• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,367 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

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The Fourth Chapter While A Magician Puts On A Show

Another chapter, another cliffhanger blah blah blah. How do they keep getting into these sticky situations? I think the author of this fic is some sort of troll to these two. Have them have embarrassing situations, awkward conversations, and mess with their feelings with slight contact. Then sit back and laugh at how they react. What a sickening thought! Making mares do this for your own enjoyment! (I am the author by the way, hint hint)

Wait... when does the narrator interfere and when is it that it's the character's fault? Perplexing, thought provoking questions here everypony. You've just been confused from here on in.

Let's continue reading this with that in mind.


The Brave and Struggling Trixie held her body up over the illustrious Twilight Sparkle. Drops of sweat fell from her face as tried her best to keep her limbs from giving out. The lavender mare below her took this moment to admire this protection she was given. Only in her fantasies would she think of the showmare as somepony who would protect her. She couldn't be any happier about it turning out to be reality. Now, however, was not the time for these kinds of daydreams. Her hooves rose up and grazed her light azure knight's shaking body. The owner of said body twitched at being touched.

"W-what? What are you doing?! Trixie said to move out of the way! She could not have made it more clear, Twilight Sparkle!" cried Trixie. Her body was being lowered by a pair of purple hooves. Twilight's lips stayed closed, not saying a word. She only tugged at the unicorn above to bring her down. The tip of their noses slightly nudged and sweat from the blue mare's nose trickled down, crossing the nonexistent gap between hers and the other's snout. What was this bookworm thinking?

"What do you think you are d-doing to T-Trixie?!" she stammered loudly. The violet mare acted as if she didn't hear her. She knew exactly what she was doing, and the highest amount of concentration was needed at the moment. Her dark pupils extended over her irises, showing little to no awareness of her surroundings. A few inches away were a pair of purple eyes staring in anticipation. She swallowed and closed her eyes, waiting for her finest wishes to come true. Finally, the other mare had closed the gap between her eyelids, her lavender horn starting to become illuminated. Light poured out throughout the room, pushing the dark chasms aside for its occupation. The two ponies were holding each other before a blast of white engulfed them.


The bookcase that was over the duo had finished its descent to the hardwood floor below. The brilliant spark had vanished, showing no trace of the mares that were lying there a second ago. Silence had distilled the air where they once had been. Snapping open now were Trixie's eyes, frantically looking around. The place they were in now was completely different from before. She remembers this darkness from when she had passed out earlier that day. Did it happen again? Was a voice belonging to her love going to cry out to her?

No, this time was different. The unicorn who that voice belonged to still had her hooves wrapped around the showmare. Twilight's eyes opened to its limits with nothing but a snow colored gaze seeping out its edges. All they did was just float there in the black space around them. This moment in suspension only lasted the tiniest fraction of a second, however. A warped dot in the center of this void took shape. It started to rotate in swirls, expanding towards the embraced mares. Its touch was warm at first, but later burned as if they had caught on fire. Swallowing them in an instant, their surroundings changed once again, this time back in the same room they had spent many hours before in.

The lavender mare had let go of the silver mane unicorn, sitting back on the cold ground. Both mares were not without their wounds. Black burns crusted over various parts of their bodies. Trixie's back was sore, head aching, and that one front hoof was acting up again. She held her head in an attempt to shake the disorientation off her structure. The ability to hear she did not previously notice lost had returned. Panting could be heard in front of her. The mare she was just in arms with looked out of breath. Even with her lungs clutching her chest for air, the striped maned mare still managed to glance back and show a smile of relief. Confused about the entire event that just took place, the magician spoke first.

"What just happened to us?" she inquired, a question that should have been left to speculation, since nopony would have been able to point out exactly what occurred. Twilight decided to spoil the fun of it anyway.

"I teleported the two of us over here. Are you oka--" the unicorn was rudely interrupted by the silver maned pony.

"Teleported?! How do you know such magic?" she asked while looking around the room. Her answer was all around her. She reared her head back in disgust and disappointment. 'Trixie's knowledge of magic just lacks in comparison to Twilight Sparkle's. Perhaps she should go back to Magic Kindergarten to try again.' she thought. Neck bending forward, she laid her head in shame on her front hooves. This angst was swiftly kicked out of the pony as a familiar pair of hooves graced her backside again. It was none other than that lavender pony who she cared so much about! Damage control is always an art with these two.

"Thank you, Trixie!" she beamed, crushing the Great and Powerful pony with a hug. A simple 'you’re welcome' would have been fine, yet the showmare couldn't bring herself to breathe in the much needed air to say it. Instead--

"You're... crushhhing... Triiixiiie." she coughed. With that sense of urgency, those purple hoofs left her once more.

"Oh sorry, Trixie! I got a little too excited," giggled Twilight. The corners of her mouth moved up into a sincere grin.

"I'm just so flattered that you protected me like that. It was brave of you, Trixie." she said wholeheartedly. The showmare was smacked with the red glow across her muzzle. She didn't know which word she wanted to hear repeated. Protected, brave... flattered? Well, she knew which word kind of disappointed her. Still, this was a much needed victory for her. If she had to make an estimate about how great this situation was, she'd say that nothing could possibly ruin this moment. Except for what was just about to happen.

The bookcase was still face down on the floor. Books scattered around its sides, some still buried underneath the wooden rack. A purple glow formed around Twilight's horn and took the bookcase along with all the books into her possession. She lifted the case with ease and stacked all the literature that had fell back into their respected places. A simple feat for the lovable egghead, yet even with her head pointed the other way, she could still hear a sudden thump hit the floor behind her, the owner being Trixie's jaw which had dropped for the second time that day. An instant recovery as the bottom of her mouth shot up into its correct shape. Her anger took hold of her much too quickly.

"B-b-bookcase! You lifted that large, heavy bookcase like it was a toothpick!" she snarled. Twilight didn't hesitate at all in her response.

"So? No big deal. Levitation isn't all that hard to d--" she immediately covered her big mouth. This was entirely too much to say to the pony who just struggled to lift it herself and shielded her from harm.

"Not all that hard?! You dare to mock Trixie?" she yelled. Showing up The Great and Powerful Trixie was not a good idea. To point it out and claim it wasn't an effort? The worst idea. If she was going to put out the fire on this showmare's head, an apology was a good start.

"I-I'm sorry. I never meant to do that." she lowered her head, now filled with regret. To diffuse a bomb was no easy task. Twilight Sparkle could diffuse hundreds with how simple she made this seem. Just like that, Trixie's game had changed. Hearing those words calmed the storm in her head. Seeing that remorseful expression on her love's face quieted the wind to a soft breeze. Now who's the pony in the wrong?

"No, Twilight. Trixie apologizes for her raised tone. She shouldn't be surprised at how amazing a unicorn you can be," she admitted. Both of their heads now had a weight upon them. The lavender pony was the first to lift hers. If only she could hear that last line again, but in a more positive context. Nonetheless it was time to get out of this dreadful mood.

"You can be just as amazing, Trixie." she gave a slight smile. This helped take the pressure off the other unicorn's head.

"Twilight... Do you really mean that?" questioned the azure mare.

"Of course I do. I would never lie to you," Twilight said genuinely. The gravity that pulled Trixie down before now took her in the opposite direction. Her spirit flew like that of a pegasus. That compliment had just made her day!

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle!" she beamed. With the clouds in her mind clearing up, she thought of a wonderful way to return the good fortune that was brought onto her.

"Trixie has a proposition. Would you like to hear it?" she asked. The lavender mare merely nodded in response, unsure if she should be anxious or not.

"In honor of your hospitality and outstanding treatment of Trixie, she shall put on a private show! Just for you, Twilight Sparkle." she pointed at the mare with a confident gleam in her eye.

"Feel grateful because Trixie wouldn't dare dream of doing such a thing for just anypony," she said with that ego raised in the air like a trophy. The striped maned unicorn wanted to jump up and down in excitement. Not because she'll get to see a magic show, but because of the special attention she'd be getting. Being entertained by The Great and Powerful Trixie alone? Another one of her dreams brought to reality. The only thing that was going to be off about this was the lack of cape and hat that the showmare would usually wear. Too bad she couldn't make an exact copy with her magic, nor could she grab the original one she already had from under her bed. Still, this blue coated equine didn't necessarily need the clothes. It's the thought that counted.

Looking up brought a sight she had seen before. Once again the showmare's eyes were moving side to side as her head turned, peeking in every corner of that room. Her back facing the lavender mare, a lifted hoof touched the side of her head. Twilight watched this with a curious mind and slight anticipation. 'What could she be looking for?' thought the egghead as she approached the magician with an extended hoof towards her direction. With a slight poke against her back, Trixie jumped immediately in response. Startled, she spun around to meet a pair of violet eyes gazing at her innocently. Her mouth slightly opening and brows lowering toward her nose, she wanted to question this sudden interruption, but the other unicorn spoke first.

"Is there something I can help you find?" murmured the librarian. This was her library, after all.

"To be perfectly honest, Trixie needs a stage of sorts. One to put her at a higher elevation than the average pony." Her hoof was raised above her head. "Standing above the audience makes it easier for her to be seen by everypony," she explained briefly. The lavender unicorn turned around to see that nopony else was around her. Completing this turn, she faced the showmare who already knew what she was going to say.

"I-It is also more f-feasible for everypony to look up at Trixie," she stammered with an upturned nose. The striped mane mare understood what the magician wanted. To show her feats of magical prowess on a higher plane, which meant to show off in a way that everyone could see her. Even with this crowd being a single pony, she wanted to impress everypony. With this realization, Twilight started trotting over to one of the many bookcases on the opposite side of the room. Upon proximity, she used her glowing horn to fetch one of the books off the second-to-top shelf, a navy blue hardcover with a white embroidered emblem on its back. Ironically, it was titled "Building Your Show's Performance Stage For Foals."

Setting this book down onto the hardwood floor, the purple aura around it grew in illumination. The showmare glanced over at this soon to be amazing display of power. The violet light pierced the room's darkest edges as the lavender pony lowered her head in supreme focus towards this bright object. In a luminescent spark, the book's silhouette jerked to the right, yanked left, and its shape took a thrust north. Waves of magical energy discharged and swirled around the black shadows of this new construction. Supernatural colors dispersed, revealing a wooden deck with steps on either side, two racks reaching to the ceiling, and purple drapes hanging in the rear on the bar up top. The unicorn watching this whole spell managed to catch her jaw this time. This structure nearly sparkled as much as her eyes did at that very moment.

A stage fitting for The Great and Powerful Trixie was created right before her eyes. This sort of transformation from a mere stack of papers impressed her very much. Sure she hid another hint of jealousy among other things for this talented, lavender mare, but she finally had her place to perform! Almost skipping past the pony responsible for this, she climbed her way up the steps, and reached the center stage. Facing the purple unicorn below revealed the happiest, grinning showmare you couldn't pay bits to see. Her eyes lit up at the sight of her crush at the front end of the stage. Twilight could barely keep herself contained at how much euphoria blared out of this silver maned mare. It was the kind of passion that kept the corners of her mouth up and on opposite sides of her face.

"This is absolutely, positively... spontaneously perfect! Trixie couldn't be happier with the stage you've created for her!" she beamed with her forelegs flailing around in excitement. The showmare had no choice but to go on now. With her positive flare dimmed, a serious but confident grin appeared on her face as she darted behind the purple curtains.

"Hey! Why are you going behind there? There's nothing back there," Twilight inquired. Apparently after all those days of research into this magician, along with actually going to one of her shows made her forget about the entrance of choice for the cerulean blue unicorn.

"Trixie will be performing now, Twilight Sparkle! Please stay silent and let me do the entertaining," yelled the backstage mare. She had only been dreaming of performing when she was out on her own. Of course, attempts were made in front of the woodland critters that lived out there. However, they would all scurry away for some reason, as if Trixie was some kind of forest monster. Now she had her chance once again to show the new performance she had been working on inside her head. Recent events before had inspired such a new concept, and she was ready to show it off in front of the pony of her deepest desires. No mistakes! She was ready this time.

A sound couldn't be heard any longer within the confines of this room. 'Did I overdo it a little bit?' the striped mare questioned herself. Soon, a small amber hue could be seen through the drapes towards the back of the stage. The room became filled with a high pitched feedback. Suddenly--

"COME ONE! COME ALL! AND WITNESS THE AMAZING MAGIC OF THE GRREAT AND POWERFUL TRRIXIE!" shouted Trixie as she used her horn to amplify the volume of her voice. Twilight was blown backward clamping onto her ears to cover the infernal, screeching noise. The bookshelves along with the entire room shook out of place and books shimmied their way off their shelves, scattering themselves all over the place. After the end of the showmare's deafness-inflicting introduction, the small hum of feedback from before had faded.

"Trixie apologizes for that everypony! She is much too used to big outdoor crowds," she yelled. With her ears still ringing, the purple unicorn didn't know which was worse. The fact that she couldn't adjust her volume for an indoor audience or that she was the only pony in the room and she never acknowledged it. Nevertheless, the show continued. A poof of gray smoke appeared in the center of the stage and expanded outwards, revealing the azure unicorn in some kind of shiny glitter. The lavender properly responded with her front hooves beating the hardwood floor in applause. Trixie's ego then took over.

"Thank you! Oh, thank you my endearing fans!" she said waving at random directions. Even if there was but a single pony, the mare treated it as a stadium crowd. After she accepted her warmhearted welcome, she jumped right into her performance.

"Tonight's show was carefully put together by Trixie's brilliant, insatiable genius! It is a series of events of a mare who rose from the ashes of the lower class slums and fought to vanquish the undefeated beast of the Everfree Forest!" boasted the beautiful magician. Twilight's heart was lifted by the showmare's words. Could she have been talking about her? Is this a show of how she got rid of Ursa Minor with her quick and powerful magical abilities?

"The title of this magnificent tale is "The Ballad o--" Trixie halted in her tracks. She didn't dare speak the name of her love as the calling of this show. Coming up with a quick substitution might have proven difficult for some, yet not hard enough for the brain flexing talents of The Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Err-- The Ballad of Twinkle Night!" corrected the showmare. Ears of the only pony in the audience fell south. Not only was that a horrible attempt at a cover up, but the name she used instead was even more embarrassing. Perhaps "Glitter Dawn" would have been a better choice. Either way, the magician continued the show, not knowing she failed at fooling her secret admirer. The story here is just what you would expect from a show called... you know. It all started with the legend of a bright, translucent brute that came from The Everfree Forest seeking death and destruction of all ponydom. A poor, homeless mare who was seeking refuge in a hollowed tree heard the reckless crashes of the monster's paws, slamming their way through her little, old, backwater town.

By the way, while Trixie wasn't looking towards the lavender unicorn during her over dramatic retelling of events from a few weeks ago, the entire audience were hitting themselves in the head with the end of their hoof. It didn't help that the silver mane mare was using her crude, glowing line art to tell the story. Anyway, the near defenseless pony in the tale stood in the midst of the giant fiend's shadow. Her body arched back and the horn attached to her head sent a large purple haze around her. Bright as the golden sun, the light showered over the enormous monstrosity. With a sickening, earth shattering scream, it exploded in a huge field of black dust. Following the appearance of dust was yet another explosion resulting in its matter being completely vaporized.

The story ended with a moral about how a pony shouldn't be underestimated by initial impressions and should, instead, be given a chance at creating their own judgment. Trixie took a bow after her incredibly familiar tale, while Twilight wished that she could have seen the old show of Trixie's instead. It might have been overshooting to brag about vanquishing an Ursa Major, but it's at least better than some downplayed story with a moral that doesn't even seem practical. The showmare snapped up after her self-proclaimed 'best show ever' and proceeded by doing her own original magic tricks. This included a bouquet of flowers appearing out of thin air, which were given to Twilight Sparkle, who would have preferred that trick from the start. Nonetheless the performance continued. Rabbits were pulled and cards were shown. This azure unicorn could put on an entertaining visual when she wasn't making facts up or stretching out the truth. Coming to the end, Trixie was curious of her progress thus far with wooing her special friend.

"Psst, Twilight," she whispered to the mare. The lavender mare wasn't amused at the fact she's whispering to the only pony in the room.

"How is Trixie doing so far? Do you like it?" she asked. The answer was in the form of a better question.

"Did you really have to make me look so pathetic in the beginning?" she said in a hushed tone. Wait, what was she being quiet for? This showmare's strange mannerisms were contagious. Speaking of whom, she was devastated that Twilight had figured her out so easily. Good thing she left out about the part where 'Twinkle Night' and 'The Good and Vigorous Trixanna' get together and have foals. She'd also have to scratch out the sequel she had brainstormed the other night. Either way her reasons for the exaggerated tale were valid and understandable.

"Trixie apologizes, Twilight. Most of the changes she made from our last encounter were merely to add a sense of drama and disbelief. Trixie wanted ponies to get a wonderful impression about you, but in order to do so you would have to be somepony they could care about first," she explained. The striped mane unicorn lowered her brows and kept her irritated gaze set into the purple eyes on stage.

"So you said I was homeless and poor?" she said with her teeth clenched.

"Only to have you shine in a better light towards the end! Trixie assures you she meant no harm to your image..." her head hung in shame. Seeing this made the lavender pony drop her next attack. Here she was getting a private show from the mare she loved the most, and was getting upset over stupid details. Her sights set on the gathered tulips that were conjured not too long ago, sitting at her hooves. It might have been a slightly insulting alternative to the true events from the day the Ursa Minor attacked, but at least her heart was in the right place. This was all a thank you to Twilight's hospitality, and she should accept it for just that.

"It's okay, Trixie. I know you wouldn't think of me that way. We're friends now, of course!" she beamed. To Trixie, this was a complete turnaround from her last sentence. First she's grinding her teeth in anger, the next she's calling the showmare her friend. 'Is that all we are, Twilight Sparkle? Just friends? I guess Trixie could live with that. She would love to be more than that, but for right now... Trixie is happy to be your friend!' she thought with a wide smile on her face.

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle! Friends, we most certainly are!" agreed the azure mare. With this new-found happiness, her next trick came into mind. A fun yet satisfying game played upon somepony's head.

"With that settled, friend, Trixie would like to begin her last trick. Would you please join her onstage?" she blushed. Her hoof motioned her to come up, though her head couldn't turn to face the mare below now. This final spell she had cast on many ponies before her, but this pony was a special case to her. It was almost embarrassing to think about. Twilight had galloped to the steps before the stage in excitement. Her hooves bouncing on the way up until she reached the cerulean blue equine.

"So what are you going to do to me, Great and Powerful Trixie?" she questioned coyly. There was only a blush on Trixie's face before. Now her whole face illuminated in a hot pink! This was only because of the purple unicorn's appropriate but easy to misread question. Eventually, she managed to repress the hues on her muzzle and twirled around to see an ecstatic mare right in front of her. The distance between them almost took back the showmare a few hooves. She figured that personal space would wait until later.

"A simple, but effective incantation. Just stand still, Twilight Sparkle," she coaxed. The striped maned pony did as she was instructed and stood perfectly still. Now that her subject was in place, Trixie began her deep gaze into those violet eyes.

"Okay, Twilight. Relax... Ease your shoulders down and just stare into Trixie's eyes," she began. "Imagine yourself feeling calmer with each breath. As I count to five, you'll begin to drift off to another place. A safe place where nothing can harm you,"

"One," counted the showmare.


"Three." Her tone began to lower to a whisper.


"Five," she whispered almost at a mute.

At this point, the lavender mare had her eyes closed and her whole body slouched as if she fell asleep in that position. Trixie believed that her trick worked and that Twilight was in a state of relaxation. She, however, was not even close to such a thing. Looking into your love's eyes up close like that had really shaken up the poor mare. Hypnosis wasn't very effective on her in the first place, nor was it even considered a magic trick, but staring at her beloved only made her shut her eyes out of embarrassment. Now that the consecutive numbers had reached their end, it was time to let the showmare know of her faile--

"Yes! Trixie managed to do it this time!" yelled the unknowing unicorn. It was too late to come out of this act at this point. The show, as always, must go on.

"Now, Twilight Sparkle, you must do whatever Trixie says without argument. This will in turn prove the spell was a complete success!" demanded the silver mane pony. Her victim only nodded in agreement. She only hoped this would be over soon so she could stop pretending like an idiot.

"Firstly, Trixie wants you to say that she is the most beautiful equine in all of Equestria, and that Trixie graces you with her presence on this stage!" commanded the magician. Holding back a large glow of red, Twilight began fulfilling her order. She already thought of Trixie this way, so she could fill it with a few drops of her heart.

"Trixie... You are the most beautiful equine in all of Equestria. You grace me with your presence," she repeated back. Maybe one too many drops poured into this. The showmare couldn't help but stare off into space and clam up as crimson light enveloped from her hooves up. Saying that she liked hearing that was a drastic understatement. If she had this pony in an empty room for all eternity and these compliments would be said to her repetitively? There would never be a moment where her heart wouldn't sing. This entranced mare had passed her test, but in its wake spawned a line that dared to be crossed. Due to the recent realization of friendship between the two, the blue unicorn felt bad about such a question. Questioning this, though, was extremely important to her. Surely there isn't anything Trixie would make this unsuspecting pony do that would result in some sort of cliffhanger.

"Good work, Twilight Sparkle! For your next order--" she hesitated for a second. The only way this command could be delivered is if her eyes were closed and face was directed to the ground.

"Y-you must honestly tell how you f-feel about Trixie!" she stammered loudly.

Ah, there it is!


Author's Notes:

Once again, phew. I had a few different ideas for this chapter, so it took me a day to decide on what I wanted to do here. One thing I haven't really seen many Twixie fanfictions do is have Trixie put on a show of hers. Off the top of my head I can only think of 'Of Mares and Magic' really doing that... Speaking of which, I know most of you would probably catch my second most obvious reference to another Twixie fanfiction ever. Just to let you ponies know for the fifth time, I have been referencing Twixie fanfictions just about every chapter. I feel a little bad that this one was just as obvious as the previous chapters. I assure you that I only thought up the reference after coming up with the chapter's plot. Honestly, if I think in the middle of writing a scene that I can fit in a reference and make it effective, I totally would. I tried not to flat-out namedrop the reference like I did last chapter.

Oh, that 'Of Mares and Magic' book? You haven't heard the last of it. At least I’m pretty sure you haven't...

Special thanks to Magical Trevor, who had to put up with all my mistakes and my whining... Even if he does not think I was whining.