• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 9,372 Views, 105 Comments

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Applejack is out on the orchard going about her day where she suffers a work related injury. With most of her freinds unable to care for her while she is bedwritten she turns to Spike. How will she react when feelings start to arise.

  • ...

Ch.8 Encouragement

A few hours passed, Applejack was now clean and ready to come out about how she felt. She played what age would say over a thousand times in her head, plus one hundred more just to be sure. Nothing could stand in her way, except for the storm that's been raging for hours. “Those Pegasus sure do know how to put together one hell of a monsoon” she mingled while fumbling with her Stenson.

For the last few hours she went over how they played in the mud. Though it was brief, she enjoyed every moment of it. Her on top of him, feeling the heat rise from his smooth muscular belly. His goofy grin, and those eyes. They could see deeper into one's soul than- Applejack shook her head violently. “Gotta save all that romantic stuff for later. When it really counts.” she looked at her window. “If this storm doesn't give way by then...”

She flopped back onto her bed, staring at the l orange ceiling. Moments later Rarity appeared at her door with a pleading smile.

“Why are you lookin' at me like that?”

“No reason.” her smile grew larger and more needy.

“You're scarin' me...”

“Calm down, I just want to talk.”

Applejack gave a skeptical look. “Talk about what?”

“There's no need to be suspicious Applejack. I'm just trying to pass the time, seeing as it is soul crushingly boring here... How do you deal with it?”

“Work takes up most of it. Other'n that I nap or walk around town to see what everypony is up to.”

“I see why you can't do that...” a brilliant flash of lightening illuminated the room followed by a hard of crack thunder. Applejack jumped some while Rarity stood unfazed. “Applejack, are you scared of thunder?” Rarity giggled.

“N-No! That's just caught me by surprise is all...”

“You jumped pretty hard. And you hid under your hooves.”

“You were lookin' at the window. You saw it comin', I didn't.”

“Let's forget about that. Let's just talk about...” she hopped on the bed. “Talk about... Well, things as they are right now.”


“You know, our lives right now.”

“Oh, well nothin' had really been all that different for me. Other than the injury and Spike...” she blushed. “But yeah, nothin' eventful aside from that.”

“I understand, life gets so dull when you don't have anyone to share it with...”

“Don't ya have some rich Canterlot unicorn or somethin'?”

“I find that to be contrived and offensive,” Rarity huffed with dignity.

“Oh, sorry-”

“Besides, he couldn't handle my work schedule.”

Applejack slammed her face into the sheets with a chuckle. “What do ya mean he couldn't handle your work schedule?”

“All he wanted was sex, sex, sex. I didn't have a problem with that but-”

“Heh, naturally...”
She shot daggers at Applejack. “Sorry...”

“Anyway,” she cleared her throat. “I was working on a very lucrative project at the time, and had no time for fooling around,” she gave a mischievous grin. “I know you understand how work gets in the way of having a little fun.”

“What are you gettin' at?” she frowned.

“I'm not gettin' at anything darling.”

“Are you saying I never fooled around!”

“I never did, and why so aggressive?”

“Because I'm thinking I hear fighting words tickle my ears. Are them fighting words, or term of endearment? One of 'em ends very badly...”

“Applejack,” Rarity laughed. “I'm poking fun. I'm sure you've had your fun under the sun, so to speak.” Applejack lowered her hoof with a pout. “My apologies, I was completely out of line.”

“It's okay...” Applejack groaned. “But you're wrong...”


“I haven't mrph...” she mumbled.

“I didn't quite catch that. You haven't what?”

Applejack's fur turned as red as a fresh apple, she she avoided Rarity's gaze. “I... I-I haven't had any 'fun under the sun'... ever...”

“Wait, you're still a-” she covered her mouth “a virgin?”

“Y...yes...” Applejack muttered.

“Wow, how old are you again?”


“What? I'm curious. You're still untouched. I never would have really figured you to sleep around, but I thought you would have done it at least once.”

“I never had any time...”

“Well, you really don't need time to get together for some fun,” Rarity chuckled.

“I don't just want to go out there and spread my haunches just to have some 'fun'. I want it to actually be out of love, not for senseless pleasure...”

“I see... Is that what you want Spike to do?” Applejacks eyes went wide as dinner plates. She never really thought about that. Would would a dragon be like, and could it happen. Well of course, they both have the necessary <ahem> parts. But, what would it be like? A question that would plague her mind until the day came, if it did. “Well Applejack?”

“Oh, uh. I dunno, it would be nice...”

“It would be nice? Just admit it, it's only us in here.”

“I would like for Spike to, d-do me.” her snout was now a blazing crimson.

“That wasn't hard, now was it?”


“Thank you. We should talk more often, I'd like to know some more interesting things about you.”

“There's a lot,” Applejack Chuckled.

“Oh look.” Rarity pointed to the window. Outside the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds while small patches of rain wisped away. “Thank goodness, I can leave now.”


“Oh, I was waiting for the rain to stop before I left.”


“Now that the storm has passed, you can go talk to a dragon about something. But maybe it's best to wait.”

“What! Why?”

“So you don't get all muddy again,” Rarity simply answered.

“Right, sorry.”

“Don't worry darling, I'll be downstairs until I leave. If you need anything just ask.”

Applejack looked up at the sun beating through her window full of hope and confidence. Until she heard an odd scraping noise coming from behind her. She turned to see Big Mac emerging from under her bed.

“What in tarnation! Mac, what're ya doing in here!” Big Mac bolted out. “Mac, now you get your butt back here!” she took off after him.

“Alright then Applejack. Are you ready to leave?” Applejack nodded slowly. The rains finally passed. Now she was free to go about the rest of her day. As she stepped outside, the cool moist air chilled her fur, and the smell of wet earth and grass tickled her nostrils. “Let’s get going then.” Her and Rarity walked tandem through the still soggy mud. With every step Rarity would squeal and jump at the mucky mushy material under her hooves.

“Still can’t stand to get a little dirty, huh?” Applejack poked.

“It’s not that,” Rarity scowled. “Do you know how hard it is to get mud from in between your hooves? I knew I should have brought my galoshes…”

Applejack looked at her hooves. “I never really have a problem gettin’ the mud and dirt from in between my hooves.”

“Well, you’re used to it…”

“Are ya tryin’ to say I’m dirty?”

“No. I am saying you’re a hard working mare who is used to more laborious and straining tasks, that usually involve mud and muck. That’s one of the reasons why I admire you…”

Applejack stopped. “You admire me?”

“Well, yes… Is that a problem?”

“No… I never figured that you of all ponies would look up to me…”

“Oh, I never said I looked up to you,” Rarity chuckled. “What I said was that you are an inspiration to all mares really.” She continued on. “I am going to head home now, Opal has most likely ripped Sweetie to shreds by now… You’ll be fine on your own, right?”

Applejack laughed gallantly. “Did y’all forget who you’re talkin’ to?” she crossed her hooves. “I’m Applejack, and ain’t nothing too tough for me!”

Rarity gave her a genuine smile. “Goodbye Applejack. I’ll see you soon.”

“I'll see ya later Rarity! And hopefully I'll be a coupled mare when you do...”

It was dark, quiet, and calm. Just the way that Spike looked it whenever he was troubled. The last encounter he had with Applejack played over and over in his head. Everything was going right, what does he do wrong. Did he look at her wrong? Or maybe he touched her inappropriately. “Damnit Spike!” he roared, lighting the dark space around him. “No, that wasn't it... I just sat there. Maybe that was it, I was too scared... I wonder how hard it is to woo a dragon?” Just then he heard a light knock. “Who in the world-” the knock grew louder. “Oh boy... The library is closed until dawn, if you are returning a book please drop it in the returns slot!”

“I'm not returning anything Spike!”


“Hey there big guy. Mine is I come in?”

“I uh, of course come on in.” Add she walked by a horribly putrid scent filled the air. The scent grew stronger then died down, eventually fading. “That's odd...”

“What did ya say?”

“Nothing. So what brings you by?”

“I just wanted to talk about some things...”

“Oh, okay...” He closed the door unaware of the danger they were both in.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The end is near, this fic is almost coming to a close. One more chapter left. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it.
