• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,414 Views, 12 Comments

Starfall - AuroraScribe

To right a wrong of long ago, Princess Celestia and Luna use their magic to return an exiled pony during the spring starfall festival.

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Chapter 6: Nightmare Unveiled

Icy cold rain begins to pour down from the clouds above, painfully spraying Star Flare and Rainbow Dash as they streak through the dark sky. The wind continues to get stronger and combined with the heavy sheets of rain they both struggle to stay in flight.

I can catch her, Rainbow Dash chants the words over and over in her mind. "Just… a little more..." She reaches out a hoof, almost able to grab Star Flare's tail, but her target cuts suddenly, turning to dive. Finally, she thinks. They had been in a steady climb pushing hard into a headwind but now they'll be streaking almost straight down.

Rainbow Dash watches as the white pony gets a little more distance then turns to dive as well. Taking in a deep breath, she thinks to herself, this is it. She had been trying over and over to do a sonic rainboom to overcome Star Flare, but with the crazy wind and rain it's been impossible… until now. She pushes her front hooves forward and flaps her wings with all her might. A white shimmer forms as the slipstream begins to envelope her body but suddenly the world seems to explode as a flash of lightning ripples down from above. Before the blinding light of the electricity is gone a second explosion follows as she achieves a sonic rainboom.

She starts to grin, but immediately can tell something's not right.... she can't guide herself and she's starting to drift to one side. As the colorful waves of the rainboom streak away she looks to her side and her she gasps. The lightning struck her wing; parts of it blackened from burns and over half the feathers are gone. Seeing the damage only makes it worse as throbbing pain begins to shoot through her body. Suddenly the slipstream around her bursts; as the rush of air hits her she goes into a flat spin, completely out of control.

"I....I've got you." Star Flare reaches out, barely managing to grab Rainbow's front hoof, making them spin in sync.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash yanks away, the motion causing her to flip end over end. Painfully she spreads her wings as wide as she can, but the drag from her one good wing only makes her go into a wobbly spin once again. She looks down; the ground is getting very close.

"You have to let me help!" Star Flare spirals to just above Rainbow Dash then grabs hold. She spreads her wings as far as they'll go but it's not enough, they're dropping too fast and she doesn't have the strength to get them into a glide. Frantically she looks around for options and spots a small lake almost directly below them. "We're going to crash!" She yells, pointing a hoof.

Rainbow Dash nods, tucking her head low.

Star Flare tucks in as well pulling Rainbow close, her horn glowing bright blue as she casts a powerful shield spell. Only seconds later they splash down hard into the lake, the force causing the water to erupt skyward.

* * * * * * * *

Waves crash upon the shore of a large lake as Fluttershy comes to a soft landing. "Rainbow Dash!" She calls out looking across the splashing inky water, her heart racing. Spotting a dark figure, she starts to run forward. "Dash? Oh my, are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash treads slowly out of the water, Star Flare draped unconscious on her back.

"Di-did you knock her out?" Fluttershy makes a punching motion.

Still trying to catch her breath, Dash shakes her head once then gently rests Star Flare on the shore. "She... helped me, Fluttershy. But I think she hit her head on the lakebed."

* * * * * * * *

......Star Flare.......

Hearing her name she slowly opens her eyes. Next to her, Rainbow Dash is sitting, her good wing spread out shielding Star Flare's face from the rain. She's saying… something… to a yellow pegasus she barely recognizes as Fluttershy.

.......Above the clouds..… I'll be waiting.......

It isn't either of these ponies… someone was speaking to her within her mind. Star Flare coughs, trying to clear the lake water and grit from her mouth then slowly she begins to peel herself off the sandy shore. Her body feels numb and her muscles barely respond, every bit of movement causing her to tremble under the strain. As she begins to pick her head up she winces, the small motion makes tears form and she whimpers; her head feels like it's going to crack open. Trying to not let it overwhelm her she has to close her eyes, doing her best to will the throbbing pain away. It feels like it takes an eternity, but finally she's able to stand.

"Hey… are you alright? You don't look so good." Rainbow Dash says as Fluttershy slips behind her, doing her best to hide.

"I'm… fine…" Star Flare lies. Every part of her feels bruised or injured in some way and it's taking every bit of her focus to not curl into a ball and start crying. Luckily the rain is incredibly cold and it's dulling the pain. "Rainbow Dash… that is your name, correct? Can you fly?"

Dash raises an eyebrow, like the idea hadn't crossed her mind then stretches her injured wing. Somewhat confident she can use it, "On a normal day, I'd say yeah… “ she then looks up at the storm that only seems to get worse with each passing moment, “But this? Maybe really, really slowly."

"I can help her." Fluttershy says meekly, barely audible over the splashing of the rain.

.......Above the clouds..... I'll be waiting.......

That voice again… "Luna?" Star Flare whispers the name as she looks at the churning clouds above. The rain splashes down over her face, washing the sand from her snout and pushing her matted blue mane behind her ears. A loud rumble of thunder resonates across the sky in response. After a moment she stretches then takes off, hovering a few feet in the air.

"I wasn't thinking, like, flying against the storm… we can stay low and fly through the trails back to Ponyville. It shouldn't be that windy with all the trees."

Star Flare can’t help but smirk. "Still convinced I'm going to return with you?"

"Oh come on, it's obvious you're hurt. Just let us help!"

"I have to take care of something, first… then…" Her shoulders slump and she can't help but look away, ashamed. "I promise I will return."

"That's not good enough! You have to-" Rainbow Dash begins but Fluttershy bumps her then shakes her head.

"We'll, um, wait for you…" Fluttershy says, pausing to shiver.

With a huff, Dash crosses her arms. "Fine. Just don't be too long."

Star Flare gives a tiny nod then takes off skyward, flying as hard as she can against the shifting winds and rain. Her determination feels renewed… She doesn't know why, but it's as if whoever - or whatever - is calling to her will somehow set things right.

She pushes into the cloudline and is battered by swirling winds, much stronger than those below. Pulses of yellow light erupt all around her -- lightning dancing through the clouds with deafening thunder instantly following. She screams out as another bolt nearly strikes her, instead colliding with the magic of her shield. Still the impact whips her sideways and she starts to fall. She looks up and can see the stars of the night sky; she's so close! She spirals then flaps her wings as hard as she can, and finally, she breaches the clouds.

Above the storm the air is eerily calm. She looks below to see the multiple pulses of lightning going almost nonstop.

“Many years ago, I lured another in a similar fashion…”

Star Flare spins to see a dark mare that she's never met, her dark purple mane and tail flow around her like a mist and almost invisible against the night sky. "Wh-who are you?"

Nightmare Moon looks down at the storm below. "This is what I had become… An avatar of my emotions.” The illusion glows bright purple then turns to mist, drifting away into the clouds below. Luna now hovers in its place.

"Princess… Luna…?"

"At a critical moment, I magically whispered to my sister… told her how the war would be over if she simply faced me. I convinced her to leave Canterlot… I gave her no other choice." Luna cringes, not sure what to expect.

Star Flare had always had suspicions… There was always the lingering thought that Luna’s personality had changed, and she questioned her steadfast refusal to keep guards with her. But Princess Luna was one of her best friends when she was a child… she could never admit what was happening even with all the evidence. Finally hearing the truth – that the one who had caused so much damage and grief was her all along… is too much. She can barely keep herself in flight as she covers her face and begins sobbing.

Luna sniffles and blinks heavily. “My sister’s heart was broken, much like your own. She could not tell you what had happened because she just lost someone she loves, too. Both of your worlds were torn apart that night… But instead of your friendship helping you through it, your anger divided you.” Taking a second to wipe tears from her eyes, she feels her lower lip tremble then looks at the clouds below. “But more than that, at the center of it all… it is I that is the one to blame.”

Thunder ripples as another pulse of lightning flashes from below.

“Star, while you fought to save the city, my sister was fighting me in an effort to save Equestria. I was jealous and obsessed with taking power from her... Because of that… in the end, my sister banished me.”

Star Flare feels hollow; she’s been so angry, and so sad, for such a long time… And much of it has been misguided. She wants to attack Luna… and to hug her for telling the truth… but more than anything; she just wants this to be over.

“Exile didn’t change things last time. You won’t fix anything by leaving again. Star… I cannot fix what has been done. I cannot even begin to do so. But in our absence my sister has tried to make Equestria a wonderful place."

“I know what you want to ask… but I cannot remove the spell from Celestia.”

Luna’s eyes widen, “Please, Star… I deserve to be sealed away... but save her.”

Star Flare sniffles once. “The magic was never mine to use and it's something I'll never truly understand.... But there might be one way to release the spell. If this works, tell her….” She blinks as tears start to form again. “Tell her… I’m sorry.” She takes a deep breath as she begins summoning every bit of magical energy she can.

From below, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash look up to the storm above, the electric blue light piercing the clouds like a new sun. From Canterlot, Shining Armor stops as a fellow guard points in the distance making him turn to see the brilliant light in the sky. In Cloudsdale, everyone pauses in their efforts to deflect the storm from the city. In Ponyville, one by one, ponies move out from the cover of their homes to watch the spectacle, curious as to what it might be. Twilight shakes her head, her eyes and horn already glowing purple.

“Wha-what are you doing? Luna starts to fly backwards, the magic radiating from Star Flare forming a massive air current. “No… Star!” A flash of purple energy surrounds Luna as she’s teleported back to Ponyville.

The magical energy continues to grow stronger and stronger, far too much for Star Flare to control. She thinks of the times she played hide and seek with Luna... of learning basic magic from Celestia... and of Skystrider, and how much she misses him... A sudden suction of air then an arc of blue energy explodes from her horn as it shatters. A massive shockwave of light ripples through the sky, bright enough that any watching have to look away. With the clouds spiraling away like the eye of a hurricane, Star Flare falls to Equestria in a trail of magical light – the last of her energy ebbing away.

Luna covers her mouth as Twilight and her friends watch the streak of light in silence.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen. “Fluttershy, I think that’s Star Flare… you have to help her!”

Fluttershy gasps then hesitates a moment, willing up the courage. With a deep breath she takes off, the gape in the storm above having made the wind and rain calm down a bit, allowing her to fly quickly.

Unconscious, Star Flare’s wings and hair drift back as she continues to fall. Fluttershy moves next to her, and seeing her eyes closed she bumps her shoulder then quickly moves away. “You have to wake up!” Seeing her not respond, she looks at the ground and suddenly is terrified she won’t be strong enough. Quickly she grabs underneath her forelegs and flaps her wings with all her might, but they aren’t slowing enough. Fluttershy squeaks, terrified they’re both going to crash into the forest, but suddenly, lifting her seems a lot easier. Opening an eye, she sees Dash holding her from the other side.

“I’d never let my friends down… except like this.” She laughs. “Is she okay?”

Fluttershy gives a sigh of relief, she doesn’t want to know what would’ve happened if Dash hadn’t been able to help. “I’m not sure… She won’t open her eyes.”

As best they can, they gently carry Star Flare to the ground and land softly, bringing her to rest on a pile of leaves.

“Oh Dash, I’m not sure what we should do? The storm just keeps getting worse and I don’t think we’d be able to carry her all the way back to Ponyville.”

Star Flare winces then barely opens her eyes. “The storm…. It’s… getting worse?” She barely shakes her head. “No… it’s supposed to be over.”