• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,308 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

A different kind of friend

Anon can’t believe what he’s doing right now. He walked into his room a few minutes ago and went to sleep on his bed. For the past minute or so he’s been standing outside of Nightmare’s door. He can feel the conflict inside of him as he contemplates his life choices. There were some things he didn’t have control of and those things are the reason he’s so iffy around ponies. Yet this is different. If something bad happens here, there’s no one to blame, because he can choose to not do this.

He rests his hand against the door and calms himself enough to try and sense what is happening. It feels calm. Oddly enough, it’s as if she’s sleeping? How does that work? Anon’s never asked Luna about a dream within a dream before, but does is actually work differently for Nightmare? Is there perhaps another door around that contains her own dream? So what does that make what he experienced before? It could’ve been a memory. If that’s the case, then that seems to spur him on to actually speaking with her.

He can do this. Afterall, he does have a backup plan.

Blossom is sitting at Anon’s bedside as he sleeps. She honestly wasn’t expecting him to call for her, but she was true to her word that she would come if he called. So here she sits, unsure as to why she’s needed. All he told her was that he was going to dream walk and if he didn’t wake up in thirty minutes, she should get Luna as fast as she could. Blossom knows very little about dream walking, but she could hear how serious he was when he spoke.

So she sits and waits while facing the clock that hangs on the wall. This is going to be a long and boring wait. She feels her eyes drift over to Anon’s sleeping form. Hmmm... He wouldn’t mind if she got comfortable, right? A grin spreads on her face as she thrusts her wings down, lifts into the air and gently glides down onto the bed beside him.

She has to admit that she’s mostly doing this to see his reaction, but it’s rather nice cuddling up next to something warm as well. She uses a wing to grab a blanket and drapes it over the two of them. She gives a small yawn as she snuggles close. This is a nice break from all the paperwork.

Anon reaches for the handle of her door, with one last breath he opens it and takes a step inside. His vision is filled with darkness. He’s quick to summon a flashlight again, but what he notices is that the darkness is no longer as thick as it was before. His light is bright enough to cover a great distance and what he spots a bit ahead of him is the sleeping form of Nightmare Moon. It’s odd to see her sleeping kinda like a horse on its stomach. Anon gulps slightly as he makes his approach.

Once he feels he’s a safe distance from her does he stop and stand there. Nightmare Moon’s back is to him. He can see her slow and steady breaths as she rests. Seeing that his light is probably a bit too bright for this situation, he instead makes the area around him glow softly. Just enough light so he can clearly see Nightmare Moon, but not be blindingly bright. He walks around to the front of her. It’s odd how peaceful she looks while she’s sleeping.

“I’m surprised you came back.” She says as clear as day.

Anon jumps in shock as she opens her eyes and looks at him. The slits of her eyes seemingly contracting as they focus on him. Anon can’t look away as he stares into her piercing blue orbs. He shakes his head some and faces her again.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

He can see her raise a brow at him. She lifts her head from her forelegs so she can properly face him.

“Hmm?” She feels a grin spread across her lips. “You wish to play some more?”

Anon shivers at the thought of what she has in mind.

“N-No... I just wanted to get to know you. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot?”

Nightmare Moon starts to giggle and her giggle then turns into full blown laughter. Anon can only stand there and hope this doesn’t turn into a dark memory he’ll have to bury deep in his subconscious. She still titters some as she looks at Anon.

“You’re either the bravest or most stupid creature I’ve ever met.”

“Both, probably.” Anon admits.

A grin spreads over her face.

“What would you do to stop me if I decided to have my way with you?”

“Nothing. Before even coming here I could guess that you have a better control over dreams than I do. The only thing I have is a guard watching over me and I told her to get Luna if I didn’t wake up in thirty minutes.”

“Thirty minutes alone with me?” She slowly gets us, while also growing in size so she’s looming over Anon. “That’s enough time to do many many things.”

He’s taking a huge risk, but it’s now or never.

“That’s true, but once Luna saves me from you... You’ll never see me again.”

It was so fast that Anon almost didn't see it, but he could’ve swore he saw worry on her face. The grin she had has long since vanished. Her size returns to normal as she continues to face Anon.

“What do you really want?” She asks with a sneer.

“To talk, as I said.”

“Do you think I believe that for a second? You’re up to something.”

Everything is going his way right now, Anon opens his arms wide feeling a bit more confident in this situation.

“Look around, Nightmare. I’m alone. Even you can sense that Luna is awake. It’s just you and me right now.” He drops his arms to his side. “The first time we met. I thought Luna was having a nightmare, that’s the reason I came in the first place. I wanted to help her and I was surprised when I found you.” What Anon is about to ask next could end in tears. “Are you lonely?”

He watches as Nightmare squints. She lowers her head so her horn is pointing directly at him. Anon backs up slowly as she starts poking it towards him.

“Get out.” She threatens.

“I just want to talk.”

He watches as her horn starts to glow.

“I’m not giving you a choice.”

Anon is shoved back and didn’t even realize she summoned a door to her world. He falls back into the room of doors as Nightmare’s door slams closed. Anon gets up and brushes himself off. Well, that could’ve been worse. Anon walks up to the door and places his hand on it. It seems he’s rustled her up a bit. He feels a triumphant smile on his face. Her resistance only makes his interest stronger. He walks away from her door in thought. He’ll be sure to visit again. Might as well take a page out of Celestia’s book. With enough pestering, she’ll come around or she’ll blast him into oblivion. He’s confident it’ll be the former.

Well, time for him to wake up.

Anon feels his eyes open. What he sees in front of him is a gray mare that’s asleep. He’s positive he told Blossom to watch over him, but it seems that at some point she decided it was best to sleep. Not only that, but she thought the best place was next to him. Anon reaches his hand up and pinches Blossom’s nose closed. It takes a few seconds before she jerks awake violently.

“W-Wha?!” She sits up and looks around in a daze.

“Thanks for watching me.” Anon deadpans as he too sits up so he can face her.

She smacks her lips some as she uses a hoof to rub her eyes.

“That was fast, wasn’t even ten minutes.” She states.

“How would you know?”

She rests her head on her pillow while keeping her eyes closed.

“I have an accurate internal clock, Anon. I would’ve woken up a few minutes before the set time. I can assure you that.”

Anon sits there for a few moments looking at her. There’s no reason for him to call her out on that. The fact is that he knows next to nothing about Blossom. How would he know if she’s telling the truth? Then again she is the captain of Luna’s knights. So it could be possible that she’s trained to wake up at a moment's notice.

“Well, thank you for helping me. Now if you don’t mind, I have some things I need to take care of.”

“I do mind.” She bites Anon’s shirt and drags him back into a laying position. “If you stay here then no one can blame me for sleeping. It’s part of the job after all.” She yawns. “If you leave then I’ll have to go back to all the boring paperwork in my office.”

“How is that my problem?”

“You know, I should report to Luna that you were up to something dangerous, but I won’t. That’s our little secret. Now if you lay in bed with me and let me rest a little, then I’ll consider us square.”

“Are you blackmailing me?”

“Blackmailing is such an ugly word. I prefer the word ~blackmailing~”

“You said the same word.” Anon deadpans

“Yeah, but I said it nicer the second time.” She wraps a bat wing over him. “Come on, just give me one hour of sleep. I’m not asking you to bend over backwards am I?”

Anon lets out a sigh of defeat. Blossom isn’t asking for much, but damn does he feel manipulated.

“Alright.” Anon gets comfortable as Blossom snuggles up close. “Just don’t get any funny ideas.”

Blossom chuckles. “Keep dreaming.”

“Everything is all set!” Pinkie says with a large smile.

“Are you sure this is alright?” Maud overlooks herself in a body length mirror. The dress she’s wearing is really frilly. She’s not used to wearing anything other than her normal dress. “I thought I was meeting your friend?”

“You want to look your best don’t you?”

“Why can’t I just wear my normal clothes?”

“Those old things? We’re in Canterlot, Maud! Let’s live a little!”

“I don’t know, Pinkie. I just think that maybe you’re going a little overboard. What if your friend isn’t dressed for the occasion?”

Pinkie’s eyes shoot open. “You’re right!”

“That’s good, I think we can still return the dre-”

“I need to tell Anon to wear a suit!”

Before Maud can say anything Pinkie tosses down a smoke bomb. Maud doesn’t even blink as the smoke clears and finds the room empty.

“Who would’ve thought a cutie mark could change a pony so much. Right, Boulder.” Maud looks over to the dresser where Boulder is. She raises a brow at him. “You’ve met Pinkie’s friend before?” Boulder just sits there, it’s a meaningful conversation. “I guess you’ll have to apologize.” Maud goes back to looking at herself in the mirror. “If it’s for the occasion...”

“Anon, pssst.”

Anon opens his eyes and is face to face with Pinkie. He can’t even find the strength to react anymore. He looks over to see that Blossom is still asleep, so he decides to keep quiet.

“What do you want, Pinkie?” Anon whispers.

“Can you wear a fancy suit for dinner tonight?”

“Suit? I thought I was meeting a friend?”

“Pleeeaaasse.” Pinkie gives him her best puppy eyes.

Anon lets out a quick snort.

“Fine, what time should I be ready?”

“Around eight.”

“Meet me at my store.”

Pinkie nods enthusiastically. “I’ll be there.” Pinkie then looks down at Blossom. “Who’s your friend?”

“Luna’s captain.”

“Why is sh-”

“Long story.”

Pinkie smiles at him. “Okie Dokie. See you tonight.”

Anon can feel Pinkie shimmy down his body and off the bed. Once he hears the door open and close does he finally relax.

“You’re rather popular with the mares.” Blossom says.

Anon looks over and sees Blossom has a smirk on her face while she rests.

“They’re friends.”

She chuckles. “Yeah, friends. You ever notice that all your friends are mares?”

“So what?”

Blossom shrugs. “Just a thought.”

“Go to sleep.”

“Whatever you say, Stud.”

Celestia is covered from head to hoof in icing. It took her some time to build that cake fort, but it was well worth the time spent when she got to demolish it, one savory bite at a time. She probably shouldn’t have started with the support beams first, but in the end, everything went well. She lets out a slight groan.

“I need to get cleaned up.”

Celestia gets up and walks over to her bathroom door. She feels a bit heavy but nothing she can’t digest in a few minutes. When she enters into the bathroom she’s surprised to see her nephew there. Not only that, but she notices that something’s wrong with him. He’s shaking in place while he sits in the bath. She walks over to his side.

“Blue?” Celestia is now standing behind him. “Is everything alright?”

“I’ve seen things, Aunty. Things I cannot unsee.” He says in his royal voice.

She notices that Blue is looking off into infinity. She’s quick to take him into her wings.

“Tell me all about it.”

He looks up to Celestia and gives a small nod.

“It started when I ran into you, Luna and Anon.”

“I just can’t decide.” Blueblood gives a snort as he walks towards the dining hall.

He was in his room the entire time contemplating what would be the best thing to wear. After all, it was a special occasion, yet he found that not a single thing he had fit the situation, so he decided to just forget the entire thing and go as is. While walking down the hall he notices his aunty carrying Anon and Luna in her magic as she walks towards him. Why aren’t they in the dining hall? Once they’re close enough he decides to ask.

“Did I miss dinner?”

Celestia looks down at Blueblood.

“No, Blue. It seems that Anon here didn’t hold his drink well. So I’m taking him to his room to change.”

“I told you to put me down.” Anon groans. “I get motion sick.”

“Regardless. We will be going to the fair soon. Would you care to join us?”

Blueblood’s eyes light up. “Would I?!”

Celestia smiles at him. “Very well. It shouldn’t take long for Anon to clean up.”

Blueblood is excited as he follows his aunty towards Anon’s room.

Anon, Luna, Blueblood and Celestia are now walking towards the fair.

“It’s been so long since I’ve been to a fair.” Celestia breaks the silence.

“Are they a regular thing here?” Anon asks.

“We hold one every year. It’s the most popular event in Equestria, ponies from all around gather to have fun.”

“What do they have there?”

“Many games and various unique foods that you can’t find anywhere else.”

Anon hopes that he can find some interesting meats. He is feeling a bit hungry after having thrown up all his food.

“Anyone objection to hitting the food stands first?” Anon asks.

“I’m a bit hungry.” Luna answers.

“So am I!” Blueblood adds.

Celestia can also agree to that. “Very well.”

Celestia walks off as the three of them follow after her. Once they’re at the fair Anon will admit that it looks rather nice. Reminds him of the fairs from his world, just with more livestock and fewer humans. Celestia is leading them past all the games and towards another area that has many tables about where ponies sit and eat. That’s normal and all but what he finds really interesting is a catbird creature sitting alone.

“What’s that?” Anon points at the creature.

Celestia looks over at what he’s pointing at.

“Hmm? Oh! That’s a griffin.”

“What the hell?” Anon whispers under his breath. He’s read about these creatures before but never has he actually seen one. “Can I touch it?”

“Anon, that griffin is just like you or me. It’s not an animal.”

“So... That’s a no?”

Celestia looks at him, then back at the griffin. “I guess that’s for you and her to decide.”

In Anon’s not drunk part of his mind, he’s contemplating how this is a good idea. The drunk part of his mind wants to pet something interesting. So, with no self-control, he walks over to the griffin in question. Luna tries to follow after him, but Celestia uses a wing to block her.

“Let him learn.”

Luna looks at her sister unsure if this is the right thing to do. She makes sure to keep a watchful eye just in case the worst should happen. Anon makes it over to the griffin without stumbling too much. He can tell that the griffin seems lost in her own thoughts.


“Leave me alone.” The griffin responds without looking at him.

“Can I pet you.” Anon asks ignoring her previous words.

“Pet me? What are you dru-” She freezes as she looks up at Anon.

“Drunk? Yeah.”

“What in Tartarus are you?” She asks.

“Human. Only one on this planet.”

“Really? So you’re like an alien?”

Anon nods. “Yeah. I come from a different planet.”

She raises a skeptical brow. “Horse feathers.”

Anon shrugs. “It’s true, but that is neither here nor there. Can I pet you?”

The griffin leans away slightly. “Why do you want to pet me?”

“You look soft. I like soft things.” He leans down some and whispers into what he assumes is the griffin’s ear. “Don’t tell anyone, but Celestia is super soft. Like, really squishy. Luna’s surprisingly firm. I think it’s from all her years fighting. Not that I’m complaining.”

The griffin scoots away from Anon.

“Alright, crazy creature. If you don’t mind, I think I'll be going now.”

Anon quickly wraps his arms around the griffin and pulls her to his chest. Her back is pressed firmly against him.

“Just one pet?”


“A quarter?”

“How does that even work?!”

“How about I just smell you?”

“I’ll give you till the count of threeEEE!!”

Anon took that moment to start scratching between her shoulder blades. The catbird calmed down and Anon noticed an odd purring noise coming from her. He reaches to the front of her and scratches under her chin and neck. Anon hates to admit it, but when he was younger he used to be a cat person. Dogs are superior, of course, but a cat is fine too.

“See? Was this so bad?” Anon asks.

“Alright, that’s far enough.”

Anon is quickly pulled out of his seat by Celestia. She shakes her head in disappointment at him.

“Really, Anon?”

He shrugs. “I regret nothing.”

“I’m really sorry about this, Ms...”


“Terribly sorry, Gilda. I hope my friend here didn’t cause you too much distress.”

The catbird seems to have regained her composure.

“Whatever, just leave me alone.”

“As you wish.”

As Celestia walks away with Anon and the others in tow, Anon looks back to see the catbird looking at him in confusion. He smiles and waves at her, to which she quickly gives him a scowl and turns away.

“She was nice.” Anon says.

“Did you really have to grab her like that?” Luna asks.

“She looked like she needed a hug.”

“Well, since we’re here. Let’s get something to eat.” Celestia adds.

“Great!” Luna cheers as she runs over to a stand. “Three of your chocolate hayburgers.”

Blueblood doesn’t know what’s going on, but he does know that he’s hungry and chocolate hayburgers sounds interesting enough.

Luna is currently vomiting into a trash can. Anon patting her on her withers.

“Just let it out.”

“Ugh... I think those hayburgers weren’t a smart cho-” She once again puts her head into the trash. Once she’s is done, Luna sits beside the trash can breathing heavily. “I-I think I’m done.”

Celestia shakes her head as she looks down to her nephew.

“Do you mind watching your aunt for a bit?”

Blueblood still has more than enough food he wants to eat. He did miss dinner after all.

“I don’t mind.”

“Thank you. Anon and I will be back.”

Celestia grabs Anon’s hand with her magic and pulls him away. Blueblood watches them leave for a few minutes before he turns to his various sweets and foods before him. There’s so much for him to eat, he doesn’t know which to choose. He weighs his options and decides to save the cotton candy for last.

“I do love cotton candy, so I’ll save that for tonight.” He says with a smile as he sets the candy off to the side.

“H-How would you like a room full of it?” Luna asks in her drunk and post vomit stupor.

“A room full!?”

That’s got Blue’s attention.

She nods. “L-Let me see if I can do this.”

She shakily gets up from her seat next to the can and walks over to Blueblood’s table. Taking her seat next to him, she readies herself to use a spell she once used when she was a filly. It doesn’t take more than a second for her to cast her magic on the candy and look at Blueblood.

“I-If you wait, it should get rather large... J-Just don’t forget to eat it, ok? The magic will stop its growth when you start eating it.”

He nods enthusiastically. “I won’t forget, Aunty!”

Luna has a small smile on her face as she rests her head on the table.

“I’m just going to rest for a bit. Wake me up when my sister comes back.”

“You can count on me.”

Luna gives him one nod before she closes her eyes. A few minutes should help settle her stomach.

“My sister used growth magic on your candy?”

He nods then looks a bit embarrassed. “I brought the candy home and was so tired I fell asleep. Anon found me and...” His eyes get a far off look. “Well, he saved me...”

“So what’s the matter?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Celestia decides not to push him.

“Do you know what happened after Anon and I left?”

Blueblood shrugs. “I don’t know. You two came back after a while, but I was so full and Luna was still sick, so we came back to the castle.”

“I see.” Celestia wonders what could’ve happened. However, her thoughts soon fade as she notices that Blue still has some candy behind his ears. She smiles a bit as she enters the bath next to him. “Let me help clean you up.”

He smiles at her. “Thank you, aunty.”

“No problem, Blue.”

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/13/2017

How many references can you spot? Also...

Who's that waifu?