• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 9,005 Views, 223 Comments

The Most Important Pony In Your Life - ColeTrain4EVER

Scootaloo ties to take her own life and Rainbow tries to help her.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

Scootaloo grew up in a small town outside Fillydelphia. It was a good life, and though she didn’t have many friends, she had a loving family. She had her father, Cloud maker, her mother, Sunny Day, and her older brother, Speedy Day. Her parents worked at the weather factory, and her brother was their apprentice, so to speak. Her family loved to help make the weather, and Scootaloo wanted nothing more them to make them proud. The family took pride in their work at the factory, whether it was her mother creating clouds with certain amounts of rain exactly measured three times over, or her brother sweeping the halls or running errands for people. The work, big or small, made them all happy and made them close as a family.

But her parents saw right away that Scootaloo was not going to be in the weather business, and they just wanted her to be happy no matter where her life took her. So her parents tried to show her things to help her find her interests. They tried books, art, swimming, fashion, and so many other things, but nothing ever seemed to appeal to her. But one day as the family was walking down the main street of their small town, Scootaloo’s eyes latched onto something brand new to her in the store window. As soon as her parents saw that look, they knew this would be different. So, the next day, Scootaloo was seen zooming around on her brand new blue scooter. The engine would have cost her father a lot more then he had, so Scootaloo told him she didn’t need it. She soon found out how right she was, when she realized her small wings could be used as propulsion device. She still hoped one day that her wings would be more than just an engine and she would be able to fly with her family, but for the time being this was perfect. Both of her parents were so proud of her ingenuity and thought that their little girl would be able to go anywhere in that scooter of hers. But all things, no matter how small, came with a price.

Her father, as loving as he was, got too obsessed with his work sometimes, and his family saw the wear and tear on his body and personality. So, whenever her father told her that they were going on a family vacation, she couldn’t be happier. Each year, the family would go away using her parent’s vacation days, and each year would be better than the last. Every year the family did something different. Every year, her family would be together for a week and become closer. Their next trip was something her father had been planning for a long time.

A trip to Manehattan.

Scootaloo couldn’t believe her ears. A trip to the city that never sleeps! A place where big famous ponies live and work! And most importantly, she would be with her family. There was just one problem.

Their small little town was just outside of Fillydelpia. The distance from there to Manehattan was a day fly/walk at least, without including stops and such. That would destroy their time in the city and Scootaloo’s father didn’t want that. So after studying the map over and over again, he found out that he could cut the travel distance in half if he took a few “shortcuts.”
These shortcuts included going past a mountain and over the Everfree forest. The mountain was usually not a problem, except the mountain was known to house dragons from time to time. Her father assured them that the dragons wouldn't be there during the summer time. Scootaloo believed him; he was her dad after all. When were dads ever wrong?

The family departed their house on a Sunday morning, hoping to at least be in range of Manehattan by late afternoon or very early evening. The family had shifts of who flew in the air guiding the group and who stayed on the ground with the luggage cart and Scootaloo. Occasionally, she would hop on her mother’s back and go up into the sky with her and just enjoy the view. She liked the way the ground looked from all the way up there. She loved the gentle breeze against her face. It was so nice that Scootaloo found herself drifting asleep.

“Get some rest Scoot; you woke up very early today. I’ll wake you when we get there.” her mother assured her. Scootaloo nuzzled her mother’s mane as she felt herself drift off.

Then it was quiet…….

Authors Notes: Thank you guys for all the love! I'm working on the grammer, it just slips and when you reread it seems fine. Stuff hapens, but know I'm really lookin. Also FYI: If the names stnk, I don't blame ya. I'm not the best at pony names. This chapter is a little shorter then the others, but there is a good reason, don't worry. Thank you all again!


PS: Keep up the criticism, I need it sometimes. I also have another story I may upload that needs critiques. That one would be on Hiatus until this one is done, but I have 5 chapters done already. Stay tuned to my page!