• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 9,371 Views, 105 Comments

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Applejack is out on the orchard going about her day where she suffers a work related injury. With most of her freinds unable to care for her while she is bedwritten she turns to Spike. How will she react when feelings start to arise.

  • ...

Ch.6 Rarity's Advise

Applejack stood in front of her window waiting for the morning sun to peek over the horizon. As the first rays fought their way over the hills and trees Applejack sighed “It's officially apple buckin' day.”

“It sure is.”

“Not you again.”

“What's the matter, aren't cha happy to see me?”

“What do ya want?”

“Well, somepony's giving me the cold shoulder.”

“Just, go away okay!”

“I can't go away until you tell the truth, and you know it. This goes against everything that you stand for.”

“What do you know.”

“Uh, duh, I'm you! Or has taking too many apples to the head knocked a screw loose. If you don't tell him it will tear us apart from the inside out.”

“Ya don't know nothin'!” Applejack stomped her hoof.

“How do you know! I represent what you want most! What we want most!”

“So yer sayin' that ah' want mahself?”

Applejack's conscious morphed into Spike. “You want this and you can't deny it.”

Applejack stared at the manifestation of Spike longingly “Ah' can deny it all ah' want.”

“You're missing the point you stubborn...ugh! Listen to me; if you keep this up you'll only end up hurting yourself!”

“Ya' think ah' don't know that!” Applejack collapsed to the floor. “Ah' can't just walk up to him like ‘hey Spike, ah' love you and wanna spend the rest of mah natural life with ya'’.”

“Why can't you tell me that?”

“A-Ah' don't know if you feel the same way towards me.”

“Then don't wait to find out.” Applejack closed her eyes and puckered her lips as her conciseness neared. Inches away from each other they stopped.
“I don't think you want to kiss yourself .” Applejack shot her eyes open and jumped back, face blazing red. “Now do you see my point?” her consciousness asked as it morphed back into Applejack.

“Y-yeh, but what if he says no or worse?”

“That's why it is always important to try.”

“Ah' just don't want to have my heart broken.”

“Spike would never do that to us.”

“Ah' don't wanna go through the pain. I'm already hurt.”

“You showed everypony yesterday that isn't enough to stop you.”


“Hmph, I never knew we were the type of pony to back away from a challenge.”

“Ah' ain't never backed away from nothin'!” Applejack yelled getting back to her hooves.

“Exactly girl, there's that signature AJ fire! If we see an obstacle we...”

“Run over it, head on!”

“If we run into a wall...”

“We push through it!”

“We are Applejack: we don't back down, we never give up, and we never doubt who we are!”


“Great, now wake up.”


“ You've been asleep this whole time. I'll be back you when you need me.”

Applejack woke in a cold sweat. It all had been a dream, but to get it felt all too real. Even if he was in her imagination being that close to Spike sent shivers down her spine. Then there was a knock at her door. “Sis, are ya awake?” Applejack hobbled off her bed. She opened the door, met with the large lumbering figure of her brother.

“Hey Mac.”

“Mornin' li'l sis. Are ya feelin' okay?”

“I'm fine.”

“...Well ah' made yer favorite breakfast.”

“Thanks...” Applejack began to make her way down the hallway.

“Don'tcha need yer chair?” His words fell on silent ears as Applejack disappeared down the stairs. As she entered the kitchen, her mouth began to water at the tantalizing aroma of a nice hot breakfast. There was a plate with a stack of pancakes.

“Ah' have to work the orchard so Rarity's comin' to watch you.” Big Mac came slowly down the stairs.

“Ah' don't need to be watched like a little filly...” She sat down at the table. Big Mac stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

“I'll be out buckin' then, bye.” with that he left the house and headed towards the barn. Applejack looked down at her food. “Just like the ones he made me yesterday.” she took a bite. “And jush as good too.” and swallowed. “At least he's tryin' ta make up for leavin' me here alone.” As Applejack enjoyed her breakfast there was a knock at the door.
“Come in.”

“Good morning Applejack.”

“Heya Rarity.”

“My, that smells delightful, what is it?”

“Apple pancakes, want some?”

“No thanks, I just ate.” she took a seat at the table. “How are you feeling?”

Applejack swallowed then looked up to her. “Ah' feel fine...”

“Are you absolutely sure?”

Applejack turned back to her plate. “W-well, I've been thinkin' lately.”

“Thinking about what dear?”

“About mmm...m-mah relationship status.”

“Oh I see, and who is the stallion brave enough to steal your heart.”

He ain't no stallion. “Ah would rather not say.”

“I understand, confidentiality and all.” she leaned forward putting her hooves to her face. “Tell me a little about him.”

Applejack fumbled with her hooves before speaking. “He lives in Ponyville.”


“He's lived her for quite some time.”


“He works at the Sparkle library.”

“Stop beating around the bush Applejack. You're driving me crazy, just tell me.”

“It's Spike!” Silence settled in instantly. The awkwardness of the situation was so thick that you could almost feel it

“Spike... Well,”

“Ah' don't know why. He's just, just...” she slammed her head on the table.

“Ahem, well, what is it that you like about him?”

“He's always walkin' round with that big smile, he helps everypony no matter what situation they're in, he's always puttin' others before himself, and he's...well attractive.”

“Yes he is,”


“Huh, oh nothing dear. But, why won't you just tell him how you feel?”

“I'm scared that he won't feel the same.”

“How is that not a reason to tell?”

“Because we're good friends, ah' don't wanna ruin that.”

“And you think that telling him will ruin your friendship?”


“Applejack, look at me.” Applejack lifted her head to Rarity. “Filling your head with all that ‘ what if ’ will only make it worse. Trust me it's best that you tell him.”


“Ah,ah,ah, no buts. Ask him the next time that you see him.”


“There now this has been bothering me for quite some time.”

“What is it?”

“How did you hurt yourself exactly?”

“Ah' was cartin' a wagon full of apples back to the barn when ah' heard something. The next thing ah' knew there were two red eyes starin' at me. Then it growled.”

“What happened next?”

“I ran. The only thing ah' remember after that was trippin' then hittin' mah head real hard; after that Spike found me.”

“Whatever that was really scared you didn't it?”
Applejack nodded. “Have you any idea of what it could've been?”“Hopefully that's in the past.”

“Yeah... Hey rarity.”


“Can ya go and get mah chair. Ah' don't think imma be able to walk anywhere else today.”

“Of course darling.” Rarity trotted up the stairs while Applejack continued eating.

Applejack and Rarity sat outside watching while Big Mac and Zooey worked tirelessly. Rarity glanced over to Applejack; noticing her smile she shifted some then spoke.
“It's a beautiful day.”

“It surely is.”

“Honestly, I couldn't imagine a greater way to spend the evening.”

“Ah' always thought were the stay inside and work type.”

“I usually am, but since I have no orders or requests I can enjoy life the way it was meant to be.”

“Not for me.”

“What do you mean dear?”

“All mah life has been nothin' but work. Without it everything seems... Boring really.”

“That's your problem Applejack. You've become so enveloped in your work that you don't know how to live any other way.”

“Ah' suppose you're right, but without me how will the farm survive?”

“Well, from what I can see there are two strong stallions doing work that would've taken you hours to complete.” Applejack looked back and forth at the two then turned back to Rarity.

“What exactly are ya gettin' at here?”

“What I'm saying is that you can always rely on your friends if you need help. Never be afraid to ask.” Applejack smiled then turned her attention back to the working duo. Nearly an hour passed before Rarity noticed purple dragon galloping towards them.

“There goes Spike.” He ran over to Big Mac who had three carts full of apples. Rarity leaned over to applejack while keeping a watchful eye on their conversation. “What do you think they're talking about?”

“Ah' don't know, heck; ah' didn't even know Spike was supposed to be here!” Applejack scolded quietly.

“Now's your chance Applejack. Go tell him.”

Her expression changed in an instant. “...aah uh. Ya see ah'...r-really don't think that now is a good time.” Rarity looked at her with dead eyes. “What..?”

“Honestly Applejack, he's right there. If I were you I would run over to him, throw my arms around him, and say “I love you with all my heart”. Then again I'm not you.” Applejack prepared to protest; unfortunately for her she knew that every word out of Rarity's mouth was truth. She sighed, looking down on her lap as she did so.

“Applejack, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...”

“Don't say a word. You're tellin' me that ah' need to stop bein' afraid of what might happen.” She put one hoof on the ground after the other, slowly lifting herself out of the chair. Standing confidently and triumphantly she began to make her way to the barn.

“Wait. Applejack, where are you going?”

“I'm taking your advice.” She trotted off to the barn.

Applejack eavesdropped on Spike who stood in the back struggling to attach himself to a cart. “Okay girl, you've got this.”

“C-come on you stupid piece of...”

“Ya' need some help?”

“There's no way you heard me.”

“Didn't need to.” she sauntered in. She walked seductively up to Spikes side while he stood confused at the way she was acting. “That's the problem.” she whispered, examining the hitch.


“The lock is a li'l bit bent; let's see if we have any more.” she walked over to a supply closet, flicking her tail as she passed Spike.

“Are you feeling fine AJ?”

“Of course ah' am sugarcube.”

“You're acting weird.” she emerged with a less worn lock in her jaw.

“Ah' don't know vut yer talkin' 'bout Ficke.” she walked back over to him. “Imma need ya ta stay still.” Spike obeyed. She poked and prodded for sometime before locking him into place. “There ya go, sugar; got ya strapped in tighter than a pair of too little overalls.” Spike laughed some.

“Okay, I take that back. You're acting like Applejack again.”

She looked up at him with red cheeks. “You like the way I act?”

“I've never had a problem with it. I love you, like! Like you the way that you are.” he grinned hoping to be rid of the awkward atmosphere. “Not that I don't love you, but... not like that..... You're like a close friend to me, really close....I like to be around you...” they both stood as if they were waiting for someone to tell “cut”. Applejack hid her growing blush and smile under her hat.

“Thank ya kindly. Spike, I love....”

“C'mon Spike, we've gotta get this done!” Big Mac yelled into the barn.

“I gotta go. Talk to you later okay?”

“Bye Spike.” Just as Spike exited the barn Rarity walked in.

“How'd it go?”

“Rarity, I've never felt so flattered in mah life. Not even when Trenderhoof was here.” she fell back on a stack of hay.

“Why are we bringing that up again, Okay! So, what did he say that's gotten you so riled up.”

“I can in, actin' all feminine and such, he noticed and said that he loves me.”

Rarity gasped loudly. “He did!”

“Not exactly; he said that he likes me for me. He also said that he sees me as a really close friend, and that he likes to be around me.”

“Oooh this is so... I don't even know! I must tell everyone.” she flakes galloped out and was stopped by Applejack.

“Do not tell a soul.”


“Ah' mean it Rarity.” she backed her ivory friend down.

“Fine, you're no fun.” she looked down at Applejack's legs.

“I didn't know you were back to full strength already.”

“I'm not....”

“Then how are you?”

“Rarity go get the chair!”

Author's Note:

Damn this took a hell of a lot longer to her out than I thought it would. Sorry for the delay guys and gals; I've been trying to catch up on some schoolwork and I'm an admin of two groups. I'll never stop writing though. Hope that you enjoyed this chapter, expect more in the future.
