• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 1,935 Views, 66 Comments

Moonlight Knight - brandsca123

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Twilight Sparkle woke up the next day, as usual Spike was fast asleep in his bed snoring loudly. She walked up to the sleeping dragon and giggled,

"Oh sweet Celestia, what am I going to do with you." She said as she bowed down to wake him up. She proceeded to blow gently on his ear, it twitched in response to the air hitting it. Spike groaned and turned in his bed.

"Quit it Twilight, just five more minutes." He shooed her away with his tiny claw.

"Come on Spike, today we have to clean the library." Twilight said while poking him in the back with a hoof.

"But we always clean the library." Spike whined. Twilight huffed and left the room. Spike sighed in relief as she left. He was about to go back to sleep when cold water was splashed over him.

"Spike, up, now!" Twilight said with her voice raised, a cup was levetating next to her.

"Why'd you have to go and do that for?" Spike spluttered and coughed as he got out of his now wet bed.

"You would have slept all day if I hadn't, anyway Spike lets get breakfast started." Spike groaned and walked out of the room, upset that his nap had been disturbed.

After a lean breakfast of oatmeal for Twilight and assorted gems for Spike the two got to work on cleaning the library. Once they were finished they both sat down exhausted.

"Well done Spike, only five minutes less than last time." Twilight said.

"Well yea.......*burp*....." Spike hacked up a letter from his mouth and held it up to Twilight. "Mails here."

"A letter from the Princess, this early?" Twilight held the letter up with her magic and unrolled it. The letter read as follows:

Dear Twilight,

I would like to inform you of a few things that happened during the past three days. Three nights ago a young changling was found asleep in the castle gardens. We took him in and he revealed himself to be a prince named Kit. Apparently he was expelled from his hive for having some genetic mutations that hinder his development as a drone. One night he escaped the castle and fled, and saved another pony from being attacked by some changling drones. I have been informed that the changling in question had severed his connection with the hive and is now living on the run. I want you and the other elements to keep an eye out for him, and if you should find him I want you to contain him. He isn't like the other changlings that attacked the castle not to long ago and I want you and your friends to be careful when comfronting him. He doesn't have the ability to change shape so he shouldn't be hard to find. Just be aware he tends to use the cover of darkniss to his advantage and should not be taken lightly. Though he isn't hostile to other ponies, he might attack if cornered. If he does subdue him and write back to me ASAP. Don't worry about him trying to take advantage of your feelings as he also doesn't have this ability, but don't use magic near him. He has been known to absorb any form of magic to power himself up. Once you do capture him and write to me I will inform you of further details.

Yours sincerely
Princess Celestia.

PS: Don't use the elements near him.

Twilight was both shocked and confused by the letter, especially with that last part.

"Why is the princess interested in capturing a changling prince, and more importantly why can't I use the elements around him." Twilight looked over the letter once more, "Genetic mutations, that only makes him more dangerous, doesn't it?"

She gave it some more thought before saying, "Spike help me get the others, we have a changling prince to find."

"Right away Twilight." Spike said as they both went out the door.

Twilight went over the game plane with her friends once more.

"Remember, do not attack him or startle him, no magic of any kind and most importantly don't use the elements. We will receive further instructions on Kits successful capture." Twilight paced back and forth. Her friends Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Spike were all sitting in a line as she spoke.

"So let me get this straight, the princess wants us to round up some mutant changling prince without attacking it or scaring it off." Applejack said confused.

"A changling prince you say, he doesn't happen to be Crysalis' son?" Rarity asked.

"Crysalis had a son?" Pinkie Pie said, " I never knew that changlings can have foals, I always though that they captured ponies and changed them into changlings."

"I'm just upset that we have to do this without harming him in anyway." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well the princess did say to capture him, but I still don't understand why she doesn't want any harm to come to him." Twilight said, "And those mutations of his might make capturing him difficult."

"Mutations, you mean like tentacles or extra legs, I bet he even shoots lasers out of his eyes." Pinkie Pie said exitedly.

"Pinkie you are so random." Rainbow Dash said.

"With mutations aside, how do ya think we go about finding this here critter." Applejack asked.

"Ummm......Twilight...," Fluttershy said looking off to the side, "I think i may have found him."

She pointed a shaking hoof over to a small field. Sure enough there was a scarfed, black pony staring at a butterfly with curiosity. He followed it with interest and only stopped when it landed from flower to flower.

"Right everypony, on my mark we sneak up and grab him from behind. The I want Applejack to tie him up while I inform the princess." The entire group nodded in agreement.


Kit was following the small pink butterfly with interest. He had never seen anything like it and he was interested in its buity.

"How can one so small, and buitiful live such a carefree life?" Kit asked himself as he raised a hoof to touch it. He was surprised about how fast the thing flew away when he did, and he continued to watch it.

He lost interest in it and laid down in the grass, enjoying the sun on his face. Just then he heard a sound from behind him, and he had the feeling of being watched. He tensed as the shuffling sound came closer. Then a voice shouted,

"Now!" The last thing Kit saw before he was knocked out was six ponies and a dragon, all jumping toward him.