• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,419 Views, 12 Comments

Starfall - AuroraScribe

To right a wrong of long ago, Princess Celestia and Luna use their magic to return an exiled pony during the spring starfall festival.

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Chapter 5: Storm Front

Star Flare flies with all her remaining strength, determined to get as far away from what had just happened as she can. Above, thunderstorm clouds form unnaturally fast, spreading out in all directions like a thick wave.

“Hey, who do you think you are?!” Rainbow Dash shouts at Star Flare, now flying at her side. “You show up out of nowhere and create all kinds of trouble… Then you just fly away? Well I’m not letting you off that easy!”

Star Flare looks at Rainbow Dash stunned. She had a huge head start, there’s no way she could’ve caught up. “Go—go back! Just leave me alone!”

“Sure, right after you go back and fix everything.” Rainbow tries to grab Star’s armor but narrowly misses as she spins to avoid her. Lightning flashes above as both ponies begin to descend, each trying to gain speed.

Star Flare shakes her head. How is she so fast?

They both spread their wings wide slowing enough to barely stay above the tree line but Star Flare sees an opportunity and dives lower trying to gain cover below the branches.

“Seriously, that’s it? You’re not losing me that easily." Dash shouts from above. "Do you know how many races I’ve run through this area? I know it like the back of my hoof.”

Frustrated, Star Flare glances over her shoulder to see Rainbow Dash keeping up easily above, but she turns back to see a large tree branch too late. With a sickening crash she breaks through it, the force ripping her helmet off and causing her to tumble into the forest. On her way down, she collides with multiple other branches until finally crashing onto the forest floor.

Winded, she wobbly manages to stand. “A few… sore spots… but luckily my armor took most of the damage.” She says to herself, trying to make it sound better than it really is. Then it clicks -- The armor. That’s why this pony is faster. Quickly she removes the buckles, removing the body plate.

Rainbow Dash hovers above. “So… are we heading back, now?” She shouts.

“Hmph.” Star Flare slides the last piece of the bulky armor off, the shiny gold neck guard landing on the ground with a heavy thud.

“I know what you’re thinking, but, uh… that’s really not going to help.”

Star Flare’s horn glows blue, the magic bending and twisting all of the branches above her, creating a clearing. She spreads her wings, and once confident they aren’t injured, she takes off and slowly rises above the tree line once again.

* * * * * * * *

Luna watches as Twilight Sparkle frantically uses spell after spell in an attempt to break Celestia and Spike free from their crystal prison. “Twilight… It is possible you will hurt them. Star Flare may be the only one who can remove that spell.”

A final flash of purple magic then Twilight lowers her head; with a long sigh she rests a hoof gently against the crystal chest of Celestia. “I just don’t know what else to do.”

Pinkie Pie and Applejack hug Rarity, who just sits staring at the statue of Spike, frozen in place almost as if she were a statue as well. Above, the storm clouds continue to thicken and a low rumble of thunder hangs in the air.

“She was so upset with Princess Celestia... I don’t know what to make of it. Luna you seem to know a lot more about this... please, tell us everything you know.”

Luna looks at Twilight then to her friends huddled around Rarity. “My sister believed that bringing Star back here would show her how peaceful the world has become, that the anger she held onto was no longer necessary.” With a heavy sigh she bows her head. “But that’s impossible, not until she knows the truth.”

Applejack slides her hat back. “And what is that, exactly?”

Luna blinks, then remembers a time long ago...

* * * * * * * *

Over a millennia ago, Celestia watched as fireballs sailed across the night sky splashing down upon the glistening white walls of the inner city. The flame moved across the stone like liquid, consuming everything and changing the pristine buildings into blackened husks.

It was the eve of the Starfall Festival, a celebration of renewed life held every spring, and citizens from every part of Equestria had come to Canterlot to enjoy it. Instead of cheering at the wonderment of the falling stars, her subjects call out begging for help. Celestia’s eyes narrow, anger surging through her.

Suddenly Skystrider lands a bit harder on Celestia’s balcony than he intends, cracking a large stone tile under his hooves. Coughing, he stands a moment trying to catch his breath. His normally white coat and colorful mane are completely covered in ash, giving him more of a dull grey appearance.

Star Flare quickly removes her helmet and trots over to him, her golden armor polished to a mirror like finish. “How bad is it?”

“Few are airborne; they look like they’re waiting for something.” He tries to clear his throat. “But their numbers are countless… possibly a hundred, maybe more. They’ve mostly gathered at the southern gate.”

“That can’t be… that would give us one guard for every two of those beasts.” A royal guard looks at Skystrider, his brow wrinkled.

Star Flare, ignoring the guard, grabs a small cloth from a table then moves over to Skystrider, wiping the ash from a small cut under his eye. “Trust me, as much as I wish it wasn't, it’s true.”

“Still, they dare not enter the inner city, not with the magic protecting us here!” Another guard exclaims, almost as if the dragons should hear and obey.

Needing a moment, Celestia barely turns her head then closes her eyes, taking her attention away from the horror unfolding outside. “They can burn Canterlot to the ground without ever taking a single step through the golden gates.”

Everyone lowers their head. Somehow, hearing the princess sound so desolate makes the horrible situation seem that much worse.

“The most important thing is we get everypony out of the city.” Skystrider speaks up, his voice still raspy. “How long until the evacuation is complete?”

“We believe there’s still many hiding in buildings but the courtyard and roads are finally clear. I have nearly every able bodied Pegasus doing search and rescue.” Star Flare returns to the table and moves a small statue of a pegasus across a large map, showing a detailed top-down view of Canterlot. “The unicorn and earth pony squads are helping defend the injured in Canterlot Park…” She blinks heavily trying to fight back the tears starting to form. There were… so many there for the festival when the attack began.” Taking a breath, she composes herself as Skystrider moves to stand next to her. Giving him a sad smile, she uses her blue magic to slide a statue of a unicorn and earth pony to the center of the map.

“The military is stretched so thin…” Skystrider says solemnly. He then notices multiple other statues, each representing a different part of the military, sitting on their side. “This… was well planned. It all happened so fast.”

“With Star Flare’s magic shielding this area, the castle is likely the only safe haven within the city. That’s not going to last, though.” A royal guard moves over to the table, ready to discuss strategy.

Celestia finally turns away from the window, unable to watch any longer. “And no word from my sister?”

“Not since she left on her trip to the outer villages, but that was two days ago. I’ve sent scouts for her, but your highness… it’s quite troubling for Princess Luna to be absent at a time like this-“ The guard starts to say more, but Star Flare shakes her head and gives him a piercing expression that makes him avert his eyes, cutting him short.

“Your highness, it isn’t safe here. We should have you escorted out of the city while the military begins the counter attack. With your permission, Star, allow me to take a squad and I’ll personally make sure she’s taken to a safe location.”

Star Flare closes her eyes. She wants to say no. You can’t leave. I need you more than her… But she finds herself nodding slowly, agreeing with what he said. Some would almost consider Skystrider’s proposal cowardly, an opportune suggestion to get away from the battle, but she knows better. His bravery has been proven repeatedly over the years and there’s nopony she trusts more. If he feels the situation is that dire, that Celestia’s safety is truly in jeopardy even here within the castle, then there may be little hope for those that stay and fight. “Take three others; you are to stay with the princess at all times.”

“No.” Celestia interjects, shaking her head weakly. “No… If I leave then the city will surely fall.” She blinks warily, her mind racing. “Once everypony is safe we will focus on the counter attack, and… when my sister returns, we will use the Elements of Harmony to bring an end to this fight once and for all.”

Star Flare looks at everyone then with a light sigh, nods at Celestia. “Then we shall hope your sister is safe… and for her swift return.” Suddenly her eyes widen then she screams out and stumbles to her side, a stabbing pain searing through her mind. “My… shield, I can’t… hold it!”

The hum of her magic shield fades, replaced by a roar that grows louder… and louder

“Get back!” Skystrider covers the princess as a massive fireball rips through the outer wall of Celestia’s chambers, the stone and wood exploding from the heat.

As a large chunk of the ceiling begins to collapse, Star Flare stands and uses her magic to deflect much of the falling debris and fire. “Take the princess down to the lower section of the castle!” She shouts. “It should be safer there; we have to buy more time!”

“But… Star, what happened?” Skystrider begins.

“I didn’t just weaken; something tore my magic apart… something much more powerful than me. You have to go… please!” With her shining blue hair being whipped about in the wind, she turns and looks at Skystrider, her eyes glistening. “Keep her safe... the princesses are our only hope.”

He watches as she puts her golden helmet back on then jumps out the gaping hole in the room, taking flight towards something down below. “Star… wait, no!” He starts to rush forward then turns to see Celestia missing and her guard knocked over. “Oh, this just keeps getting better and better… Where’s Celestia?”

“She… “The guard begins then coughs loudly, his face and golden armor blackened from the smoke. “She said something about going to Luna’s chambers… But I was too weak to stop her.” He winces then grits his teeth as he tries to move his leg. It’s just the two of us left… You’ll have to catch up to her; I don’t think I can walk.”

“Just stay here, I’ll be back as soon as I can. I have to find out what’s going on.” Skystrider turns to look at the massive hole in the chambers one last time then takes off, taking flight down the stairs.

He circles and circles, going down multiple levels till finally reaching Princess Luna’s chambers. Finding the door open, he peeks inside to see Celestia staring at a wall with its paint stripped away. “Princess Celestia? It isn’t safe your highness, I need to escort you to an area that’s better fortified.”

Celestia takes in a deep breath then lowers her head. Outside, the sounds of the nonstop barrage on the city come to a stop. “No… I... I have to leave.”

“Wait… but you said the city will fall if you leave!? Wh-where are you going?”

Princess Celestia’s eyes and horn flare golden, her magic fully illuminating her sister’s chambers. “I’m going to end this.” Turning, she forces the doors to the balcony open with her magic then takes flight.

* * * * * * * *

“But the dragons can be so nice when you get to know them.” Pinkie says, the story having depressed her.

“Wait, she held a grudge against the princess because of that? There has to be more?” Twilight gives Luna a confused look.

“It is believed at some point after my sister left, Star Flare desperately used magic from the spellbook given to you from Celestia. Against my wishes, one of my most powerful minions, a dragon known as Crimson, continued the attack upon the city and she used a spell from it to banish him. It worked… But at a cost. In the struggle, Skystrider was banished as well. However, it turned the tide… Crimson’s defeat scattered the dragons; without a leader they fled the city.”

“But…. If that’s the case, why didn’t Celestia just tell Star Flare what happened?”

Luna swallows hard. “Because….” Suddenly, the reality of what happened seems too horrible to put into words. “Celestia had just banished her sister… and returned to her beloved city nearly burned to the ground.” She begins to cry heavily then spreads her wings partially to steady herself. “I believe my sister wasn’t ready to admit it was I who had betrayed the kingdom. I am so, so sorry.” Sniffling heavily she sits down. “Star Flare doesn’t know that I was Nightmare Moon – the cause of all her grief. She exiled herself after she assaulted the castle looking for answers but never learned the truth.”

“So, that’s why you intervened… you knew they shouldn’t be fighting in the first place.”

Luna slowly nods once. “I believe my sister wanted to tell her, but Star was so angry… I think Celestia was afraid of what might happen had she learned the truth now.”

Rarity sniffles then finally sits up to say something. “But why wait so long to bring her back? This could have been resolved ages ago.”

Pinkie taps her chin. “Oh, that’s an easy one. Princess Celestia didn’t have the Elements of Harmony anymore and without Luna she probably didn’t have the power to bring the exile to an end.”

Luna, somewhat surprised, nods causing everyone to turn and stare at Pinkie.

“Wh-what?” She eyes everyone back.

“Then maybe… for now… it’s better Star Flare doesn’t come back. We’ll find another way to free the princess and Spike. Maybe the Elements can fix this.” Twilight says.

“It is possible… but I do not believe they can. Star Flare is the key to this….” Luna pauses, considering her next words carefully. “And she more than deserves the truth… I have to face her.”

Disapproving murmurs run rampant through the crowd as Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity each look at one another concerned.

“Even if the Elements can’t free Celestia and Spike, they can still help you. So far I’ve only learned one spell from the book Celestia gave to me…” Twilight pauses to give a crooked smile, trying to hide her embarrassment. “But it might be enough if you have this.” She removes the element of magic from her head and passes it to Luna.

Luna’s eyes widen. “Twilight, I cannot accept this!”

“No, you have to take it… Equestria is coming apart from the loss of one princess, I don’t want to know what would happen if she managed to cast this spell on you, too.” Twilight nods at the crystal statue of Celestia.

Luna takes a deep breath then sighs. After a moment she looks at the crowd still huddled nearby, all unsure of what to do. “You should all return to your homes… for now, there’s little more that can be done to help.” Turning, she looks in the direction that Star Flare had left. “This storm… it is going to get much worse.”