• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 6,484 Views, 113 Comments

Family and Friends - conTROLLER234

A year after a child was born, Andrew Watkins, was having his first birthday. Things go bad after a while of being at home, and gets transported somewhere else, being saved by the horrible accident, by a young unicorn Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

First Day

Family and Friends

Chapter 10

First Day

Andrew awoke peacefully by a whispering voice in his ear, quietly calling his name.

“Andrew… Andrew, wake up.”

He turned away slowly, mumbling and groaning.

“Andrew, come on! It’s your first day of school!”

Andrew's eyes shot open, and quickly sat up. “W-What?! I thought you said you would think about it!”

“I did!” Twilight smiled happily, stepping away from Andrew. “I talked to her a few days ago, yesterday to be exact while you were gone. Ms. Cheerilee said that she’d love to have you!”

It took Andrew a moment to adjust to what was happening, before groaning and hiding under the blankets. “No! I don’t wanna go!”

Twilight sighed, levitating the blanket up and almost taking him with them. “There’s nothing to be worried about Andrew, you’ll enjoy it! You’ll meet new ponies, learn more about pony history… Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo will be there too!”

All of that didn’t seem to make a crack in Andrew’s wall of disgrace and unhappiness. They were both present there for a moment of silence before Twilight finally sighed with a hint of irritation, levitating Andrew up off the bed and onto her back. “This will be good for you Andrew, trust me.” She trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen, when she suddenly heard the front door open.

The sound of three little fillies walked in, and closed the door behind them.

“Twilight? Are y’all here?” Apple Bloom’s accented voice was heard from the kitchen, causing Twilight to walk out to greet them, Andrew still on her back.

“Hello girls, can I help you?” Twilight questioned, almost seeming to be unaware of the now sleeping figure on her back.

“Our sisters told us that Andrew would be going to school today after you mentioned it to them.” Sweetie Belle explained as she leaned to the side and spotted Andrew, and giggled. “I guess he’s not ready to go, huh?”

“Oh,” Twilight sighed and craned her neck to look at Andrew. “yeah. I guess he’s not ready to go to school yet, but he has to start somewhere.” She earned a long moan from Andrew.

“Well, we’re gonna be late if we don’t start going.” Scootaloo mentioned, bouncing on her hooves nervously. Andrew sighed in defeat, and rolled off of Twilight’s back and landed on his feet.

“Okay, fine..”

“Come on Andrew, it won’t be that bad. Ms. Cheerilee is always easy on the new students, so y’all don’t have to worry about that.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, and Sweetie Belle took a step forward.

“And you can hang out with us for recess and lunch too!”She smiled wide.

“You’ll have lots of fun Andrew. Just give it a chance.” Twilight gave a calming grin.

“Okay, okay. I just don’t want to get picked on is all.” Andrew confessed, walking over to the CMC.

“Hah, don’t worry about that. If anypony gives you trouble we’ll show ‘em not to mess with the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Scootaloo grinned and patted me on the back, though it ended up being the lower waist as Andrew was much taller than the rest of them besides Twilight.

“And I’m sure everypony is going to love you anyways.” Sweetie Belle smiled gracefully.

Twilight levitated a certain type of saddle bag over to Andrew, in which he then put it on his back. It was like a saddle bag, though it had two straps and wrapped around his shoulders, with one large pack pressing against his back. “There’s a lunch, books, paper, pencils, pens, water-”

“Thanks, mom. I think that’s good.” Andrew smiled lightly holding a hand out to his mother to interrupt her sentence. His face showed that the bag was already heavy as it is.

Twilight smiled and waved as they headed for the door. “Have a good day!”

- - - - -

“Good morning class, I hope you all had a good sleep. Today we will be working on multiplication and division. So, if you may take out your books and-” Ms. Cheerilee was interrupted by the bell ringing from the door as it opened, revealing three late fillies. Causing the teacher to frown.

“You’re late you three.” She spoke in a disappointed voice, and the three young ponies dropped her looks to the floor and walked to their desks.

“Sorry Ms. Cheerilee.” They said all at once. Though once they left the doorway to their desks, they revealed the quiet, different, shy Andrew. Avoiding the looks from the other, confused students.

Ms. Cheerilee gasped. “Oh, right! Class, we have a new student joining us today!” The whole class including the teacher stared at poor little Andrew, who quietly gulped and shrunk down a bit. The teacher waved him into the class, and Andrews body automatically began moving towards her until he was in front of the class.

“Now, would you like to announce your name to the class?”

Andrew gulped as the classroom filled with silence, and some of the other ponies began giggling and whispering to each other. Andrew cleared his throat and shakily opened his mouth.

“...n...n-not really..” He gripped the straps of his backpack, and some of the ponies in the class chuckled. The teacher rolled her eyes unnoticably, then walked up to the nervous human.

“There’s no need to be nervous.” She smiled, looking down at him.

Andrew cleared his throat and stood tall. “..My name is Andrew Sparkle, and, I came from Canterlot to move here.”

The classroom ruptured into conversation about Canterlot, and some of them being about Andrew being Twilight’s colt. The teacher hushed the class until they were finally quiet.

“Why don’t you sit over there by Sweetie Belle?” Ms. Cheerilee pointed to an empty desk in the middle of the room, and he nodded before walking over to it. Passing by some fillies and colts on the way there, he heard lots of whispering and some giggling, mostly coming from two certain fillies, but he didn’t look to identify.

Andrew sat down next to Sweetie Belle, who happily greeted him with a warm smile, which he returned. He felt a little weight of his chest knowing that his three new friends were there. Had they not, he might not have been so easily moved to come to school. The teacher grabbed the class’s attention with a simple clear of the throat.

“Okay. Now, I’ll have to bring another textbook for Andrew because I don’t seem to have one here right now. So could somepony share with him?”

Sweetie Belle took no hesitation and answered the millisecond Ms. Cheerilee stopped talking. “I will!”

The class was suddenly filled with the sound of a desk scraping against the floor, slowly, as Sweetie moved closer to him. Everypony’s ears flopped down against their head that the horrid sound, and gave a sigh of relief when she was finished. Then the chair began moving soon after, creating the ear-deafening sound again.

“S-Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom begged, holding her ears down.

“Sorry!” She replied, now fully moved beside Andrew, confused the entire time as he had no problem dealing with the sound.

The teacher sighed in relief as she had the class’ full attention. “Okay. So, flip to page 23, and you can do the full page and half of the next.”

The class filled with groans as they opened their books. Sweetie Belle beside Andrew made the same sound, and flipped to the page. When she flipped to it, Andrew frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“This is so hard. I don’t know why the teacher makes us do this stuff at our level..” She planted her face in the crevice of the pages. Andrew leaned in and look at a few questions.

“This is hard for you?” Andrew asked, opening up his backpack and pulling out a note pad and pencil.

“Yeah..?” Sweetie looked up curiously at Andrew as he had already begun the page, and was already halfway down the first page! Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped as she watched him furiously writing down different types of forms and numbers, some of them way too large and confusing for Sweetie to even comprehend. With not even a moment to spare, Andrew was finished before anyone else in the class.

“Done!” Andrew stuck his paper into the air, writing on both sides of the paper. Anypony could’ve looked at the paper and assumed it was written by a mad scientist. Everyone in the class turned to Andrew, including the teacher. Ms. Cheerilee got up hesitantly, and walked over to him, put his sheet on the desk and examined it. Every second her face growing more and more with awe.

“...H-How.. is this possible? This is using some of the most advanced formulas in the math curriculum!”

“Well, my mom spent a lot of time with me in some subjects, including math. And after memorizing the formulas this is possible with my eyes closed.”

Andrew widened his eyes as he realized how much of a scene he was making, and afterwards sunk down in his chair slightly. “...s-sorry..”

Ms. Cheerilee immediately shook her head. “No, don’t be sorry! Because of this you’re way further than the rest of the class. I’ll have to get higher level work for you Andrew. Well done.”

Even the praise from the teacher couldn’t change the fact that a certain filly, pink coat and a diamond tiara on her head, was staring daggers at Andrew. Causing him to sink down more into his chair so only his eyes were visible.

“Nice job Andrew!” Scootaloo cheered, and Applebloom soon followed with her own encouragement. Then Sweetie Belle, and a few more fillies and colts in the class began to cheer him on. Enough until the angry filly turned away with a “hmpf”, and a smile grew on Andrew’s face.

- - - - -

“That was amazin’ Andrew! Where’d ya learn tuh do that?” Apple Bloom asked proudly, looking up at him. The lunch bell had rung and everypony ran outside to enjoy their limited time of freedom.

“Like I said, my mom taught me. Because we had a lot of free time, she decided to teach me a few things. Because I wasn’t going to school at all.”

“Well you’re sounding a bit more comfortable around ponies. I haven’t heard you talk like this.” Sweetie pitched in, and they all stopped at a bench.

“Well we haven’t really known him that long anyways.” Scootaloo said.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the NEW pony!”

The four Cutiemark Crusaders turned to the voice of a familiar bully. The three besides Andrew groaned in annoyance.

“What do YOU want Diamond Tiara?” Scootaloo sighed, stepping in front of her.

She rolled her eyes in response. “Oh, nothing. I just wanted to congratulate, Andrew, on his intelligence.” She walked up to Andrew, and glared at him. Which was little to not intimidating towards him, as he was much taller than her. “But if you take my reputation in this school I will take, you, DOWN!”

“Your reputation for what? Bein’ a big bully?” Apple Bloom stood beside Scootaloo.

“Then he’s definitely not going to take your place. He’s the nicest pony and friend anypony could ever ask for!”

Andrew smiled slightly as Sweetie Belle joined the other two, all three of them standing in front of Andrew like a protective wall of friendship.

“Whatever. I’m watching you..” Diamond Tiara walked away after giving Andrew one more glare, then disappeared into a crowd of children.

“Okay..?” Andrew asked to himself, a bit confused as to what just happened. The three turned around to face Andrew.

“Don’t worry about her Andrew, she’s just a pony that we have to deal with while we’re here.” Scootaloo waved a hoof.

“Yeah, she’s all bark and no bite.” Apple Bloom pitched in.

“Well, shouldn’t we do something about it?” Andrew wondered. “If she’s that much of a problem.”

“Well...There’s not much we can do. As much as we’d like to-”

Sweetie Belle was cut off by the school bell ringing to call everypony back inside. She shrugged, and started to head back inside with the others. “Well, let’s head back in then.”

- - - - -

“I’m home!” Andrew called out as he entered the library, and immediately after he heard Twilight running down the stairs.

“Really? How was it?” She walked up to him, levitating his bag off his back and onto the couch. Which he then followed as sat down on the couch.

“The assignments there are really easy. Thanks to everything you taught me.”

Twilight smiled and leaned down to hug him. “See? You argued about it but it did come in handy.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He smirked.

Twilight and Andrew’s eyes darted to the door when suddenly a wild Pinkie Pie appeared!

“Andrew! I heard it was your first day of school!” Pinkie hopped inside and over to him. “Sooooooooooo, how was it?”

“It was alright, It’s nice having Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo there though.”

Pinkie squeed. “We should have a first day of school party!”

“I, don’t think that’s really necessary Pinkie.” Twilight frowned, and Andrew shrugged with a smile.

“Anything for free food!”

Pinkie winked and clicked her tongue. “You think like me, Andy!” And with that, she zoomed out the door.

Twilight rolled her eyes with a giggle. “Oh Pinkie..”

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Not much to say other than we all know I'm horrible with release dates. So, I tried to make it slightly longer for you guys.

Thief coming up next.

Comments ( 11 )

6594774 Just uploaded it. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy!

6594779 ok and that ok

It's been to long!

6594779 I can't wait for it to happen!

I wonder if Andrew will beat up diamond tiara? I'll just ask the author in English class.

Alright everypony, here's the dealio:

It's obvious to everyone that I can't be consistent with release dates with my chapters. And out of the two stories I'm currently doing; Thief and Family & Friends, F&F is going to take more time and thinking. Thief, however, is already 13 chapters into the book. So I'm sorry for this downside for some of you, but I'm putting F&F off to the side until I finish and publish Thief. I feel things will get done faster if I focus on one book at a time, instead of two.

Again, sorry if this is an inconvenience for some of you, but I have made up my mind. I hope you all understand. So, until further notice, F&F will be put into hiatus until Thief is published.

I would like to have a new chapter please.

6964868 By Nightmare's Moonbeard! MOAR! Arr!

might be wating a while its been 3 years since it was updated


No idea if you're going to read this, considering its been over a year since you commented. But i really hope to become more active and finish what I've started. I feel bad for leaving my books on hiatus for so long, and basically forgetting about all of my viewers. I've appreciated all of your support, and i hope to repay the favor with completing my stories.

Well if you need help feel free to shoot me a message

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