• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 28,379 Views, 3,143 Comments

The Technological Technicolor Technomare - Tatsurou

The story of Rainbow Dash, as raised by Tony Stark.

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Rainbow grumbled to herself as she flew in 'patrol flights' around the eastern half of the city. The first major battle against some sort of super villain force was going on in the western half of the city right now...and she had been summarily denied her rightful participation! It just wasn't fair!

Okay, she admitted that she had no actual combat experience yet - either alone or with the group - and sending her into battle against an organized force alongside the others probably wouldn't have been a good idea...but that didn't make it feel any better when Tony told her to patrol the rest of the city instead.

Danggit, Dad! she grumbled internally. How am I supposed to get any combat experience if you don't let me fight?

That morning, a message from Nick Fury informed them all that some group called AIM was planning something major in the western portion of the city. Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor - being the only members of the Avengers currently in town - were immediately mobilized to deal with the threat. Rainbow had suited up to go fight, too, but had been immediately denied by Hulk. Thor had agreed that, at her current level of combat experience, she would be a hindrance to the team.

As she'd sunk lower to the floor with those words, Tony had tried to perk her up. He'd told her to patrol the eastern half of the city, on the grounds that some other criminal elements might seize on the distraction of AIM and the Avengers fighting to cause trouble there. She knew it was just keeping her out of the way while feeling useful, but at least it was better than sitting around in the lab waiting to hear if those she cared about got back in one piece.

At that moment, her sensors picked up something below her. Glancing down, she began to circle as she examined what she saw.

Four unusual looking men clad in bright colors were walking down the road, heading towards the bank. While only two of them were armed - one with a crowbar, the other with a large wrecking ball and chain - all four looked battle hardened and ready for trouble. "JARVIS," Rainbow asked into her comms, "do you have any information on those guys?"

"Scanning databases," JARVIS replied. After a time, profiles came up for all four. "Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, and Wrecker. All four have long criminal records both individually and as a group, known as the Wrecking Crew, both in America and Canada. They are highly dangerous, and incredibly durable. Their natural abilities have also undergone an unknown form of enhancement. Since that enhancement, they have always worked as a team. All indications are that Wrecker leads them."

Rainbow focused her attention on the purple and green clad man with the crowbar. "Hey wait a minute..." She focused her attention on the crowbar. "Why is it glowing?"

JARVIS was silent for a time. "Local security cameras do not detect a glow around the weapon. Only the sensors on your suit do, and I am unable to analyze that data. Logic indicates it is some form of magical energy."

"It kinda reminds me of Mole-near for some reason," Rainbow continued, deliberately mispronouncing the hammers name as was her habit. She always loved the faces Thor made when she did that.

"There is no available information I can analyze to correlate a comparison," JARVIS intoned. "However, given the nature of Mjolnir, it would be logical speculation that the crowbar has undergone some form of Asgardian enhancement."

"That's probably what caused their power boost, then," Rainbow concluded. "If I can get control of that crowbar, maybe I can do something to deal with the lot of them."

"I would not recommend that course of action," JARVIS warned. "Their combat experience is extensive, and your own-"

"I'm never gonna get any experience if I don't fight!" Rainbow countered.

At that moment, Bulldozer charged the wall of the bank, breaking down as he slammed it helmet first.

"No time for talking now!" Rainbow declared. "Time for action!" With that, she charged down.

Piledriver grinned as he grabbed handfuls of gold bars out of the bank vault and dropped them into their loot sacks. Thunderball had been right. With AIM drawing the attention of the Avengers and the police force, there was no one to get in the way of the heist. They wouldn't normally stoop to something as petty as robbing a bank, but easy money was easy money.

"Hey!" Bulldozer barked at him. "Hurry it up in there!"

"I'm working on it!" Piledriver complained. "Besides, what's the rush? There's nobody to stop us." He spread his arms wide. "We could steal the whole city if we wanted!"

"Or at least this half of it," Thunderball mused.

"Don't be so certain," Wrecker growled, pointing.

As they saw the blur of red and gold, at first they thought it was Iron Man, and they got ready to fight. However, as the blur resolved into a shape, they saw...a pony?

Rainbow smirked under her helmet. "Look at the mess you boys have made!" she said expansively. "Somebody's going to have to clean it up."

The four villains stared at her for a time...then burst out laughing.

"This?" Bulldozer guffawed. "This is the city's protector?"

"I feel insulted!" Wrecker laughed. "Does Iron Man really think one of his automated drones can handle us?"

"I don't think it is a drone," Thunderball spoke up. "Hadn't you heard Tony adopted a Pegasus as his daughter?"

"Wait, so this is some kinda Iron Mare?" Piledriver joked, laughing at his own humor.

Oh they didn't! Rainbow hissed in her mind.

Before she could react to counter his statement, however, one fo the civilians in the bank called, "Please save us, Iron Mare!"

Rainbow groaned. "Danggit..." she grumbled.

"What is the matter?" JARVIS asked.

"Iron Mare?" she asked. "Seriously? It's so...generic! It makes me sound like I'm Dad's sidekick! Not a hero in my own right!" She glowered at Piledriver. "And now that name's going to stick! So much for the cool name I had picked out."

"...Technological Technicolor Technomare?" JARVIS inquired after scanning her computerized notes.

"Doesn't that sound totally awesome?" Rainbow stated proudly. At JARVIS' silence, she scoffed. "Ah, what do you know?" Dashing forward, she delivered a solid high speed kick right to Piledriver's chin.

Piledriver rocked back, but quickly steadied himself. "Heh, someone's eager to party!" he laughed, bringing his fist forward in a punch that hit Rainbow square in the barrel.

Rainbow tumbled forehead over fetlocks through the air, wincing. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" she gasped out. "That hurt! I thought this armor was going to keep me from getting hurt!"

"Your armor design utilizes your own inner energy to neutralize impact force," JARVIS reminded her. "Even when drawing from energy stored in the arc batteries, some force feedback is to be expected. Also, that impact alone drained the primary battery by 30%."

"That much?" Rainbow gasped in shock. That was nearly 7 hours worth of flight time at half the speed of sound. "Better make sure I don't take anymore hits, then." Looking up, she gasped and shot into the sky.

Thunderball had thrown his wrecking ball at her, and she thought she had dodged it. However, instead of flying straight ahead as she had expected - or returning to his hand, another possibility given Asgardian magic was involved - the ball and chain instead turned in the air to follow her. "Waaah!" she screamed out, turning again to evade it, only for it to continue to follow her.

She kept zipping back and forth, screaming, as the ball chased her. A brief shot from one of her repulsors deflected off the ball, indicating that destruction wasn't really an option. However, at one pass by the bank, she saw Thunderball holding out his hand, tracking her movements with both gaze and arm.

He's controlling it, huh? Rainbow thought to herself. Let's see how good his control is? Making a sharp turn, she shot right by the wrecking ball as she reversed course, watching as it turned in a slow arc to pursue her again. Has a lot of force, but can't turn fast, huh? I can use that. She turned back towards the Wrecking Crew, slowing down for a bit to allow the ball to start to catch up. After that, she charged straight at Bulldozer.

"Heh, didn't learn your lesson with Piledriver?" he barked. Grinning, he charged at her.

At the last moment, Rainbow dropped and shot between his legs, kicking upward as she did. He gasped out, clutching at his groin. Huh, Rainbow thought. They're impact resistant, but force feedback is an issue for them, too? The wrecking ball then slammed into Bulldozer, slamming him off his feet before being recalled by Thunderball. And heavy impacts can damage them, huh? "JARVIS, gimme a quick download of human pressure points, anywhere that a hard impact will cause a disproportionate amount of damage."

As JARVIS sent her the documentation, she quickly went over it as Piledriver charged at her. Noticing something, she smirked. Spining in midair, she bucked both her hind hooves straight at his eyes, flaring her repulsors right at impact.

"AHH!" Piledriver screamed, staggering back clutching at his face. "My eyes!"

"You'll recover!" Wrecker growled, holding his crowbar out towards Rainbow.

Rainbow winced as she felt something stab into her mind, though she was able to repel it. "What the hell was that?" she demanded of JARVIS.

"...records indicate that Wrecker has some ability to mentally manipulate the weak willed," JARVIS replied. "Given the magical nature of the weapon, it would appear you are more vulnerable - if not more susceptible - to such an assault from a magical source."

"How am I supposed to-AGH!" she screamed out. Thunderball had taken advantage of her distraction to strike her with his wrecking ball. Before she had a chance to recover, Wrecker had struck out with his crowbar and impacted her right between her wings, slamming her into the ground. Just before Thunderball brought his weapon down on top of her, she was able to zip out of the way.

"Primary arc battery at 20%," JARVIS informed her. "Secondary arc battery at 80% and has suffered minor damage and is leaking energy."

"Dammit!" Rainbow cursed as she flew back, but paused. "The glow around the crowbar has...changed."

"Unable to analyze data," JARVIS informed her. "Only available conclusion is that some form of interaction has occurred between the Asgardian energies and yours."

"Then maybe I can do something about-GYUK!" She folded in on herself as Bulldozer - having recovered from the earlier hit - punched her right in the gut. "Dammit! How am I supposed to keep track of all of them?"

"Primary arc battery at 5%."

Rainbow began to feel afraid. However, she squashed that fear down. I won't lose! she insisted to herself, gearing up for battle.

"Hey look!" Piledriver said, wiping his eyes and pointing. "Her rainbow spikes are smaller!"

Surprised, Rainbow glanced back at herself. It was true, the spikes growing at the back of her helmet were slightly smaller and flickering on occasion. The ones at her rear were barely there at all.

"I think it means she's running out of power," Thuderball said. "She's got two arcbatteries, not an arclight, and the one in front looks like it's about to give out."

Crap crap crap! Rainbow panicked.

"Then we're nearly halfway finished with her!" Bulldozer proclaimed, getting ready for another assault.

At that moment, an enraged reptilian shriek pierced the air. Zuki leapt from a nearby pond onto Bulldozer's back, grabbing his shoulders and biting at his helmet. There was a crunch as his teeth sunk partway into the metal.

"What the hell?" Piledriver demanded, trying to punch Zuki off his companion. Zuki, however, flexed his body so the punches missed him, hitting Bulldozer instead. With the helmet now completely torn off, Zuki leapt at Wrecker, only to be knocked back as the crowbar flew forward to take him in the gut. Zuki gasped for breath as he got back to his feet, then shuddered. Wrecker was holding his crowbar towards the reptile, obviously attempting a mental assault.

"Leave him alone!" Rainbow roared. She charged forward, stopping just behind Wrecker with her wings spread. She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing, as instinct had taken over. Her left wing flexed, and the bottom edge of the wing armor shifted, changing from dull, flat plane to a feathered, razor edge. She swung her wing at Wreckers back.

The points dug into his flesh, one neatly cutting between two vertebrae.

"AGH!" Wrecker screamed in surprise and agony.

Rainbow pulled her wing out, confused. Why did I do that? W-what did I do? She shook her head. Can't think about that just now! Spinning, she kicked Wrecker in the face, knocking him to floor and making him drop the crowbar. She caught it as it fell.

"My legs!" Wrecker shouted in pain and fear. "I can't feel my legs!"

Blocking that out, Rainbow held up the crowbar, focusing on it. I hope this works... Focusing her mind, she forced her magical energy - both from her body and the arc batteries - into the crowbar.

The Asgardian magic flared, fighting her energy. As the magical feedback arced into her, she screamed in agony.

Tony brushed his hands as he, Hulk, Thor, and a SHIELD detainment unit finished up with stopping AIM. "JARVIS," he said calmly as he caught his breath, "what's the status with the rest of the city?"

"Rainbow Dash has engaged in battle with the Wrecking Crew at the Federal Reserve Bank," JARVIS replied.

"What?" Tony demanded in shock. "Fury, we need another detainment unit at the Federal Reserve bank. The Wrecking Crew is attacking it, and right now only Rainbow's there to fight them!"

"Sending a dispatch unit right away!" Nick replied over comms.

"Rainbow is in danger?" Thor asked in shock, immediately following Tony and Hulk towards the bank.

"What's her status, JARVIS?" Tony demanded.

"Primary arc battery has lost all power. Secondary battery at 45% and dropping rapidly. Vital signs unstable."

"Fuck!" Tony barked out. "Hang on Rainbow!" he called out, putting everything in the thrusters.

The pain was worse than anything Rainbow had experienced, almost more than she could take. But she held on...because she could feel the power of the artifact wavering, beginning to fail. She refused to address the fact that she was rapidly running out of power, too.

Bulldozer and Piledriver stayed back, their eyes flicking from the corona of energy surrounding Rainbow and the crowbar to Wrecker, still screaming in pain and fear at being unable to feel his legs. Thunderball, while just as concerned as those two details, also kept his eyes on Zuki. The reptile had gotten back to his feet, but was still staggering.

Rainbow let off one last scream, and the corona of energy focused around the crowbar. Lightning flashed out of it, striking all four members of the Wrecking Crew. All four felt the energy the Asgardian artifact had given them being drained right out of them. Their powers were taken back with interest, leaving them physically reduced and with barely the strength to stand.

The energy flowed back into the artifact...and then it shattered explosively.

Rainbow fell back from the explosion, pushing herself up to her hooves, her wings spread. She felt like she was going to throw up, but she refused to fall. "Had enough?" she managed to demand of them.

"Secondary battery at 5% and dropping," JARVIS informed her. "There is no longer enough energy to maintain structural integrity of the armor, flight, and stabilize your vital signs."

Rainbow knew, even without JARVIS' status report, that she was drained. The rainbow spikes on her helmet had been reduced to a barest fuzz, and the ones at her rear had vanished completely.

But as she stood, braced to continue fighting, she knew she had already won. "Well?" she demanded of the depowered criminals.

At that exact moment, the SHIELD detainment unit arrived, surrounding the building. Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor showed up not moments later.

Thor stared at the defeated villains and shattered fragments of the crowbar. "She...won?" Thor asked in shock, turning to stare at the young filly in awe. "She is but 10 years old, and already she has achieved a major victory in battle against foes I have struggled against in the past! Marvel of Marvels!"

Hulk, for his part, watched Rainbow in concern as he helped Zuki steady himself.

Tony, however, was unable to tear his eyes away from Rainbow's wing. The feathered edge was still there, and blood still dripped from it. A swelter of confused emotions swirled through him, and he mastered them as best as he was able. "Rainbow," he managed to say calmly, "get back to the tower. You...need medical attention."

Seeing the direction of Tony's gaze, Rainbow hung her head in shame. "Y...yes Dad," she said quietly. Knowing that she didn't have enough energy left for the thrusters, she spread her wings and flapped her way into the sky and slowly back to the tower.

"Good call," Nick Fury mentioned through the comms. "It's good for her image as part of the team if she doesn't have to be carried back from her first battle."

"If she'll still be a part of the team at the end of this," Tony said, turning to stare at the depowered Wrecker, still screaming about his legs. "Pepper, Rainbow's going to need immediate medical attention when she gets back to the tower...and she's to stay in the med lab until I get back and talk to her."

"Is...is it bad?" Pepper asked nervously over the comm.

"Yeah," Tony replied. "It's...bad." He then did his best to gather his thoughts, using the clean up time to work through the worst of the emotional turmoil the sight of that blood dripping from Rainbow's wing had filled him with.

The talk with Rainbow about this was likely going to be even harder for her than the battle was...and the last thing he wanted to do was risk making it worse because he couldn't control himself.