• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 1,907 Views, 51 Comments

Chronicles - Chamuco

What if the answers Matt was looking for wasn't on Earth but in another world? The answers lie in Equestria where Matt learns the true origin of the mysterious glowing crystal that brought him misery years ago.

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A Rude awakening

Chapter 3

It was seven in the afternoon and Spike was upstairs cleaning, he has a habit to clean last after all the chores are done, when a loud explosion froze Spike in place. Too scared to go see what it was about, he slowly moves toward the stairs to check up on the ponies. No one was downstairs, not even Twilight, who was normally reading her books at this time, she was gone too. There was however, a huge pile of books on the floor, evidence she had been down here. "Aw Twilight” moans Spike, “Why do you gotta make me clean more?" As he walks toward the mess, he notices the door is open. Spike walks towards the open door and sees the mess outside along with Twilight. Spike rushes to Twilight’s side to ask her what has happened. "Twilight what was-" before he finishes, he sees a creature laying on the ground. "Whoa! Twilight we have to-" Twilight interrupts Spike.

"Spike, be quiet" By now the whole town was there, curious as to what the explosion was. There were ponies getting closer to Twilights house and the strange “human”, so Twilight quickly told Spike to get inside and cast a teleportation spell that took her and the unconscious human inside the house.

***a few moments later***

"Twilight, what is this thing? Spike asked.

"I-I don't know but Applejack brought it with her. She was trying to tell me something but I freaked out and caused a commotion." Twilight looked a little ashamed that she lost her cool. She doesn't like to judge somepony before getting to know them.

"That isn't like you Twi. But then again, it is freaky looking."

"That's not the point Spike! I even gave Zecora a chance and she wasn't your average pony either.

I even hurt it, the magic spell I cast on it was just a normal force field spell, it wasn't supposed to cause an explosion! Oh I just hope Celestia doesn't send me back to magic kindergarten." Says Twilight with a worried expression.

"That won’t happen Twilight." Says Spike, trying to reassure her.

"But she can if she wanted to! I probably killed a unarmed creature and it’s all my fault!" Twilight says as she's pacing around the kitchen.

***in another perspective***

Ugh, "Where am I? It hurts to move. Damn that purple horse bitch!" (*editors note* What did you just call her you little fuck?! I will edit my foot down your throat!!) As Matt struggles to get up from where he awoke from, his tired body wouldn't let him stand for more than two seconds before falling. Twilight and Spike didn't hear the thump from the fall since both of them were talking in the kitchen. Matt tries again to get up and ends up landing on the nearby sofa this time. "Damn that Applejack too! I knew she was playing me from the start." Matt tries to relax and recover some energy before figuring out what to do next. Before he gets that chance, Twilight notices the creature moving about.

"Oh good, you're alive!" Twilight says with a relief tone. "Uh allow me to introduce myself, my name is-" Before Twilight was able to finish her sentence; Matt spoke with a furious voice.

"Do that again and I will do more that mess up your front yard!"

Twilight was both scared and confused at what the creature just said. "Y-you were the one who caused the explosion?"

"Yeah, it's called telekinesis and trust me, you don't want me as your enemy. So I suggest you not do that again.

At this point, Twilight wanted to ask the creature more questions. But first she needed to get on its good side if she wanted anything out of it. "So you know magic too?" Twilight asked
Again with this magic crap? "No I do not. You're the second pony who asked me if I know magic. First of all, it's not magic, it's a psychic ability. Magic is nothing but illusions.

Twilight felt a little attack. But she didn't want to start an argument with a creature as powerful as him, but she wanted to explain to it that magic ISN’T just illusions. Before Twilight went all magical on its flank, Applejack came in with the rest of the girls.

"Okay Twi, I brought the girls with me. How's Matt?" Applejack was worried about Matt, she was also scared to see him hurt because she told him that Twilight might be able to help him. She wasn't expecting Twilight to do what she did to Matt hours ago.

"OH well if it isn't the LIER!" Matt Struggles to get up but is finally able to regain his balance. "You said she will be able to help me! You didn't say anything about ganging up on me and knocking me unconscious!"
"Now now sugar cube, I swear it wasn't supposed to-" Applejack is cut off by a pink colored pony who runs up and tackles Matt.

"Oh wow you’re a weird looking pony huh? Don't worry, Pinkie Pie does not judge" Pinkie puffs up her chest and puts her front hoof on her chest.

"Pinkie dahling, that isn't a pony." A white elegant pony says. "It’s a hideous donkey if you can't tell. Just LOOK at how ugly its fur is, and that muzzle! Much too close to its face."

Matt was a little upset that the white pony dare mistake him for a donkey and the insults were not making it any better, the pink pony staring at him so intensely wasn't helping him keep his cool either. Before Matt told the ponies off, Applejack intervened.

"Okay Rarity that is enough! And Pinkie pie get away from Matt, he is going to hit ya if ya keep gawking at him like that." Rarity stopped talking and Pinkie backed away from Matt. Pinkie obviously didn't want to get hit. "Matt, I am sorry for what Twilight did to you, and no it wasn't our intention to "gang" up on you. I can't speak for Twilight, but I really did want her to help you." Applejack stares at Matt with an apologetic expression. "Can ya forgive me partner?"

She really did look sorry, Matt said to himself. He gets up and brushes the pink dust Pinkie pie left on him. "Fine, I forgive you Applejack. But I don't know about your friend. That shit she pulled didn't seem all that 'helpful'."

"Wait, Applejack you know this...thing?" Twilight ask AJ with a confused expression.

"HEY, for your information, I'm a H-U-M-A-N. A Homo-Sapien. Not a fucken’ donkey." Turning towards the white pony, hoping she understood who she was talking to. And my name by the way, is Dant- er I mean Matt.(lol DmC) I came here by accident from another world called Earth."

“How?” Asks Pinkie. Sighing, Matt spends the next hour telling the ponies how he came here and what his current situation is. By now, the ponies realize that Matt just wants to get some answers and find a way back home.

"I see." Twilight says as she rubs her chin with her hoof. "So you somehow got here by a black hole that transported you to our world? And you have your ability thanks to a glowing rock? Wow that seems really interesting! Let me get my note book and write this down.

The rest of the ponies laugh at Twilight and her obsession with learning and studying.
"So Twi, can you help Matt?" AJ asks Twilight.

"Honestly AJ, I don't think I can. I'm ashamed to admit this but even I don't know how he got these “telekinetic” abilities. This "glowing rock" doesn't seem to be in any of my encyclopedia of minerals." As Matt was beginning to give out a disappointed look. Twilight spoke. "But we may find out about this glowing rock in the Crystal Empire. And Princess Celestia may know how he got here and how she can get him back!"

Matt’s face began to light up at what the Purple pony has said. "So there might be a way then?
"There might" Twilight states. "But honestly Matt, you picked a bad day to be teleported here."
"And why is that?" Matt asks while giving a worry expression.

"The Crystal Empire is in disarray and Princess Celestia is off helping them, she may not be back for a couple of months."

He sighs, "Okay, well let’s skip the Empire for now, can we ask someone else other than this Celestia person?"

The ponies all gasp at how lowly Matt Spoke about their princess. He decided it would be best to choose his words carefully from now on, lest he become public enemy number one. "I mean, is there anyone else that we can speak to instead of Princess Celestia?"

Applejack wanted to let Matt in on a little secret. "Princess Celestia isn't human Matt, she's an Alicorn.”

“A what?”

“An Alicorn, a pony with the wings of a Pegasus and a horn like a Unicorn." She's the most powerful being in all of Equestria, And well, there IS somepony else, but she only comes out at night and doesn't like to speak to anyone. She's real shy when it comes to talking with ponies she doesn't know."

"Well if she knows something, we need to try. I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to." He says to the six ponies.

Applejack likes Matts determination and lets out a little smile. "Okay partner, I’ll take you first think in the morning." AJ tells Matt.

"OH, I know, we can all go together! It'll be like a field trip. Oh I like field trips, they're always fun, I'll go make some chimichangas!" Pinkie pie rushes out the door and is gone in 5 seconds.
"What the hell? That was random"

"hahaha Yupp that's Pinkie for ya." AJ Says. "The Random-est pony of all Equestria. Anyway, it’s getting late, we should probably get some shut eye and head out tomorrow. You can sleep in my barn Matt."
Before Matt said anything, Twilight spoke. "Actually, um Matt can sleep here with me." Twilights face turns a little red from what she said and what she's about to say. "I want to have a little personal conversation with him and he can also....have a warm place to..sleep." The rest of the ponies stare at Twilight and Rarity lets out a little giggle. "Oh RARITY it isn't like that!" Twilights face becomes more red. They all giggle at her embarrassment.

Matt raises an eyebrow. "I get it, you feel sorry for doing what you did and want to offer a place to sleep as an apology. I understand, not good with apologies huh?" Matt asks Twilight.

Embarrassed by the truth. She turns her head and nods. The rest of the ponies head off and the only ones left in the Library are Twilight, Matt and Spike. Spike heads to bed and leaves the two of them alone. Twilight grabs a pillow and a blanket from upstairs for Matt. She hands the stuff to him and before going to bed, Twilight confesses something to Matt.

"Hey Matt? Can I be honest with you?"

"Yeah Twilight, what is it?"

"For the last couple of days, I’ve been having these strange...nightmares. And they all happen to be the same. A creature that isn't a pony is wreaking havoc on Ponyville, leaving nothing but blood and death where ever he roams. A creature with four long appendages, he stands on two and the other two look like they're attached to his upper body. I was never able to see its face..but when I saw you on my front door. I thought you were it and I just got so scared." Twilight drop her head.

Matt seems to be interested in Twilight’s story. He puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder to try and comfort her. "Don't worry Twilight. I understand now why you did what you did earlier. And I would have probably done the same. You don't have to be ashamed. But I promise you that I will not do what that creature did in your dreams. You have my word as a human."

Twilight became more happy now that Matt doesn't blame her for what she did. She wipes her face and gives Matt a hug. Matt was caught off guard by Twilights sudden embrace but returned the hug nonetheless. Twilight says her good night and heads to bed. Matt now lays on the couch, closes his eyes, and falls asleep.

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by thisistheusernameichose deleted Apr 6th, 2015

By the Great Cork-Screw Penis of Alderon! Go back and watch the movie one more time because there's no way you got this guy right. He's what? 20-21 years old by now? If you've ever taken an acting class, use what you learned in there, if not then here's a tip: watch the movie and only listen to Matt's voice. And when writing, try to imagine his voice saying whatever your writing, if it doesn't sound right don't wright it.extremeultimategoreansurvival.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/the-more-you-know1.jpg?w=551

Your advice is noted and im placing it right here on my refrigerator.

5833534 Are you seriously considering mh advice or is that just sarcasm?media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3dagsiUHN1qapy9o.gif

I have notice that i wrote Matt differently compared to the first chapters. I was so caught up on making sure i did a good Twilight that i guess i forgot about Matt.

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