• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 6,467 Views, 113 Comments

Family and Friends - conTROLLER234

A year after a child was born, Andrew Watkins, was having his first birthday. Things go bad after a while of being at home, and gets transported somewhere else, being saved by the horrible accident, by a young unicorn Twilight Sparkle.

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Another New Home

Author's Note:

Hey guys. I was planning on making this chapter longer than the first two, but I thought I should get the third chapter out to you tonight, as I might be busy tomorrow and may not me able to work on it any more. Also, when you guys were very specific that you wanted me to describe what happened after Twilight found Andrew. I did what made most sense, and I'm hoping you will think so too. But again, if there;s anything I missed or I should add more, please tell me so I can edit it or add it in future chapters. Thanks!

Family and Friends

Chapter 3

Another New Home

“A trip? What trip?! Where are we going?!” Andrew hopped up and down in excitement. He could care less at the moment where it was, he hasn’t seen anywhere else but the library and out the window for years.

The second Twilight heard Andrew ask, without thinking her mind immediately said not for him to come. Though when she turned to Andrew, she gasped internally. He had given her the puppy eyes, again. It was probably the hardest thing for her coming from Andrew, well, that and crying, or upsetting him, or saying no… Anything that makes him sad.

Though she thought of some other ideas. “Wait, maybe because the princess knows about him, she have since he came here, maybe she could take care of him while I’m gone. Oh, but she's always very busy and I don’t want to interrupt her by asking her to baby sit Andrew. But maybe my parents can! They were one of the firsts to know, even though it didn’t go well when they found out…”

When Twilight first brought Andrew in that night, they were both fine. That is until Twilight’s parents came in the next morning to find Twilight snuggling an alien baby. Thankfully, Twilight was too stubborn to let them take Andrew away, so the next choice was to call over the Princess Celestia to help sort it out. When Twilight was first invited to be Princess Celestia’s own personal protégé, she was told that she could stay in the Canterlot castle to help her study more. So because nopony would, or rarely, interrupt her in her own room in the castle. After sorting everything out with the Princess, and that she would agree to help take care of Andrew and help keep him hidden, Twilight decided to stay in the castle with Andrew. And now that Twilight was older, Celestia trusted her more with Andrew. She was doing well, but Andrew obviously didn’t make it easy for her.

Twilight blabbed on and on about what she could to, and Spike took the scroll from the ground where Twilight un-noticeably dropped it and read it over again. “Uhh, Twilight?”

“Oh no, what can I do? I can’t find somepony to baby sit him, I can’t let anypony find out!” Twilight groaned.

“Twilight!” Spike finally caught her attention. “It says here at the bottom of the page to bring me, and Andrew.”

Twilight read where he was pointing and gasped, and Andrew cheered in the background. “But how will I be able to be in a whole different town, where I’ve never been to before, and take care of the preparations, AND Andrew?!” Twilight began panicking again, when a sudden flash of light appeared in the middle of the room, catching everyone's attention. When the light disappeared, Twilight and Spike gasped in surprise, when Andrew did in excitement and smiled.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight bowed at the royal’s presence, and gasped and bit her lip as Andrew ran up to Celestia and hugged her front leg.

“Hi Princess!” Andrew giggled and looked up at her, who then smiled and chuckled back.

“Princess, I’m sorry.” Twilight stood up and levitated Andrew up away from The Princess’s fore leg, giving Andrew a look of disappointment.

“Oh it’s quite alright Twilight. I thought because I haven’t seen you three in such a long time, I thought that I would drop by in person to tell you the details of my message.” She told with a gentle smile as she walked over to Twilight.

“Y-Yes, about that. I was wondering how and why I’m bringing Andrew along with me.”

Celestia held up a hoof politely to begin speaking. “I would like you to bring Andrew with you so he can make some friends and meet new ponies, and as I said in the message, I would like that of you too my subject.”

Spike giggled out of the conversation at Twilight. “You have the same job as a six-year old.”

Celestia looked at Spike and grinned. “That goes for you too Spike.” Spike then grunted and folded his arms.

“Come the Ceremony, I will then announce to the ponies of Ponyville about Andrew. Then he will be able to go outside and have interactions with other ponies. So until the Ceremony, you’ll need to keep him inside and away from ponies. Understood?”

Twilight went to protest, but realized it would be useless. She took a deep breath in then out. “Yes Princess.”

“Thank you. There is a chariot waiting for you outside, and the pegasi guards know about Andrew. They will drop you off right in front of the library you will be staying in, so you wont have to walk across town with Andrew. I will see you later Twilight, goodbye Spike, goodbye Andrew.” And with that, The royal Princess teleported away once again.

Everyone stood there for a while. not sure what to do. Andrew was the first to break the ice as he gazed out the front window to see the golden chariot with two, white pegasi guards hooked up to it. “Look mommy! We get to ride in that?!” He laughed and hopped up and down.

Twilight sighed then walked towards Andrew, looking at the transport. “Yes, I suppose so. Come on Spike.” Spike ran over, just as excited as Andrew but kept most of it inside. Twilight slowly opened the door, then had to quickly bite the back of Andrew’s shirt as he went to run in front of her towards the chariot.

When Twilight had first found him, he was only in what seemed a diaper. After a long time they were able to make some suitable clothes for him, but he had some strange body parts. How ponies usually write, if they’re earth ponies or sometimes pegasi, write with their mouths. But Andrew, he had a completely different body shape. After some time of trying to make him write with his mouth, it didn’t turn out well at all. He probably soaked 3 pencils in saliva and they had teeth marks all over it, and couldn’t draw a straight line. So that was a fail. So eventually he learned to write and draw with his, well, she hasn’t thought of what to call them. So for now she just called them hooves, even though they obviously weren’t.

He also had the some looking front, hooves, what he used to walk and stand on. She had seen some ponies wear shoes, usually for an outfit, but nothing that would fit Andrew. So for now he walked around without anything on his hooves. She had managed to have made a special types of clothing for Andrew. A light blue top with grey bottoms. Another problem that she had, that was the main reason for giving him a bottom pair of clothing, was his… parts. She found out he was a boy through that, and realized he couldn’t exactly, put them away so to speak. She learned this all the hard way.

“Calm down Andrew.” Twilight said through her teeth, then slowly put him down again. The guards looked at Andrew, not knowing what he looked like before he came outside. They were informed about a strange life form traveling with Twilight, but they didn’t know what it looked like, so they tried not to look.

The three of them climbed on the chariot, and it began to move. Then go faster, and faster towards the edge of the balcony. Andrew gulped and held on tightly to Twilight’s hoof. “Why aren’t we going on the road?!”

Twilight smiled and calmly stroked Andrews hair to calm him. “We’re taking a faster route Andrew.”

Andrew gasped as they left the ground. His face suddenly turned a light shade of blue as he leaned over the side of the chariot. Spike, Twilight and Andrew then learned he had Acrophobia and a serious case of motion sickness. Again, the hard way. Twilight just hoped there was nopony beneath them.

Twilight gasped then slowly pulled him back, and used a sleep spell on him. Twilight used this spell often. Often. Usually for when he was tired and said he wasn’t, but mostly when he was very excited or angry. And it was actually very useful.

They flew for a while longer, with Andrew sleeping peacefully in Twilight’s hooves, until a small town came into sight. They landed in front of a tall tree house, which you could see the bookshelves through the windows once they came to a stop. Twilight opened the front door to the library from where they were, then levitated Andrew up close to her front and galloped inside quickly with Spike by her side.

“Thanks!” Twilight shouted to the guards before shutting the door and locking it behind her with a sigh. “Alright, we’re here. Spike, because Andrew can’t go outside I’m going to need you to look after him while I’m gone. Okay?”

Spike groaned. “Aww, but I wanna go outside and do stuff!”

Andrew copied him. “Me too!”

Twilight sighed louder and face hoofed. “Andrew, you’ll be able to go outside after the Ceremony. And so will you Spike, but until then you need to just stay inside. But on the bright side we’re staying somewhere new! Look around and explore, just don’t break anything.”

Spike and Andrew sighed, then cheered as they began running around the house. Twilight giggled. Andrew usually wasn’t the only one who acted like a young child. With Spike around him they acted like a bunch of kids who just got some new candy in their lunch bags at school. It was a strange way to describe it, but it made sense in a way.

“Alright, you two have fun. I’ll be back later. Don’t let anyone in and don’t go outside.”

“Yes mom.” Andrew said for real, though Spike said it sarcastically, making Twilight roll her eyes and leave.

“So, what should we do now?” Spike looked around and asked Andrew.

“Hide and seek?” Andrew smiled, and so did Spike.