• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 6,467 Views, 113 Comments

Family and Friends - conTROLLER234

A year after a child was born, Andrew Watkins, was having his first birthday. Things go bad after a while of being at home, and gets transported somewhere else, being saved by the horrible accident, by a young unicorn Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Getting to Know Each Other

Family and Friends

Chapter 7

Getting to Know Each Other

Later that night, after the party everypony had gone home except for the six girls. Who at the moment were all hanging out in Twilights library, which was now her permanent home. Princess Celestia had decreed that Twilight take on a new task in Ponyville, to study and take on the challenges of friendship. Now that she knew herself and the five girls were the Elements of Harmony, it was more important then ever.

Right now, the six girls, Spike, and Andrew were all conversing about the whole event. Andrew, finally convinced that Nightmare moon was gone for good, was relaxed around the five new girls. Especially after knowing what they did. Still having their Elements of Harmony with them, they finally had the chance to really know what it is they do and what they’re for. But for some, they mostly cared about looks.

Mainly Rainbow and Rarity.

“Did you SEE what we did out there!?” Rainbow continued on, asking question after question but not looking for any answers. Fluttershy was now the only one still trying to answer them, though. Rainbow poked at the necklace with a hoof. “Nightmare Moon didn’t stand a chance against me!”

Rainbow, finally leaving her zone of self complementary, gained frowning and slightly tired looks from the rest of the girls. Which she chuckled nervously. “I-I mean, us.”

“There is no doubt these necklaces are inCREDIBLY breathtaking! I wonder what kind of material was used for these…” Rarity mumbled the last of her sentence, talking to herself.

“Can’t y’all just accept it for what it is? Ah mean really-...RARITY!”

AJ glared as she caught Rarity cautiously and sneakily trying to levitate Twilight’s crown off of her head to examine it. “What!?” She whined. “I don’t see anypony else complimenting their looks!”

“Because that’s not what matters! What matters, is what it really means. It means that it connects us all as strong, true friends. What else matters?” Applejack explained, now at a hushed tone.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity both sighed, letting out both of their understanding and apologies at the same time. AJ nodded and smiled. “Good. Now maybe if it wouldn’t be too much to ask, maybe we should get to know eachother a bit better.” She continued.

“Ooh! I wanna go first!” Pinkie shouted, raising her hoof like an excited school filly.

“Hold on,” Twilight looked around. “Where’s Andrew?”

“Spike’s gone too. They must’ve gone to play or something.” Dash suggested, earning a quiet ‘Aww’ from Fluttershy.

“Actually, while we are on the topic of getting to know each other and,” Rarity cleared her throat. “Andrew, do you think you could tell us a little more about him?”

Twilight let out a sigh, knowing she’d have to explain at some time. “Okay, but it’s sort of a long story."

- - - - -

Twilight chose to give the whole story, or at least as detailed and as much as she could remember. Giving bits here and there about growing up with him, sometimes not to go along with the story itself.

“And so one day in the library, Princess Celestia-”

“E-Excuse m-me..?” Twilight paused to look over at Fluttershy who had cut in, and she quickly shrinked back, then let out a petite smile. “I-I’m so sorry, b-but, I-I wanted to go play with A-Andrew upstairs…”

Twilight’s ear flicked as she heard that Fluttershy wasn’t the only pony who wanted to leave to go to Andrew. She didn’t even have to look to know Pinkie was gone, by the sound of her high pitched voice and giggling as they played what sounded like Patty Cake.

Twilight obviously smiled back and noded gently. “Of course Fluttershy, you don’t have to ask.”

“I-I know, but I didn’t want to rude. I’m sorry…” Fluttershy repeated over and over again, quieter with each one she let out as she moved towards the stairs. When she finally left, somepony gave out a quiet sigh of relief.

“At least she’s polite.” Rarity pointed out, suddenly frowning as Twilight did so too.

“If I’m boring you girls you can leave too.”

“Not at all darling! Your story is...v-very!...um, what’s the word…” Rarity pondered.

“...boring?” Rainbow finished, earning a scowl from Rarity and Applejack. In which she shrugged. “What!?”

“Don’t worry, I understand. It’s not the most interesting story in the world.” Though in Twilights mind, it really was. She stood tall and stretched. “Besides, I should probably go check on him. He didn’t get much sleep last night, and I’m sure he’s kind of tired.”

“Actually, quite the timing. I should be heading back to the boutique to check on things. Sweetie Belle isn’t, the most trustable pony around. it was nice to do this otherwise!” Rarity headed for the door, waving to everypony, in which they did back as she left.

Just as she was leaving, AppleBloom passed by her and entered the library, saying hi as they passed. Then she turned to the small group, spotting AppleJack. She seemed rushed.

“AppleJack, y’all better hurry back to the orchard! Granny’s gonna give ya all of Big Macs chores if ya don’t come back soon!”

AJ’s face was overcome with panic at first, then determination as she rushed past AppleBloom. “Over mah dead body!”

Rainbow’s eyes darted around the room, then she flew after AJ. “H-Hey, I’ll race you!” Earning a confused and distant ‘what?’ from AppleJack.

The sudden departure of everypony left Twilight alone. She let out an exhausted sigh, then couldn’t help but smile as she heard Andrew laugh. With nothing else in mind, she went upstairs to her bedroom to join the others.

“Andrew! Andrew! Andrew!” Twilight entered the room to see Andrew and Pinkie playing Patty Cake, but surprisingly fast… like, really fast. Spike was cheering on Andrew as they continued to go even faster as they went on. Twilight quietly trotted over to Spike.

“How long have they been doing this?” She whispered to him, and he paused his cheering to answer.

“I donno, but Pinkie Pie only just taught him, and he’s doing awesome! At this rate, he’s gonna beat her!”

Andrew grinned as he heard Spike, giving him even more energy to continue on.

Across from him, Pinkie quickly bounced her head up, and what seemed to be a cupcake flew out of her pink forest called a mane, tilted her head up, and caught it in her mouth. Not taking the time to even chew, it slid down her throat and disappeared. She faced her opponent once again, her eyes flaring with excitement as she picked up the speed tremendously.

Her pink hooves practically became a blur they moved so fast, never once moving out of rhythm. Soon Andrew had to stop, but he kept his hands in place as Pinkie continued to softly hit his hands with a quiet pat. The feeling of Pinkies furry hooves hitting his palms caused him to burst into laughter, until he couldn’t sit up straight anymore. He fell to the ground hugging his sides with his hands as he let out uncontrollable laughter, in which Pinkie joined in.

Twilight giggled along at the sight of Andrews happiness. Yep, these ponies will be great for both of us… She thought to herself.

Once Andrew and Pinkie finally calmed down and wiped tears from their eyes, Andrew let out a long yawn. Signaling what Twilight had sort of been waiting for.

“Aww, is widdle Andy tired?” Pinkie smirked, crouching down to his level. Andrew shook his head no, but yawned again otherwise. Twilight smiled and levitated him up onto her back, where he laid loosely along it.

“I think it’s time for him to get to bed. He’s had lots of excitement over the past few days.” Twilight looked at the two ponies.

“Oh, I would think so.” Fluttershy responded, peeking at Andrew. “He’s quite the cute little one, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he sure is.” Twilight looked back to Andrew, who looked like he was barely awake. She turned back to Fluttershy and Pinkie. “Thanks for keeping him, entertained.”

“My pleasure!” Pinkie bounced high. “I hope i get to see him again soon! OH! He should come over to Sugarcube Corner! I’ll teach him how to make cupcakes, muffins, cakes, or my special Cupcake Muffin Cake! I’ll let him try everything and show him everything I know-”

“Um...Pinkie..?” Fluttershy chimed in, nodding towards a now asleep Andrew. Pinkie gasped quietly.

“Soooooorry!” She whispered nervously. “Tell him I said goodbye! And I’ll see ya later! Chao! Sayonara! Au revoir!” She continued in her quiet tone as Fluttershy nudged her towards the door. She quickly poked her head back in. “Adios amigo!” And the door shut.

Spike and Twilight sighed. “What a busy week.” Spike said, walking to his bed and lying down.

“You can say that again…” Twilight rolled her eyes, walking over to her bed and levitating Andrew onto it first, lifting up the covers and nestling him under them. She climbed in beside him and shut off her magic.

Spike yawned and crawled under his own blanket, showing nothing but his short snout. “G’night Twilight.”

“Good night Spike.” Twilight replied, then shut off the lights.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know. This wasn't the most exciting chapter, but I have something planned for the next one. Also, on Thursdays I may not be able to get a chapter out. (I'm really busy on Thursdays) But I'll try.