegs length.

“Trixie doesn’t want this to be another silly dream! She’s already been confessed by you once before and it would break Trixie’s heart if this one proved to be false as well. How does she know this isn’t all imaginary?” Trixie voiced her utmost worry while begging for ensuring comfort. What she saw was the corners of her admirer’s mouth lift up in a tiny smile, knowing exactly how to hush her painful woes of insecurity. Using one of the forehooves that she held the showmare with, Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes and cleared her own runny nose with a sniff. She took a deep stare into Trixie’s purple eyes, and made a throwback to something she said before.

“Let’s test that theory then,” she suggested, poking the end of her nose on the magician’s. She drew Trixie to her, finally closing the distance they had once before. Edging closer, her lips impatiently yet carefully ventured forward. Eventually, a familiar feeling signaled her gaping mouth to close onto hers. But only for a second as she slowly broke away, bringing that smirk back from before. Trixie's face was whimsical at first, before it turned to a confident sneer.

"What is it?" asked the perplexed bookworm.

"Hmmm-- Nope, that just won't do, Twilight. Trixie still doesn't believe this is real life," Trixie teased, clasping the mare's shoulders in order to keep her still. Before Twilight could let a question breach her lips, they were covered again as Trixie pressed against her again. She only meant it as a quick burst of passion, yet as she pulled away, the magnetism of her lips seemed to thrust Twilight's back into them. Fastened in pure ecstasy, a blue hoof stroked the back of the egghead's striped mane, uncurling it from its side. Unfortunately, that same mare moaned slightly, giving the sign that she needed to take in oxygen as her lungs choked. Separating again, Twilight began to catch her breath; Trixie failed to suppress a chuckle.

"What's wrong? Don't know how to breathe through your nose?" she vexed playfully. Once Twilight stabilized herself, she shot back an annoyed glare back and curled her bottom lip up in a pout.

"Okay, that is the cutest face you've ever made. Trixie is quite pleased with this one!" Trixie complimented her and lifted the hat off of her head so she could pet her gently. This caused Twilight to develop a hue of red, again, hiding her bliss-filled eyes behind her dark violet bangs. Soon the hoof left her head as silence enveloped their space again. Laying her eyes back onto the showmare, she saw the same concerned look from before.

"Now what's wrong Trixie? Do you still think this is a dream?" asked Twilight, worried herself.

"Trixie isn't sure, Twilight... About us being this way, I mean. We've only really had one day to get to know each other. Doesn't this seem a bit rushed?" queried the troubled magician. Her love responded first with a tender, loving smile, then with words they would stick to from days to come.

"Who cares? I think it's the quality of the time we've spent with each other that's important. Even if it's just been one day, I've felt like I've known you my whole life," she declared. The room was quiet for a moment while the bookworm's words seem to bounce off the walls and fill each crevice with calm serenity. At least, until Trixie began bursting out in laughter, making Twilight's brows lower again.

"I'm sorry, Twilight, that was just too cheesy for Trixie. She does appreciate your comfort, though," said the magician, pulling her love into another loving embrace. Their love finally realized and all their internal conflict resolved, they both could now revel in each other's company as Celestia's sun rose high above the tree structured library.


Author’s Notes:

Okay, here it comes... "I knew it, I knew it," just get it all out of your system! To be honest when I set this chapter up, I didn't really expect anypony to even remember the hat and cape stowed away under the bed. It wasn't mentioned that often, so I thought I could get away with it. Yet here I am, caught in the headlights in one big shrug. Oh well, at least I tried. Hopefully the second half was worth all that. I'm sure my pre-readers all have different opinions besides tearing apart every sentence and scolding me to tears. (Okay, only Trevor did that, but I wanted everypony to feel sorry for me). There is such a thing as the next chapter. As I said before though... Once they're shipped... (Cliffhanger in the Author’s notes)

Pre-reader’s Notes: (Seriously?)

Figures that Dasheh would have the chapter done right as I’m trying to finish the second chapter of Filly Fantasy VI... Hope it was worth it, readers! I gave up time to spend on satisfying my own readers to satisfy you, so no complaining! Enjoy and comment!
~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria

You’re actually lucky you have a chapter to read. Dash destroyed the entire chapter with a flaming chainsword at one point, it was awful - Earl Grey

Comments ( 107 )
#1 · Jan 7th, 2012 · · ·


:yay:excellent cahpter the fun has been doubled and now we can get on with humorous antics, perhaps trying to hid their budding relationship from everypony else :twilightsmile:

I'm staring blankly at my screen. Not sure how to react.

Do I shout? Sing? Dance?...

I think I will settle with,


(P.S. Told you. :derpytongue2:)

I was expecting this to be a fake out right up until the end, I'm still not convinced it won't turn out to be one next chapter.
You've turned me into such a pessimist. :raritydespair:

I honestly never thought you'd get to this point. So much teasing and prolonging the inevitable was really starting to leave me vexed as to when things were going to get resolved.

But, now that things are finally out in the open, let the shipping commence!

Kinda crazy that this whole thing has taken place within the space of two days. It's an active life to be a pony!

I see the end coming but it was worth it. Till then!

My Music/Songs/George_Michael/Careless_whisper.mp3

Yeah. Yeah that's the stuff.

The end is nigh! The rapture is coming!
There's already 20 more chapters and 6 sequels planned. Trust me, I'm a doctor.


It's been about bloody time!:rainbowkiss:

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! :pinkiehappy:
:facehoof: Little dramatic, don'tcha think?
:pinkiecrazy: NOPE!

And now....
I have no idea what's going to come next, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it

Yeah, the whole "cape and hat" thing was painfully obvious lol...

Still, great work of fan service here lmao.

You know what, reading this chapter was great and all... but it's just not the same when it's not ridiculous o'clock and you're laughing your ass off at Pui getting annoyed by sentence structure xD

Good times.

Enjoyable as always Dash.

Man, that sentence was really hard. Don't belittle me for doing my job!

Well well well, I see you have thrown in the towel...on both accounts. Firstly I was right and there was a box of questionable contents under Twilight's bed and second it was Trixie's hat and cloak that she found.

#17 · Jan 7th, 2012 · · ·


Now about the chap... YESYESYESYESYES, now let the drama begin!

Heaven or Hell?!

Comment Roundup! (Um... What?)


Well you were all in there so... By the way, I put the new chapter in Microsoft Word and there were STILL errors. Extra spaces, no punctuation, and double words. Totally fixed them. I think we got Feren beat this time! VERY Confident :scootangel:


Nah, you're not an idiot. It was kind of obscure in the context I used. Trust me, I know what idiots are and you're not one of them :pinkiesmile:


>Generally hates comedy
>Likes this fic

This is a huge compliment to me! Thank you!!!


1. Google Images? Huh?

2. Trevors trolling. Seriously, he's the fricken Minstroll of Equestria!

3. Hah... it's out now...


Compliment me? I thought you were trying to kill me! You gave me like... 10 hearts! That's suffocation right there!

It's just the same as choking on a piece of candy.


Just like it took 12 episodes on YuruYuri! 12 is the magic number :twilightsmile:

Thanks for being that inspiration, man. Now gimme your Chapter 12.




I'm not afraid of you. You don't instill fear into me; only depression. Y'know cause I only get to talk to you when editing a chapter. :derpytongue2:


Hmmm... You will be disappointed at first. Then, you won't be disappointed anymore.

I apologize in advance for this mood swing :fluttershyouch:


Pshhh, yeah okay. Though I can't imagine you singing and dancing. As long as you liked the chapter though, I'm happy.


I think Twilight already confirmed it more than once. You need more confirmation? Okay! :pinkiehappy:

114292 114384

Dang it Pui... I wanted to say that. "The end is nigh!"
Niiigh--ngiiiighh NIiii ghhh niiiigh -- Pui is da bonano king!

Thanks for the comment RT Stephens, I know two days is very short, but I thought that would add to some of the comedy in the future.


Sir... what are you doing?

May I suggest 'Can Still See The Light?'
Go ahead and youtube that.


Hey, thanks! Pshh, I mean, when's Spike coming home, right? He's been at Rarity's for an awful long time. Huh? What? What do you mean, you don't know? ...Oh that's right! I'm the author :rainbowlaugh: Ahaha... ahhhh... i'm screwed.


Looks like you're satisfied! Good :trollestia:


If that's under control then I'd hate to see out of control. Wait... hate it?

I'd love it :pinkiecrazy:


No cliffhanger? No hints :unsuresweetie:

Sorry about that! Next one will also not have a cliffhanger.


At least I tried to make it a twist :fluttershbad:

As long as the fan service was good...


Huh? I fixed that sentence, easy. It only took me a while because I was at work and did not get a good look at it. :twilightsheepish:

Still, you guys coming in at once was something very rare. Especially for Trevor. We had fun, though. Even if I never understood what was going on.


:moustache: u like?


I always thought they would fight like that. Then make out. Where's that animation?! :flutterrage:


Shocked, huh? Okay, okay... no more kissing, I get it :fluttershysad: Sorry about that!


What? I established the box of unmentionables in the prologue I think. Yeah the hat and cape were predictable, I know. Did you at least enjoy the ride? :twilightsheepish:


Stop giving away plot points please... :derpyderp1:


Ahh some nice comments I got today! Thanks everypony! Of course, the next chapter will be out next week if all goes smoothly. Might be a tad shorter than most chapters but not horrible short. Don't worry, the story won't be complete for at least another 2 months at the most. At least I still have rewrites to do as well. I know my awesome prereader TEAM...


Will help me out! :raritydespair: My behavior is never explained.

*Ahem* i knew it. I knew it. There, out of my system. And... YES! About time, you two! And so cute there, too. :yay:


If I linked you to a youtube vid with me signing a pony song would you believe me?

And aye! I loved the chapter, buck I love all your chapters! :derpytongue2:


Brony...I would kill to do some sort of voice acting in that...Anyone for Trixie with a slightly deeper voice?



I tried the piano version before, along with some other piano songs and it was too sad. I didn't think about trying the wood winds or vocals version.

Glad to see another PSO fan on this site :twilightsheepish:

Oh absolutely:pinkiehappy: I actually had expected you to make it something other than the hat and cape, so you still surprised me:pinkiesmile:

You sir may have a thousand internet points, don't spend them all in one place:twilightsmile:

And then trixie spots the other box...

I stink? *sniffs self* ;~; :P anyhoof time for le chapter of epicness :3

"...it was only now when the events bundled up that it had it was clearly understood." - well, that was the only thing I could spot and I am not even sure if it's a typo or just me not understanding it. :derpyderp2:
Trevor didn't leave me a lot of presents this time, eh? :twilightblush:

As for the Chapter...
For some reason I felt it was kind of cruel of Trixie to go out of her way to open that box when Twilight stressed so much about it, considering that in previous chapters you put so much emphasis on the fact that they always took each others feelings into consideration first. Guess she was caught up in the moment...

Another thing worth noting is the argument scene - a classic move well executed and it served as a great transaction to the meaty part we all so eagerly waited for.

And to tell the truth... ending the story like this would work nicely. Have a gnawing feeling that continuing at this point might result in the "overstayed your welcome" feeling. But that's my inner pessimist speaking... His counterpart has faith that you won't let that happen and blow us away with what happens next.

As always - a job well done; keep it up!


I demand compensation! :raritydespair:
Give us a epilogue chapter so I can at least have some closure. Cause this chapter is too awesome, that the only remedy for awesome blindness is an epilogue chapter!:pinkiehappy:

Ha, finally :yay:
It took them long enough to get there :derpytongue2:


The story is not done yet Yokal, still more chapters on the way.

Because Dash is awsum like that. :P

Holy Celestia its quiet...


A storm is brewing...

~Edit #1: 7 hours 27 minutes after posting~

Aaaaaaany moment now....

~Edit #2: 18 hours 14 minutes after posting~



24 hours exactly.

DASH!!?? Are you still alive?

Ihopeyou'restillalivebecauseifyournotIwon'tbeabletoreadyourficanymoreandIreallylovethisfic *GASP*

Because it's bucking awsum!


Feren, I read your post as thunder started to rumble in the distance. A rather creepy coincidence.

*Hoof twitch, eye shutter and wingflap*

Oh! Its a big one!


Hmm... I can't see Trevor either... Y-you think he could have done something with Dash?! :rainbowderp:


Posting probably went on a murderous rampage after you found that mistake. I'm only safe because I live across the pond from them :derpytongue2:

Can't kill what you can't catch Pui!


I don't want to see the dark side of Trevor...

I'm scared...


awesome chapter. :trixieshiftright:

Comment Roundup!

The "I'm totally not dead edition!"


Muahahahaha! I can totally draw and animate! I'll be sure to try once this story is finished


Hmmm... ya didn't have much in there, huh? I guess that's good for me :pinkiehappy: At least it finally happened right?


Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you like all the chapters, but NO! No deep voice Trixie :flutterrage:

Pfft voice acting in that kind of animation. Can't i just rip the audio from any yuri anime? I'm sure it would work if I used Audacity.


Man, I used to play that game all the time! My first boss fight against that dragon... THAT THING IS HUUUUGE! It was truly scary!


I don't think that's any better :rainbowlaugh: You expected me not to be predictable.


That'd be hilarious! All that work to hide it and she finds it anyway.


You stink... good? Nope, I couldn't save myself there...


Wha--- but... How... GRRRAAAAAAHHH!!! :twilightangry2::raritycry:

That sentence wasn't grammatically correct, but how come Microsoft Word didn't find it?! C'mon it's three people and a program looking for errors... I swear you spend at least 24 hours carefully reading each sentence to simply pull each tiny problem out of it.

... :fluttershysad: No fair Mr. F! I cry foul! Ugh, oh wells.

Yeah, Trixie was just caught up in the moment this time. I knew it seemed a bit cruel, but when Trixie wants to win, she wants to win. I believe she did something similar to close out the pillow fight where she blatantly threw a pillow at a relieved Twilight. If that helps my case. At least, you liked the argument. That was fun to write!

Yes, the story will be ending in this case. It's good you're up for a closing chapter.


As you wish :twilightsmile:


I bet you couldn't take much more of my antics, huh?


Bolt is right! The story isn't over, yet.


But, but :fluttercry: Does that mean you no like flutters? :fluttershyouch:


I like Trixie way more than Gilda. Gilda kind of bullied Pinkie and made Fluttershy cry. Hmmm... yeah, I didn't like that :twilightsheepish:


Who else, but Quagmire?! :trollestia:


Wow I could ust put you all together like that. I guess it's easy when you guys comment with side conversations! :pinkiecrazy:

I am alive and there isn't any kind of storm brewing (Looks pretty sunny outside). Trevor has been silent to me as well so maybe Pui has something to do with this. I'm sort of afraid I might be next on his hit list. Unless Earl or Feren is up first. Yeah... you guys better watch your backs. As for my days of silence. I'll explain below.


Thanks, reader! Glad you thought it was awesome :ajsmug:


This week sucks! Plain and simple.

My head is seriously pounding and it's hard to keep focus on anything when I'm this sick. I'm sorry everypony, but I have to be one of those late posting authors for this week. I hate those :fluttershbad: I just want to upload my chapter like i do every week. The truth: I only have 1k of words done. I swear it's because of how sick I got. I can't concentrate :raritydespair: Hopefully you guys understand... if not that I'm dressing Trevor up to look just like me and skipping town until it's done. At least, I'll still be alive.

I swear this inability isn't because of a lack of ideas or willingness. I really want to finish this chapter and I have so many ideas for it! Really! Don't give up on me yet :ajsleepy:


So you want to know my secret to spotting errors? Well.... there is none. Maybe since English isn't my native language I tend to read a bit slower and thus be able to spot those but aside from that I don't do anything special.

HEY! Now just hold on a moment... I'm on a hit list?! Bu- I- But- N-.... Is this another one of those Anti-Lunar campaigns?! :ajbemused:
Well I'm not going down without making them chase me all over the place first!

Aww It's sad to hear that you've been feeling ill... Just get better, ponies can wait, especially if it involves dressing up Trevor in silly outfits. :trollestia:

I'll go install barbed wire around my place now.



HE'S SICK!? :derpyderp1:

Call nurse Redheart immediately!

Back to scheduled programming.

Awww....Guess thats my voice acting career gone then.

and when I'm I ever wrong? :ajbemused: (I'm wrong more often than I am a brony and I'm a full fledged brony to the core of my soul. I'm just lucky)

I don't know... Pui and Trevor could make a formidable team. Glad I seem to be missed on the hit-list though...Gives me some time to breath. But first! I shall gather Feren and Earl, together we shall defeat Pui and Trevor. (or at least give them a run for their money in any case)

I hope you feel better soon Dash. All your faithful brony readers will be here for you, cheering you on as you get better. I'm sure Twilight is working up a cure for you as we speak. :ajsmug:

I'm off to join Feren in his home. It's safer than my own with the barbed wire and all, plus we can work on our plan against evil while we wait for Earl.



Since when do you sign your comments Feren?

I like the style. :ajsmug:

Since I figured out my walls of text weren't large enough and could use those extra few lines :trollestia:
Though I only use it on comments that are larger then a couple of lines... and are in some way or form on topic.
Glad you like the style though. :twilightblush:

Post the next damn chapter or I might have to withhold Unfinished Business from you :twilightsmile:

Haha well I'm probably not going to do that, but I still want more. And cliffhanger in the author's notes? You're a tricky bastard.

Feren? Earl? Any other bronies out there..?

I'm so alone...

At least I have power again! That's always good news.:moustache:


You've got the pow- "slap"... I deserve that.

And what's bad about being alone? It's so fun to descend into all kinds of mental conditions when you're all alone... :pinkiecrazy:


I really feel uncomfortable spamming Dash's story's comment section with unrelated stuff... thought I do it anyway!
*because the voices tell me to*



You. Made. My. Day.

I was literaly Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

Thank you Feren.:ajsmug:

As for being alone... Well at least I have you here to keep me company! So I take that as an awsum opportunity to do something rather fun... Any ideas other than mental conditions? The three voices are enough as it is alr- Oh Celestia...They're arguing again...


I'm pretty sure we entertain Dash with these comments though. I mean wouldn't you laugh a little at the antics your crazy readers get up to when your not there?

Mind you. Don't answer that.

*I told you I like this friend! Why would I hurt him?*


Jeez Dash, are you still alive?

I'm missing your chapters! As well as your posts.

Last time you did a comment round-up was a week ago.:applejackconfused:

Don't leave us here all on our own Dash! Your biggest fans all love you and your story and we can't wait for more!

Me included :ajsmug:

Dash if you make a new chapter I will sing a pony song and post it on youtube. :ajsmug:
No jokes. You choose the song I will sing it.



NooOOOOooOOOooo! :fluttershbad:

What have you done?! Now we'll never see the next chapt- errr... I mean.... I have full confidence in your ability to... sing? :rainbowhuh:

Now watch as I suddenly change the subject to escape the awkwardness!

Dash did mention feelin' a bit ill and asked us to have faith!
So lets just sit tight and watch... like... I dunno... paint dry or something till the next chapter is up.


Well at least I have the backing of one friend. :derpytongue2:

next, the world! :ajsmug:

BwhahaHahAhaAhaHA! :ajbemused:

Well enough of my singing antics. The deal still stands

and so does the awkwardness. :ajbemused:

Well Feren if you're that bored why not write lyrics for a song? :derpytongue2:

I'll put five bucks against you that says you can't post a song (that you wrote your-self) in your next comment.


Oh my.. haven't done this in a while... ehem:

You say that I'm bored - that much is true;
But writing a song is a task I can't do;
Rhyming is simply - like brewing a stew!
But a song is just something I cannot brew;

But don't let this vulture keep your hopes down;
And don't even dare trying to frown!
Just go grab a pencil or even a pen;
Write some thoughts down, again and again!

With enough effort a song you shall make;
As long as your dreams you do not forsake.
So best of luck in your perilous task;
Perhaps in your work's glory we shall all bask.

... erm... The awkwardness has been doubled!
I'll go crawl under something heavy now. :facehoof:


I've agreed to nothing, so I'm keeping my five bucks :trollestia:


Comment Roundup!

Mostly because ponies continue to have conversations while I'm gone.


You're doomed. Barbed wire? Hah, don't make me laugh at your pathetic attempt to defend yourself! They'll--

Wait, what are we talking about again? Ummmm... :trixieshiftright: Well, you're really good at spotting the tiniest flaw despite 4 people checking it and microsoft word spell check. Just sayiin.


The heck? Trevor and Pui teaming up? That would never happen :rainbowlaugh: Seriously, not in a million years would those two team up to do anything. Don't worry, Bolt, you're n the hit list. You weren't before, but now that you've made it clear that you're not, we decided to stick you on there to make you feel better.


What? AHHHHHH! *starts writing vigorously*

Oh, you were just kidding? Eh, nevermind then.



To be honest, I look at my e-mails and think, "These guys are having conversations while I haven't updated anything. What the heck..." No need to be lonely, since there's a whole chatroom thingy down there at the bottom. I always go there to stir up some Twixie trouble :pinkiecrazy: There are some there that do not like Twixie (That's gotta be impossible!) so I change my nick to some Twixie related to remind everyone of the pairing. :scootangel:

IE Wet Maned Twixie is best ship. I know wet manes are getting old but, just for a moment, think about it.

Love how I didn't talk about what you guys were talking about. Haha!


Feren. You're done. FOREVER! :pinkiesick:

Yes, I am still living. I can't believe you're still making comments! I think it's pretty awesome, but also nerving. Once I veered off course because of an abrupt moment of sickness, it became hard to get back into swing. I'm actually past halfway done with the next chapter. The problem I'm having is how to steer it to a proper ending. You all know the ending is one of the critical parts to a story. There's no way everypony is going to like it, but it has to be done at some point. Anyway, despite my gripes, I'm sure the next chapter will be hilarious for you all.

Bolt, you're not singing and Feren, stop encouraging him with your awesome lyrical skills. You want a better fic that never updates? Try The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle. Oh yeah... Apparently Gravekeeper is finally updating that one. I'm so bucking excited for it, you don't even know!


The editor cut corners? Hmmm don't know about that. This is the first comment I've gotten that has concerns about not Chapter 2. The flow probably was just changed. It's very different from the beginning. Thanks for your comment, though! I'll keep this in mind. I promise not to lose sleep over it. :twilightsheepish:


You guys keep talking about how I'm not updating whilst I'm not here. Very encouraging :moustache: Well Like I said before, i'm past halfway and i want to finish it today. Just having a bit of a struggle with the content and need to organize my ideas a bit so the story can keep its current flow.

For those who understand, I extend my hand.

Pffft no one will EVER get that one :trixieshiftleft::trollestia:


I'm going to pretend I get the reference and THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

Good to see you're not dead, I was actually just about to message you when I thought to check the thread first. Either way, have a congratulatory Twilight Sparkle drawing for not being dead. I started randomly drawing some back legs and added Twilight's tail for lulz, decided to draw her body as well after that. That picture is totally innocent, no way is anything sinister happening. Like I say in the description, she's limbering up for Yoga. If you look closely, you can see a reflection of Dhalsim in Twilight's eyes.

Erm... I've run out of relevant things to say.

Don't die again.


Tomorrow you shall have the ability to listen to your song being sung by a mad South African brony. :derpytongue2:

The awkwardness shall stay the same! Until I post a link to the song on youtube. Then...

The awkwardness shall be tripled! :ajsleepy:

Dam! Smart brony is smart. Missed out on those five bucks. :ajbemused:


What? Can't two bronies get along? :derpytongue2:

I joke I joke. Glad to see you're back on your feet, hope your feeling loads better. :ajsmug:

You know I only realized there is a chat room now.
YAY! Time for more ignorant people to ask me if I ride a zebra to school. :ajbemused:
I hate people asking me if I'm from the civilized parts of South Africa. :ajbemused:

But enough of my rant.

I'm still singing Dash! :trollestia:

Glad your back and on your feet Dash, good luck further.



your pics is pretty sweet. Draw some more! :derpytongue2:


I don't get it Dash. :applejackunsure:

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