• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,653 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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126 - In the Gentle Hooves of a God

Twilight led the group purposefully through the city, heading directly to her favorite library in the world. Not that she'd been to many libraries in Everglow, but Luminace's library that doubled as a temple worked quite well for her. It pleased her to see so many ponies working to keep the books in their proper place and tended to, and to know they cared about them at a religious level was a plus. She almost hated to bother them, but there was work to do, "Excuse me."

The zebra she had approached turned to face her, revealing a striped face where before Twilight had only seen robes. "How can I help you find knowledge?" The zebra noticed the crowd behind Twilight, "I see you need little assistance finding friends."

Twilight smiled, "Do you do that here? Help ponies find friends?" She suddenly frowned, "No, wait, I'm here for a specific reason." She pointed at the small Blue and Yellow, "These two poor things were raised as slaves. We've liberated them and we want them to be cared for. We were hoping you could help."

The zebra looked over the small ones, "I don't recognize their tribe. You will want to speak to the head librarian. Please, this way." She trotted off and led them all to a familiar room. The leader of the temple had not changed.

"Thank you," said the librarian, dismissing the zebra back to her duties. The librarian looked over Twilight and her friends, "We are drawn together again. It is by Luminace's will that you come here today."

Twilight perked an ear, "It is? Well, we thought you might be able to help us with a little problem."

Spike snickered softly at the unintended pun.

At the back of the group, Lex was sulking, not bothering to involve himself in the conversation. That his initial attempt to help the smaller ponies had failed so completely seemed to have taken the wind out of his sails.

The librarian nodded her head, "I presume you mean two little problems. What are your names?" She looked to them directly.

Blue answered quickly, "I'm Blue, and this is my mother, Yellow. What are all these things?" She pointed at a book.

The librarian's eyes went wide, "Luminace preserve! These poor souls..."

Twilight nodded, "And they were being forced to work in a dangerous mine for long hours. Can you help them?"

The librarian circled the desk and scooped up Blue, "That, little one, is a book, and I have just the one you might like." Walking on hind legs, the librarian held Blue in the crook of a foreleg and grabbed a book in her magic, "It's about a brave little filly's adventures. Would you like me to read it to you?"

Blue looked delighted at the notion. Yellow was less sure, looking to Twilight. Twilight nodded at Yellow, "They're very nice ponies here. She's perfectly safe." She looked back at the librarian, "Before you get too far into that book, what do you plan to do with them both?"

The librarian settled into a comfortable chair, allowing Blue to slide down into an available lap, "I will teach them. They lack even the basic tools for seeking knowledge, and are victims beside. Luminace would weep to know we turned them away. They will be armed with information, and emerge from these halls equipped and ready to live as proper ponies."

Twilight sagged with relief. Applejack nodded her head, "Right kindly bunch here, doing this for nothin'."

The librarian nodded, "We do what we can. It is not required, but a small donation as you leave helps. Every coin counts. Now then..." She flipped open the first page, "This is a story about a little filly. Her name was Fire Brand, and wouldn't you know? She had one, right there on her backside..."

Soft Mane smiled, "I think they're in good hooves. Just a shame more of Lashtada's people aren't around to help."

Rainbow tilted her head, "Where are they?"

Applejack shook her head, "Sugarcube, weren't you paying attention to the creepy fella in the cave? They're all... you know, gone. Those two are tha last ones."

Lex moved past the others, walking up to the head librarian. She paused in her reading, looking up at him curiously. In her lap, Blue shivered, cringing away from the perpetually-angry unicorn, and Yellow stepped closer, worried for her daughter.

His usual dour expression softened somewhat as Lex looked at the two short-legged ponies. It wasn't the just end that he wanted for them, but it was still a just end. Digging around in one of his saddlebags, he withdrew one of the larger gemstones that he'd taken from the gnolls. "For their care," he said simply, putting it on the desk.

The librarian's eyes widened, before a wide smile crossed her lips. "Luminace bless you for your generosity! Your selflessness...will..." she trailed off as Lex, uninterested in her platitudes, turned away from her and made to leave. "You are blessed, you know. You are surrounded by those who would be your friend, if you will open your heart to them." The librarian tucked the gem away for the moment, then resumed her storytelling for Blue, holding the book so Blue could see the words being read.

Spike hiked a thumb, "Well this is handled. We've done good. How about we get a nap on a bed that's not moving?"

Applejack nodded in agreement, "Ah'll double that motion."

"I have research to do," said Lex curtly, pointedly ignoring the librarian's parting words to him. It was all just rhetoric that had no concrete aspect to it anyway. 'Open your heart' was poetry, not practicality.

"Sonata," turning to face her, Lex was suddenly aware that the two of them hadn't addressed each other since what had happened on the train, "When I'm done here, we should go on our date." The memory of her kissing his cheek came back to him then, and he shifted his weight uncomfortably.

Sonata jumped in place in surprise at being addressed, but nodded quickly, "A dinner date? That sounds totally great! I know a nice place. Do you like fish? I've been totes craving fish since I got out of the human world." She glanced about nervously, then moved out of the room, leaving the librarian/priest to her reading, "If you don't, it's alright, we can go anywhere you want."

Lex's ears flipped back at the thought of eating another animal. He'd almost forgotten that Sonata hadn't always been a pony - he'd need to help her transition to a proper herbivorous lifestyle. "That's part of what I'm going to go research," he admitted. "I'm sure they must have books about proper dating techniques and practices. It shouldn't take long to learn."

Twilight perked up, "Oh, yes." She fished out a small gem and set it down, "I would like to do some research of my own." Lex was not the only pony that had to read how to have a perfect date! She trotted from the room with a chipper bounce, quickly homing in on the correct section with her intuitive librarian's sense, though once she was there, finding the specific book she desired was a bit trickier.

Sonata followed after Lex where he went, "Leave it to me. I could take you on a date." She smiled gently, "If you trust me a little."

Applejack sauntered past, trying, poorly, to look like she didn't mean to be there. She leaned in and whispered to Lex loudly, "Say yes. She wants ya ta say yes."

Lex blinked, his plans suddenly derailed. "I...alright," he felt suddenly unsure, but forced the feeling down. This didn't change anything, not really. The locale and activities didn't matter anyway, just so long as he could ascertain how she'd come to the opinion of him that she currently held.

Sonata brightened immediately, "Then you come right with me! What do you like to eat?" Her energy had changed quite abruptly, looking delighted. "This'll be the best night ever."

Spike slapped a claw over his face. Rainbow softly chuckled at the shared memory, but neither said anything. Regardless of their amusement, Sonata was trying to guide Lex away, to whisk him off to a night on the city.

Meanwhile, Twilight made a note, "Either party can be the host of a date, very interesting..."

Lex had never been subject to Sonata's full-force enthusiasm, and clearly wasn't ready for it. His protest that he usually only ate oats was lost in the rush of her unrestrained eagerness, and soon she'd swept him out of the church, drawing not-unkind looks from the other ponies there, clearly finding the sight of the 'happy couple' endearing.

Twilight turned to the others, "Breaking Dawn's 'Gentle Meetings', or Sudden Storm's 'Exciting Encounters'?"

Applejack pointed at the first of the two, "Ah wager that's more your speed. Now somepony mentioned something about a nap?"

Twilight made a soft shh noise as she plucked free the book and set it on a table, starting to read eagerly. Spike shook his head, "You should go get the room. I'll keep an eye on Twilight."

Soft moved to stand with Spike, "I'll stay too."

"You don't have to," assured Spike, "Watching Twi's kinda my job."

Soft nudged him with an elbow, "And having a girl means you get to have company while you do it." She made a dismissive gesture at Rainbow and Applejack, "Go on."

Rainbow made an exaggerated sweep of a hoof, "After you, madame."

Applejack snorted, almost laughing if not for the severe face of a librarian passing by. "Right, library. Let's go, Dash." They trotted off together, making quick way to the inn they had started at.

The sleepy mare for whom it was named was still there, rousing when they entered. "Oh, you're back." She smiled gently, "That's good. Your room isn't occupied, so you can have it back if you want." She yawned widely, "I'm about to make dinner, want some?"

Rainbow bobbed her head, "Sure thing. How've things been around here?"

Drowsy End shook her head, "Bad rumors going around. They say the Queen's fallen ill, but others say it's a foul rumor spread by dissidents. Most believe the Queen immortal." She rest her head on the countertop, looking ready to fall asleep again, "Soft Whisper is just more patient for some than others."

Most of the news went soaring over their heads. Applejack gave a soft nod, "Sure hope she gets better. Can we have the keys?"

Drowsy perked up, "Oh, here you are." She set three keys on the counter, then hopped down to her hooves, moving towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. "Do you like oatmeal? And apples?"

Applejack perked up, "Just said the magic word. Ah'll gladly take some of whatever you're serving."

The room was much as they had left it. It didn't appear anypony had slept in it since they had left. Rainbow quickly claimed the top bunk by dint of landing on it with wings spread wide, as if challenging Applejack to dare question her rulership of that domain. Applejack did dare, sending a pillow flying up at her. They made a bit of a mess, but a good time was had.

Author's Note:

The shortlegs find sympathetic ponies to learn with, Lex and Sonata go off on a date that's certain to end perfectly, and Twilight's reading about how to do a date right, so she can get her checklist perfect.

Everything is in place for happy endings, except the typos.

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