• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 28,379 Views, 3,143 Comments

The Technological Technicolor Technomare - Tatsurou

The story of Rainbow Dash, as raised by Tony Stark.

  • ...

Exercise in Absurdity

Tony lay back happily as the first rays of the morning sun began to penetrate his sleeping quarters near the top of Avengers Tower. He couldn't really call it early morning, since by the time the sun rose high enough for its light to clear other buildings and come in the window, the day was almost half over. But then, he didn't actually have anything planned for today for once, so he could afford to take it easy.

Besides, with his wife Pepper curled up in his arms, he had no urgency whatsoever to move from the warm, comfortable bed.

Just to make sure he could take this time to relax and take it easy, he went over a mental checklist of anything that might get in the way. At this time of day, Rainbow would still be in her cloud bed. Short of an emergency or exciting activity she was looking forward to, she rarely rose before noon unless someone insisted or something big disturbed her sleep. Hawkeye and Black Widow were patrolling today to give everyone else the day off. Nick Fury had reduced Avengers activity so as to give time for Ultron 19 to adjust to living at Avengers Tower, and for the Avengers to adjust to Ultron 19. The Stark Industries employees knew not to disturb Tony in his sleeping quarters for anything short of the end of the world - or anything Rainbow related - if Pepper was staying over from the night before, since their busy schedules didn't always leave them time to properly enjoy married life.

"What puny robot think he doing at Rainbow's room?"

"It is my turn to accompany her on her morning sojourn through the city."

"Was robots turn yesterday! Is Hulk's turn today!"

...And Hulk and Ultron were arguing over who would get to take Rainbow out for her morning walk around the city. Groaning, he put his hand to his face as Pepper covered her head with a pillow.

"You have had several years more of turns with Rainbow. I must catch up."

"You get late start! You no get to catch up, or Hulk never have turn again!"

"I can fly with Rainbow, should the fancy strike her."

"Morning walks not for flying! For meeting people!"

"And if she should desire to exercise her wings instead of her thrusters?"

"She always fly circles around Hulk's head!"

Tony groaned in frustration. Ever since Ultron moved in, he and Hulk had engaged in a strange rivalry for Rainbow's time. Pepper had told Rainbow to take notes, as that would be good experience for when she had to deal with men fighting over her. Rainbow had promptly asked why Hulk and Ultron weren't using mud pits. Clint Barton was promptly forbidden from hanging out with Rainbow unchaperoned.

"I am far better at blending in with other humans than you are. I can create a human holographic disguise."

"Hulk not need disguise! People like seeing Hulk and Rainbow together!"

Tony shook his head. Sometimes the reasons they used to argue who should have a turn today had merit. Sometimes they were completely pointless.

"I look better in a dress than you do!"


And sometimes they were so patently absurd that Tony and Pepper couldn't help but laugh.

"Would you two stop arguing?" Rainbow butted into the argument. "You woke me up too early!"

"He started it!" the two super powered beings shouted, and Tony could easily visualize them pointing accusingly at each other.

Rainbow scoffed. "I don't care who started it! I'm getting sick of you two arguing like children over who spends more time with me. Last I checked, I was the 12 year old here!" She could be heard snorting in disgust. "Both of you act like the mature adults you're supposed to be, or you can both stay here and I'll take my morning walk with Steve!"

Hulk snorted in disbelief. "Hulk not buy bluff. Captain not dress up as nanny for you!"

"Care to wager on that, Hulk?" Steve Rogers could be heard saying rather defiantly.

The only hint Tony or Pepper had of what was going on was a strange clang - Tony jokingly speculated it was Hulk's jaw dropping - and Rainbow's snickering. Then they got confirmation. "You seriously plan to go out wearing that?"

"You two do," Steve replied.

Tony and Pepper both looked at each other in surprise. "This I've got to see!" they said together, quickly scrambling for their clothes before rushing out to the main room.

Hulk, as usual, was in his Mrs. Doubtfire outfit. Ultron was dressed as Nanny McPhee. And Captain America was wearing a Mary Poppins dress over his usual costume. Rainbow, for her part, was struggling not to laugh. However, the moment she turned to face Tony, she fell onto her back in peals of laughter. Steve, for his part, raised his eyebrow. "You want to be Rainbow's Nanny today, too?" he asked jokingly.

Looking down, Tony realized that in his and Pepper's scramble for their clothes, they had accidentally put on each others - save undergarments - and he was now wearing Pepper's dress from last night, while she was wearing his shirt and pants. "Now wait," he began. "This wasn't intentional-"

At that moment, Thor stuck his head out of his room. "What manner of ruckus awakens us this morning?" he demanded. He glanced from one of his companions to the other. "By Odin, is this some new celebration where we dress as the opposite gender?" Before anyone could respond, he grinned widely. "What jocularity! I shall join you!" He ducked back into his room. There was the sound of rapid clanging, and when he came back out, his armor had been temporarily altered so that he resembled the stereotypical fat lady from Wagnerian Opera.

Rainbow laughed even louder, then squealed happily as an idea hit her. "Let's all go out today like this!" she said happily, quickly donning her little modified pants suit for formal occasions. "A family outing!"

"You're kidding, right?" Tony asked worriedly.

She wasn't kidding.

It didn't take much to get Tony going along with things. A single suggestion from Pepper that it might be fun - coupled with Rainbow's cutest begging pout - wore down his resolve in under a minute. As a result, he now walked down the streets of New York in a dress, alongside his cross-dressing superhero allies, his wife, and his daughter. Thankfully, attention was drawn first to Hulk, then to Ultron, then to Thor, then to Captain America, so few people actually recognized him before their brains refused to interpret what they were seeing anymore. Those few who did, Tony dealt with by pointing at Rainbow and mouthing, "Her idea." With luck, he would gain the reputation of an overindulgent father rather than a closet cross-dresser.

Any thoughts of escaping so unscathed were abandoned the minute they hit Broadway. Grinning widely, Rainbow pointed right at Hulk and said, "Hit it!"

Grinning widely, Hulk took hold of his skirts and proceeded to prance down the road, swaying his skirts as he attempted to dance. He also...well, calling it singing would have been an insult to musicians everywhere, Tony chose to mentally refer to it as "bellowing in harmony".

"Hulk feel pretty! Oh so pretty! Hulk feel pretty and witty and gay~! And Hulk pity, any girl who isn't Hulk today! FA LA LA LA LA LA LA-LA!"

Hulk then proceeded through the entire song and dance routine, the Captain and Thor acting as his back up singers, his dance steps leaving divots in the road.

At the end of the song, Ultron stepped forward. "You do not understand proper music. Allow me to demonstrate." Ultron then proceeded to perform the entire number again his way. Tony was forced to admit that Ultron's singing voice - despite sounding somewhat auto-tuned - had a much more pleasing timbre, a more bearable volume, and his dance steps were far more graceful and didn't damage the pavement.

Captain America - and, at Pepper's cajoling, Tony as well - each then took their turns at the musical number, each singing in a slightly different style. Thor finished off the round by singing the song in an Operatic mode that matched his attire, resulting in heavy applause from a rather large gathering of civilians. Without warning, many more young men and women came out onto the road - each dressed in the stereotypical clothing of the opposite gender - and the entire amassed group began performing all the musical numbers of West Side Story, the women singing the male parts and the men singing the female parts.

The spontaneous musical flash dancing didn't end there, as the entire group got so into it that they continued into other musical performances. At one point, even Hulk sounded precocious. The entire routine continued unabated for several hours.

Nick Fury leaned back, watching the security feeds over New York. The cameras were programmed to automatically feed him any activity that was excessively unusual. This was not what he expected to see when he turned on the urgent broadcast.

After a time of staring, he simply groaned and buried his face in his hands. "What the hell are you thinking, Tony?"

In a place between places, somewhere on the near side of Nowhere and the far side of Everywhere, Loki stared at the view of New York City on the world Thor loved so much. His eyes were wide, his brow was twitching, and he clutched his spear like it could protect him from what he was witnessing.

"Perhaps I should leave Earth alone after all," he murmured to himself. "If even the Hulk and that machine have fallen to that pony's whims...I do not think I would look good in a dress..."

"Okie Dokie, Loki!" drifted on the ether winds from somewhere.

"Stay back, Pink Devil!" Loki cried, throwing himself away from the source of the voice.

The next morning, the entire team was gathered around the breakfast table dressed more normally. Tony, having come down from the high that somehow had consumed the entire city during the musical, feared the possible press related repercussions of their absurd antics. Glancing around, however, no one else seemed worried. Thor was eating his food without thought. Ultron was watching them all inscrutably. Hulk was stuffing his face without concern. Steve was calmly drinking his coffee. Rainbow had her face buried in her cereal bowl.

Sighing, Tony picked up the newspaper. He started to sweat when he saw that the picture of the five of them dancing down the street in drag covered the entirety of the front page. When he saw the headline, however, he could only groan.

Avengers Show Wholehearted Support of Rainbow Pride Day

He showed the article to Rainbow, pointing at the headline. "Did you know about this?"

"Well, if they were all so eager to meet me, I could hardly stay away, could I?" Rainbow asked jokingly.

Tony groaned. Hulk snorted in amusement. Steve tilted his head in confusion. Ultron said nothing, but seemed amused.

Thor started waving his arms around wildly, slamming his face into the table repeatedly.

"Thor!" Tony asked quickly in concern. "What's gotten into-"

"Buk-KAK!" Thor crowed loudly without warning.

The entire table save two burst into uncontrollable laughter. Ultron stared at the Asgardian, into whom he was directing a steady stream of the encephalo-ray to directly manipulate his actions, rather than implanting hypnotic suggestions. "I fail to see the humor," he said sadly. "Perhaps I have become too highly evolved to appreciate such comedy." He glanced around at everyone else's enjoyment. "A pity," he said at last. "They look like they're all having...fun."