• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,653 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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90 - What Happened

Rainbow and Spike sat and ate side by side, conversing idly about past exploits when a form streaked through, startling them. The lavender form paused and turned to look at them. With a perked ear, the Twilight phantasm smiled, "Rainbow, Spike!"

Spike blinked owlishly, unsure what was going on, "Uh... Is someone pulling my leg?"

Rainbow hopped out of her seat and flew at Twilight, attempting a tackle and instead yelping and hopping back. "Not cool!" hissed, recoiling from the pain of trying to embrace the Twilight ghost, "What gives, Twilight?"

Twilight huffed softly, wings ruffling, "I'm sorry, Rainbow. It's not safe for anypony to do that right now, seeing as I'm an aetheric disturbance." She looked thoughtful then, tapping at her chin, "But Cadance managed to do it. Maybe the magic of a princess is enough, or maybe it's because of her specific specialty."

Spike was on his feet as well, "Ether-what now? Twilight... what happened to you? Is that you, Twilight?"

Twilight spread out her wings, "Of course it's me! Let's get the others." She folded her wings back, "I don't want to repeat this story over and over again, it's not the most pleasant."

Rainbow was already at the door, "I'll get 'em!" And she was gone in a burst of color.

Spike approached Twilight, wringing his claws, "Are you... OK?"

"No," replied Twilight, "But I'm good enough." She smiled gently at Spike, "You?"

Spike sniffed loudly, "I thought you were... dead."

Twilight seemed consider that, "I technically am. That... horrible pony. You have no idea, Spike. I couldn't breath, it was all pain. I tried to get away, or to push her sword back, but she... If only I pushed harder." With mounting anger with every word spoken, she unfurled her wings out in a snap, "Get away!" A wave of force sent the dishes and silverware flying across the table, landing in a heap of table settings, several bits of ceramic shattering on crashing to the ground.

Spike reached out a claw but stopped short of touching her, "It's... um. I'm sorry, Twilight. I'm sorry I didn't save you."

Twilight snapped out of her flash back, tears ceasing to fall as she focused on Spike, "Oh Spike... I'm not angry at you." Her horn began to glow softly as she hugged Spike with her magic, squeezing carefully. "I thought I wouldn't get to see you again," she sighed out in a longing echo.

Rainbow hurried back in, speaking over her shoulder, "Stop asking questions. I don't know, just see for yourself." Soon after her came the others.

Pinkie had the most positive expression, with a bright grin and already bouncing towards Twilight.

Soft Mane looked quite uncertain, moving off to the side and finding Fluttershy had been faster to vacate to the same spot.

Rarity gasped, "Oh dear! Twilight, you've... become a ghost?"

Twilight nodded at Rarity as she turned her magic away from Spike and instead wrapped up Pinkie, hugging her and keeping her away, "No hugs, Pinkie."

Long Road scowled, "Lady Sparkle, this is not natural. You have invited darkness into your heart. Did you not have confidence in us?"

Twilight released Pinkie, her grip faltering in surprise, "What? I was being chased by some crazy god that wanted to haul me away! There was no time to wait."

Rainbow extended a wing to nudge Long Road, "Not cool, man. Not cool."

Long Road looked determined, "I am quite serious. Even if you had passed on to your judgment, we could have brought you back. As you are now, far greater magic is needed, not only to bring life back to you, Lady Sparkle, but to cleanse the foul taint of what you have become."

Twilight sank in place, ears folded back and pain etching across her features, "I... I didn't know... I... She was so frightening! Is... that what you really want? For me to... go away?"

Rarity stepped in front of Long Road, "Goodness no! What's done is done, Twilight dear. I, for one, am overjoyed to see you again, even if you are lacking substance." A coy smile at her joke as she pressed on, "I'm certain this is just a little matter, a trifling. We can fix it."

Soft Mane crossed her arms, "It can be fixed, but not here."

Spike looked over towards Soft, "What do you mean?"

Soft Mane shrugged, "It isn't obvious? We need magic, divine magic, a lot of it. Me and Long Road don't have nearly enough for the job. We have to go back to Everglow to find it."

Twilight slowly nodded, "Yes, that is logical." She watched Rarity a moment then, and past him, "It will be good to have you with us this time, Rarity, and you two as well, Rainbow, Fluttershy."

Rainbow assumed a pose of readiness, "Aw yea, you're not leaving me out this time!"

Fluttershy dived behind the flexing Rainbow, "No! I can't! I won't!"

Rarity glanced towards Fluttershy before looking at Twilight, "I'm afraid I have to agree with our friend. I cannot accompany you on this, Twilight."

Twilight's expression fell into despair, "Why not? I... wanted all of my friends at my side."

Fluttershy began to sob loudly and curl on herself, offering no coherent explanations. Spike sighed softly and offered the best he had, "Fluttershy had a rough time after you died. That demon pony really did a number on her. I don't think she's ready to do anything right now."

Twilight reached with a wing towards Fluttershy, "Oh Fluttershy... I'm so... so sorry."

"It's... OK..." whimpered out the prone Fluttershy, "But I can't go... Bad things like her live there. Please don't take me, Twilight."

Twilight heaved a slow sigh, then looked to Pinkie, "Are you coming?"

Pinkie shook her head, "I should stay. Not because I don't want to go cause I totally want to go, but Ponyville needs me even more. I have a lot of parties to plan." She leaned in closer to Twilight whispering, "Including some special ones to help Fluttershy. I'll help her."

Twilight smiled gently at Pinkie, "You are a good friend. I can't deny that reason. Element of laughter, do your destiny."

Pinkie giggled at Twilight, "I'm not an element anymore, silly. But I will!"

Twilight turned back to Rarity, "Are you sure?" Rarity nodded and Twilight nodded in turn, "I can't... won't force you. Everglow is a dangerous place."

Long Road moved beside Rarity, paused, then approached closer to Twilight, "I must report something, Lady Sparkle."

Twilight snapped out a wing, "I said to call me Twilight, Long. You don't need to be so formal."

Long Road shook his head, "I must, for this... I am no longer your knight, Lady Sparkle. I have given my services to another."

Twilight looked stunned, then baffled, "What? Was I gone for that long? Who?"

Long Road clenched his teeth a moment before speaking, "I'm unsure it would be wise to sa--"

"Me," spoke Rarity.

Twilight floated towards Rarity, "You?! Why?" Rarity hesitated, glancing about as Twilight pressed closer, "Why, Rarity? Why?"

"I... warned you, darling," said Rarity in a small voice, "I would steal him away if you weren't there."

Twilight's expression fell further, tears gathering quickly as she trembled. She tried to form words, but all that would build in her was an unending sorrow. She pushed against this internal block, trying to demand more reasons, to shout, to fume, to berate her friend. Suddenly she broke through, and a howl escaped her lips, deep and haunting. Most fled before it, with Fluttershy in the lead, followed by Soft Mane, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Rarity looked like she wanted to go as well, but Long Road's close proximity bolstered her spirit just enough to stay her retreat. Spike stayed where he was on his own, though he was wide eyed at the abrupt cry of pain.

Long Road interposed himself between Twilight and Rarity, "It is not the place of the dead to prevent the living from living."

Twilight recoiled at Long Road's words. "I'm not dead! I'm right here!" She spun around and spotted Spike, "Tell him I'm not dead!"

Spike snapped to attention on being addressed, rubbing behind his head, "Uh, you kinda sorta are? I mean I'm still with you, Twilight."

Twilight smiled at him, "You always were my number one assistant." She sagged then, "Even in death." She raised a limp wing at Rarity and Long, "Go, please... I hope you'll be happy together."

"I'm terribly sorry," said Rarity, "I truly am. I do hope you can put this entirely ugly affair behind you." She turned and began trotting for the door, "Please return to us, Twilight." She was soon gone, with Long Road following after her.

Twilight was left alone. She looked up. Not alone, Spike remained. Loyal Spike. She wrapped him in her force and squeezed gently, "Oh Spike... I've really messed it up this time."

"It's ok, Twi," said Spike with a forced smile, "We're still together. We can do it. So, uh, how do we get back to Everglow?"

Twilight set Spike down, "That's easy. We do it the same way we did it the first time. Assuming my room back at the castle hasn't been ransacked, the pattern should still be there. We can use it. But first thing's first. Go to the vaults and request my things. I'll need you to hold them, especially my spell book and the one Iliana gifted."

With a sharp salute, Spike was off in a quick scurry.

Twilight moved to walk out of the room, only to find Rainbow rushing back towards the room.

"Hey, Twilight!" she shouted, waving.

Twilight shrank back, "You don't want to come either?"

"What?" asked Rainbow, "You can't pay me to stay away! I'm getting in on this action and you can't stop me." She huffed indignantly, "Besides, somepony's gotta watch out for you and Spike."

Twilight brightened at Rainbow's announcement and nodded her translucent head, "Alright. Spike is getting my things. We'll take the train to Ponyville. Meet us at the front of the castle."

Soft Mane showed up only moments later, huffing for breath, "I'm... coming too. I have to."

Rainbow hiked a brow, "Why's that?"

Soft Mane lifted her shoulders, "Just do, I mean, I have business back in Everglow. I have to hug my mom, and revive my god. A girl's gotta keep busy."

Rainbow snorted out a laugh as she started for the front of the castle, bringing Soft Mane along, "You're alright, kid. You just keep that fancy magic ready if we get into a scrap."

Author's Note:

Someone, maybe two someones, await them in Ponyville. The contents of the party do a little shuffling as the next arc of the story prepares to launch.

Twilight's sudden burst of telekinesis knocked a vial of ink onto the paper. We tried to clean it all up...

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