• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 3,418 Views, 171 Comments

The Sleeping Princess - Cora Zone Unicorn

Sisters, Cadence and Fluttershy, are told the legend of the "Sleeping Princess" by their father, Soarin', only to find that it is indeed true and it's up to the two of them to break a curse and also find the lost Prince of the Everfree Forest.

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The Legend of The Sleeping Princess

The following day, Fluttershy was out and about in the village square. The sun was nice and bright, giving off warmth to all the ponies and plants. The sky so clear, not a single cloud to be seen. The smell of roses and sun flowers filling her nostrils as she trotted along. She stopped along her tracks when she saw three small little fillies playing a game of “Hopscotch.”

Fluttershy could not help but smile as the palomino filly waved her hoof, inviting her to play hopscotch first. Apple Bloom was always considerate, a down to earth, sensible filly. With a playful wink, she hopped across the crooked chalk lines with a little more effort than she would care to admit. Apple Bloom raced to greet her, puppy-dog eyes looking pleadingly into her own, “Can you do it again?”

Scootaloo scoffed, puffing out her lip in a dramatic pout. “I could’ve done that in my sleep.”

Fluttershy could only roll her eyes. Typical Scootaloo. The filly had a penchant for bragging, but Fluttershy knew better. As she was unable to fly, Scootaloo was desperate to prove that she had a place in the world, however small. Fluttershy glanced down at her atrophied wings with a frown. She’s just like me. Clearing her throat, Fluttershy nudged Scootaloo forward, “Why don’t you give it a try, then?”

Her lavender eyes stared incredulously back at her, “What? Are you serious?” She stamped her small, orange hoof against the asphalt. “That’s sissy stuff.”

Fluttershy nudged her in the ribs again. “You won’t know until you try.”

Their little game was interrupted by the sound of a young mare's voice. The four girls looked over to see none other than Cadence flying over toward them.

"Good evening, Cadence." The three little fillies greeted in unison.

"Evening, girls." she greeted in return, waving her hoof.

Her pink feather wings retracted as she landed her hooves on the ground. She extended her arms wide open, to bring all three of them into a group hug. Releasing the fillies, Cadence turned her attention to her little sister, gripping her in a bone crushing hug. After the two of them pulled away from each other, Cadence turned her attention to the little Crusaders.

"What have you girls been doing?" she asked, tilting her head to the side while giving them a genuine smile.

"We were playing hopscotch with your sister," Sweetie Belle responded quickly, and rather loudly.

"And she's very good," proclaimed Scootaloo.

This caused the normally shy yellow Pegasus to blush a bit. She turned her head away from the little ponies, trying her best for them not to see the pink blush forming upon her cheeks.

Cadence giggled softly at Fluttershy’s reaction toward Scootaloo’s comment. "Well, I'm glad that you're all having fun."

The Crusaders smiled before turning their attention to Fluttershy.

Apple Bloom walked over to her, putting her little hooves on the Pegasus's leg. "Fluttershy, do you think we'll ever get our cutie marks?”

Fluttershy looked at Apple Bloom, those big orange eyes piercing into her soul. Why does she have to do that? “Well, Apple Bloom, I’m sure that if all three of you keep trying new things, you’re bound to get your cutie marks before you even realize it.”

“You really think so?” Sweetie Belle squeaked, clutching Fluttershy’s hoof in a death grip.

“I know so. As long as whatever new things you try are not dangerous.” Fluttershy shuddered at the very thought of what the trio would get into next. “I don’t want any of you to get horribly injured.” Or maimed, or burned. Fluttershy felt a hoof press reassuringly on her shoulder. She glanced over to see her big sister giving her a sly smile.

“Fluttershy, I’m sure they’ll be fine. They know to be careful whenever trying something new. Don’t you, girls?”

The girls turned pleadingly towards Fluttershy in a perfectly innocent expression. It looked like a picture of angels she had seen. Who could say no to that? She turned to Cadence, sharing a small smile before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

“Well, why don’t you sweet little angels go and try something new?”

“Something new and safe.” Fluttershy added.

Cadence jerked a nod. “Yes, Fluttershy and I have to be home soon.”

“Alright!” They chimed in unison.

“C’mon girls, let’s see if we can get our cutie marks in farming!” Apple Bloom cried, charging down the road.

“Yeah,” cried Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Great idea, Apple Bloom,” said Scootaloo trotting behind her.

“Let’s go and talk to Applejack,” said Apple Bloom.

The three little ponies then ran off to toward the west side of the village, leaving Cadence and Fluttershy in the village square. The two sisters shook their heads, giggling to themselves.

“My, those three are quite the little adventurers.” Fluttershy said in her usually soft voice.

“Indeed they are,” Cadence responded. The pink pegasus looked at the sky, to see what time it was. The sky was beginning to turn from a beautiful sky blue, to a deep navy. “We’d best get home, father will be calling us for dinner soon.

Fluttershy looked up at the sky as well, letting out a tiny shriek. “And plus,” She gulped, glancing nervously up at the sky, “it’s getting . . .dark.”

The eldest pulled her little sister in a comforting hug, wrapping her pink feathered wings around her. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’ll always be here whenever you need me,” she whispered in her ear, reassuring her before letting go of the hug.

The two siblings began to walk their little cottage home. The sky seemed to become darker with each step they took. Their surroundings slowly starting to disappear into darkness, the shadows of the buildings beginning to lengthen.

As the two were only about three feet away from their home, the front door opened, revealing their father, waiting patiently with a soft smile. Fluttershy’s fear of the dark began to disappear once her saw the face of her loving father waiting for them.

Both Cadence and Fluttershy began running once they saw him. The two happily hung onto him, encompassing him in a group hug.

The stallion chuckled softly, kissing each of them gently on the forehead. Fluttershy felt her face heat up. Though he was wise and kind, he had to be the most embarrassing father in Equestria. He made a theatrical bow, waving them into the house. “Come on in, my sweet little angels. Dinner’s just about ready.”

Dinners were always a peaceful affair in the their household. It was the time of day they could all just sit down, and enjoy one another’s company. Though they often chattered away, there never was never any pressure to join in. As Cadence and Fluttershy dug into their steaming bowls of cabbage and cilantro soup, Soarin’ eyed them with a soft smile; silently requesting their attention. Inwardly, Cadence braced herself for another of her father’s long winded conversations.

“So Cadence, sweetheart, how was your day foalsitting the Cake twins?” he asked in a casual manner, taking a bite of his salad.

Cadence smiled a crooked smile, her eyes twinkling from the light of the candles. “Oh, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were simply wonderful, father. So very sweet and fun to play with.”

“That’s wonderful to hear,” Soarin’ said as he brought another forkful of salad to his mouth.

“Yes,” Cadence began to glance around the room, “although, I must admit they are a handful when it come to trying to put them asleep. Pound Cake never wants to stay in his crib; he’s always flying around the room. And Pumpkin Cake always wants to play with her toys.”

Fluttershy clasped her hooves to her mouth. “Oh, goodness! They didn’t get hurt did they?”

Cadence waved the thought away with a hoof, “Oh, no, Fluttershy! Of course, no pony got hurt. I got them to sleep safe and sound, eventually.”

“Just goes to show that children are a big responsibility. Your own or not, children can be difficult at times,” said Soarin’. “Guide them along the way, still they don’t listen. However, as children continue to grow, they learn.”

The little dining room was silent for a moment. Not a sound could be heard except for the munching of lettuce and other vegetables that their father was chewing from his salad. What he had said was true. Even though Cadence loved children, they were a little overbearing. It was the same with Fluttershy and her love of animals. Just like regular children, animals can be overbearing.

Soarin’ turned to Fluttershy, raising an eyebrow. “What about you, Fluttershy, dear? How was your day?”

Fluttershy whipped her head toward the direction where her father sat, leading Cadence to realization that her sister was still hung up on the whole Cake twins. She had moved her head so fast that her pink mane getting into her eyes. “Oh, my day was just fine. I played with a few little fillies in the village square today. We played a few games of ‘Hopscotch,’” she said, using her hoof to get her hair from out of her teal-blue eyes.

Soarin’ smiled at his youngest. He knew Fluttershy was very shy when it came to talking to any pony. The old stallion was happy to see was getting better at socializing with other ponies besides Cadence.

“That’s great, Fluttershy.” Soarin’ brought the fork to his mouth, taking one last bite of his salad before getting up from the table. “Now, why don’t you girls finish up your meal? Then I’ll tell you a story.”

The two pegasus sisters smiled, their faces gleaming with excitement. “Yes, father!”

The two ate their dinner as fast as they could, though still being lady-like. After they had finished, they washed their dishes and flew over to the living room.

A pleasant warmth greeted them as they strode into the living room. Firelight danced and flickered off the walls, and onto the floorboards. Cadence inhaled deeply, enjoying the familiar, comforting scent of the wood smoke. She trotted over to the fireplace, watching her father add more logs to the already roaring fire.

Cadence and Fluttershy settled themselves comfortably on the living room rug, while their father settled himself in the chair where he would tell stories in when they were little fillies.

“Oh, father what story are you going to tell us,” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, father, which one,” Cadence asked as well.

Their father chuckled at Fluttershy and she’s behavior. He found it precious at how even as young mares, they both still had little instances of fillies inside them.

“Oh, this one I think you’ll enjoy very much.” He winked at them, clearing his throat before he spoke. “This isn’t so much as a story, but a legend.”

The two pegasus mares tilted their heads, raising an eyebrow in both confusion and intrigue.

“This is called, ‘The legend of the Sleeping Princess.’”

Long ago, in the far off kingdom of the Everfree Forest, there was the Castle of the King and Queen.

The king was a handsome unicorn, possibly the most gentle and noblest Royal in the whole world. He stared outside the castle window, admiring the scenery in the beauty of the day. One of the many things he found soothing.

Alongside him, was his queen. A beautiful white pony with a horn of a unicorn, and wings of a pegasus. She had a mane and tail that seemed to flow like the Aurora Borealis. The queen was a loving pony of all things kind and wonderful.

Together they were known as King Sombra and Queen Celestia, rulers of the Everfree Forest.

For years, the King and Queen had wanted a child. A child to fill in the empty void in their hearts and complete their lives. Not only that, but with a heir to the throne, the entire kingdom would have a new ruler and new bound sense of security. But as time went on . . . none ever arrived.

One day, the king and queen had become so desperate that they went to the most forbidden part of the Everfree Forest …. Discord’s Pond.

The king was the one to speak into the pond, seeing his reflection in the water as he spoke. “Master of the great wishing well, please bring children into our lives so that we and the entire kingdom will find happiness.”

As the king spoke, the water began to swirl. Suddenly, a part of the water formed a distorted image. Some of the water was becoming grey. Sections of the now grey water were now forming a shape . . . the shape of a pony’s head.

However, the now forming head shape was adding onto itself. The new additions being a deer and goat horn. The final touch being a goat beard. Its facial features were its yellow eyes and red pupils, the left one bigger than the right. Its eyebrows were white and furry-looking. It also seemed to have a large fang sticking out from its mouth.

The image frightened the king for a moment. His heart sinking in his chest as he stared into its bright yellow eyes. He tried his best to remain focused, keeping his limbs persistent as he stared at the master of the pond.

“I have heard your wish, King Sombra. I shall grant it,” Discord responded in his taunting-like voice. “But, first you must step into my pond.”

King Sombra did as he was told.

Discord motioned Celestia forward with a talon, “Now, you, Celestia.”

An unexpected look of surprise spread across the queen's face. She hadn’t thought to go into the bond herself. The queen did not disobey, however, and stepped into the pond as well.

“Excellent. Since you have been so kind as to come to me in your desperation,” the voice said, giving them a chilling laugh, “I shall grant you two children; a son and a daughter.”

“Oh, thank you, dear Discord,” said Celestia.

The king and queen were so happy they had already gotten out of the pond but not quick enough for them not the hear that there was a little something extra.

“There is one thing you must hear, King Sombra and Queen Celestia,” said the figure in the water.

“Yes, what is it?” asked King Sombra.

“While I have granted you two children, I must inform you that in five years time, only one of them will stay with you!” He laughed maniacally. “The other must be returned to me.”

The king and queen were horrified at what they had just been told. Only one can stay? Why not both?

“Why must one be returned to you, Discord?” the queen asked.

“Being the master of this pond has been quite lonesome,” he said, giving another hardy and frightening laugh.

“Oh, goodness,” cried Fluttershy, trembling while hiding her face in her sister’s mane. “I don’t think I like this story very much.”

“Don’t worry, sis. I’m sure it’ll get better. It does get better . . . doesn’t it father?” Cadence asked him, voice hopeful.

“Yes, sweetie. It does in fact get better,” Soarin’ reassured his two daughters. “Now, where was I?” he asked, tapping his chin with his hoof. “Oh, yes . . .”

Months after the visit from Discord’s pond, the king and queen were blessed with the birth of their first child. Their first child was a colt, a unicorn just like his father. He was wrapped in a little blue blanket, making sure that he wouldn’t get cold. The boy’s horn poking out from the hem of the blanket, along with a little bit of his sapphire blue mane which had streaks of cerulean and dark phthalo blue. He was a truly handsome baby.

The king and queen decided to name their son “Shining Armor.” They loved their son from the moment they laid their eyes on him.

However, they soon noticed a eight-arrowed star-shaped birthmark on one of the baby’s hooves.

Celestia was the first to recognize it. “The Chaos Star!”

The castle walls began to darken, Discord’s image soon showing up on each wall, speaking to them.

“I have granted you a son, a daughter you shall have in two years. However, three years after she is born, one of them must be returned to me.”

The demon gave an evil laugh as his image disappeared from the castle walls and them soon becoming lighter.

The colt now wailing in fright. The queen took the little prince in her arms, trying to get him to calm down.

“Shh. Shh, don’t worry Shining. Nothing’s going to happen to you or your future sister,” Queen Celestia reassured, laying him against her shoulder, rocking him.

“That’s right. We’ll just have to outsmart Discord somehow,” said King Sombra.

Two years after the birth of their son, Celestia gave birth to a filly. An alicorn like herself. She was wrapped in a pink blanket, which had small openings on each side to help spread her wings. Her horn and moderate sapphire blue mane were poking out from the hem of the blanket just like Shining Armor two years before. Her mane also had streaks of moderate magenta and brilliant rose.

Shining Armor was sooo happy to meet his baby sister. He always thought it was so lonely playing in a castle by himself.

King Sombra got down to his son’s level and spoke to him. “Well, Shining, what would you like to name your sister?”

The little colt thought about it for a moment, tapping his chin. He concentrated until he thought of the perfect name. “I like ‘Twilight Sparkle.’”

Sombra looked at his queen, giving her a look as if asking her what she thought. She smiled sweetly. “I think that is the perfect name, sweetheart.”

“I believe it suits her perfectly,” the king agreed. “Welcome, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Little did they realize that the same birthmark appeared on the princess’s hoof as well . . . and that Discord would be waiting . . .

Three years after the birth of their daughter, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Twilight had become the best of friends. They were always playing outside together in the garden, their mother and father watching from the bench a couple feet away.

The princess had made her brother a little necklace out of flowers from the garden. A magenta aura surrounded the necklace, levitating toward the prince, going around his neck.

The prince smiled at his sister’s gift, thanking her with a great big hug. The smell of daisies and roses from the necklace filled his nostrils. A light blue aura surrounded his creation of flowers, levitating it to her head and staying there. She looked upward to see that her brother had made her a flower crown.

She giggled, prancing around her brother as he stood on his hind legs, waving his front hooves a couple of times.

It was then that a little fairy creature, caught the prince’s eye. It was a very tiny fairy, about the size of his hoof. It was blue with pink fluffy hair and blue-green antennas, and had large lashes.

It then flew toward the Everfree Forest. Curious, Shining Armor decided to follow it into the forest.

The king and queen noticed their son running toward the forest. Their daughter extending her hoof out to him, telling him not to go.

“No, son! Don’t go too far,” shouted Queen Celestia.

But the prince was too far in the forest to hear. He was still following the little fairy, not realizing how deep he was venturing into the woods. Prince Shining Armor stopped right in front of Discord’s pond where it seemed that the fairy had disappeared.

The water soon began to glow a deep neon green color, as its surface became translucent. Suddenly, a dark figure burst from the water, frightening Shining Armor. He took a couple steps back, staring at the rising figure. It was none other than the master of the pond, Discord. Only, it was him in truth, not another illusion.

Aside from his head, was his serpent like body, covered with brown fur, a lion paw for a left arm, an eagle claw for the right. He looked like a zoo all combined in one animal.

“Awe, Prince Shining Armor looks like you’ll be coming home with me,” he said. His eyes becoming little spinning wheels, hypnotizing the young prince. “Come into the pond, my son. Together we shall rule this kingdom in fear and chaos.”

The prince absently-mindedly obeyed Discord, and walked into the pond, not hearing his parents calling his name.

“Shining Armor!”

“Shining, where are you dear?” the queen bellowed.

The king and queen looked over in fear as they saw their son standing the middle of Discord’s pond, along with Discord, himself. “Ahhhh, the king and queen. Thank you so much for making your decision right on time,” Discord taunted.

“Nooo” Queen Celestia cried, flying toward her son as fast as she could.

Discord just laughed as he and Shining quickly disappeared into the pond. A bright light flashed in the king and queen’s eyes, blinding them for a few moments.

A loud splash echoed around the clearing as the Queen toppled into the pond after her son. But it was too late. King Sombra rushed to her side, splashing water as he went.

He wrapped an arm around her, his chin on her shoulder. She moved her head toward the base of his neck, tears seeping down her face. They just sat there in Discord’s pond, trying their best to comfort each other. They stared helplessly at the flower necklace floating forlornly on the water’s surface; the only reminder of their son’s presence.

“Father,” yelled Fluttershy, “you said this story gets better,” she complained.

“It does, sweetheart, it does,” he responded, quietly. It was silent for a moment. Nothing but the sound of the crackling fire being heard. Clearing his throat, Soarin’ proceeded with the story.

As the years past, King Sombra and Queen Celestia did their best to raise their daughter. She had grown into a beautiful, smart and independent young mare. On her sixteenth year, Princess Twilight had become old enough to be ruler of the Everfree Forest.

But even though the kingdom was as happy as ever, there was still a hint of mourning for the lost prince. The princess didn’t remember her brother all too well. Her only memory being the little crown he had made her all those years ago.

King Sombra and Queen Celestia, still grieved over the loss of their son once in a while. They hoped and prayed that one day he’d return. But that one event didn’t stop them from being happy with Twilight.

“However, it is said that one day, Discord had left his pond soon after the coronation, spreading chaos among the whole kingdom,” Soarin’ explained. “He snuck into the Castle stealing the dear Princess’s crown.”

Cadence and Fluttershy gasped.

“Why would he do that?” asked Cadence.

“Because within that crown laid a magic spell. A spell that turn him into stone. If any pony were ever to be turned into stone by that particular spell… there’s no way of breaking it,” he told them, suddenly becoming all dramatic.

“And . . . the princess?”

“Some say she fell ill from grief . . . others claim that she cast a curse on herself and the kingdom to be frozen in time, and another to remain asleep until her crown is returned.”

“Oh, my . . .”

Soarin’ looked at the clock that was mounted above the fireplace. It was getting rather late, and they were all tired.

“Alright, girls,” he said, getting up from his ‘storytelling chair,’ “time for us to get to bed.”

The two daughters got up from the rug, dusting themselves off before giving their father a goodnight hug.

“Thank you for the story, father,” Fluttershy said, yawning.

“It was lovely,” Cadence added.

“I’m happy you both enjoyed it.” Soarin’ gave each of them each a kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, my angels.”

The two pegasus sisters, released their father from the hug and flew off to their room for a good night’s rest. Little did they know about what would happen next.

Author's Note:

Yay!!!! New chapter!!! And posted on my last day of Winter Break... Hope you guys like this one. And thanks a lot to my friend BluegrassBrooke for helping me edit!!!! Anyway, make sure you give a thumbs up, favorite and LEAVE A REVIEW!!!

Also, if there's any one of you is an artist and would like to do a cover art for this story, click here to go to my latest blog post. It'll tell you what I'm looking for in the cover