• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 8,293 Views, 48 Comments

Weighting for a Gain - iceblazethequick

Rarity's stress-eating habits lead a change in lifestyle... A change which a yellow pegasus seems to appreciate.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The sun rose over Ponyville, casting it's warm, golden glow over the entire town. Birds began to chirp, heralding its arrival; ponies rose at the crack of dawn to set up shop, cluttering the market streets; and a certain unicorn slammed her pillow over her window, very irritated at the abundance of light and birdsong.

"Augh! Just five more minutes, please!" Rarity pleaded with the sun, to no avail. Within seconds, it shone fully through her curtains, giving her bedroom a dim lighting and fully wakening the sleepy mare. She stretched her hooves by wiggling them against her huge belly, groaning as she did so.

Feeling ready to face the day as best as she could, Rarity turned to get out of bed. This had become a lengthy process, as it required her to slowly rock herself back and forth to flip over. As she built up momentum, her flab swaying to her motion, she abruptly flipped and fell off the bed, landing with a loud thump and a small amount of wobbling from her. Luckily, the padding on her belly worked as a cushion, causing her to be merely shaken and not injured from the fall.

That ordeal over, Rarity trudged off to get ready. She barely eased her hips past the bedroom doorframe, then made her way to the bathroom. Her legs felt sore from carrying her weight, and her belly not only brushed the floor but dragged along it as she walked. With a final heave, she made it into the shower and, with a release of her magic, allowed her full belly and rear to spill out and over the edge of the tub.

After a lengthy process of scrubbing her massive amount of skin, as well as inbetween each garganuan fold, she whipped open the shower curtains and noticed the issue with her bathing style; as she had washed, the water ran down her side and her belly which, now folded over the rim of her bathtub, channeled the water straight onto her floor.

"Oh, dear!" said the tubby mare, picking up a towel and beginning to dry off, "I'll need to fix that... Erherm... issue soon." As she wiped the final beads of water out of her mane, she turned around to reach her sink with all its various products: toothbrush, toothpaste, two mane and tail brushes, miscellaneous mane care tools, and makeup kit. However, halfway through her slow turn, she heard a loud crash from behind her. Rarity twisted her head around to get a better look and saw the shelf behind her lay on the ground.

Upon closer examination, she soon discovered the reason for the damage; it sat quivering atop her hind buttocks. The massive amount of fat on her rear had easily sent the shelf to its grave when she turned and pushed her full mass into it.

"I must be more careful. I'm not as graceful as I used to be, I suppose." Rarity chided herself. She turned once more to clean up the mess she had just caused, only to be met with another loud crash. Suspecting what had happened, she gulped and glanced back. "Oh, not again!" The sink cabinet lay empty; a single swipe as she turned, her rear cheeks squeezing and dragging across the open cabinet, had spilled the enitrety of its contents.

Rarity cursed to herself and decided the bathroom was unsalvagable. She turned one final time, nothing left to knock over, thankfully, and took a step forward. Her hoof met the slick floor with a squeak, and she found herself without any traction. Her leg slid out from under her, the soapy water it to fly out to the side and lurching her forward. Rarity, in a panic, cut off her magic, dropped her towel, and braced herself for the impact...

...but it never came. She opened her eyes and stared down, but could only see white. Without magic restraining it, the huge belly she had accumulated easily kept her hooves an inch off the floor, leaving her stranded. She glanced at her flooded bathroom, her ruined furniture and possesions lying on the floor, and then back down at her helpless, chubby legs.

"It's time for a diet."


0 calories

Embarrassed by her morning experience, Rarity morosely waddled into her kitchen. She passed by a bowl of candy and a large package of chocolate left there by Fluttershy the night before, resisting her urge for just a bite. She briefly entertained the idea of eating a little chocolate and skipping a meal to make up for it, but dismissed it quickly.

"I mustn't eat too much. I mustn't eat too much." She reminded herself as she took an apple out of the fridge. "I have to get down to a manageable size." She took a petite bite of the fruit while pouring herself a glass of juice, ignoring the large lemon pie sitting on her counter. "I can do this. I can be in control here." She prepared a bowl of healthy oat cereal, untouched for weeks. "I will not indulge." She sat at the table.

"I will eat like a healthy, normal pony from this point on." She looked down and saw the empty box of chocolates in front of her, along with a dirty plate which appeared to contain crumbs as the only remnant of her pie.

"...this may be more difficult than I thought."

650 calories

Rarity hummed as she worked, delicately snipping roll of fabric into neat triangles for a pattern on her latest masterpiece. She levitated her scissors expertly, cutting the cloth and then transferring each piece to a waiting ponyquin for testing. A whirlwind of objects swirled around her, measuring tapes and scraps of fabric each swapping in and out of her vision as she worked.

This is exactly what I need. Rarity thought. No distractions of food, just work. Nothing like a new line of winter outfits to keep my mind away from food. Yep, I am definitely not at all thinking about food whatsoever. The very word, food, hasn't even gone through my mind, I'm sure.

Rarity absentmindedly brushed crumbs off of her foreleg, now set deeply in a roll of fat which hung down like a short sleeve. She wiped the smears of frosting away from her mouth while levitating the empty baker's dozen box of cupcakes away from her.

"Wait, what? Oh come on!"

1100 calories

Sugarcube corner was full of ponies during lunchtime, each of them trying to grab the attention of Pinkie or the Cakes. Rarity walked into the chaos, bumping her flank into multiple customers before reaching the counter. She was greeted with the smiling face of her energetic earth pony friend.

"Good afternoon, Pinkie! I'd like to order lunch, but I'm trying to stay on my diet so today I'd just like—" She was cut off as Pinkie pushed a stack of boxes across the counter.

"Gotcha, Rarity! I know how much you want to keep up with your 'diet'," Pinkie winked, "since you are pretty much our best customer! Anyway, I already fixed up your usual, so here you go!"

Rarity started to protest, to tell Pinkie that she didn't want her usual of a chocolate cake, assorted muffins and cupcakes, and a catering sampler tray of mini-pastries. Then, however, the spell-binding scent of the treats hit her nose, and soon the bits were on the counter and the boxes at Rarity's table.

1800 calories

Rarity wiggled her body away from the salty hay fries and greasy carrot dog vendor's stall. "N-no, really, I'm sure!" she stammered.

"Oh, come on! It's just a free sample!" he persisted.

The vendor had never sold that many hay fries to one customer in his life.

2100 calories

Rarity returned to her home, hoping for sanctuary from the barrage of food. Unfortunately for her, Fluttershy had already left a bag of full of pizzas, cookies, and a jug of sugary punch at her door.

2700 calories

Rarity asserted her self-control. Her waiting pantry proved otherwise.

3400 calories

Rarity lay peacefully on her side, her fat piled around her like a blanket. Fluttershy fed her another two croissants, with two empty boxes of crumbs and a jug of Sugarcube Corner's famous milkshake.

Fluttershy gently massaged Rarity's overfull stomach. "Sorry, when you came in you seemed pretty upset. What was it?"

Rarity thought for a moment. I wanted to tell you something, but then you had dinner already and we just went ahead and ate first... I think it had something to do with a diet, or some other crazy idea."

"A diet?" Fluttershy asked incredulously, "Yeah, that does sound crazy coming from you." She giggled as Rarity's belly let out another rumble.

4000 calories

"Could you pass me another box of those delightful eclairs?" the obese unicorn asked, "I somehow feel like I haven't eaten all day!"