• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,249 Views, 2,393 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

What we fear most

Anon is starting to think that living in the moment isn’t his thing. He tried to relax, but it’s harder than it looks. His mind never came with a switch that allows him to clears his thoughts. He’s always thinking at all times. So living in the moment is nearly impossible for him, seeing as he is living in the past, present and future at all times. Thinking about what’s happened, what is happening and what may happen. A constant force that is unstoppable.

It’s tiring. Anon opens his eyes and looks at the sky as if there are answers waiting for him just overhead. It’s nothing more than the same sky that he’s gazed upon many times before, the only difference is that the sun is slowly starting to descend towards the horizon. He moves his attention down to Celestia, she’s still asleep, perfectly content with resting on his lap for the entire day if he allowed it.

As he watches her resting peacefully, his mind wanders onto questions that mean nothing in the grand scheme. Things like how the sun moves while she rests. Is it some kind of passive magic or perhaps she moves the sun into orbit around their planet and makes adjustments every so often? So many questions. Yet just like most of his thoughts, they have no reason behind them. Just one of many thoughts that race through his mind on a daily basis.

A sigh leaves him. There it is again, he tries to relax and his mind never rests. Sometimes he wonders what it’s like not to think, which in turn is a thought. It seems he’ll never win.

“Something on your mind?”

Anon didn’t notice that he was staring intensely at Celestia the entire time, at some point she woke up and was looking right back at him. He quickly averts his eyes.

“Just thinking about some stuff about your world.”

“Hmm? May I ask what of?”

There’s no reason for Anon to keep his thoughts to himself. At least talking about them will help ease some of his questions, if only for a moment.

“The sun, how does it moves when you’re asleep? I wasn’t sure if it was some kind of passive magic or that every morning and night you have to place it into the proper orbit.”

Celestia smiles at Anon’s interest in her work. It’s very rare for ponies to ask her how she controls the sun. The last pony to ask her such things was Twilight.

“Passive magic. I’ve been doing it for so long that I don’t even notice it anymore.”

Well, that answers one question, but there’s thousands more to replace it.

“How big is your sun?”

“About the same size as the moon.”

Anon’s mind keeps picking up the pace as it starts to question more about this place.

“How large is the moon?”

“I’m not sure how you measure things in your world, but it’s about a quarter the size of our planet.”

Anon thinks it over a bit. He’s seen a map of their world. It’s not that big, he guessed it’s slightly smaller than earth. Anon closes his eye in thought as he thinks everything over in his head. This planet is odd.

“Why are you asking?” Celestia finds her own curiosity at his questions.

“My mind wanders a lot.”

Celestia thinks back to a pony that she hasn’t thought about in a long time. In so many ways, they have a lot in common.

“Starswirl the Bearded was exactly the same.” Celestia finds her mind drifting towards a few memories of a time long since passed. “He always questioned everything around him. His curiosity led to discovering many great things in our world. Even when his accomplishments were considered revolutionary, he was never satisfied with what he made. He never stopped, always searching for more, to become more than he was.”

Celestia sits up so she can properly face Anon.

“You remind me of him. He too could never enjoy his life for more than a fraction of a second. Relaxing and having free time wasn’t a concept he understood. If anything, it’s something that caused him fear. Because when he had nothing to think about, he was forced to think about himself.”

Anon gulps hard at listening to Celestia reminisce about this pony. It’s disturbing how much he relates to him. He too can’t stand being left without something to do, because he hates having to think about himself. All the things that he’s done wrong. All the things he could’ve done better.

“What happened to him?”

“He grew old, just like everypony else.”

“Did he ever learn how to enjoy the moment?”

Celestia gives a sad smile as she shakes her head.

“He wouldn’t have been the pony I knew if he had.”

Anon can feel his mind racing even faster as he absorbs all this information. A single thought spawns from this talk. Now that he’s thinking about it, he can’t stop himself from asking. The memories he shared with Luna are still fuzzy for the most part, so even he isn’t sure about what he’s about to ask.

“Celestia, can you die?”

That throws Celestia off her game, not because of the question, but because of everything they’ve been talking about. Starswirl asked her the very same question once. This makes only two creature on this planet that have ever thought to question her mortality. Celestia eventually calms herself enough to answer.

“In a way, yes.” She answers.

He needs to know more. “In what way?”

Celestia takes a second to think how to phrase it. She decides to cast a privacy bubble for them so that no other could hear.

“I’m ageless, but not immortal.” Celestia takes a deep breath. “I am strong, I can rapidly heal and my magic is beyond any unicorns.” She then looks at Anon. “But I’m not immortal. I can die, it’s very hard to accomplish, but I can die.”

“What happens to the sun when you die?”

It’s starting to become surreal for Celestia. This exact moment is almost a one to one copy of her long chat with Starswirl.

“If my sister is not alive to move it for me and the ponies of this world cannot work together to move the sun and moon on their own, then this world will die with us.”

“They have the power to do that?”

Celestia nods. “A backup plan. That’s why I’ve been trying to teach them how to live in harmony, because when that day comes, when I cannot move the sun and my sister the moon, they’ll need to come together to make it work.”

“That’s pretty intense.” Anon admits.

“I do not plan on dying anytime soon.” Celestia jokes.

Anon takes comfort in that for some reason. Knowing that Celestia will always be there for him.

“It’s kinda weird to think that you’ll look exactly the same when...” Anon feels his voice slowly die out, a sobering thought coming to mind. Celestia can feel conflicting emotions inside of him, but he looks over at her with a small smile. “We should get back to the castle.”

Anon gets up and starts to walk away. Celestia is frozen in place, she can’t fight this troubled feeling that has left a pit in her stomach. Something about Anon’s words makes her feel sick deep down inside, but she’s too concerned over him to give it much thought. Celestia follows after Anon before he’s too far ahead of her.

Pinkie is lying on her back in bed with a large smile on her face as she hugs one of her pillows. It’s been awhile since she last visited Anon and he went ahead and invited her to a party! Her! Pinkie! The pony that throws parties for others! She rolls over onto her side, still holding the pillow. She comes face to face with Gummy. Who’s sitting atop another pillow beside her.

“Can you believe it, Gummy? Anon invited me to a party! It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. I swear it’s been fivever!”

Gummy just looks at her with that blank expression of his, licking one of his eyes with his tongue.

“Fivever is longer than forever, Gummy. I’m just happy I get to see Anon again.”

She sits up in her bed and looks around the room. The entire place is just the way Anon left it.

“I hope Anon’s alright with me staying at his place. I just couldn’t take the thought of all his hard work going to waste. Having my own place is different, but the good kind of different. Right, Gummy?”

Pinkie looks over to where Gummy was at but notices that he’s gone.

“Where’d you go?!”

Pinkie hops out of bed and tears the covers off. Gummy isn’t anywhere in sight. She hears something coming from the kitchen. She runs down the stairs and quickly enters. The sound is coming from one of the cabinets. Pinkie pulls over one of the chairs and quickly looks inside. She finds Gummy sitting in Anon’s tea set.

“Gummy, what have I told you about getting into the cabinets?”

Pinkie uses her spit curl to grab Gummy and set him onto the counter. She has to admit that adjusting to Anon’s house was a bit hard, seeing as everything is taller than normal. Still, Pinkie gets around well enough. It’s not all bad, sleeping in his huge bed is great!

“How about I make you something special? A bit of a celebration for the upcoming party.”

Gummy doesn’t say anything in response. Were you expecting as much? Pinkie whistles a happy tune as she heads over to the fridge. Maybe she’ll even make a cake for Anon? Yeah, she thinks that’ll definitely work. Pinkie feels her ears swivel towards the kitchen door as someone approaches.

“Is everything alright in here?” A monotoned voice asks.

Pinkie looks over her withers and smiles brightly.

“Everything is fine, Maud.” She then takes in a large gasp as an idea comes to her. “Maud, you should totally meet my friend Anon! I’m sure you two will hit it off.”

“I guess.”

“Don’t worry. We have time to prepare. The party isn’t for a few days.”


Maud walks out of the kitchen. Pinkie can feel her heart racing. She can’t wait until Anon can meet her sister. She knows that they’ll get along.

Anon looks out of the corner of his eye to see Celestia walking beside him. He can hear her thoughts, how she worries about him, how she wants to send him to the moon... Well, the last thing is just his paranoia starting to act up. Still, why did he have to ask her those things? Now he can’t stop thinking about his own mortality. He knows it’s going to happen one day, it happens to everyone.

Eventually, he’ll die and there is nothing he can do about that. That does little to comfort him as his thoughts become consumed by the subject, he can’t stop thinking about it. He’s afraid. The unknowns about death, the not knowing is what scares him most. Anyone who says they’re not afraid of death is either delusional or ignorant. Yet, what he finds odd is a different line of thought that disturbs him.

What about Celestia and Luna? If he dies, they’ll be alone again. His heart aches at that thought. Death is still scary, but leaving those two alone seems worse. How will it affect them? How will they cope? He can only hope that they’ll forget about him, but he knows them well enough to say that isn’t going to happen. Will Luna become a recluse again? Will Celestia push everyone away?

Anon bites the inside of his cheek, drawing a bit of blood. He needs to stop this. Celestia is probably noticing the constant fluctuation in his emotions. He suppresses his emotions again, going blank. He hopes that’ll be enough to keep Celestia from worrying. This topic is a waste of thought. It’ll happen at some point in time and he can only hope those two are strong enough to handle it. He chuckles a bit on the inside... Of course, they’re strong enough. He isn’t that important to them. They probably lost more things in their life that were more important than him. Yet there’s that small voice that knows his passing will hurt them deeply.


Anon looks over at Celestia.


“Are you feeling alright?”

Anon shrugs. “About as I always feel. What’s the matter?”

Celestia can still feel that pit in her stomach.

“I just get the feeling that something’s wrong.” She says with a voice filled with concern.

Anon waves it off, trying to play the part. “Nothing’s wrong. Just thinking about stuff. No worries.”

Celestia just keeps an eye on him as he goes back to facing the road. She can see that he’s chewing the inside of his cheek. He does that a lot when he’s heavy in thought. She won’t pry on his thoughts. She knows that eventually he’ll let her know what’s on his mind, she just has to be patient.

Luna is sitting in wait for Anon and her sister to return to have their meal for the evening. She checks her mane over in a small mirror she summoned with her magic so she could make sure that everything is in perfect order. She gives a small wink to her own reflection, Blossom was right, she is as beautiful as her night sky. She giggles a little to herself as she magics her mirror away.

Just in time too as Anon and Celestia walk into the dining room together. When Luna looks over her shoulder, she instantly takes notice of Anon. For some reason, she feels as if something isn’t right. His outward appearance is as blank as the day she met him. Her eyes drift over to her sister, that look of questioning worry on her face. It seems that something happened.

Anon finds his gaze drift over to Luna. His mind going quiet as his eyes lay on her. It seems that she’s styled her mane. He’s thankful that his thoughts are settling. So maybe he can act a bit more normal? He doesn’t hesitate as he walks over and takes a seat next to Luna.

“I like your mane, Luna. What’s the occasion?”

Celestia also noticed her sister's mane. It’s rare for Luna to ever show her natural mane, let alone style it. Her worry over Anon, now replaced with her sister's current appearance. She also walks over to the table and sits beside Anon. She can hear her sister answer Anon’s question.

“Having your company isn’t occasion enough?”

“Flattering thought, but isn’t it weird for you to be in public like that?” Anon asks.

“We aren’t in public. I’m sure it’s fine.”

Anon shrugs. “I guess you’re right. So how you’ve been?”

“Busy. I’ve been told that you met my captain?”

“Yeah, she stopped by earlier today. She seems nice.”

“I would hope so, she’s been my captain since before my imprisonment.”

Anon feels his mind blank. “...Wait, she’s over a thousand years old?”

Luna nods. “Thestrals have a long lifespan. Perhaps not ageless like my sister and I, but they do live for a long time.”


Luna noticed that his mood shifted as soon as she started to talk about thestrals. She has the feeling that something is weighing heavy on Anon’s mind, but she thinks that perhaps speaking in their dreams would be the best course of action. She knows that Anon tends to be far more open in her realm than the waking world. Not only that, but she wants to enjoy this moment. Luna turns her attention to her sister.

“Sister, you’ve been quiet. Is something on your mind?”

Celestia snaps back to reality. She was mostly thinking about Anon and even her sister. How the two of them speak so freely with one another.

“Not much, Luna. I’m just surprised to see your natural mane. I must say that you look good.”

Luna smiles. “Thank you, Tia. Perhaps we can dress our manes together next time?”

Celestia shakes her head. “You know I was never good at styling my mane.”

Luna rolls her eyes. “One must learn to style their mane, Sister. It’s been far too long and I think that perhaps it’s time that you learn.”

Celestia ignores her. “How about we call the waiter?”

“I’ve already ordered for the three of us. They should be here momentarily.”

Just as Luna finished saying that, a few waiters come in with trays on a few carts. They get to work quickly and set everything in front of everyone. Anon starts to smile at the smell of meat, not just any meat, but his favorite, ham. Luna’s smile reflects Anon’s. She uses her magic to reveal everyone meals. Rose salad for her sister, a lilly sandwich for herself and a thick cut of ham for Anon.

“Well done, Luna.” Anon compliments.

“That’s not all.” Luna magics their drinks into existence.

Anon feels his brow raise as a clear liquid is set in front of him. Anon picks it up and takes a whiff. He quickly jerks back from the smell. He looks at Luna is disbelief.

“Is this Moonshine?”

Luna giggles. “I will admit that I did a bit of research and found out how to make this drink from your world.”


“The memories we shared. It wasn’t very hard to find and I must admit that I fell in love with the name.”

“What is Moonshine?” Celestia asks.

“This is considered the strongest alcohol a person can drink.” Anon takes another whiff. There’s something different.

“It’s far more stable than your people's drink.” Luna could see Anon’s questioning gaze. “It’s not as toxic as what you know, but still strong enough to make you regret drinking it.”

Anon chuckles at that. “Well, I guess I can give it a try. Seeing as you worked on making it.”

“Are you sure this is wise?” Celestia asks.

“Worry not, Sister. Anon will not partake alone!” Luna summons two more drinks for her and her sister. “I’ve added a bit of salt to our drinks.”

Celestia blushes some. “Sister, you know what salt does to me.”

“Live a little, Tia. It’s a celebration between friends.”

Perhaps a little bit couldn’t hurt?

“Very well.” Celestia relents.

Anon already feels his mood improving. He raises his glass into the air.


The sisters do the same with their glasses.

“Let us enjoy this night!” Luna says.

They strike their glasses together and take their first drink of the night.

Anon can already feel his headache as he regains consciousness. His vision is blurry and even the smallest amount of light makes him want to clamp them shut. He can’t even remember what happened yesterday. It’s all so fuzzy. He doesn’t think anything bad happened or that his drinking was due to something related to his past. Still, he drank enough to get a hangover and lose his memories.

It’s murky, but he does remember dinner with the sisters. Then Luna gave him something. He winces in pain, thinking is too much for him right now. What he finds odd is that his bed doesn’t feel as comfortable as he last remembered it. Not only that, but there’s this strong minty scent in the air. Usually in situations like this he smells the morning dew and nightshade, which correspond to each sister. Minty, though? He only knows of one pony that smells like that.

He feels something cuddle up next to him. An odd squee noise leaving whatever is spooning him. Anon opens his eyes slightly and notices seafoam green fur. Yup. That’s definitely Lyra. He closes his eyes again and runs a hand over his body. Still clothed, so that’s a good sign. He’s still too tired to care, so he decides to just let things play out. Anon knows that it’ll make sense when he doesn’t feel like his head is about to split open.

Celestia has a small smile on her lips as she wakes up to another morning in bed with Anon. It’s been too long since they’ve shared a bed with each other. She pulls him close and nuzzles into his neck. Odd, when did Anon get so much fur? Also, when did he start smelling like Luna?

“You’re rather affectionate this morning, Anon.” Luna mumbled.

Celestia opens her eyes and sees blue fur. A sigh leaves her.

“It is I, Sister.” Celestia says.

Luna is woken from her half sleep as she rolls over and comes face to face with her sister.

“Where’s Anon?” She asks.

“I’m unsure, Luna.”

Luna’s still tired and lays back down.

“I’m sure my captain is with him.”

“Is that so?” Celestia uses her magic and indeed does sense Anon and Luna’s captain. “It seems they’re at Anon’s shop.”

“Anon probably wanted to get to work early.” Luna mumbled.

Celestia agrees. It makes sense that at some point last night Anon probably went off to his place of work. Still, Celestia has the feeling that she’s missing something.

“Do you remember last night, Sister?”

Luna shakes her head. “No.”

Seems that they had a bit too much salt last night. Celestia can only hope that her indulgence hasn’t led to anything she’ll regret. She remembers what happened a few millennia ago when she used too much salt. A cold shiver runs down her spine at that thought.

“Do you feel an unease in the air?”

Luna opens one of her eyes so she can look at her sister.

“Yes, but I’m too tired to care.”

Celestia lets out a sigh.

“I’ll head over to my court for the morning. Gather your strength, Luna.”

Luna closes her eyes with a smile as she snuggles into her blankets. Celestia gets out of bed and readies herself for whatever is waiting for her. She doesn’t know why, but something is gnawing at the back of her mind.

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/13/2017

Been playing Smite, it's pretty cool. I like using Kukulkan and xbalanque. Here's a link if you're interested. It's a referral as well, it helps me get extra junk, but you also get extra junk too. Smite link