• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 1,907 Views, 51 Comments

Chronicles - Chamuco

What if the answers Matt was looking for wasn't on Earth but in another world? The answers lie in Equestria where Matt learns the true origin of the mysterious glowing crystal that brought him misery years ago.

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A Great First Impression.

Chapter 2

"You think it was wise of you to have your little sister watch over me when you went to go check on your granny? For all you knew I could have done something to her when you weren't looking." States Matt as he and AJ walk down the road.

"Matt, yew strike me as the kind that wouldn't hurt anypony unless forced to. Besides, when ah went to go check on ol' Granny Smith, she was fine. So I can see you don't mean harm, ah could also tell from how you came to check on me after our scuffle"

"Haha oh yeah I forgot we threw down. I am sorry about that by the way, but when I get hit I fight back. I hope you understand."

"Ah understand, Matt. Can ah ask ya somthin? When you swung at me, I thought you missed but somehow I felt like you actually did hit me. Do you happen to know magic?"

"I’m not going to question that either." sigh "Applejack, this is going to sound weird, but seeing as this whole situation is already weird, might as well tell you. A couple of years ago, me and my friends Steve and Andrew found a weird hole in the ground and we went to go check how deep it was. A few minutes of going deeper into the hole, we found this weird giant blue crystal that was sticking out of the wall and it was glowing. We didn't know what it could do to us at the time; we thought it was just a normal mineral. We ended up touching it and a few seconds go by my friend Steve starts bleeding from his nose, then mine and Andrews’ starts bleeding and we hear a very high pitch noise and it made us black out. The next thing we know, we had these weird...telekinetic power."

Applejack became interested at this point and asked Matt to prove it.

"Heh, skeptical are we? I would be too..." Matt stops and asks Applejack to back up about 5 feet away. Applejack gives a confused expression but does what Matt asks. Matt raises his right arm up and at the same time, Applejack begins to levitate in tandem with his arm. At this point, Applejack starts to freak out.

"Whoa, what in tarnation! P-p-put me down!" Applejack begins to move her hooves in all directions trying to get back on the ground but struggles and Matt can't help but find this adorably cute.

"You know Applejack, you're surprisingly light. It's no wonder I was able to send you flying when we fought and I didn't even put full force into it."

Applejack’s face becomes red with embarrassment and annoyance. "Well thank ya kindly for the compliment, but can ya put me down now sugar cube?

"Sure thing, sugar cube" Matt says mocking AJ.

Applejack floats back to the ground. "Taint funny" Says Applejack while her face is beaming with the color red. Applejack quickly changes the topic, "So only you and your friends can do that?”

"Yeah, no human in history has been able to do this. You don't look too surprised at my ability Applejack."

"Well, that's cause certain ponies here can do that. More Specifically; Unicorns. But most don't have the strength to send ponies flying a room away like you did."

Matt stops walking. "Huh. Unicorns? They're real?"

"Yeah, why? They ain’t real where ya from?

"Actually, no." Matt begins to walk down the road again. "So I assume Pegasi are real too? Matt jokingly asks.

"Eyup. Wait, if Unicorns and Pegasus ponies are not real where yer from, who controls the weather and the sun?”

"Nature does. What do you mean ‘who’? Nobody can control the climate change. Let alone make the sun rise and lower."

"Uh, well our Princesses do and the Pegasus ponies control the weather."

"How does that work? Wait, 'Princesses'? You mean you have more than one of them?”

"The Princesses have powerful magic one can raise and lower the sun, same goes for her sister who raises and lowers the moon."

Matt is beyond confused at this point. Everything he knows has now changed his perspective of life on this world. ‘Weird’ just got weirder. "Logic just flew out the window didn't it?” Applejack opens her mouth but before she gets to say anything he interrupts her. "Don't answer that."

Wanting to talk about something else, Applejack butts in. "A-anyhoof, lets continue to my friend’s house, it's still a long way to go. Both begin to move again but Applejack asked Matt another question that stopped his gait. "Say, Matt? Before we left the farm, you said something about a promise to a friend?”

Matt’s face drops a little, he doesn't like talking about his friends or the experiences he had with them. He can only talk about them for a little before he remembers the bad experiences as well. "I made a promise to Andrew that I'd find out how that crystal came into our world and how it gave us telekinetic powers. I searched everywhere, travelling across the world but no luck."

"Well if he also has that power, why didn't he come with you then?" Applejack asked.

Matt knew someone was going ask him something like that at some point, about where his friends are or why they aren't with him. But at that point he didn't want to talk about it, he had had enough. He just wanted to get out of here so he could get back to his world and continue what he was previously doing. "Let's just talk about something else before this gets out of hand, okay? Sigh how far to your friend's place?"

"Uh you mean ‘out of hoof’?"

They both starred dumbly at each other hoping someone would explain this vocabulary problem. After several minutes of arguing, fighting, and sex (just kidding!) Matt learned the differences between this worlds vocabulary and expressions and his own.

"I think I understand now. Guess we're not so different." Matt says.

"Guess so partner. We should be by Twi’s house. It's only a little further ahead."

"Oh finally! I was getting tired of walking. " Matt removes his backpack to pull a couple of apples to eat and hands one to applejack hoping she might be hungry too. " I got them from your farm, hope you don't mind?"

"Nah, its okay sugar cube. It's a good thing you got some, Ah was getting pretty hungry right about now" She gives a small laugh and grabs an apple and begins to eat. She finishes her apple and watches Matt take a bite of his, hoping to see him love the taste of her famous apples.

Matt bites into the apple and his eyes widen when he taste the apple. "Wow applejack, these are great! They taste better than the ones we have back in my world. I guess it's because of all the pollution and fumes we have." Matt adds.

"Thank you kindly partner." Applejack’s face becomes a little red from yet another compliment Matt gave her and is happy that he likes her apples.

They both come close to what appears to be a town. Applejack asks Matt to hold on so she can tell him something. "Matt, these ponies might find you a little...scary. So let’s go around back. Twi’s house is just around the corner." They walk to the right side of the town hoping no one, I mean, nopony, would see them and freak out. They approach the big tree house library and knock on the door. As they wait for the person of the house or in this case, tree house, they hear what seems to be hoof steps getting closer to the door.

"I'm coming." The tree house owner says through the other side of the door. The door opens and a purple unicorn with a star tattoo on her hip comes into view. Why do they all have tattoos? "Well hello Applejack, what brings you to-" She stops midway when she looks at the bipedal creature known as Matt.

"Heh, hey Twi, uh this is Ma-" Applejack was interrupted when Twilight screamed with horror as she laid her eyes on the hideous creature.

The scream was so loud that it made both Matt and Applejack cover their ears.

"APPLEJACK! What is that creature!" Twilight asked AJ with a scared expression.

"Now now Twi, he's with me!" She said. But it didn't look like Twilight listened and started casting a force field around Matt so he wouldn't escape or do anything that could harm them.

Matt didn't know what to do. There was a purple aura around him and it restricted his movements, he touched the aura, and didn't like the feeling. It made his head hurt, and it reminded him of the time him and his friends came into contact with the crystal.

"Twilight wha-what are yer doin? Stop that, it looks like it's hurtin’ him!"

The Aura around Matt was indeed hurting him. Matt was on his knees gasping, he was going to pass out if he didn't do something soon.

"TWILIGHT STOP THAT! He's not here to hurt anypony!" Applejack said trying to convince the purple unicorn.

"I-I don't mean to hurt it, it's just a simple force field spell. It's not supposed to do that."

While the two ponies argue, Matt tries to get back to his feet. Questions are running around Matts head. "Did Applejack trick me into thinking her friend would help? When did she have time to tell her friend that I was coming here? Were they going to kill me? Fuck this! If you think I'm going to let myself get caught, you got another thing coming." Matt was able to stand up. He brought his arms close to his body and stretched out his arms in a flash. The Spell broke and a massive shockwave erupted causing everything around Matt to get distorted and fly away as if a very powerful wind blew past.

The two ponies were sent flying inside the house. Twilight and Applejack smashed against the books in the house making a mess. Hurt and staggering to get up, the two ponies ran outside to see what caused the explosion. Everything that was near Matt has been completely destroyed. There was a small crater where Matt used to be. Matt is lying on the ground. The outburst was too much for Matt and he blacked out.

"I need to warn the Princess" Twilight said cautiously trying not to wake up the creature. "Applejack, you go get the girls and meet me back here!"

Applejack stood quiet. She didn't knew what had happened, this isn't what she thought would happen when she told Matt that Twilight would help him. She was scared. Applejack nodded and ran as fast as she could.

As Twilight got closer to the creature. She began to speak in a low voice.

"What, are you?"

Author's Note:

whoo chapter 2 is finished! This should have been done days ago but I recently got new games and I had to play them till I got bored.

lol so I was having a discussion with my editor/friend, and he was telling me about this movie and how my fic resembles it and I was like, bro hows it go? I was curious because theres only one movie I know that resembles this one and its actually base off it and he was telling me how the characters have the same name and how they too found a hole in the ground and how they came across a crystal and he finally figure out what the name was called and he said "Chronicle". I was busting up laughing and I told him "bro that's what my fic is based off of!" lol he told me he doesn't watch movies so I guess I can understand. It was just too funny to just keep to myself.