• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 1,906 Views, 51 Comments

Chronicles - Chamuco

What if the answers Matt was looking for wasn't on Earth but in another world? The answers lie in Equestria where Matt learns the true origin of the mysterious glowing crystal that brought him misery years ago.

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Even More Questions Unanswered (revised)

Author's Note:

Chapter has been revised

Thank you for taking the time to read my new fan fic

Chapter 1

"Ughh okay, what the hell happened? Fuck! That hurt a lot. Where am I?” Matt removes his bag hidden behind his back and sets it on the ground. He opens it to find his map for the location in which he is in. "Okay, this doesn't make any sense, I was flying over the Atlantic Ocean heading towards the Caribbean Sea…" Matt ponders, rubbing his chin. "It's official; I'm in the Bermuda triangle, its real, no doubt about it, that’s the only explanation for why my telekinesis wasn't working. No, wait that still doesn't explain why I’m on land, I should have landed on water! Shouldn’t I?” Questioning his situation, Matt begins to rub his temples. sigh "Well, no point in thinking about this any longer, I need to find a place to lay down, I’ve been flying for a couple of hours before the malfunction occur-" Quickly realizing how he even fell, he stares at his bag trying to levitate it. The bag appears to lift from the ground with ease. Tilting his head, he drops the bag on the floor again. "Seems my 'unique' ability works just fine, so why did I lose control earlier?” As he puts everything back in his bag, Matt walks straight where he can see a road and walks alongside it hoping a nearby town will come to sight. He starts to wonder about why there’s a road in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle but he shakes his head, “Know what? Fuck it, I’m just not going to question that.”

A good hour or so of walking down the road, he sees a big red building with a house next to it surrounded by an orchard of apples and a plantation field. "I should ask for directions, this stupid map isn't telling me shit!" Matt walks towards the house and stops when he spots horses walking about. "Do they usually let their horses run around? Who's watching them? Wait, is that one wearing a hat?"

***a few moments later***

"C'mere Applebloom, am a teach ya' how to buck today."

"Ah really sis? Hooray! Finally I can earn my cutie mark in apple bucking. Tell me what ah need to do?"

"Well ah reckon you just watch fer now kiddo! Ah think ya might just learn a thing or two from this." Applejack sets herself in front of the tree, turns 180 degrees, lifts her hind legs towards her stomach and connects with the tree. A good amount of apples begin to fall from the tree. Applebloom can’t help but be in awe of what her sister just did and imagines herself doing the same.

"Oh wow sis! That was amazin!

"Tweren’t nothin, now show big sis what a member of the Apple family can do."

Applebloom salutes Applejack, "yes ma'm." She trots toward the tree Applejack just used to demonstrate her technic and stops in front of it. Whispering to herself. "Okay Applebloom, do what sis just did but better!" Ah need to make myself look kewl!" Applebloom positions herself just as AJ did before and bends her front hooves and lifts her hind legs but falls belly flat on her stomach.

"Whoa there sugar cube, yer okay?"

Wincing, Applebloom tries to get up. "Ow ow ow, I-I thought I had that"

"It’s okay sugar cube, I fell lots of times before ah got to buck my first tree. So don't worry, there'll come a day, ah promise." AJ pats Appleblooms head to comfort her.

***Matt’s point of view***

Matt lowers himself to a crouching position so the ponies don't spot him. "Well, there's something you don't see every day; a pony wearing a cowboy hat, kicking a tree, and comforting a smaller pony. Man the guys would have loved this, heh, Andrew would have probably thought this was amazing, that geek, and Steve would have probably laughed his ass off. If only I was a little closer, I swear I could have heard them talk. Nah, horses can't talk, well the ones I’ve met anyway." As Matt gets up from a crouching position, he lets out a low grunt and walks towards the house, hoping to avoid the strange looking ponies. As he walks towards the door of the house, he begins to notice the door is smaller than that of an average door. "Huh, must have been built during 'those times'." *knock knock knock* A few seconds go by before someone from inside calls out to the person at the door.
The sound of *clop clop clop* can be heard through the door. "ahm a comin, hold yer horses." An old green pony opens the door. "What can I do yer f-" The green old pony stopped her sentence. Terrified, and looking at what is standing on her porch, she screams and runs inside the house at a much slower pace than what a horse would normally run at.

"EEK! A monster!"

"Er, wha? Monster? Wait did that horse just talk? What in the shitting hell is going on on this farm?! Hello! Is there anybody here?! Matt becomes frustrated by the lack of people.

***In The Near Distance***

"Applebloom, did ya hear that? You stay here while I go check on granny Smith, tit sounded like it came from the house"

"But sis I could help! I can get my cutie mark in-" Aj shoots a glare at Appleboom

"No can do sugar cube, I don't need my lil sis gettin hurt. Ah’ll be back, promise" With that, Aj runs as fast as she can to her house. "Oh ah hope granny Smith is okay, it didn't sound very good"

***Back at the house***

"No, seriously, can anybody tell me what the hell is going on? Am I on Punk'd? No wait, that show died off years ago. Fuck it I'm-" Matt became silenced when he felt a quick pain in his lower back and was sent flying inside the house by a strong kick. "WHOA!!" Was all he was able to say before he smashed against the furniture.

"Wh-what are you and what have you done with Granny Smith?!"

"Urgh, WHO THE FUCK JUST KICKED ME?!" Matt struggles to get up and finds the orange pony with the cowboy hat standing behind him looking nervous and mad. "Did, did you just talk?!"

"Uh so what! Now tell me, Mister. What have you done with granny Smith?"

"G-granny who? I don't know what the hell you are but you best GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Furious by what the orange pony just did to him, he motions his hands, preparing to strike the pony.

"N-now hold on there mister, I-I don't know why you're angry at us but you-" Applejack didn't know what hit her, she was tossed at least 20 feet from where she was standing. The impact of whatever it was that hit her left her wincing and out of breathe. "Gah *pant pant pant* wha-what in the h-hay?” Aj was on her back against the floor.

"Damn, I didn't mean to put too much strength into that. Hey, you alright? Walking to the hurt pony, Matt lowers himself so he wouldn't have to talk over her, "Listen, little orange talking horsy. Sorry I had to do that, but I don't like anybody kicking me in the back when I didn't do anything wrong."

"Wh-what yer talkin bout? Ah heard granny Smith yelling and ah know you did somethin to her!"

"Oh you mean the 'green' old pony? I didn't do anything, she screamed and ran or rather, ran really really slow when she saw me."

"So ya didn't do anythin? Ya didn't eat her up or killed her?"

"Where you getting that at? I don't kill animals. I haven't hunted in years and I don't hunt horses."

Applejack seemed afraid at what the 'thing' just said

"Look, calm down. Like I said, I don't kill animals, let alone horses. You don't got to worry"

"Uh, okay. But um, can you like, not refer to us as horses? That's insulting"

"Well what am I supposed to call you then? That's what we call you back in Seattle" Applejack gives Matt a blank stare as she has no idea what this Seattle is. "Uh you know, Seattle? That's located in America?"

"Sorry sugar cube, ah never heard of it. Which part of Equestria is that from? Now Matt is the one giving Applejack the blank stare. Matt wasn't very smart but he’s flown all across the world and has gotten well acquainted with his map and he knew there was no place called Equestria. Before Matt could say anything, Applejack got up from the ground and dusted all the dirt off her coat and hat.

"You know, I never met a, uh" Since “horses” wasn't the word to call her kind, Matt stood in silence for a few seconds before Applejack finished his sentence

"Pony" Applejack stated

"uh yeah, I never met a 'pony' who wears a hat before, then again I never met a pony who talks either! You're the first, well not counting the other pony who screamed at me earlier."

"Ya mean to tell me you have ponies wherever you are from, but none that talk? AJ seems interested now. "Where did ya say yer from again?


"Right, Seattle. Well every pony here talks; it’s actually rare to not have a talking pony."

Matt removes his bag that was strapped to his shoulders and opens it up to take something out.

"Whoa there mister! Better not be doin what I think yer doin!" Applejack takes a defensive stance

"Er, no I’m just getting my map. I need to know where we are. Maybe I missed a place." Matt finds his map and walks towards the orange pony and hands it over to her. "See, this is where I was at, and somehow I landed here, but there’s no land or island anywhere near from where I landed." Applejack takes a look and sees that his 'map' is nothing like what her own map shows and asks Matt to wait here while she gets something from her house. A few minutes go by and Applejack comes back with something in her mouth and drops it on the ground near Matt.

"From what ah seen in yer map, I notice it's nothin like ours." She opens up the map to reveal what's drawn on it and Matt takes a look and finds out she's right, his map is way too different and its nothing like what he sees in his own map.

"This doesn't make any sense, God this is ridiculous. But, now that I think about it..." Matt looks around his surroundings to gather as much of the view that he can. "This place is way to colorful, even for Earth." Staring at the orange pony, Matt can already tell she has probably never heard of Earth either. "Don't tell me.... It’s the planet that we're on! How can you not know?” A few moments go by and Matts face becomes quieter. "We're not on Earth on we?"

"Ah sorry mister-" Before Applejack can finish her sentence, Applebloom makes her presence noticeable.

"Sis! What is that thing?” A yellow filly, wearing a red bow shouts.

"Applebloom! ah though ah told ya to wait till ah got back!"

"Ahm sorry sis but ah was just curious at this 'thing', it’s so weird looking"

Matt rolls his eyes because of what the little yellow filly just said to him. "Well excuse me princess!" Applebloom blushes from the comment and giggles.

"Oh am no Twilight but thank you" the yellow filly says.

“Twilight?” Matt thinks to himself.

*sigh* "This here is mah little sister Applebloom, and I’m Applejack. What's yer name, partner?"

"Er, I'm Matt."

"What are you? Yer the strangest lookin thing ah ever seen" Asks Applejack.

"Me? You’ve never seen a human before?"

"What's ah human? Curiously ask Applebloom.

"It's what I am."

"Yer the first hewman ah ever seen, Matt." The orange pony says.

"So I'm the first human in uh, what was the name you said earlier? E-eques?

"Equestria" Applejack finishes.

"Right. Equestria."

"Yeh yer the first. Since you don't seem to belong here. How did you get here? Applejack ask suspiciously while rising an eyebrow.

"I don't know? I was fl- uh traveling and I fell through some sort of glowing hole? Next thing I know, I woke up here."

Applejack muses before saying what was on her mind. "Ah don't seem ah can help but I know somepony who can.

Matt considers at the 'somepony' Applejack used instead of 'somebody' but quickly talks about the help that she said. "Okay well how soon can we head off? I made a promise to a friend that I'll find out something for him."

"In a bit, just gotta make sure Granny Smith is okay and we'll head off to my friend’s house. Stay put Applebloom, ah'll be back before ya know it."

"Don't worry sis, ah'll keep an eye on Matt here"

Matt gives off a quick wide eyed expression at the filly’s comment and Matt became unable to speak from her adorable comment. *sigh* "Oh Casey, I want to come back home now." Matt says to himself and now his journey to find out the answers become a littler harder now that there's even more questions.

To be continued in the 2nd chapter