• Published 31st Dec 2014
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Separated - ItalianMugshot

Ready Steady is on a quest to reunite with her sister, Get Set, from a swarm of changelings that attacked their hometown, Fillydelphia. Will these two survivors reunite, or will the changelings get in between their search for one another?

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Chapter 5 - A Hoof Just Shy

I tried to sleep, but the thought of a changeling attacking me was hard to avoid. Was it just another dream, that the outbreak would spread all the way over to Ponyville? Because it felt so real, the fact that a changeling could come from behind you, taking it's chance the first moment it gets. I thought I would have everything under control, but it turns out that I had more to chew than I could swallow. It was a never-ending nightmare.

When I woke up the next morning, I thought I should warn Rainbow Dash of what happened to me last night. I wanted to make sure it was all a dream, but something's telling me that it's more than that. "Rainbow!" I called out. "If you can hear me, say something!"

She came up from behind me and tapped my shoulder. "You called?"

I jumped a little at first by the way she startled me. "I hate it when ponies do that to me," I said. "Anyways, I was wondering something. Have you seen any changelings nearby? Because I could swear I got attacked by one last night."

"You're going crazy," Rainbow said. "Me and the rest of the weather ponies haven't seen them in a while. I can understand your superstitions, but you just need to forget about it."

"I can't," I argued. "Those changelings could be out hunting down Set without having me know it." I started to tear up again. "If I find out that she was..." then I started to sob.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Rainbow apologized. "I just meant to forget about having the changelings coming to Ponyville. I wish the best of luck for your little sister too, I can sorta relate, but you need to stop thinking that anything bad is gonna happen to her."

She was right, I had to keep my head held high and hope that Set was in a safe environment. "Thanks for the talk Rainbow," I said with apology. "I guess I just need to get my head out of the clouds, literally."

In the early afternoon, I decided to go over to Sweet Apple Acres to see Applejack about this changeling incident. I couldn't stop thinking about it, it felt so lifelike. On my way to the farm, I crashed into another pony. This pony was a young pegasus with an orange coat with a purple mane who was riding on a scooter.

"Sorry about that," apologized the filly. "But I'm in a hurry."

"Wait," I said trying to get the filly's attention. "I need to..." It was too late. She was also headed to the orchard, but I didn't question that coincidental detail. I entered the orchard and made my way to the house. I knocked on the door and Big Mac answered it.

"Hey Big Mac," I started. "Is Applejack here by any chance?"

"Eeyup," replied the silent pony.

"Any idea where I could find her?" I asked.

He jerked his head to the direction Applejack was located. He seemed to point his head to her room.

"Oh, is she asleep?" I asked.

"Eeyup," Big Mac responded.

I also happened to notice all the apple trees were bucked, which answered my follow-up question as to why she was asleep.

"Do you know she'll be awake?" I asked Big Mac. "I kinda need to talk to her."

"Right about now," responded the tired pony as she gave a deep yawn. "Ah can make y'all some lunch, if ya'd like."

"AJ, you just woke up," I stated. "Plus, I'm not all that hungry...for now. I just needed to talk."

Applejack and I took a seat in the living room, and we made ourselves comfortable. "So tell me," started Applejack, "What's been on yer mind lately."

"Well," I started. "I don't know it was a dream or a reality, but in the middle of the night, I was attacked by a changeling. I was able to fight it back, but now I'm starting to worry again. Rainbow thinks I'm crazy, but dream or not, I know what I saw."

"Well, Ah don't see why she didn't believe ya," she told me.

"I know," I replied. "This outbreak has spread in Fillydelphia, Baltimare, even Manehattan, and now possibly Ponyville. I don't exactly know why she'd be denying it."

"No, what Ah meant was, was that Ah'm looking at the evidence with my own eyes," stated Applejack.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Ya'll got a scratch the size of Big Mac on yer right foreleg," Applejack pointed out.

"What the..." I said with surprise. "How'd that get there? How did Rainbow Dash not notice?"

"Relax," Applejack told me. "Whatever it was, it didn't getcha that good."

"I guess you're right," I confirmed. "But if a changeling did this to me, what's the next one gonna do to my sister?"

"She's in a safe place," Applejack said. "Ya'll will find her eventually, it's just a matter of time."

"I wish that time was now," I said with a little depression. "I miss Set so much."

When I was done chatting with Applejack, I thought I could go sightseeing. So I thought to go through a stroll in the forest. "The Everfree Forest" I said to myself. "Let's just see what makes this forest as scary as ponies say it is." Before I could enter the forest, I was stopped by a yellow pegasus with a light pink mane.

"Don't go in there," the mare said quietly.

I turned around and made contact with the mare. "Why? What's the worst that could happen?" I asked.

"Well, I...um," said the shy pony. "There's many terrifying creatures in there like manticores, cockatrices, timberwolves..."

"Okay, I think I get it," I cut her off. "I didn't quite get your name."

"F......tt...r......y," she mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"F...utt...rs...y," she mumbled again.

"I didn't quite catch that," I said again.

"Fluttershy," she said loud enough.

"Nice to meet you Fluttershy," I said. "I'm Ready Steady, but you can just call me Steady..." I was interrupted by the sound of my stomach.

"Aah!" Fluttershy squealed quietly. "I don't recognize the sound of that creature!"

"You mean my tummy?" I confirmed. "Yeah, it's gets mistaken for a lot of things."

"Oh," she said. "Sorry."

"It's okay, I'm used to it," I told her.

"Would you...um...like to come into my cottage?" Fluttershy offered.

"Sure," I accepted. "Thanks Fluttershy."

At this time it was getting pretty late. We went into her cottage which had many animals. They included some squirrels, birds, raccoons, and even a bear. One animal she seemed the most attached with was this little white bunny who had a bit of an edge.

"So," I started. "I see you're an animal lover."

"Oh definitely," she responded. "That's what my cutie mark means after all. But there's still one thing I want to know."

"What's that?" I wondered.

"Why would you want to go into the Everfree Forest? Everypony knows that place is dangerous." asked Fluttershy.

"Because I'm new around these parts," I responded. "I came here from Fillydelphia. I'm sure you've heard the stories."

"I have," Fluttershy responded with sympathy. "It must've been awful. I couldn't imagine seeing anypony going through anything like that."

"It was pretty brutal," I continued. "My family was making our escape, but the amount of changelings there were was almost infinite. I eventually found a train, but me and my sister got separated from our parents. I put her on the train to make sure she was safe, then I went to back to find my parents, but there were too many changelings that got in our way and I lost them." I started to tear up.

"Oh my," Fluttershy commented. "You poor thing."

"It gets worse," I continued. "When I went back for the train, it was already preparing to take off separating me from Get Set. Now I'm just miserable and alone."

"So," Fluttershy said, "Is...is she..."

"SHE'S. NOT. DEAD." I yelled at her, but I also made her sob a little bit. "I'm sorry Fluttershy, it's just that me and Set have been together for so long, and knowing that she could be attacked by those changelings without me being there to protect her..."

"I...I understand." she said wiping the tears off her face. "I remember times when Angel, the most precious bunny ever, would be mad at me and just run away. Sometimes he'd come back, other times I'd have to go off looking for him, even if it meant searching the Everfree Forest."

"This is different," I told Fluttershy. "We weren't mad at each other, and when you were looking for Angel, did you have to search all over Equestria?" I waited a few seconds for a response. "Case closed." And then, I thought came to mind. "Wait," I said. "If you had to search for Angel, why check the Everfree Forest? I thought nopony ever visited those parts of Ponyville."

"That's because they're not brave enough to enter the forest alone," she defended.

"This coming from the pony who got scared of my tummy growling," I thought to myself, which my tummy growled once again causing Fluttershy to jump a little.

"Oh yeah," I remembered. "I forgot I was hungry."

"Well," Fluttershy started to offer. "I could make us some salads."

"Thanks Fluttershy," I said thankfully.

While she prepared the salads, I started to talk to her pet bunny, Angel. "Hey buddy, how you doing?"

He didn't say anything, but he did give me a little glare.

"Somebody's a little grumpy today," I replied to his glare.

He then drew his attention to the scratch I had on my right foreleg.

"Oh," I responded both to Angel and myself. "I forgot I had that."

"Um...Steady," she said trying to get my attention. "The salads are done."

"Thanks Fluttershy," I said thankfully again.

"It's always a pleasure to..." Fluttershy said as her sentence was cut off by the attention she drew to my scratch. "...Oh my goodness, you look hurt."

"Oh, you mean my scratch?" I indicated. "Yeah I forgot to mention, I think I may have been attacked by a changeling last night."

"It's starting to bleed," Fluttershy noticed. "I'll go get the bandages."

"Fluttershy, you don't..." I said trying to stop her, but she was already on her way. I ate a bit of my salad as I waited for Fluttershy to come down with the bandages. When she arrived, she took my hoof, bandaged the scratch, and even gave it a tiny kiss. I personally thought it was kinda cute.

"There you go. All better," she said.

"Thanks, but I could've been fine without the bandage," I said.

"Better safe than sorry," Fluttershy objected.

"Well, I appreciate all that you've done for me, so I think I'll head on home," I said. But the mare stopped me from doing so.

"Wait," she started. "Why don't you sleep here tonight? To help make up for what I said earlier."

Then I said, "A, I've already accepted your apology for what you said, and B, I'm capable of taking care of myself thank you very much."

"But I feel that I hurt you," continued Fluttershy. "There has to be someway I can repay you."

"I'd like to think that feeding and bandaging me is enough restitution," I pointed out. "But if you really think me staying here will call it even, then I guess I will stay."

"Thanks Steady. I'll let you sleep on my bed, and I could sleep on the couch." she said gratefully.

"You know you don't have to," I stated. "But if it'll make you feel better about yourself."

"It's not just that," she said. "It's also my way of showing that I put other ponies first."

"Thank you Fluttershy," I said. "That very kind of you."

"You're welcome," she responded. "Well, good night Steady."

"Good night Fluttershy," I said back as I headed upstairs to Fluttershy's room. I took a picture of me and my family from my satchel. "Oh Set. One day we'll be back together again."