• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 9,005 Views, 223 Comments

The Most Important Pony In Your Life - ColeTrain4EVER

Scootaloo ties to take her own life and Rainbow tries to help her.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8:

Chapter 8:

Scootaloo was exhausted after all the crusading she and her friends had done. They had tried banjo playing, meditation, tight rope walking, and so much more, but still no cutie marks. She and her friends had tried countless things to get their cutie marks, but nothing ever seemed to work. But no matter what had happened, her friends were always there to comfort her. But that wasn’t the case with flying. She didn’t have anyone to count on, she was alone, and it got to her sometimes.

“But now Rainbow Dash will be there for me!” she thought to herself as she walked the streets of Ponyville.
Soon, she arrived at the town square, but Dash was nowhere in sight. Scootaloo looked at the clock in the center of town, it read six forty-five. Scootaloo found it odd that the fastest flyer in Equestria was late, but she wrote it off and assured herself that she would come soon. Scootaloo decided to walk around the town square and look at some of the stores. There was the Quills and Sofas store, the Sweet Apple Acres stand, a flower shop, and a café to name a few. As Scootaloo walked by the café, she saw through the window that there were two ponies talking at one of the tables inside.

...one of which had a rainbow mane and a cyan coat.

Scootaloo ducked under one of the tables. She looked at the other pony. He was a Earth pony stallion, with a white body and a dark brown mane and was wearing a black trench coat. Something seemed fishy to Scootaloo, and she wanted to know more.

Scootaloo crawled up to the door of the café and quietly opened the door. She crept in; luckily the place was pretty empty since most ponies were heading home at this hour. She looked and saw the two ponies at the table next to the door. She was also lucky that the café had a wall between the front door and the tables. Scootaloo didn’t know why there was a wall, maybe it was for the heat or to keep people from seeing others enter, but she didn’t question it.
Scootaloo listened closely as the two ponies talked.

“You say the child is still a filly, yes?” the stallion asked.

“Yes, she’s still in school.” Dash answered.

“Can she fly?”

“What? Why is that important?”

“Answer the question ma’am.”

Dash sighed and put a hoof to her head; “No, she can’t. I was going to teach her.”

“Alright, any birth de-.”

“That’s it!” Dash slammed her hoofs to the table. “What is this? I’m trying to help Scootaloo and you just keep asking what’s wrong with her! Why do you need to know that!?

“Its standard procedure Miss Dash.”

“Well buck the standard procedure! Why does the government need to know about every one of Scootaloo’s little flaws?”
Scootaloo couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Rainbow Dash was talking to the government about her! She had heard stories about this. She would be sent away to some home far away, away from the Cutie Mark Crusaders! But what scared Scootaloo most was the fact that Rainbow Dash was selling her out. She had trusted her, she had idolized her, and now she was being given away by her.

Scootaloo wasn’t going to let that happen. She ran out the door and began to run out of the town square.

Dash heard the door slam in the front of the café and looked out the window. She saw Scootaloo running as quickly as she could through the town square. Dash quickly concluded the obvious. Scootaloo wasn’t thinking straight, Dash had to find her.

“What is it?” The stallion asked.

“It’s Scootaloo, she must have heard us! We need to find her!”

“Well, why would she get upset?”

“I don’t know! Maybe she thinks….” She trailed off.


Dash shook herself out of it, she needed to catch Scootaloo. “Nothing, we need to go!”

The stallion nodded and Dash grabbed her saddle bag, then the two of them raced out the door. He agreed to check the outskirts of town, while Dash tried to get an aerial view of the area.

Dash flew high into the air; she needed to find the filly quickly. Dash knew that Scootaloo must have thought that she was giving her up. She didn’t blame her. Her own experiences taught that living on your own makes it hard to trust other ponies. She didn’t want Scootaloo to be alone anymore. Dash circled around Ponyville, but she saw no sign of the orange runaway. She decided to fly over Sweet Apple Acres, and she still didn't find anything.

However, a thought ran through Rainbow’s mind and she angled toward the CMC clubhouse, the tree house Scootaloo and her friends used as a headquarters for their crusading.

Dash approached the tree house. She heard weeping coming from inside. She flew to the balcony and knocked on the door.

“Go away.” The voice coming from inside was filled with anger and sadness.

“Scootaloo,” Dash began; “It’s me.”

“What do you want?” The anger was beginning to take over her voice.

“I want to talk.”

“Like how you were talking to that colt about me?”

Dash sighed, it was what she feared.

“Scootaloo, it’s not what you-.”

“Not what I thought!?” she yelled from behind the door; “It’s exactly what I thought! I should never have trusted you! You should have let me fall off the cliff if this is what you were going to do to me!”

“I-I…” Dash was at a loss for words. She never thought she could hear such things from a filly’s mouth. “If that’s what you think,” she reached into her saddle bag and took out a piece of paper and slipped it under the door; “then read this.”

“What’s this, some paper about how foster….families…-.” Scootaloo’s voice trailed off as she began to read the paper.

Dash waited quietly outside as Scootaloo read. Not even the sound of her breathing could be heard. Soon the door opened and Scootaloo stepped out, paper in hoof.

“What is this?”

“It’s a…..adoption form.”

“But-but you want to adopt me?” Tears began to swell up in Scootaloo’s eyes.

“Because Scootaloo,” Dash went to her level and put a hoof on her shoulder; “I never want you to be alone again. I want to be there for you, no matter what happens. I want to teach you how to fly. I want to help you get your cutie mark. I want….you to be safe.”

It was too much. Both of the pegasi embraced each other in a large hug, tears running down both of their faces. Scootaloo finally had a home for herself, and now she had a family again. Dash knew that Scootaloo would grow up safely, and that’s all she wanted. The two of them hugged for a while, until hoofsteps were heard coming from the forest.

They turned and saw the stallion from the café come from the tree line into the clearing. For some reason, he was wearing sunglasses, even though the sun was going down. Dash smiled and turned back to Scootaloo.

“Come on, I want you to meet somepony.”

The two of them walked down the ramp towards the stallion, who removed his sunglasses and placed them in the pocket of his coat.

“Scootaloo, this is Norman Neighdon. He works for the EBI.” Scootaloo looked up at the stallion, who smiled down to her.

“Hi there Scootaloo. Miss Dash asked me to look into your past to see if we could recover anything from your old life.
Money, family items, etc, you get the drift. Sorry about the misunderstanding before.”

“It’s ok, I over reacted anyway.” Norman nodded and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Miss Dash, I’ll contact you whenever I get something.”

Dash nodded and looked down to Scootaloo. She hopped she could get something for the little filly.

“Ok, shall we walk back into town?” asked Norman. The ponies agreed and the three of them set off back to Ponyville.

Author's Notes: New chapter, tell me what you guys think and if there are any errors. Also a little announcement.

I have a new project I'm thinking of doing. Although, It would take more then one writer to do it. You see, you guys know about that Dr Whooves Radio show that's floating around YouTube? Well, after watching a Walking Dead marathon this weekend, I want to make a Walking Dead Radio program with ponies. Maybe Human, maybe not. I wouldn't worry about casting or recording yet, but I would need some writers to help me in a Google docs to make a script and to talk in Skype. Also, they would need a knowledge of the show, so if you want to help, go watch the first season on Netflix and find the Second Season somewhere. So, if your interested, PM me your Skype name. If you don't have one, make one. and if you don't have a mic, just make an account and use chat. This would be me and like four other people, so I want good writers. If your interested, I don't want someone who won't do shit but wants credit. OK, that's it. Any questions, Put them in the comments.