• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,306 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Change is never easy

Anon walks back into the store and closes the door behind Celestia. He wasn’t expecting her to show up out of the blue like that, but he’s not complaining about it either. Ever since his talk with Luna, he’s been worrying about Celestia. It’s good to see that she’s doing alright and he hopes the treats her gave her will keep her day from getting dark. He turns back around and noticed all the ponies looking at him in awe. He rolls his eyes as he walks past them and towards Lyra.

There’s still so much that he needs to do today. The first things he needs to check on is all the cooks. Then he’ll need to make sure that all the ingredients are stored properly, he remembers how disastrous the day was when somepony put the sugar in the flour bin. Not to mention he has to package all the leftover candy to be sold at a discount for today. To add to it all. He’ll have to get ready so he can have dinner with Celesti-

Anon feels his entire body freeze up as his mind kicks into overdrive. Wait... If he goes to dinner. Then... His body starts to shake some as it tries its hardest to suppress the sudden want to scream. Twilight... Twilight will be there. If he goes then he’ll have to see her. There’s no way he can somehow ignore her. He knows that she’ll be there, examining him. Just waiting and watching, looking for any opportunity to experiment on him again!

Lyra instantly notices Anon standing frozen in the center of the shop. Most of the ponies are standing there looking at him confused. Lyra turns to her current customer.

“One moment.” She walks from behind the counter and up to Anon. “Anon?”

He’s not responding. Plus he has a rather distant look in his eyes. She’s seen this look before. She needs to get him upstairs so he doesn’t cause a scene. She gently takes his hand into her magic as she guides him to the stairs. Anon is on autopilot as he follows her lead without pause. Lyra gets him to her room and sits him onto her bed.

“Anon.” She stands onto her hind hooves and places her forehooves onto his knees so she can face him. “Are you alright?”

He can’t believe he agreed to see that pony. There has to be some way he can get out of this? He knows that will probably hurt Celestia, but he can’t stand the thought of seeing that pony right now. A sudden idea comes to his mind. A devious one, but it’ll work.

“Sorry, Tia.” He talks to himself. “It seems that my cooks just weren’t ready. I had to stay all night cleaning up their mess. In fact, I’ll need to stay at the shop until the party.”

Lyra cocks her head slightly as she hears Anon mumbling to himself. She flinches back some as she feels something start to scratch her ear. She notices that Anon is now looking at her, the far-off look in his eyes is gone. That matters little to her right now, seeing as she’s reveling in the feeling of his hand scratching the back of her ear.

“Now that I think about it. It was rather rude of me to deny staying here at the shop when you and Bonbon offered me a room.”

Lyra can’t even answer as she melts into his hand.

“I’ll still be living at the castle, but I think I can stay here for a few nights. At least until we’re done training these ponies.”

Lyra nods her head dumbly. She doesn’t even know what Anon is talking about. She’s in her own world right now as she relishes in his touch. Sadly he removes his hand from her. Lyra’s mind is still cloudy as Anon gets up from the bed.

“I’ll let Bonbon know.”

“Hmm?” She asks in a dreamy tone.

“I’m going to let Bonbon know I’ll be staying here for a few days.”

Lyra snaps out of her daze as those words register into her mind. Anon’s going to be staying here! A big goofy smile appears on her face.

“You needs to get back to the customers. I’ll talk to Bonbon.” Anon says as he pats her head before he walks out of her room.

Lyra feels her body follow after him like a love sick pup. She can’t believe that Anon’s going to be sleeping in the same place as her. She feels herself stop in front of the register. All of the ponies in line flinch back some as they see her impossibly large smile.

“How may I help you!” She shouts with excitement.

Anon walks up to Bonbon. He feels horrible for doing this, but deep down inside he knows that he isn’t ready to see that pony yet. He’ll do anything in his power to avoid her, even if that means he has to hurt Celestia’s feelings. Even that thought is enough to make him wince inside. Still, his fears are calling the shots right now.

“Hey, Bonbon. Is that invitation to stay here still open?”

Bonbon quickly looks up from her paperwork towards Anon.

“What? Why now?”

Anon shrugs. “It seems weird for me to walk all the way from the castle to the shop. So I might as well stay here until we’re done teaching these guys.”

Bonbon feels a brow raise. “But, we only have a few days until we’re done.”

Anon nods. “Yeah. It does seem odd, but what can I say. I’m an odd guy.”

Bonbon doesn’t feel right. She’s getting a weird feeling that Anon isn’t telling her what’s really going on in his head. She’s been getting pretty good at knowing how he feels lately. They’ve practically spent all hours of the day together thanks to the shop. So she knows something’s wrong, but she doesn’t know what it could be.

“Is that really the reason?” She asks with a skeptical look.

Anon doesn’t want to lie. Yet, he doesn’t want to tell her the truth either. It’ll just make Bonbon worry or worse, get over protective. So it’s best to just play around the idea and try to keep as much as he can to himself. There’s no reason to drag her into this.

“I can assure you that my reasons for staying here are valid.”

There he goes again. He doesn’t actually tell her what the problem is, but instead tells her that there’s a reason for his actions. She shakes her head with a tired sigh. She honestly doesn’t have a problem with him staying here, but she does have a problem if he’s only doing it because he needs help. She worries, ever since the Ponyville incident, she feels slightly responsible for not having noticed before hoof. Yet she also knows that if he doesn’t want her to know, then she can’t force it out of him.

“Alright.” She relents.

He smiles at her. That’s one thing no longer on his mind. At least, until her remembers what Celestia and him talked about earlier. He might as well let Bonbon know.

“Is it cool if I invite a few ponies to that party you’re throwing?”

Bonbon looks at him in disbelief.

“Anon! I wanted that party to be between the three of us.”

Anon chuckles nervously as she rubs the back of his neck. Bonbon looks at him in a deadpan.

“You invited ponies already, didn’t you?”

He nods. “I also might’ve moved it to the castle.”

Bonbon takes a slow breath in and lets it out. No need to get angry. It’s not what she wanted, but do to the recent turn of events, it seems that changes can be made.

She nods. “Two parties. The original will now be thrown for all the ponies you invited. Seeing as you’re staying here. We’ll throw our personal party early.”

Bonbon is pretty peeved with him right now. So Anon doesn’t want to question why she wants to have a private party so much. Then again, having a smaller party just between the three of them does sound nice. A way to celebrate their success. Yeah, that makes sense.

“Cool.” Anon agrees.

Their attention is taken from them as the sound of something crashing is heard from the kitchen. Anon and Bonbon look over to see Butter Hooves on the floor with pots around him. Anon shakes his head.

“What did I say about touching things?!” He shouts as he walks over to help the pony up.

“Thank you and please come again!” An enthusiastic shout is heard from the storefront.

Bonbon just shakes her head slowly as she looks down to her paperwork. She’s getting too old for this stuff.

Celestia walks into the throne room feeling brighter than ever. She didn’t even care as she walked down the streets of Canterlot with a smile on her face. Her mood seeming to affect even the most shrewd noble that was to gaze upon her happiness. Luna was correct about seeing Anon. Celestia hasn’t felt this good in months. She looks up to the throne to see her sister is sitting there while Blueblood talks to her.

“Is the moon really made of cheese?” Blueblood asks.

Luna shakes her head with a smirk. “Nay. I am surprised to know that the myth I started a few millennia ago is still around.”

Over the past few months, Celestia has been pushing those two together, seeing as they never really spent time around each other. Blueblood was rather indifferent to Luna and Luna was the same towards Blueblood. With a little time and patience, the two of them have found a liking in the other. It’s not often, but the two of them do spend time together. Luna looks past Blueblood and towards the sound of somepony approaching.

She can see her sister is back and even came bearing gifts. Blueblood notices Luna looking past him. He turns around and finds his aunty is back. Celestia walks up to the throne. She uses her magic to levitate Blueblood’s bag towards him.

“This is from Anon.” Celestia tells him.

Blueblood smiles largely at that as he quickly takes the bag and looks inside. He gives off a childlike squeal of delight.

“My favorite!” He says as he levitates a piece of chocolate out and into his mouth.

“Don’t eat it all at once.” Celestia warns as she walks up to her sister. “How are things going?”

Luna smiles. “Rather well. A few ponies have stopped by today. Nothing major, so they were quickly dealt with.”

Celestia nods. “Anon has given us something to share.”

Luna’s eyes sparkle a bit as Celestia levitates the bag between them. Luna opens the bag and quickly reaches inside with her magic. She pulls out something and brings it up so she can see what it is. The both of them feel their brows raise as they look at the piece Luna is holding. They move in closer to inspect it.

“What do you think it is?” Celestia asks.

Luna shrugs. “I am unsure.”

What Luna is holding in her magic looks like a simple ball of chocolate. Why would Anon want to give them something like this? Celestia was expecting something experimental. Luna decides to take a leap of faith as she pops the piece into her mouth. Her eyes light up as she takes her first bite.

“Oh! It’s filled with caramel!” She says, having not expected that.

Celestia reaches into the bag and pulls out a piece for herself to eat. Her eyes light up as she finds very little resistance from the chocolate. It breaks apart and she can taste the caramel trapped inside. She was not expecting something so simple and yet so surprising. She will admit that she’s in love with this! Both Luna and Celestia reach into the bag for another, then another. It doesn’t take long for the two of them to finish off the bag. In fact, they look rather sick.

“Remember, Aunty.” Blueblood speaks in his royal voice. “It’s best to eat in moderation.”

Celestia chuckles at that. “I couldn’t help myself.”

Blueblood nods. “Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”

He leans his head back and pours his entire bag into his mouth as he slowly chews every last piece and swallows it whole. He licks his lips and rises from the floor and walks towards the door.

“I’m going to spend some time with the animals.”

“Be careful.” Celestia calls out.

Soon both sisters are left alone in the throne room.

“It was very sweet of Anon to give us a present.” Luna says.

“I must say that I enjoyed that.” Celestia admits.

The both of them clean themselves a bit. Celestia magics a small hoofkerchief to clean her muzzle while Luna simply licks it off. Celestia shakes her head with a smile as she notices that Luna missed a spot. She rolls her eyes as she floats over her hoofkerchief and cleans her face.

“Sister!” Luna squabbles a bit. “I am a grown mare, not some filly!”

“Well, I can’t let you walk around the castle with chocolate in your fur.” Celestia finishes her job. “Done!”

Luna is leering at her as she uses her hoof to wipe her muzzle again.

“I am a capable mare.” Luna says. “What if one of our subjects saw this?”

Celestia rolls her eyes.

“If Anon has taught me anything, it’s that we shouldn’t worry so much about what our subjects think.”

“You seem like a different pony.” Luna says with a raised brow. “Was your visit truly something so grand?”

Celestia nods. “I haven’t felt this good in a long time, Luna.” She blushes some. “I had these silly thoughts that Anon and I would be back at square one in our friendship, but it’s like nothing has changed between us. In fact, he’s far more open and public with his affection!”

Luna nods. “I have noticed this as well when I visited him. Since the day we punished those that have wronged him, Anon seems to be an entirely different person.”

Celestia thinks back to when she mentioned Twilight.

“Yet, he’s still the same.” She lets out a sigh.

Luna can sense that something is bothering her sister.

“What is it that ails you?” She asks.

Celestia looks at the floor.

“Anon invited us to a party. It seems that for the past few weeks he’s been training employees to run his store. So he wishes to celebrate this turn of events.”

Luna brightens up.

“That sounds wonderful!”

“I tried to invite Twilight to the party.”

Luna goes silent at that. She doesn’t need to hear any more to know what happened. She also can’t fault Anon for denying her sister. It’s Anon’s life and he can pick and choose whom he lets into it.

“Sister.” Luna calls out. “Do you know what Anon told me?”

Celestia looks up at her sister, curiosity in her eyes.

“What did he tell you?”

Luna hates to say this, but it needs to be said. It’s the only way to make her sister understand.

“He told me that there was no Nightmare Twilight.” Celestia feels her heart skip a beat. “It was Twilight doing those horrible things to him, nopony else.”

Celestia feels herself gulp some as she replays those words in her head. That hurt her deeply. It hurt her because it makes sense. Luna wasn’t the pony that did all those horrible things. As much as it may sound like a copout, but Luna and Nightmare Moon were two different ponies. True, Nightmare moon may have spawned from her sisters emotions, but the horrible things done after that were not choices made by her sister.

However, Anon’s right. The things that hurt him the most weren’t done by some magically induced alter ego. It was Twilight and her friends. Nothing more than that.

“If he doesn’t want to forgive, then that’s his choice.” Luna says firmly.

Celestia looks at her sister. “How can you say that? Do you not wish for the ponies to forgive you?”

“I’ve done nothing wrong. If they forgive me for what another pony has done, then they never truly understood to begin with.” Celestia looks to her sister in surprise. “You aren’t the only pony that can take advice from Anon.”

Celestia doesn’t have an argument for that. Anon is such a stark contrast when compared to normal ponies. Yet what he does is purely logical. Almost to the point of being cruel. Still, she can’t deny what her sister says. As much as she would wish for all ponies to come out of this feeling happy. She also knows that some scars will remain too deep for healing.

“She’s truly sorry for what she did.” Celestia says.

Luna nods. “Her nightmares are enough to confirm that. Yet that does little to mend a wound as large as Anon’s.” Luna gets out of the throne and walks up to her sister. “You have seen your friend. Do not sour this day with trivial thoughts.”

Luna’s right. Celestia feels great after having spent time with Anon. Wasting it away with negative thoughts will only make her feel worse. She closes her eyes to help clear her thoughts. Once she opens them up does she feel better.

“It’s time for Twilight’s training.” Celestia informs her sister. “Anon should be here for dinner.”

Luna nods. “I have a few things to take care of. Day court should be done for the moment.”

Celestia nuzzles her sister briefly, then turns to head over to the library. She has a feeling her student will be there. She always is.

Twilight is clutching desperately to the ladder she is standing on. Each shaky step up seems to take hours but is actually only a few seconds between each step. As soon as she’s at the spot she needs to be, does she shakily use one of her hooves to reach over to one of the books she needs. Her breaths are labored as her fear of heights starts to kick in.

With a quick grab does she get the book in her hooves. She returns her death grip on the ladder as she takes a few steady breaths to calm her nerves.

“What are you doing?”

The sudden voice is enough to make Twilight let go of the ladder. Her hooves flail in a useless attempt to grab the step she just let go of. It happens quickly as she hits the ground on her back with a noticeable thud. Twilight groans a bit from the fall. Her vision is a little blurry, but it comes back into focus as she notices Spike by her side.

“Are you ok?” He asks with concern in his eyes.

She nods as she sits up and rubs the back of her head some.

“Yeah. Just a little bump.”

Spike lets out a sigh of relief knowing he didn’t hurt Twilight.

“What were you doing?” He asks.

Twilight shakily gets back onto her hooves as she walks over and picks up the book she got. With practiced ease does she turn her head with the book in her mouth and place it onto her back.

“I finally found the book I’ve been looking for.” Twilight says as she walks over to her study.

“Why didn’t you ask me to get it for you?”

“I’m not a filly, Spike. I can get my own book.”

“You wouldn’t have that much of a problem if you took off that ring.” He says with irritation.

Twilight look up to the ring that’s still on her horn. A month ago, Shining tried to take it off of her. Twilight refused, she doesn’t think that her punishment was harsh enough. So she decided that she was going to wear this magic dampening ring until Anon forgave her.

“I’m not taking it off, Spike.” She says with finality.

He lets out a huff. “Fine. It’s not like I’m the one falling on my face.”

Twilight shakes her head. “What are you doing here? Should you be sending another letter to Rarity?”

Spike looks sadly to the floor. “She hasn’t responded to any of my letters yet. I’m worried.”

Twilight is worried as well. Applejack told her that she’s taking care of things and she shouldn't worry any. From what she hears, Rarity has locked herself away, Rainbow disappeared and Pinkie is happy but no longer throwing parties. As for Fluttershy. Well, Fluttershy has surprisingly coped well with what’s been happening. Sure her first few weeks in Canterlot were hard on her, but over time she started to see the bright side of things.

Celestia told Twilight that Fluttershy could return home whenever she wanted. It didn’t take very long for the ponies in the passive magic department to categorize and even train Fluttershy how to control her power. Fluttershy still hasn’t left, though. Twilight once asked her as to why she hasn’t gone home yet and her answer was simple.

I haven’t seen Anon yet.

Twilight still sees her every now and then around the castle. She spends most of her time in the gardens with the animals. Twilight shakes those thoughts away. She needs to concentrate.

“She’s fine.” Twilight tries to comfort Spike.

He chuckles nervously. “Yeah, you’re right. No reason to worry. It’s not like she’s cried so much that she became dehydrated because nopony was there to give her water, so she ended up passing out and now needs help... Right?”

Twilight looks at Spike with a raised brow. “I doubt it.”

“But, it can happen?”


“But, if it di-”

“Spike.” Twilight rests a hoof onto his shoulder. “Rarity is fine.”

He nods. “Yeah, definitely. I’m just being silly.”

“Why don’t you head on to the kitchen and have somepony make you something?”

“That’s a good idea. I haven’t eaten yet. Do you want anything?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I’m fine, Spike.”

Spike doesn’t say anything as he heads towards the door. If there’s one good thing about what’s happened, then it has to be the fact that Celestia has a large storage of gems for Spike to eat. Spike is about to open the door to the library, but it comes flying open past his face. Celestia looks down to see Spike standing there.

“Hello, Spike. Is Twilight here?”

Spike nods. “She’s by her study.”

Spike notices that the princess seems different today. Is she glowing? It seriously looks like she has a faint glow coming off of her body. He just shakes it off as a trick of the mind.

“Thank you. I’m to assume that you’re getting something to eat?”

He nods eagerly. “Yeah! It’s been awesome eating gems regularly.”

Celestia brushes one of her wings over his head in a petting motion.

“Anything for my Spikey.”

Spike can’t fight the swell of feelings in his heart. Then again, Celestia has kinda been like a mom to him and Twilight his sister. It’s only natural to feel the way he is at such attention. He giggles to himself as he runs past her and towards the kitchen. Celestia feels her smile grow at his action. She must say that she was rather heartbroken to see how sad he was when he had to leave Ponyville.

No matter. He’s been getting better as time passes. Celestia focuses herself back to her task. She walks deeper into the library. Chances are Twilight will be at her usual seat. It’s not hard to find her, seeing as the table she used was located at the center. Celestia finds Twilight already focused on whatever book she’s looking at.

Celestia walks up to Twilight and quietly takes a seat next to her. She leans slightly over her so she can see what she’s reading. Interesting. Twilight is reading about how to make amends. This isn’t unusual. On her off time, Twilight usually spends all her time trying to find a way to gain Anon’s forgiveness.

“How are you feeling?” Celestia asks.

Twilight flinches at the voice. She quickly looks over to see her teacher sitting beside her.

“Oh! I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t hear you enter.”

Twilight tries to get up to bow, but Celestia hold a hoof up.

“No need to get up, Twilight.”

Twilight remains seated as Celestia looks at her book again.

“Learn anything?” She asks.

Twilight shakes her head. “Nothing yet.”

“Do you wish to continue your training?”

It’s not like Twilight got far into her book. She might as well start learning from the princess. She wouldn’t want to waste her time.


Celestia gives a nod at that as she rises from her seat and walks over to a particular bookshelf. She pulls a book out and levitates it in front of Twilight.

“Body language?” Twilight questions aloud, as she looks at the title.

Celestia nods. “It’s important. Every creature that calls this planet home uses at least some style of body language. You, me and even Anon.”

Twilight seems to brighten at that. “Does this book have information I can use about Anon?”

Celestia shakes her head. “It does not. Even trying to reference what you learn from this book towards him will only get you into trouble.”

“Get me into trouble?” Twilight asks confused.

Celestia sets the book onto the table and walks in front of Twilight. Twilight watches as her teacher stands in front of her with a blank expression. The other thing she notices is that her tail keeps twitching from left to right in a jerky motion. What’s she doing? Twilight has never seen a pony do this before.

“What do I feel?” Celestia asks, giving no clues from her tone.

Twilight feels her mind trying to pick out what she’s doing, but it again comes up as nothing. It looks reminiscent to something ponies do, but yet not even close. She doesn’t know what to say.

“I-I don’t know.” Twilight admits.


Twilight feels her face turn red. “Mating?”

Celestia feels her mask fall at that answer. She can’t help the small chuckle that comes from her as she shakes her head.

“No, Twilight. That looks a bit like this.”

Celestia’s tail movements become smoother as they sweep largely from left to right. Not only that, but she even adds a sway to her hips. Twilight can feel her face redden more as she watches her teacher do this. Celestia chuckles again as she returns to the original movement.

“Care to guess again?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No,”

“I’m irritated. What I was doing is common with griffons.”

Twilight nods her head slowly. Guess this is just another thing she doesn’t know. A sad sigh leaves her at that thought. So many things she thought were right are now being challenged. Still. She’s not going to give up.

“This is why you should never reference body language.” Celestia adds. “A normal smile to one creature may be considered an insult to another.”

“Then how would I approach a creature like Anon?” Twilight asks.

Celestia feels her features soften. “Even I cannot answer that. There’s still so much about Anon I do not understand. I can only be thankful for the small connection I can make with him to know when he’s stressed or not. Without that, I would be just as blind as you.”

Twilight nods her head slowly. If it was going to be easy, then she would’ve been done months ago. Twilight looks up to her teacher with a certain fire in her eyes.

“Show me more.”

Celestia feels her smile return at her students continued enthusiasm.

“Alright, try telling me what I’m feeling now.”

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/12/2017

Hope you guys enjoy. Not only that, but seeing as I'm pretty popular now. I want to try something different with my A/N. There are some authors out there that aren't noticed, despite having pretty cool content. So, why not share the love?

Through the Veil
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Till next chapter!