• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,414 Views, 12 Comments

Starfall - AuroraScribe

To right a wrong of long ago, Princess Celestia and Luna use their magic to return an exiled pony during the spring starfall festival.

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Chapter 7: Elemental

“It… did not work.” Luna whispers, still looking to the distant sky. She barely shakes her head in disbelief as she turns to the crystal statues of Princess Celestia and Spike, both standing lifeless and cold as the dark rain pours over them. “Was it all for nothing?”

The storm continues relentlessly, the heavy rain flooding the roads of Ponyville and turning the outskirts of town into a drenched field of mud. Nearly any sign that there had once been a festival have been washed away, the once brightly glowing bonfires now submerged pits of charcoal and even the tents setup for vendors have all buckled from the wind and rain, lying submerged in the muddy water.

After seeing the strange falling star from earlier and with Luna’s return, many ponies have left the safety of their home to stand out in the storm once again. Hoping for good news, they stand together, their umbrellas barely able to block the constantly shifting rain and wind.

Seeing them, Luna treads slowly across the muddy to stand near the crystal winged-unicorn that once was her sister. Seeing their expressions, the hopeful gleam in their eyes that she may have a way to make things right once more only makes the situation that much more unbearable.

She begins to take the final stride then stops mid-step, sloshing the muddy water around her hoof. One more step and she’d have to announce there’s no way to save Princess Celestia and Spike. With that step, she’ll have to accept the responsibility that all of the lives of Equestria now rest on her shoulders. Her stomach turns at the thought and she feels the urge to flap her wings and soar away; surely at some point her sister will giggle and wake her from this terrible dream.

Seeing Luna deep in thought, Twilight sloshes through the mud to stand beside her. “You did everything you could…” She begins.

“I did not.” Luna blurts out as she looks at Twilight. Even with the rain, tears can be seen flowing heavily from her eyes. “I have only brought harm to this world… And hurt so very many of those close to me. I do not deserve friends like you or Star... or a sister as wonderful as Celestia.” She swallows hard, her eyes filled with grief. She can imagine this is the pain Celestia must have felt when Nightmare Moon was banished. “I only wish I could set things right, Twilight Sparkle. But… I do not know how.”

Lightning flashes above and a strange shadow is cast over Twilight and Luna, but neither notice it nor the gentle sound of flapping wings.

Twilight’s horn glows soft purple, her magic gently raising Luna’s chin. “You did do everything you could… you told Star Flare the truth and you confronted your past. Bad things have happened, there's no denying that, but you’re a good pony, Princess Luna, we all believe in you.” She shakes her head a moment then gives a soft smile. “Even though the spell Star Flare used didn’t break, don’t lose hope. There still has to be a way to save Princess Celestia and Spike!”

Luna looks at Twilight then to her friends, then with a sigh, gently removes the element of magic from her head. She looks down to the golden tiara that shines even in the blackest of night and thinks for a long moment. There still has to be a way… She hears Twilight’s words in her mind then nods. “You are right, Twilight Sparkle. I will find a way to save them, no matter what it takes!”

“That way of thinking could lead you to a dark place.” Star Flare lands gently behind Twilight and Luna, to the surprise of everyone.

Shouts of anger and fear erupt; some ponies begin to panic while others rush to confront her.

Star Flare looks across the crowd, at the range of emotions now closing in. She remembers a time, years ago, when she landed near a group of her friends and comrades cheering for her, respect and adoration in their eyes. She blinks and sees the anger and terror of those looking at her now; none of these ponies know her… To them, I’m no less of a monster than the dragon that took Skystrider is to me, she thinks. As a low rumble of thunder hangs in the sky she bows her head and closes her eyes, accepting her fate.

Luna, still surprised at Star Flare’s return, isn’t sure what to say. “Wa-wait! Do not harm her!”

“Waaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” Pinkie Pie shouts, her voice piercing through the sound of the rain and roar of the crowd.

The surge of ponies stop just as they encircle Star Flare then look around confused, unsure of what to do.

“First, let’s find out why she’s here.” Twilight steps forward, glancing at Pinkie then to Star Flare. Lowering her head, she narrows her eyes and half-whispers, “you can’t actually be here to help, are you?”

“I do not know if I can… but I would like to…” Star Flare begins, wincing as she opens one eye to peek.

“But your magic… I am so sorry.” Luna says weakly.

Star Flare’s shoulders dip as she sighs lightly, then she raises a muddy hoof to poke where her horn once was. “All things considered, it's probably for the best. But… it’s as I feared. The spell I used must be permanent. Even if I could still use magic, I wouldn’t have a way to change them back.” She lowers her head and closes her eyes, her soaked blue mane dipping into the muddy water. “I really made a complete mess of things, didn’t I?”

Rarity cries out and hugs Spike, the reality that there may not be a way to save him sinking in. Hearing her tearful whimpers, everyone lowers their head.

“No… it is I who is to blame for all the terrible things that have happened.” Luna announces as she shakes her head.

“I can’t accept that, Princess Luna. I… may never be able to forgive what you did as Nightmare Moon, but I think I can understand how you felt. I was obsessed with making Celestia understand how much I was hurting, and I blinded myself to the pain I was causing others.”

Ahem. Pard'n me, but ya’ll can figure out who did what and who’s to blame later. Right now, we need to figure out a way to fix this.” Applejack says as she tilts her hat to block a sudden surge of rain.

“Well, what if we have an idea?” Rainbow Dash shouts as she splashes hard into the muddy water then trots to stand near the group. Panting, she looks behind her to see Fluttershy land as well then turns and gives Star Flare a stern look. “You weren’t supposed to get that far ahead; you know I can barely fly!” She says, breathless.

As Star Flare half cringes and starts to think up an apology, Applejack steps forward, a flash of concern crossing her face. “What in the…. Dash, you two’ve been working with her?”

Dash thinks of Star Flare saving her as they crashed into the lake… then of catching Star Flare as she fell from the sky. “Sorta… and yeah, I know, I know… it’s crazy. But just hear us out.”

Star Flare clears her throat. “I… I might not have the power to bring them back…” She begins then turns to Celestia. “But, she does.” She nods at the crystal statue.

Everyone looks at one another, clearly confused.

“Um… Question! How’s a statue going to make itself not be a statue?” Pinkie bounces onto Celestia’s back, looking for anything she might’ve missed. “Or is she faking?! OoOOoooh, she’s goooood!”

Star Flare smirks at Pinkie then looks at Luna. “I can’t say for certain this will even work, but Celestia will need her sister more than ever…” She pauses to blink away tears, the first she’s cried from being happy in a long time. “It’s sure to take everything you’ve got.”

Luna sniffles trying her best to not start sobbing. It’s only been hours since this craziness began but it feels like an eternity since there’s been a glimmer of hope. “What do you need me to do?”

* * * * * * * *

“We came as soon as we heard what happened.” Spitfire begins then looks up to the thunderstorm above. “But this plan of yours…. Dash, Cloudsdale is in real trouble, are you sure this is going to work?”

Rainbow Dash nods confidently then looks to the churning clouds of the dark sky, spotting a tornado far off in the distance. “It has to work… because I don’t want to think of what will happen if it doesn’t.”

“Are the pegasus of Ponyville up for this? This won’t be like normal skyclearing… and it’s going to be really dangerous.” Soarin slides his Wonderbolts mask off then slicks his wet mane back as he gives Dash a concerned look.

“Of course they are! Ponyville would never let you down!” Dash smirks, her heart suddenly beating hard enough she could swear she could hear it.

Spitfire looks over to the pegasus stretching their wings, trying to get ready. “Well, from my count, we only have around ten or so flyers strong enough for these winds… I’m not sure we’ll even make a dent in these clouds with that.”

“I, uh, think you missed a few. You’re going to have some extra help.” Dash laughs then points a hoof to the dark horizon. In unison, Star Flare and Fluttershy cringe and quickly move to hide behind the statue of Celestia.

“Oh?” Spitfire slides her goggles up, trying to get a better view, but with the torrential rain and almost no light it’s nearly impossible. “What… are you pointing at…?” Her voice drifts off as she spots massive forms as lightning flashes in the distance. “Are those… dragons?”

Twilight giggles as she moves to stand beside Dash. “Recently I’ve been trying to learn more about them… and well, in the process Spike and I made some friends.”

Moments later, a white and red dragon soars overhead, the rain whipping about from the rush of its powerful wings. Two others, one a dark purple and another blue with yellow stripes in its scales, land heavily just a short distance from the group of ponies, the ground quaking from their weight.

Shortly after, the white and red dragon turns and glides down, landing gently in front of the other dragons then folding his massive wings behind his back. He shifts his slender body to look to his friends then to the group of ponies, most of which gaze at him in awe.

“Hi Fang, I’m glad you and your friends could come!” Twilight says cheerfully.

Fang smiles, only a single large tooth peeking out from his lips. Taking a deep breath, he rests his front claws into the mud then bends down, bowing to the little pony in front of him. “Anything for you, Miss Sparkle.”

“Three dragons?” Spitfire turns to Dash, an eyebrow raised in disbelief.

Soarin laughs. “Yeah, that should help a bit…”

Dash blushes and scratches the back of her neck nervously. “Um, Star Flare thought we’d be okay without them… but she agreed any help we can get is important.” She turns and smirks at the white pony, barely visible through the statue of Celestia. “And so, I pulled in a few favors as well. Luna helped me get a message to an old friend… they should be here any-“

“Yo, Dash!” Gilda lands hard in the mud, half skidding to make the it splash on others. For a moment she eyes the dragons then shrugs. “I haven’t seen you in forever… but, uh, couldn’t you ask for help on a better day? This weather is pretty awful.”

“Hiya Gilda, and yeah, it’s what we need help with. I’ll explain in a sec.”

“So what’s up with them… and woah, what’s with the statues? A little high profile for this place.” Before anyone can reply she continues. “Eh, whatever… just let me know what you need us to do.” She turns and nods to multiple other griffons landing on rooftops in Ponyville, too nervous to get close to the dragons. “But you owe me now, big time.”

Dash rolls her eyes. “Yeah I know… thanks for coming.”

Spitfire slides her goggles back down and grins, nodding to Soarin. “Yeah, I think we can do this!”

Star Flare swallows as she looks at Fluttershy, nervously considering if she really wants to leave the cover of her hiding spot. Taking a breath, she quickly moves out from behind the statue to stand next to Luna, whose been steadily practicing her magic away from the crowd. “Are you ready, princess?”

The purple glow of Luna’s horn fades as she turns and looks at Star Flare. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve tried to do this…. but… I am as ready as I will ever be.”

* * * * * * * *

Highly suggested listening for the finale:

* * * * * * * *

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, each wearing their element, move to stand directly in front of the crystal statues of Celestia and Spike. Rarity bends down and kisses Spike on his crystal cheek then moves to stand next to her friends, giving them a hopeful smile.

As the storm rages on, ponies watch from windows and doorways in Ponyville, with some even braving the powerful winds to see what Twilight and her friends are going to do.

Luna nods to Star Flare as she lands in the mud and skids sideways from the powerful winds.

“I’ve never flown in winds this bad… they’re amazing for doing this.” Star Flare shields her eyes from the rain with a hoof as she looks to the pegasi, griffons, and dragons in flight, circling together over Ponyville. Above them, the clouds churn angrily and pulse with lightning. “It looks like they’re all set; Princess, I don’t think we can wait any longer.”

Luna looks up as a bolt of lightning strikes a tree nearby, splitting the trunk in two as the branches explode into flames. Everyone cries out in fear from the explosive thunder, but through the flames of the tree her eyes widen as she spots something much more terrifying. Just a short distance away, a massive tornado begins to touch down in the Everfree forest. Turning, she looks at Star Flare, suddenly stunned with fear.

Having just seen the tornado as well, Star Flare turns and waves to the crowd. “Give the signal, do it now!”

“Calm yourself, little admirer, Trixie will give the signal when Trixie is ready.” Seeing Star Flare point in the distance, she spots the whirwind of destruction heading their way and immediately her horn glows blue and sends a magical flare into the sky.

The pegasi, griffons, and dragons spot the bright flash of blue light below them then begin to fly in a spiral formation, circling faster and faster as they move into the churning clouds. At first nothing happens, but slowly, the clouds begin to swirl apart, creating a tiny gateway to the starlit sky above.

“They did it!” Pinkie shouts as the crowd cheers.

“It’s up to you now, Princess Luna!” Star Flare bows deeply.

Luna nods then looks around then closes her eyes, trying to clear her thoughts. She dampens out the cheering of ponies, the splashing of rain against her and in the muddy water, and the roar of the tornado getting closer with each passing moment. Suddenly, her horn ignites brilliant purple followed by her entire body. Around her, the muddy water is pushed away as she begins to be lifted into the air with her magic. She kicks off with her rear hooves and spreads her wings, taking flight, a streak of purple light heading straight up into the night sky.

Twilight watches Luna in amazement a moment longer then turns and looks at her friends. “It’s our turn girls, everyone ready?”

Pinkie Pie bounces happily as Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy smile and nod.

Star Flare looks from Luna to Twilight and her friends, then watches in horror as the tree that had been struck by lightning just a short while ago is torn apart and sucked into the powerful winds of the tornado getting ever closer. There’s no time left… this has to work!

Twilight closes her eyes, preparing to use her element, but she can’t shake the feeling she’s missing something. She takes a deep breath, then her eyes open, glowing brilliant white, the power of the Element of Magic coursing through her.

Twilight and her friends begin to glow and float in the air from the magic of their elements, the rain deflected away as a shield of rainbow light forms around them.

Luna’s magic begins to fade and she slowly opens her eyes. Above her, the eye in the storm clouds has shifted from a star filled night to the hues of blue and reds of a morning sky. With a shocked laugh she covers her mouth and shakes her head in disbelief.

Star Flare runs next to Twilight and her friends. “Princess Luna did it! She raised the sun!”

In unison, a powerful beam of rainbow light erupts from Twilight and her friends as the first rays of sunlight reach Celestia, piercing the dark storm clouds above. The magical energy refracts inside the crystal statues for a long time then fades... but nothing happens.

Star Flare looks wide-eyed between Twilight and her friends, to Luna flying high above then back to the statues still standing lifeless. The roar of the tornado is so close it sounds as if it could be on top of them any moment. “No… it had to work!” She moves over to stand next to Celestia, her eyes full of tears.

Twilight looks at the statue of the princess then to Star Flare. Closing her eyes her mind works hard to piece together a puzzle.

…It’s called spell channeling; it lets me cast magic through you, as if I were you…

…I used magic I never should have, it’s a part of me now...

…She came across the spellbook recently given to you by my sister…

…In the end, you’ll know what to do...

Star Flare cries heavily as she places her head against Celestia’s crystal chest, starting to lose hope.

Twilight smiles then looks to her friends around her who each nod back, somehow already knowing what to do.

“I am so sorry for what I have done… Please Celestia, this is your only chance!” Star Flare’s golden eyes shift to bright white as Twilight channels the magic of the elements through her. A ripple of energy courses around where her horn once was, the power making her mane flow away and as she touches Celestia, the rainbow light refracts through the princess and into Spike, makin both statues glow intensely.

A beam of yellow light erupts from Celestia’s crystal horn, the powerful magic shooting straight up to the heavens. As the magic pierces the dark clouds above, the entire cloud covered sky glows as if lit from within. Once the magic fades, the clouds shift from blacks to grays then to whites, and begin to quickly disperse.

As the heavy rain comes to a stop a massive tree crashes down next to the outskirts of Ponyville, the large tornado swirling apart and vanishing as the sky begins to clear.

Star Flare steps back to stand with Twilight and her friends, watching as rays of sunlight course through Spike and Celestia. As Star Flare’s magic is completely dispelled, Celestia falls forward landing on her front hooves and tucks in her wings.

Spike shakes his head and finishes what he was saying earlier. “I didn’t actually mean any harm, it was an accident! Honest!”

“My Spikey-wikey!” Rarity rushes forward and picks Spike up and spins, kissing him on his cheek.

Twilight laughs as she looks at her friends; Pinkie bounces happily around Rarity and Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash high-five, and Applejack takes off her hat to look at the rising sun. They did it… this nightmare is over.

Star Flare steps forward, she has a million things she wants to say, but she can’t stop crying. She just holds her head down, her tears dripping into the quickly receding muddy water, her soaked blue mane sopped over her shoulders.

Celestia looks at Twilight Sparkle and gives a knowing smile, as if to say, you did well, my student. She turns then hugs Star Flare, who slumps against the princess, both from exhaustion and overwhelming happiness.

Luna lands gently beside her sister then puts a hoof to her mouth in disbelief.

Celestia looks up and gazes at her sister, her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you…” She turns to Twilight and her friends then to the crowd of ponies already moving to surround them. “Thank you, all of you!”

Pinkie shouts, “Do you know what this calls for?!"

Everyone looks to one another, smiling. In unison all of her friends respond, "A party?"

"No sillies, that's later!" Giggling, Pinkie bounces forward and pulls all of her friends together. "It calls for... The biggest group hug ever!”

Laughter and cheering fills the air as above, Fang, Gilda, the Wonderbolts and all the others in flight that had helped glide gently on the spring breeze, watching as the clouds fade into a beautiful morning.