• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 8,296 Views, 48 Comments

Weighting for a Gain - iceblazethequick

Rarity's stress-eating habits lead a change in lifestyle... A change which a yellow pegasus seems to appreciate.

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Chapter 7

Fluttershy got behind the huge unicorn's rear and squarely planted her forehooves on each of the globular sides of her rump. With a heave, Fluttershy pumped her wings and tried as hard as she could to force the giant rolls of fat through her doorway. Rarity used her magic to push as well, and with a final *pop*, Rarity's mass was squeezed through the door and into the Fluttershy's living room.

Once on the other side, Rarity gathered as much magic as she could and pulled her flab even tighter, allowing her a few more steps. She got to the center of the room, on top of a soft rug, and finally gave up. Her horn flickered to a stop and she let out a soft groan as her full body of fat was released.

"Finally," said the exhausted unicorn, "I thought I'd never make it here. My magic was having such difficulty on the way here."

Fluttershy began pacing around the white blob, admiring the massive mare that lay in her house. "Yeah... Magic..."

"Well, magic and my weight, I suppose," Rarity replied, "I've been putting on weight every day, it seems. As you can see, it makes it difficult to get through doors like that. Thanks for the help, by the way."

"Since when did you get so heavy, Ms I'm-going-on-a-diet? I could barely get you in here."

"Well, to be honest... The diet wasn't going to work, and I knew that from the start. I can't stay away from food!" At that instant, Rarity's thoughts from the restaurant crept back into her mind. "Wait... You've been giving me a lot of that food, haven't you? All my gain seems to trace back to you... You've been feeding me like this on purpose, haven't you?"

Fluttershy stood in a dazed expression, beginning to panic at the change of topic. "I...I...Alright. Yes. I've been encouraging you. But only because we both enjoy it! I love your new, larger body, I love seeing you gain day by day, I love watching you grow. But you love it too! You love eating, I've seen you so excited when I give you huge meals... I know that you like this as much as I do."

"But..." Rarity trailed off as Fluttershy moved into her field of view and held out a tray. Upon it sat a lone cupcake.

"Go on. Eat it." said Fluttershy, "I'm proving my point. If you want to really lose weight, then turn me away... But if you take the cupcake, then I'll keep feeding you. Your choice."

Rarity thought about her situation. She felt every inch of her body, wobbling on the floor. She breathed the irresistible aroma of the sugary treat sitting in front of her face. She remembered what it was like to be thin, to have freedom of movement, to be active and not be restricted by her fat... To be free of her obsession with food. She thought about how easy life would be if she was back the way she used to be.

Something held her back from pushing the cupcake away, though. An easy life? She could have that here, too... Giving up food and getting thin would be so hard. It would be a long and often-futile process. Instead... She could take the easy way out. She could just eat, and eat, and eat... Fluttershy could help her, and feed her... It would be bliss.

After debating internally like this for several minutes, Rarity stuck out her head and performed some action that Fluttershy couldn't see. From behind the enormous flank, all the feeder pegasus could see was a plate being pushed away from Rarity's head. Fluttershy frowned, realizing that Rarity had chosen to stop...

...until she saw that the plate contained only a cupcake wrapper. She walked around Rarity's mass, running a hoof along her friend’s malleable side. She arrived at Rarity's head to find that the cupcake had been devoured already, only a few crumbs of chocolate left on Rarity’s lip.

Fluttershy smiled. “Good. Now, who’s ready for some more? You need to make up for eating lightly all day…”

Rarity’s eyes went wide as Fluttershy pulled a rope from behind her couch, which sent a large wheeled table rolling out. On it, Rarity observed all of her favorite treats, from dozens of creamy pastries to platefuls of steaming hay fries. It was enough food to feed her increased appetite normally for nearly a week, and Rarity knew immediately that she would have to eat all of it, regardless of how full she was; there was no stopping her endless hunger now. “I suppose it’s too much to ask for me to go and grab some of my stomach ache remedy potions from the boutique?”

“The boutique? Sorry… but that bulk of yours isn’t moving anywhere anytime soon.”

“By ‘anytime soon’, you mean that I’ll be stuck here for the night?”

“Actually, by the looks of your belly, I was thinking forever.” Fluttershy giggled and poked Rarity’s partially-exposed gut, producing a loud gurgle and a ripple up Rarity’s rear.

Rarity gasped, the thought of immobility sinking into her mind. “Wait...what? I’m afraid I can’t do that, I do want to retain some mobility… I have things to do, ponies to talk to, dresses to design! Oh, don’t look at me like that, I’m still just as mobile as ever! Well, maybe slower… but I can still walk!” She attempted to demonstrate this by standing up. She gathered up her belly in her magic and pushed up with her hooves, only to meet air. She looked down to see that her hooves hung above the ground even with her belly sucked in. She tried to swing herself back and forth to get on her feet, but her legs were each encased in a double roll of squishy padding, making them useless.

“Erm, Fluttershy, darling, could you help me?”

“What’s that? Help you reach some food? Of course!” Fluttershy stuck a large spoon of pudding into the unicorn’s mouth, ignoring her mumbling protests. “Rarity, come on. You barely fit in the door coming in, and you’ve gotten even bigger around the waist just now from digesting that meal… There’s no way you could fit now. Even if you could, I could put an end to that.”

Rarity pouted for a moment, then sighed in resignation. “I guess I ought to have anticipated this… Even without your help, I was headed towards immobility for a while.”

Fluttershy thought before she answered, “I suppose we could try to get you to lose a few pounds temporarily, if you want to be mobile a little longer…”

With a chuckle, Rarity shook her helpless legs and slapped her large stomach fat. “It’s a bit late for that. I suppose… I could try, but just after one taste of that scrumptious-looking batch of apple fritters.” The immobile mare winked at Fluttershy, signaling that one taste wouldn’t be enough. Fluttershy was eager to comply and quickly brought the tray to Rarity’s mouth, then picked up two fritters and fed them to Rarity one on top of the other.

Another two fritters followed that, and another two, until the tray was finished. Rarity’s stomach, however, barely seemed to register the heavy desserts and rumbled loudly for some more. Fluttershy proceeded to grab a platter of rich, vanilla cake and started to slice it into chunks to feed Rarity; however, the ravenous pony across from her was too impatient, and used her magic to levitate the entire cake to her face and took a bite. She ate like a starved animal, crumbs and icing dribbling off her chubby cheeks as she gulped down bite after bite. Fluttershy pushed the table over to where Rarity permanently lay and started her off with another cake and a large serving bowl full of full-fat cream and ice cream, then stood back to watch the spectacle.

Rarity didn’t seem to notice how much she ate, or how much she grew. The only thing her eyes focused on was the next morsel or dish to be devoured from the table. She kept gorging herself on the fatty foods until she was around three fourths of the way done, then slumped down as far as a mare of her size could and groaned.

"Ugh... I'm so full, dear... I don't think I can finish all this... and I feel like I've gained twenty pounds just sitting here!"

Fluttershy chided Rarity on her appetite. "This? This is hardly anything... I think you'll work your way up to much more than this meager feast. As for your weight? Well, you should get used to that... You're not even close to where I want you."


Three months had passed since Rarity had entered Fluttershy's cottage, only to never exit. The immobile unicorn still sat in the same spot as she had first set herself down, only now she took up much more space. She had grown during her stay with Fluttershy, finding that her proximity to her encouraging friend was closely related to her food intake. Fluttershy had been right, in that she had grown used to consuming more and more food. Now, it seemed like hardly a minute passed when some meal, snack, or munchie was in her sight. She felt like she ate constantly, and she suspected that she did, but Rarity never truly complained; she was in heaven, able to indulge in her gluttonous desires all day without consequence.

No consequence except for her weight, of course. This particular morning, Rarity gazed in her mirror at her magnificent body, admiring its size. Fluttershy had put the mirror in when Rarity could no longer see herself or turn her head. She saw that pegasus walk into the room from the side of her rear, and decided to give Fluttershy a little show. She utilized the full extent of her mobility, which was wiggling her massive rear in the yellow pony's face. She felt the lumps of lard shake and bounce, letting out a satisfactory smack every time they jucily collided with each other. Fluttershy was, as usual, awestruck by this performance.

"Wow. That area is... Really coming along," said Fluttershy to her blob of a pony, "and you seem even larger today!" She was certainly large, at equal to or over half a ton. She no longer resembled a pony, but instead was a massive mound of fat and white flesh.

Her belly was her largest feature, although it blended so well with the rest of her fat that most could hardly tell. It lay around her like a massive mattress, cushioning the small portion of her that was not pure flab and soft flesh. Her voluptuous sides curved out, pressing down to the floor and giving her a shapeless, globular appearance. Resting on this were her four legs, which looked less like appendages and more like pillows strapped to her sides; the cushions of fat which warmly embraced the top of her legs had long ago expanded downward to overtake her hooves, burying them in the rolls.

Rarity's head was nearly indistinguishable, her neck covered in five rolls of fat like most of her body. Her mouth hung limply open, with the easiest way for her to be fed being simply for Fluttershy to feed her soft food and beverage whether she was awake or asleep. Her diamond cutie marks stretched to the size of a normal pony each, and they framed the mass of blubber that made up Rarity's hips and flank. They were more like two separate mounds of flesh, each having lost their round shape and falling to the floor, laden with weight. She took up most of the living room, and she was sure a platoon of royal guards couldn't move her if they wanted to. Today, however, despite being the largest mare in Equestria, Rarity surprisingly had something other than food on her mind.

"So, Fluttershy, how big exactly are you aiming for me to be? I'm perfectly content to keep eating, but I'm just so huge... I have no regrets, it's just, I'm wondering if this is near the end point of my gain?"

Fluttershy frowned and sank a hoof deep into Rarity's gut. It jiggled and rippled her fat all the way down to her flank. "Well, you can still wiggle your legs, right?"


"And you can still see over your belly, right?


"Then I suggest you have some breakfast." Fluttershy wheeled over two carts filled with Rarity's first course. "After all, we need to put a little meat on those skinny bones of yours..."

Comments ( 18 )

Although I don't like the way the story ended, I still liked it... :raritywink:

What about it? I'm just curious so I can improve. Was it a matter of personal preference, or did I write something wrong?

Fluttershy just makes it weird and becomes Rarity's warden basically... Just don't like the well you're trapped vibe it gives off. Not your writing.

Oh. Well, thanks for letting me know, though! Next story I do, I'll probably do a different ending.

And thus Fluttershy stopped beating around the bush and told Rarity the truth. I liked the idea of the cupcake as a choice, and how you initially tricked the reader on its outcome. Great descriptions and imagery as well!

I'm not sure how Fluttershy managed to pass off Rarity's three-month disappearance to her friends, though I suppose they could have merely accepted the idea as it was Rarity's choice after all.

And finally a good open-ending that leaves the rest up to the reader's imagination. Well done :raritywink:

Also now I'm getting ads for dieting and weight-loss. :derpytongue2:

I kind of assumed that Rarity's friends would just accept it, and I didn't want to go off track into that subplot. That being said, I may someday write a sequel-ish story where another chararcter gains because of Rarity, but Rarity and Fluttershy are just occasionally used as characters.

I am absolutely pleased with this story for the ending of it. Most would back out of an ending like there were the feedee is at the feeders manipulative desire. Wonderful job on this and I hope to see more like it down the line.

Pure fetish fuel stuff like this needs to be well paced to be enjoyable, and I have to say you did a great job on that. The fic spends enough time on the 'stages' of Rarity's weight to get into the details and goes fast enough to stay interesting. Definitely looking forward to seeing if you write more.

I'm debating with myself whether this story is great or just simply wrong in my opinion. Now whoever the author is I'm not going to judge your story writing type or your possible interests or anyone else's for that matter.

Now before I say it and have people just sending me hate mail about it, I'm going to say that I have a chubby fetish not a BBW or a straight up "Big-as-a-house" fetish but just a normal chub fetish. But I will say that this was nice in the beginning, but as o read through it got more uncomfortable to read. Here's why.

See I understand that people enjoy this kinda thing believe me there are fetishes beyond what you know. But I was feeling as sick as the waitress was in the beginning of the second chapter! I mean think of all the health problems! Heart attacks, liver and kidney failure, and what Wilford Brimley calls, "Diabeetus"

I mean I know it's a fictional story it has no impact in the real MLP world at all but it's just so odd to me.

I mean you can make a secret chapter where Fluttershy finds Rarity dead because of a heart attack! I know that sounds grim and dark but it can happen in this story I'm to assume! And I know it can be hard for people to lose weight, it can be difficult and sometimes impossible for them but in the end is having another slice of cake worth your golden years as an elderly person who is alive and well? Think about that, just give it a good think.

Now I know I sound like I'm attacking this story for being what it is and I have nothing against it at all or the author who wrote it. Besides great job on the story telling and the way you chose Rarity as the weight gainer, it makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

I also know that the author put a warning on the beginning telling me that it would be a weight gain story. What I didn't know was that it would be a BBW story.

It sickens me to know that there are actual people out there who manipulate and persuade people who once had great health into becoming a giant walrus all for a sex appeal!

This story has proved to not fit everyone.(no pun intended)

But I have to be fair and say this story is a good read for the most part. It has an interesting storyline, it presents and depicts the characters perfectly and was enjoyable.

What do I think of it? Well you already know. But just in case you didn't quite understand, let me explain.

I didn't like it because the fact that Rarity keeps gaining weight and only has second thoughts rarely. And Fluttershy is their to encourage her to keep ruining her health.

I can completely understand what you mean. I would never do that, endorse weight gain, or encourage anyone else in real life; but just consider that this is a story. It was meant purely as a fetish fic and a random, fictional tale. Obviously this is so fictional that it breaks most realities of health and basic life, but I wrote it in a way I thought was enjoyable purely as a fantasy, nothing more. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Lol next chapter plz!!!! :raritystarry::heart::fluttershyouch:

It's complete now, but I might do a sequel with different characters if people like this story.

>> iceblazethequick aw dang:fluttershysad:

5371606 Yes, please, do that, please...............please

I'll try, I just procrasinate on most of my stories. I pretty much only get stuff posted when enough people pester me about it.

Comment posted by Maximum Stupid deleted April 12th

That was really good! You have a talent for descriptions, and despite there never being more than a naughty tease, this was a really sexy story. Excellent work!

You should do a sequel where Fluttershy starts putting on weight like Rarity. As she grows bigger and needing help with Rarity and her self she gets somone like Rainbow dash, Tree hugger, Or any of her friends help her.

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