• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 28,379 Views, 3,143 Comments

The Technological Technicolor Technomare - Tatsurou

The story of Rainbow Dash, as raised by Tony Stark.

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Suit Up

Tony carefully pored over the planned lesson plan for the day. Rainbow's education had easily expanded by leaps and bounds, as she rapidly devoured everything he could present her to learn. By the end of that year, she'd already absorbed the entire high school curriculum. He was now getting ready to work on the college level courses for the arts, history, and languages. As for science and maths...

Well, Rainbow still had a bit of trouble when dealing with the basic equations and numbers when she was required to show her work, but when she was allowed to intuit, she had already mastered enough to get a Master's degree in aeronautics, mathematics, engineering, and chemistry. Tony was actually beginning to run out of things he could teach her that he had already mastered. As a result, he needed to study up in preparation for teaching her.

This was not to say that Rainbow Dash was smarter than Tony. She had proven so far that it was only when she was allowed to go by instinct that she could grasp the more advanced sciences. In testing, she still fell behind when it came to showing her work. Tony could, when pressed, explain the math and science behind the things he came up with, even if he preferred not to. He could also, with study and inference, quickly interpret and explain much of what Rainbow came up with.

Rainbow's learning curve, however, was phenomenal, he had finally figured out why. He had discovered that she absorbed new information much better when flying than when on the ground - or, more recently, on a cloud(1). Since flying would be when she would be at greatest danger from obstacles, it was reasonable to conclude that her species evolved to have a heightened awareness of their surroundings when flying, as well as an enhanced cognitive capacity when it came to interpreting that information...which, with civilization and sapient intellect, translated to a photographic memory. Rainbow's near flawless recall in that regard - along with her ability to make cognitive connections between what she absorbed, airborne or otherwise - showed that she was just as much a brain giant of her species as Tony was for his.

A sudden crash from Rainbow's lab - Tony had actually gone so far as to set up a lab just for Rainbow's experiments and scientific exploration, mostly to keep her from playing with the stuff he was actively working on - brought him out of his thoughts. "How can a filly with such grace and intelligence in the air also be so clumsy?" he asked, getting up to see what she'd broken this time.

Once he got there, however, he saw the last thing he expected to see that day. Dug part way into the floor was a red and gold figure in the shape of Rainbow, although the prismatic mane and tail he was used to seeing were much spikier and sparked with electricity, although they seemed to be flickering out. Seeing his own iconic mask reshaped to equine features, he knew what was going on if not how. "Rainbow," he said sternly, tapping his foot.

The prismatic spikes withdrew into the helmet, followed by the mask withdrawing, and then the helmet itself withdrawing into the rest of the suit, leaving Rainbow staring up at him with a nervous smile, her mane hanging around her face in a mussed and - he had to admit - adorable fashion. "Hi Daddy," she said, trying her best to look ingratiating...and doing a pretty good job of it.

Sighing, Tony stepped forward and pulled Rainbow out of the divot she had dug in the reinforced floor. "What's all this?" he asked, gesturing to the suit and various holo-displays of information.

"I wanted a suit like yours, Daddy!" Rainbow asserted. "I wanna fight the bad guys, too!"

Tony sighed in frustration. A few times, her lessons had been interrupted as some super-powered madman or technologically equipped super villain had shown up, and Tony had had to suit up as Iron Man to go deal with it. After the first time, Rainbow had wanted to fight the bad guys too, possibly because she found the suit and everything involved with it, as she put it, "So awesome!" He had forbidden it for the simple and obvious reason that, at her current age, she was too fragile to handle the stress of battle. Both Hulk and Pepper had backed him to the hilt on that point, and future flights out to battle had been accompanied by a violently thrashing, angry pony held tight in Hulk's protective grasp, and followed by a defiantly sulking Rainbow afterwards. Honestly, Tony should have seen this coming.

Glancing around, he looked at the documentation Rainbow had made to cover the details of this new suit. Repulsors in all four hooves, additional energy vents all along the edge of the wings at the feather tips (he paused in reading this to look at Rainbow's armored wings, seeing that the armor did have a feathered pattern, shaping both to her wings and to individual feathers on the inside for additional protection), the armor itself converted to the energy reactive metal Rainbow had helped him develop...

He paused as he read this last bit. "Rainbow, where did you get these materials to build the suit?"

Rainbow glanced away nervously. "...around..." she said evasively.

Glaring down at Rainbow, Tony spoke again. "JARVIS, where did Rainbow get the materials?"

"She cannibalized the Mark 7," JARVIS informed him.

"What?" Tony demanded, shocked and outraged. He had good reason to be. The Mark 7 suit was the one he had worn in the final battle against Loki and his alien army, and he had been holding it in reserve in case of other heavy duty battles.

"Like it's such a big deal!" Rainbow proclaimed rebelliously. "Your new Mark 8 with the energy reactive metal has half the bulk, allowing for twice the speed and evasion, and it can easily be boosted to three times the offensive and defensive output at half the energy drain to your arclight! Like you'd ever wear that old thing again!"

Tony paused as he thought about her words. It was true, the energy reactive metal she had designed for him to solve the 'suit problem' did have a higher resistance to both kinetic and energy based assaults. The first time a heavy hit had barely pushed him back, he had thought the bad guy was just a lot weaker...until he read the data readouts and saw that the armor had redistributed the impact energy into the repulsors for both added counteraction to the recoil and a stronger counter attack. Not only that, the lighter material meant that the Mark 8 could fold up and be stored in the same way his emergency suit could, which he carried around with him in the form of a suitcase. Still, it was the principal of the thing.

"How did you even get a hold of the Mark 7?" Tony asked. "That was locked up under heavy security."

"She hacked my systems," JARVIS informed him, making Rainbow preen proudly.

"What?" Tony demanded. "How?"

"Her inner bio energy appears to have an undue influence on normal machinery, causing unanticipated malfunctions in my higher cognitive capabilities,"JARVIS explained.

"She begged cutely and you couldn't resist?" Tony translated. Rainbow pouted.

JARVIS was pointedly silent.

Chuckling, Tony took a closer look at the documentation and quickly discovered the problem Rainbow was trying to correct. "You're burning through energy too fast to sustain suit functionality? That doesn't make sense..." He took a look at Rainbow's suit again, and quickly noticed something missing. "How come you didn't install an arclight? I know I have a few spares around here..."

"They hurt!" Rainbow complained, causing Tony to rear back in confusion.

"She has designed her suit to run on her unique bio energy," JARVIS explained. "Apparently, there is a fundamental incongruity between the wavelength of her internal energy and of that the arclight generates. Any attempt on her part to combine the two results in a negative compatability reaction that manifests on her part as physical discomfort."

"They hurt," Rainbow confirmed.

Tony nodded. "I can see where you've run into a problem there. So much of your unique abilities - which you've designed your suit to amplify - don't work without that unique energy of yours." He looked over the documentation again. "But you don't naturally generate enough energy moment to moment to power the suit and your natural abilities. Thus your conundrum."

"Yeah," Rainbow said petulantly. "it's a real mystery."

Tony chuckled. "Well, the solution is rather easy. JARVIS, an arc battery."

"Right away," JARVIS confirmed, bringing out the requested piece of equipment on a mechanized arm.

Rainbow looked at it. "Dad, I told you, arclight energy-"

"Agreed," Tony interrupted. "That is a problem. But the arc batteries are designed to hold vast quantities of energy and store them. Now, if we tweaked this one - and possibly a few others - to absorb the bio energy you generate on a moment to moment basis which you don't naturally use up, and then tweaked your suit to run off of them instead of you..."

Rainbow gasped. "Then I could fly around with you and beat up the bad guys, too!"

Tony chuckled. "Let's see if we can get the suit to work first, okay? Then we'll talk."

A few days later, Tony glanced over at Rainbow. "You ready for a test flight?"

Rainbow grinned. "Ready and waiting!" she proclaimed happily. Around her barrel, an X pattern of straps held the two arc batteries - now fully charged - in place, one at the center of her barrel mimicking the position of his own arclight, the other right between her wings.

"Alright then," Tony said, pulling a switch on his own straps to trigger his armor to unfold and envelop him.

Grinning, Rainbow flapped her way into the air. "It's time to Pony Up!" she proclaimed, slamming her hoof into the front arc battery, triggering her own armor to enfold and envelop her.

Tony groaned. He had no idea whose bright idea it had been to make that 'Superhero Squad' cartoon based on the battles of The Avengers and other similar groups around the world, but he would never forgive Hulk for introducing Rainbow to it.

Once they were both fully armored, they took off into the air side by side, repulsors on full.

"Yahooooooooooo!" Rainbow yelled excitedly as she shot through the sky at his side, twin streaks of red and gold - hers tinged with all the colors of the rainbow - trailing in the air behind them.

(1) Neither he nor Jarvis could explain yet how she was able to sit on a cloud or push it around and shape it like it was solid, nor could Rainbow explain it well beyond "I just can." Much to Tony's chagrin, he was forced to accept the Hulk's explanation of "Magic", followed by snorting twice. Hulk always corrected him if he left off the snorts.