• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,654 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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22 - Out on the Town

"Most of the races have their own faiths and gods," spoke Spike as he walked alongside Twilight down the road. "From humans to griffons, and of course ponies. Oh, and dwarves. Name it, they've got their own pantheon ready to go."

Twilight raised a brow as she cantered along, "I'm glad you're studying up, Spike, but why would any one world need so many gods in the first place? Wouldn't one good one be enough? We managed without much fuss when it was just Celestia."

At this Spike shrugged, "Dunno. The gods of each culture are, for the most part, cooperative with others of the same culture. Some of the themes are very common, but some are unique. Like the dwarves got one for good drink and good smithing, since that's their thing, while ponies have their Sun Queen, which dwarves do not, being an underground race first."

Twilight gave an interested hmm before she reached over and pulled Spike in, "You are adorable when you're geeking out."

Spike flushed softly, "Uh, yea, I mean. I was reading a lot about magic too you know."

Twilight gave a short laugh as she emerged onto a main street, "You're going to compete with me for element of magic? Bring it on, my faithful assistant."

Spike's stuttering grew worse before he shook it off, "It's not like that! I want to be the best assistant ever. You can keep the element thing. Besides, if I had to go all rainbow-ey, I think I might die."

Twilight snorted softly, "I don't think you noticed yet, but when you're flying super fast, you already go kinda rainbow."

Spike lit up like a torch, "You're joking!" he blurted, having not looked himself over when going full speed.

The lavender alicorn nodded slowly, "Afraid it's true. Now let's get a little nibble to eat." She led him along until she spotted a familiar donkey, "Oooh, have you tried these?" she asked, pointing a hoof at the donkey's stands, "They're wonderful!" She was already trotting over by the time Spike started to respond, and the dragon decided to just follow after her.

Long Road smiled as Twilight approached. "It's good to see you again," he greeted as he snatched a little skewer and offered it to her without delay. As she chomped it dangerously close to his mouth, her face changed to immediate appreciation, mming softly. "You should try some of the other things," continued the donkey, "I even made some with meat, for your dragon friend."

Spike looked over the selection, but most of his attention kept sliding to the donkey. "Nice to meet you. I'm Spike. So you cook snacks for a living?"

Twilight had already dropped a gold coin and was selecting various things, levitating them to a bag with a smile. Long Road didn't seem to mind her, facing Spike, "Actually, no. This is a temporary thing, while I recover."

"Recover from what?" asked Spike as he scratched behind his head. "You look healthy."

Long Road nodded in return, "I am, but my pocketbook isn't. I tried doing as you do." He hefted a hoof to point at his customers, "But adventuring is a hard road to travel alone." A sudden smile, "A long road."

Spike pointed back towards the Seeker compound, "Why haven't you joined the Seekers? They're a good bunch of people and support adventurers all the time."

Long Road shook his head, "Look, I know you mean well, but they don't smile on donkeys. Bunch of bigots, but that's everyone these days when it comes to my kind."

Spike's expression turned to bafflement and shock, "What? What do they say? You look fine to me."

Twilight paused in her food claiming to look over at Long Road, then at Spike, "Different world, same problem."

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

Twilight gave a soft sigh, "In Equestria, donkeys are permitted to act as citizens, own property, pay taxes, but you won't ever see one for mayor. I don't like to admit it, but they're 'almost ponies', to most people, and almost pony means not pony. Like the zebras."

Long Road lifted a long ear at Twilight, "I don't know what Equestria is, but you describe the situation well. No one minds buying my tasty treats, but not many take me seriously as a warrior and a thinker... also zebras are ponies."

Spike put his claws down on the stand with a sudden slap, "Well we're listening! Tell us what you can do."

Twilight put a hoof on Spike's shoulder, "Easy there, Spike. Long Road doesn't have to tell us if he doesn't want to."

The donkey shook his head, ears bobbing lightly with the motion, "No, it's alright. Before I came to operate this stand, I fancied myself a warrior of good."

Spike tapped two claws together thoughtfully a moment before understanding shone in his face, "Ah, a paladin?"

Long Road nodded, "I wanted to vanquish the evil of the world, and the good of it responded to me." He let out a slow sigh, "But a lone paladin is asking for trouble, and that's what I found."

"Paladin?" asked Twilight.

"Yea," replied Spike, "Warriors literally powered by the good of the world. They find bad guys and beat them up, defend innocents, all the hero stuff! A paladin is alright in my book. Uh, so where's your armor, and your weapon?"

Long Road snorted loudly, "Both are not needed to protect my baked goods, and neither would save them from Miss Sparkle's hunger."

Twilight looked up, half a treat held in her magic and seeds dotting her snout, "What? They're delicious!"

Spike slapped the top of the stand again, clearly excited, "Well I'm going to go right up to Reginald, uh, he's the boss, and tell him about you. We'll get you in!"

The donkey smiled at Spike's enthusiasm, then carefully extracted a meat puff and held it out to him, dangling from his mouth by the skewer. When the dragon accepted it, he spoke, "You're very kind to offer, but even if I did get in, no one would want me on their specific team. Why settle for a donkey when you could get a pony?"

Spike devoured the meaty treat, stick included, with several crunchy bites before he continued, "First we get you in. You want to be there, right?"

Long Road looked around, ears swiveling about as his gaze landed anywhere but his customers before he released a slow sigh, "I suppose so. I still want to do good in the world."

"Then it's settled!" declared Spike, "We're going to get you in there, smashing evil guys in the face cause that's what they deserve." He flashed his teeth and looked quite excited at the idea. "Uh, do you still have your equipment?"

Long Road nodded and began putting things away, "I do. It's not the best, but it's enough to start."

Twilight placed a hoof in the way of a folding panel, "Why are you packing up?"

"I'm too distracted," admitted Long, "Your friend here has my head swimming with fancies of clashing with the scum of the world, bringing a little justice to those who need it." He cracked a soft smile, "It's still in me. I want to do it."

He was soon packed up and with a final bit of well wishing, moved off into the city with a little more bounce in his step. Twilight glanced sidelong at Spike, "I hope you're going to take responsibility."

"Huh, what for?" asked Spike.

"You got his hopes up. If you can't get him in now, he'll be devastated," explained Twilight, "And even if you get him in, he'll be just as sad if he can't get a group to go out and do... paladin things?"

Spike shrugged before snatching one of Twilight's levitating snacks and chomping it without asking, "He's a good guy. Why don't we take him?"

Twilight frowned, perhaps for the lost treat, or Spike's words, "Even if I was going to say yes, we plan on leaving when we figure out how, remember? That's not fair to him." She directed a hoof in the direction the donkey had left, "I don't want to hurt his feelings."

Spike stomped a foot, "Well, whatever. We don't know when we're going back, so he can stay with us until then, and make up his own mind! Besides, if he goes along with us and proves how awesome he is, he can get with other ponies easier."

Twilight shook her head at him, "You're a good pony, Spike." Spike began to complain that he wasn't a pony but was cut off as Twilight squeezed him. The two headed down the road after that, sharing their food along the way.

"Whatcha doooin'?" asked a familiar voice from the air before a pink pony leaped from a bush far too small for her and landed beside a startled looking set of ponies. They looked like they wanted to be in the Canterlot Guard but couldn't afford the full plate.

They spun on her, raising weapons. One of them, a female with a longsword strapped to her side, stepped forward, "We were looking for you, actually."

Pinkie beamed brilliantly, "Oh! Is it time for my welcome party? I never got one myself before! This is so exciting!" She bounced in place as the three ponies started to relax.

"Er, yes," said the leader, "In a sense. Are you also from 'Equestria'?"

"Uh huh!" replied Pinkie, "I came looking for Twilight and Spike, to keep them company, cause gosh they're here all alone without anyone from home to talk to and no one here throws that many parties so I thought I would come and throw them a 'We're working on getting you home' party as soon as I could!"

The leader softly coughed into a hoof before speaking, barely stifling the nervous laugh that threatened to escape her, "Of course. They've become something of a rising star together. Tell us, what skills do you bring, beyond party preparation?"

Pinkie cavorted among the group, cartwheeling and bouncing around the three as she spoke, "Well I can bake real good, and sing songs and lift spirits when ponies don't feel like smiling. I love making ponies smile! You look like you could use a good smile." Suddenly she was on the back of the leader, and working her hooves into her with a massage trick she picked up from the twins back in Ponyville. Though the effect was muted by the armor she wore, it still felt good... if...

"Why are you on my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at the audacious mare that was working without a care.

"You look tense," spoke Pinkie, "Take me to Twilight, and then I'll see about everyone getting a party. You ponies work way too hard."

She wanted to be angry at this pink pony. She was certain she should be furious, but the emotion refused to come to her, and she was turning to putty under her skilled hooves. "Alright, let's get her back. At the least, she should see her friends. We'll let Reggie decide what to do with her."

The group started marching back to Kadiston, their pink passenger included. They would not escape without her finding out their names, birthdays, and favorite flavor of cake. They had suffered through less agreeable escort missions.

Author's Note:

I already have a sheet for the Pink Menace prepared, should it be desired.

The party expands close to completion! Give me your thoughts, your typo reports, and any scathing criticisms in the comments!

PS, in other news, the griffon book is finally coming together!

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