• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 1,189 Views, 24 Comments

Hope/ The Final Battle - brandsca123

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Split Paths

They had decided to split their forces into two teams of four. Hope, Fluttershy, Jane and Rainbow Dash are the first group. They are supposed to get inside the colossus and shut it down, thus turning off all scouts. The second team consists of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. They're supposed to provide cover for the other team by distracting the scouts.

They split up and ran into the everfree forest.


The princess's forces were forced back by the shear number of scouts.

"Pull back! There are to many of them to fight all at once!" Luna shouted

"But what about them." One of the guards pointed in the direction of the colossus. Celestia and Luna went wide eyed at what they saw, The main six, Hope and a creature they never saw before were running towards the colossus. They seemed to be doing a better job at holding off the robots than them.

"In that case, we provide cover, make sure they get to the ship." Celestia said. The guards agreed and the battle continued.


Xorn looked on his monitor and saw the group. He banged his fist on his chair.

"Blaze, Goro go deal with these fools on the ground. Aqua get ready to fire the eclipse cannon."

".....aye sir......" Aqua pushed a series of buttons as the cannon started to hum.

"Eclipse cannon ready." Aqua said.



Hope and the others were busy running through the forest knocking back scout after scout in order to get to the ship. Suddenly Jane stopped. Hope saw this and said.

"Wait, Jane senses something," Everypony stopped and listened. Just then two men landed in front of them. Blaze and goro were standing in front of them. In the distance the Eclipse cannon was getting ready to fire. Just the Twilight and Applejack spoke up.

"You guys go ahead we'll deal with these two, right Applejack."

"Darn tutin." Blaze and goro only laughed.

"So the little pony thinks she can beat us." Goro said.

"I'd say we burn them to ash." Blaze said. Just then Jane spoke up.

"Careful you two thats Goro of the earth and Blaze of the flame. Together they can be a handful."

"Don't worry bout us, we will hold em off." Applejack said. With that Jane nodded.

"Right lets go." The rest of them ran off in the direction of the colossus, leaving Applejack and Twilight alone to deal with these fallen angels.


The princess's were busy fighting when Celestia saw the cannon.

"Luna what's that?" Luna looked over to see a bright red beam coming towards them.

"Incoming." Luna yelled. Both of them dodged as well as some guards, but those caught in the blast soon fell down to earth defeated.

"Your majesties, it looks like this might be harder than we thought." The general said.


Blaze and Goro attacked both Twilight and Applejack at the same time.

"Whoa nelly." Applejack said as she narrowly avoided Blaze's flames. "Twi ah think we may have bitten off more we can chew here."

Twilight grunted as she blasted back a large boulder thrown at her by Goro. "We just have to stay alive until the others shut that thing off."

"Ah know that Twi, but I'm more worried about us surviven this battle." Applejack sounded worried.

"Come on Hope, Jane please hurry up." Twilight said.


The rest of the group managed to get close enough to the ship, but someone stood in their way. Jester stood in front of the entrance and refused to let them past.

"If inside you wish to be, then one of you must stay to fight." Jester said with a mocking shrill tone.

"You guys go ahead, I will give this clown a taste of the Pinkie Pie." Pinkie said while taking a stand.

"So the pink one wishes to stay, this should be fun." Jester said.

"Be careful Auntie Pie." Hope said. Pinkie only smiled as the five of them ran inside the ship.

"Right lets get this show on the road." Pinkie pulled out her trusty bazooka and aimed it at Jester. "Eat frosting freak!"


Xorn looked at the battle laid before him and smiled.

"......We have intruders........" Aqua said.

"Sir, shall I go deal with them." Lumin said.

"No, I think Aqua should go. I want you to stay and guard the entrance to this room." Xorn said. Aqua took a bow and left out the door, while Lumin took his place outside.


The group was thinning fast, only five of them were left. Suddenly Aqua landed in front of them.

".........You shall not pass........." She sounded sad, depressed and full of sorrow. "........I feel sorry for you ugly little bugs for you are about to be drowned out by my rain........."

Rarity took a stand, "How dare you call me ugly, you guys go, I'll deal with this bitch."

Rarity sounded pissed. The last four ran ahead to leave Rarity to deal with Aqua.

"I'll show you who's ugly!" Rarity lunged at Aqua.

Stay tuned for more.

A/N: Right I want to get this fic over with so don't judge me if it's sloppy or going to fast.

Comments ( 10 )

520968 I just wanted to get it done so I can work on Moonlight Knight and My little Fairy Tail

you just wanted to shut me up didn't you. thats why you written it mainly because i wouldn't stop crying for the lost hope

523336 I love me too. :D

527251 I see you met my brother.

Um, I think you might want to slow down and pace the chapters for this book. If you want to work on your other two stories, then I'd recommend to go ahead and do some more work on those and then come back to this one later because this story has a lot of potential.

527251 *bows to the crowd* Thank you thank you

527405 are you unbanned now?

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