• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 1,935 Views, 66 Comments

Moonlight Knight - brandsca123

  • ...

To Protect Others

Ever since the party, Kit has been spiralling deeper into depression and Twilight was starting to get concerned.

She walked upstairs to Kits room and went inside, he was laying on his bed with his head buried into a pillow.

"Kit, you know you can tell me anything. Just what is on your mind." Twilight said. Kit looked up from the pillow, his eyes were red and swollen from crying. He didn't want to talk right now.

"Go away, I think you have done enough damage." Kit said. Twilight gave him a look of concern.

"Kit...." Twilight said sadly.

"Shut up. Just shut up!" Kit said angrily. Twilight just sighed and left.

As she closed the door she decided to do something to get Kit out of his depressed state.

"I know. Maybe an apology cake would cheer him up." She left through the door, "Spike look after the library while I'm gone."

"Okay Twilight." Spike replied.


Twilight was on her way to Sugarcube Corner when, she heard some noises coming from a nearby alley. She went to investigate and silently trotted into the alleyway.

"We have to act now, number one. If we don't then the ponies would get suspicious of us." Twilight heard one of the voices say.

"But number three, we need to take our time. If we act now then he will most likely attack us." Twilight was starting to get nervous, the voices were getting louder.

"Both of you are wrong, we need to keep an eye on him." Twilight rounded a corner and nearly screamed. She saw three changlings talking in a small circle.

"Number two, Crysalis said we need to destroy Kit." Twilight was panicking, Kit was in danger. She backed up without looking where she was stepping and knocked over a trash can. She froze as the three changlings turned and saw her.

"Intruder!" One of them screamed. The three of them lunged at her and she screamed.

Twilight dodged them and took off running, she was being chased by these three monsters. Ponies left and right screamed when they saw the changlings.

"Crap, we've been discovered!" Another one said. Twilight was then surrounded by the three, as they started to close in on her. She covered her eyes and waited, shivering with fright.


Kit was busy laying down in his bed when, something started tugging at the back of his mind. He couldn't quite explain it but it felt like something was trying to tell him something. Kit ignored it, but it came back stronger than before. It was then he heard a voice.

"Help me....." It was small, but distant. It sounded like it wanted something.

"Please help me........." It was starting to bug him and he shook his head. "Somepony help me!"

Kit nearly fell off the bed as the voice was louder this time. He then heard a distant scream, it sounded almost like.....

"Twilight!" Kit said. He felt something within him kick into action as he ran out the door. Twilight was in danger and he had to protect her. It was the only thing on Kits mind.

He ran into Ponyville and then he saw it. Twilight was cowaring on the ground, three changlings surrounded her. Something in Kit snapped at this moment, and he felt himself wanting to hurt the monsters attacking her. He ran full force into one of them and blasted him with some magical energy, killing him instantly. The other two changlings turned and faced him.

"Leave her alone!" Kit shouted. The two changlings snarled and lunged for him. Kit dodged and bucked one hard in the back of the head, severing its spine. The other one lunged at Twilight and grabbed her.

"Lets see how tuff you are now." The changling growled. Kit felt rage well up inside him as he then lost control.

"LET HER GO!" Kit lunged at the changling, he jumped over him and stabbed his horn in its back. He then let the energy inside him burst forth, causing the changling to explode in a gory mess.

Kit felt the rage disappear, as he started to loose consciousness. The last thing he heard and saw was Twilight running up to him screaming his name.

"Kit, stay with me......Kit!"