• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 9,371 Views, 105 Comments

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Applejack is out on the orchard going about her day where she suffers a work related injury. With most of her freinds unable to care for her while she is bedwritten she turns to Spike. How will she react when feelings start to arise.

  • ...

Ch.3 Hospital Woes

It was about eight in the morning. Applejack had been awake for more than an hour, sitting unmoving and undisturbed. She hadn't been sleeping much in the last few days. She thought maybe it was the environment she was in, hospitals aren't the cheeriest of places. No matter how much she tried to worm her way around the real reason, it kept surfacing. Laying there in the dirt alone made her feel like she was going to die alone. She shook her head as more and more thoughts flooded her troubled mind. She thought about what happened and what could've happened if he didn't show up. Then her expression lightened. She knew that Spike finding her was by a lucky coincidence yet she felt as if he knew she was in trouble. She snorted then mumbled “must be the painkillers.” then there was a knock at the door. Her doctor entered with a clipboard levitating in front of him.

“Oh Miss Applejack, I didn't expect you to be awake.” he said with a large smile. “I'm just here to check up on you; make sure everything is okay.” he trotted up to her bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Ah feel fine I guess. Nothin’ is really botherin’ me.” she replied with a shrug.

“Do you feel any pain?”

“Only in my leg, it doesn't hurt that much.” The doctor took notes while mumbling to himself.

“Okay I'll be back in a second.” he said as he closed the door behind him leaving Applejack alone. She sighed then turned her gaze to the window. It was a beautiful day; the bright cyan sky was adorned by the soft rays of the sun dancing around thin wispy clouds. Birds sung their song as a soft breeze swept through causing the trees to rustle harmoniously. It calmed her knowing that soon she would be out there again just like everypony else. Suddenly the door opened.

“Miss Applejack you have a visitor,” her doctor said with his back turned. Spike entered with a present on his back.

“Hey AJ,” he said calmly.

“Hey Spike, whatcha got there?” she asked while eyeing the present.

“Something that took one heck of a hassle to get in, but knowing you, you'll love it,” he walked up to her and slid the present off his back.

Applejack noticed a sweet familiar aroma rising from the box on her lap. “It smells like...apple pie!” she excitedly shouted.

“I baked it myself.” he relied pridefully. Applejack unwrapped the box with gusto. She opened it, drooling over the golden brown crust with an apple stenciled out in the center. With almost no hesitation she greedily inhaled a large chunk.

“Mmm, vis is really good,” she moaned with bulging cheeks.

“I'm glad you like it,” he said bashfully.

“Ah bery mush.” she gulped loudly. “Appreciate it.”

“Much better than that hospital gunk, huh?”

She looked up at him with a bubbly expression that could only match Pinkie's and nodded in agreement. Spike smiled at how she looked like a little filly who had just gotten hold of a bowl of ice cream. Applejack was devouring her pie, not even slowing down enough to breathe.
“Wow Applejack,” he chuckled “Go any faster and you'll eat the pie tin.”

She stopped and looked down at what pie was left. Taking a long swallow she said “sorry” with a nervous grin. “Ah didn't realize how hungry Ah am.”

“No worries, I'm glad that you liked it,” he said with a warm smile. He took the tray from her lap and sat down on her bed. “So how are you feeling now?”

“Ah feel pretty much the same as I did yesterday. Mah leg’s still hurt but I'm fine.”

“That's good to hear,” he looked around the empty room trying to pass through the awkward silence. “Not much to do, is there?”

“Nope,” she replied indifferently. The silence intensified as they sat for what felt like hours until Spike spoke again.

“I...don't know what to say.” he said quietly.

“Ya don't have to say anything. I'm happy somepony's here,” she gave him a sincere smile. He smiled back then looked towards the door as her doctor walked back in with some medical equipment. Applejack gulped loudly then looked to Spike with worry. He dropped his gaze to her. Noticing her worried expression he gave her a reassuring smile that said “everything is going to be okay.”

“Okay, I am going to check your blood pressure, take your temperature, and check to see if you feel pain anywhere else.” he explained.
Spike whispered to Applejack “so you're afraid of doctors, huh?”

“I'm not afraid of doctors!” she retorted quietly. “Ah just don't like all of the cold tools and Ah really don't like that they have to touch your...well you know, everywhere...”

“Actually I don't know; the only time I've ever had to go to the doctor was the first time I grew because of my greed.”
Applejack frowned then looked back to the doctor who was approaching with a blood pressure cuff. Wrapping it tightly around her arm he began to increase the pressure. “Okay,” he mumbled quietly. Taking off the cuff he levitated over his stethoscope. He pressed it to her chest rolling his eyes cognitively. “Sit forward please,” Applejack reluctantly obeyed, shifting slightly with a huf. She shuddered at the feeling of the cold Instrument touching her fur. “Now I'm going to need to to spread your legs.”

“What!” she shrieked loudly.

“Sorry! I should have been more specific, I want to check and see where the pain is most intense.” Applejack and Spike both looked at him with widened eyes. “Where are my words today, I want to check your leg to see where the pain is most intense,” he corrected with a nervous chuckle. Spike and Applejack looked to Spike with a raised brow, while he simply shrugged.

She slowly parted her legs mentally cursing about how embarrassing it was. He pressed a hoof on her thigh causing her to gasp slightly. She looked to Spike for reassurance, but his mind was somewhere outside. Feeling her gaze he looked down on her. She mouthed “help me” as the doctor continued his ministrations. Spike whispered “there's nothing I can do.” Applejack was about to say something else when an intense sharp pain shot up her leg making her yelp.

“So that's where it is.” the doctor said with a hoof to his chin. He pressed down on the area again.

“Ow!” she screamed loud enough to be heard in the next room.

“Now that we have established that, I'll look these notes over and return with a prescription,” he declared as he trotted towards the door. “And
sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused,” with that he closed the door leaving the two alone. They sat in silence for a few moments
before Spike began to snicker.

“What's so darn funny?” she asked while giving him an annoyed stare.

“I can't believe,” he stifled a laugh. “I can't believe that you thought the doctor was trying to cop a feel!” after finishing his sentence he fell to
the floor chortling uncontrollably.

“Hey, that ain't funny!” she scolded.

“It..I..it..it's just that the way you reacted was priceless!” he continued. Applejack simply sat with a frown. Spike rose from the floor with tears in his eyes.

“Come one Applejack, you have to admit that was funny,” he said while wiping a tear away. Applejack tried to keep a serious face, but the more she thought the bigger her smile became.

“Yeah, it was kinda cute how he was all panicky and such,” she chuckled.

“Cute?” Spike asked, a twinge of jealousy present in his tone.

“He was a cute li'l unicorn, with those large glasses.”

“I never thought you'd say that about anypony.”

“Ah always notice. Ah just don't openly express it.” she stated. Spike snorted then made his way towards the door.

“I guess I better get going.” he said with a claw on the door handle.

“Wait, don't go.” Applejack whined.

“I have to get back to the library.” he protested.

“Please, Ah don't wanna be here,” her tone fell. “Alone.”
Spike released the door handle, walking over to her with sympathy in his eyes.

“Don't worry Applejack. I'll never let you be alone,” he said while sitting in his previous spot. Applejack smiled from under her bang and hugged him tightly; tight enough to where a couple of his joints popped.

“Okay AJ, having some troubles breathing,” he rasped.
She loosened her grip slightly. “Is this better for ya.”

“Yeah, this is okay,” Spike said finally returning her hug. For the first time in a few days Applejack felt as if she did have somepony that she was close to. Who ever said that the perfect colt even had to be a colt at all.

“Whoa, I'm getting ahead of myself,” she thought. “Spike is just a good friend is all. Anyhoo who has ever heard of a dragon and a pony together?” she thought in pure denial. She hadn't even noticed that she was rubbing his scales while they were locked together. “He actually has a li'l meat on these bones, a lot of meat to tell ya the truth. Ah wonder what he does on his off days?” Lost in his embrace Applejack almost didn't hear him calling her.

“Applejack,” Spike called. “The doctor is back,” She lifted her head off his chest and looked over to the unicorn.

“I have good news for you Miss Applejack.” he closed the door behind him. “You only have a fracture on your right tibia and a slight concussion, but other than that you are okay and may leave at the end of the week.”

“Why the end of the week?” she asked while releasing Spike.

“Because it has occurred to me that you were supposed to see your gynecologist nearly two months ago.”
Applejack’s expression went from relief to instant worry and anxiety.

“You'll be seeing him tomorrow afternoon.”
Applejack put her face in her hooves thinking “why does it have to be a stallion!”

“What's a guy-no-call-o-gist?” Spike asked cluelessly.” Applejack was just about to answer but was cut off by the doctor.

“A gynecologist is somepony who deals with the health of the female reproductive systems: vagina, uterus, ovaries and the breasts,” he answered with indifference. Spike sat there with mixed expressions trying to process what he just heard.

“Thank you doctor, but I was not ready for that type of information,” he answered in a heightened tone.

“Well now ya know,” Applejack remarked sarcastically. “and now I'm having mixed feelin’s about some colt lookin' in mah Jack Johnson with a flashlight. Heck, Ah don't even want a mare doin' it!”

“Most mares don't want to do it, but it is tantamount to your health,” Applejack and Spike both looked as confused as a deer in headlight’s. “It is important to your health,” he turned to the door leaving them alone again. Applejack sat in her bed as still as a statue while Spike sat next to her thinking deeply.

“Are ya okay Spike?”

“I'm just wondering who would actually make a living looking at mares privates.”

“Be glad it ain't you.”

“I am,” he chuckled. “Looks like I'm not going anywhere soon.” The door flew open again.

“Hi Applejack!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

“Damnit, would someone watch the visitors table!” a stallion yelled from the busy hallway.

“Hey Pinkie!” Applejack responded cheerfully. Pinkie Was followed in by Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Good morning Applejack,” Fluttershy entered. “How are you feeling?”

“Ah feel a whole lot better now.” she responded joyously. “I get to go home at the end of the week.”

“That's marvelous news darling!” Rarity added.

“But somepony's going to have to look after me,” she said sadly.

“I'd more than happy to take care of you,” Fluttershy insisted.

“Thank ya kindly, but you're already lookin' after your animals.”

“Zooey can look after them.”

“Ah just don't wanna be a bother to anypony.”

“Don't talk like that Applejack. You're our friend, we'd all love to be bothered by you.” Spike said soothingly. “Right guys?” Fluttershy nodded in
agreement while Rarity stared intently at Spike.


“Hm, oh yes of course, we’ll muscle through this together,” she said nervously.

“Thank ya all. You are my true friends...”

“We're here to bring the awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she valiantly entered the room.

“Yay you're here!” Pinkie yelled from behind Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash is here too?” Applejack questioned.

“We're all here. Twilight is right behind me.”

“Hello Applejack.” Twilight said eloquently.

“See?!” Pinkie yelled again.

They all spent the afternoon lifting Applejack out of her pit of despair by simply being there. Nothing compare to the live she feels from all of her friends, and the love she is beginning to feel for an oblivious dragon.

Author's Note:

Chapter three has been re-edited. Mainly fixed some missing words an punctuation, also I kinda added an Easter egg. Look out for it.
