• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 9,005 Views, 223 Comments

The Most Important Pony In Your Life - ColeTrain4EVER

Scootaloo ties to take her own life and Rainbow tries to help her.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

The rapid movements of her mother woke Scootaloo up.

Still drowsy, the scream really got her up as she looked around.

What she saw turned her blood to ice and her heart into a drum.

Off in the distance, her father was being chased by a large red dragon. And she couldn’t do anything about it.

She, her mother and her brother flew into the forest below to hide from the large ferocious monster. The three landed and Sunny immediately tried to think of a plan, crunching numbers in her head.

“Is Papa gonna be ok?” Scootaloo asked her mother, scared out of her mind, but Sunny was too busy with her planning. She was mumbling to herself: a warning sign to Scootaloo that she was nervous. Soon she felt Speedy’s hoof on her shoulder and she turned around.

“Of course he will Scoot.” her brother tried his best to reassure her. “Has Pop ever done something he couldn’t han¬-.” Speedy’s words were cut off as a loud roar sounded from above. Her mother finally finished her thinking and called a huddle.

“Ok, I’m going to go help your father.” She looks at Speedy, “I need you to stay with Scootaloo and keep her safe.”

“Let me come with you!” Speedy argued, “I want to hel-!”

“This is not the time to argue with me Speedy!” She screamed, “Stay with your sister and that is an order!” She looked at the two of them and realized what she just did. ‘Please Speedy; I can’t put anyone else in danger.”

“Ok, Mom, just hurry back, ok?”

“I will,” she grabbed the two of them and held them in a hug; “I love you both so much.” Then she released them and took off flying in the direction of the roar.

There was an awkward silence. It just hung there for a few seconds, but it felt like hours.

“Why does papa need help?” Scootaloo asked.

“Huh?” Speedy was taken back from the question.

“Papa never needs help. He always has things handled.”

“Oh, uh,” He tried to think of something quick; “Well, Dad is kicking that dragons flank so much that he needs Mom to hold him back. Or else the dragon could get really hurt.”

“Really!?” Scootaloo asked; “Dad can do that?”

“Eyep, he’s really strong.” Speedy continued; “I once saw him take on an Ursa Major, and win!” Scootaloo’s eyes went big.

“No way, not even dad could do that.”

“Well sure, he didn’t do it alone.” he continued, “Mom was there to help.”

“Mom and Dad stopped an Ursa Major!?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief.

“Dad and Mom have done a lot of cool things together. They’ve told me all the stories. Wanna hear them?”
Scootaloo couldn't nod her head fast enough. “Ok ok, well there was this one time in Canterlot…….”

The two of them spoke for an hour or so, about all of the “stories” of their mother and father’s past. Then, just as Speedy finished the story of their parent’s adventures in the diamond mines, another loud roar was heard, coming from the same direction that their mother had gone.


Speedy grabbed his little sister tight in a hug and held her close. He looked in the direction of the sound and knew what he had to do.

“Scootaloo,” he began; “I need to go check up on Mom and Dad. I need to…….” He tried to find the right words; “make sure Dad isn’t hurting the dragon to bad!” He placed a hoof on Scootaloo’s head and ruffled her mane.

“But Mom said that-.” Scootaloo’s words were cut off by a hoof on her mouth.

“Mom didn’t know what she was saying.” Speedy smiled; “She was under a lot of pressure and didn’t think about all of her options.”

“But what should I do?”

Speedy looked around and saw here Scooter next to the luggage cart.

“Why don’t you practice on your scooter and show us all when we get back. Can you do that?”

“Sure! Hey big bro?” Scootaloo asked.


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The two embraced in a close hug. Speedy then went over to the luggage cart, dug into his case, and put on his pair of authentic Wonderbolt goggles. He always told her they brought him good luck whenever he needed it. Then Speedy flew up in the direction of the roar. Scootaloo watched him disappear and then started on her tricks.

“Alright you guys, time to show you all what I can do!” she thought to herself.

Scootaloo practiced for an hour or so. She jumped over rocks, stumps, and the small little creek near where the group landed. Then she tried to do it all in one run. It didn’t go well and she ended up in the water. But she tried again and again, until finally……

“Step 1, go at rock at full speed and put weight on back of scooter. Gain air and clear rock.”


“Step 2, lower speed while going at the stump or else lose power at the river. Put weight on back and gain air.”


“Step 3, use extra space from the low power jump at the stump to make it across the creek. Put weight on back and jump.”


After four tries and a similar number of times in the water and dirt, Scootaloo did it. She was thrilled.

“Just wait guys! Mom and Dad, you're gonna be so proud! And Speedy will be proud! It’ll be awesome!”

It was then Scootaloo heard the roar for a third time. She looked up and realized how long her family had been gone. She wondered what they were doing, so she leaned her scooter against the luggage cart and she began to trot toward the area where the roar came from.

She walked alone in the forest. It was kind of dark, and kind of scary, but Scootaloo knew her parents would be around here somewhere. Scootaloo began to smell something as she walked along; it was a very strong smell. Almost like a fire, but different.

While she was distracted by the smell, Scootaloo tripped on a rock and fell to the ground.

“Stupid rock.” She mumbled to herself. As she got up, she noticed something on the ground.

She picked it up and looked at it very closely, and soon realized what it was.

“Dad’s bit case? Why would he drop this?”

She put the case against a tree and hoped she would remember where it was to tell him.

Soon the sun began to vanish in the trees and Scootaloo was scared. She looked to the treetops to find someplace where the sunlight could get through. During her search, she saw something else that caught her attention. Hanging from a tree branch, she saw...

“Mom’s necklace?” she thought; “That was a present from Grandma to her when she was a little filly. She would never lose that.”

Scootaloo really began to worry now.

She walked along into another clearing. The smell of fire was getting stronger, along with another smell. Scootaloo couldn’t figure out what the other smell was though. In this clearing, Scootaloo saw a large crater in the ground. She approached it carefully. In it, she saw something that sent shivers down her spine.

“Speedy’s goggles!” she thought. The band that goes around a pony’s head was snapped and there was a crack in one of the eyes. “Speedy would never lose these. He wouldn’t ever let anything happen to these, I know it!”

Scootaloo placed the goggles down and made her way closer to the source of the burning smell.

“What’s going on?” She asked herself; “Where are they?”

Soon, she wished she never asked.

Authors Notes: I tried to work on my pacing problem. Tell me how I did. Sorry about the wait, I'll see about a chapter by Thursday. But no promises.