• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 3,414 Views, 171 Comments

The Sleeping Princess - Cora Zone Unicorn

Sisters, Cadence and Fluttershy, are told the legend of the "Sleeping Princess" by their father, Soarin', only to find that it is indeed true and it's up to the two of them to break a curse and also find the lost Prince of the Everfree Forest.

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Preparing for the Journey

It was a beautiful, peaceful night. The whole village of Canterlot was quiet with the exception of the rustling of the bushes due to a slight breeze in the air. Nothing but the stars and a full moon being the only source of light. Every little house was still except for one cottage.

Candles were lit in the room that Cadence and Fluttershy shared. The pink pegasus was already up and out of her bed. She flapped her wings slowly as she was doing her best not to wake her father who slept just down the hall.

She turned around, seeing her little sister still sleeping peacefully in her bed. The mare flew over to the other side of the room, stopping a few inches above her. Putting her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, she shook her awake.

“Fluttershy,” she whispered, shaking her softly. “Fluttershy, wake up.”

The younger pegasus fluttered her eyes open. Her vision was blurry but after a few blinks, her vision was now clear and in focus. She sat up in the bed, covering her mouth as she yawned. “What is it, Cadence,” she asked, still a little groggy from her slumber.

Cadence smiled, her wings starting to flap slower and slower as she landed on the wooden floorboards. She took one of her sister’s hoof in hers whilst her other went around her waist, supporting her as she helped her down from the bed. “Don’t you remember? We’re going to go search for Princess Twilight and also find out what happened to her brother.”

Fluttershy did nothing but look down at the floor. “Oh . . .,” she said, avoiding eye contact, “right.” She then looked out the window to see it was still dark outside. Her eyes widened. “W-w-wait! We’re going to go now? When it’s dark out?”

The eldest quickly gestured for her to take a deep breath. After calming her down, Cadence gave her a reassuring hug. She moved her hoof up and down on her sister’s back as she spoke. “Don’t worry, sis. I’ll take a lantern with us so by the time we leave it won’t be as dark, alright?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes as she listened to her big sister. She squeezed her eyes tight before opening them once again. “Ok . . .” she whispered as Cadence released her from her embrace.

“Listen, I know that you still find the dark to be very scary,” she said, looking into her teal-blue eyes. “But just know that nothing will happen to you as long as I’m here.”

The younger mare nodded, giving her a small smile; she smiled as well. Both loved each other very much. The two would do anything for each other, Cadence especially.

No one, besides their father, cared for Fluttershy more than she did. Ever since their mother had passed, she had to take on the role of the mother while still being her older sibling. If anything were to happen to her best friend, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself.

“Alright, now let’s get ready. We’ve got a legend to unveil.”

The kitchen floorboards creaked as the two of them walked. They could’ve easily just flown around the kitchen but they didn’t want to end up breaking or bumping into anything since it was so dark. Cadence squinted her eyes to try to find the lantern in the dark room. She waved her arm around to see if she could feel the exterior of the item she was looking for.

It took a couple of minutes until she had finally found the lantern that was sitting on a hook right next to the door that lead to the backyard. The mare grabbed the handle with her hoof and brought it over to the kitchen table. With one swift of her hoof, she unlocked the opening of the lantern.

“Okay, Fluttershy, why don’t you go and ask a few of your little firefly friends if they can help us,” she asked her in a whisper.

The younger pony nodded her head and flew to the back door. Her hoof lay on top of the knob, twisting it. She opened the door as slowly and quietly as she could, trying her best for their father not to hear.

Fluttershy poked her head out of the door to see about thirty or so fireflies flying around their backyard. She smiled at the sight. The little pony always loved these little insects, they made the dark a lot less scary for her. “Um, excuse me, little friends,” she began after clearing her throat, “Cadence and I are about to go out on a little journey . . . and . . . well . . . um . . . We were just wondering if any of you would like to light the way for us.”

The little insects looked at each other. They spoke a little buzzing language amongst one another, discussing which of them will help out. After a couple of minutes, about five little fireflies stood forward, accepting the offer.

“Why, thank you very much for volunteering,” she said gratefully. “Looks like you little ones will bring just enough light for the lantern we plan to use.” Fluttershy opened the door a bit wider so they could fly into the kitchen. “Don’t you worry. We shall be back soon.” She pulled her head back in the doorway as she began to close it. “Goodbye.”

The rest of the fireflies buzzed in their little language, waving with their little legs. They continued to do so until the door shut.

Cadence had found some paper and a quill. She was trying her best to think of what to write on the note for their father. Hmm . . . what to write? What to write . . .? Her thoughts were interrupted once she noticed five little specks of light that were now hitting the kitchen wall in front of her. She turned her head to see five little fireflies with Fluttershy.

“I asked some of my friends if any of them would like to light the way for us and these five volunteered to help us,” she explained, along with the fireflies nodding their heads in agreement.

The older sibling smiled look at the fireflies. “Well, thank you for being kind enough to help us.” She looked over her shoulder to see the lantern still sitting on the table, opened. She then turned her attention back to the insects. “If you wouldn’t mind, would you be so kind as to light up the lantern for us?”

The five nodded before flying towards the inside of the mobile lamp. Cadence then gently closed the opening, sealing it by clasping the hook. The kitchen suddenly became illuminated, both being able to see their surroundings. It just bright enough for them to see but not bright enough to the point where Soarin’ would wake up and wonder what was happening downstairs.

Cadence simply sighed. “Much better, now I can know and see what I’m writing.” The pink pony went back to what she was doing before: pondering on what to write on the little piece of paper. It was a good five minutes before she finally figured out what to put on the paper. She dipped the quill into the ink and began to write. Ink began to form into words as she moved the pen with her mouth. A good sentence or two and she was satisfied with what was written.

Fluttershy looked at the note, reading it. “Oh . . . do you think it’s good enough?” A worried expression took over her face; her voice having a tone to match. Cadence simply squeezed her shoulder in reassurance.

“Don’t worry, everything will be just fine. At least father won’t have to worry himself to death about where we are going.” Fluttershy gave her a sly smile. “Now, let’s get going. There is one place I’d like for us to go before we truly begin our journey.” She took the lantern handle in her mouth and headed toward the door. Fluttershy followed not too far behind.

The two pegasus ponies had been walking along a dirt path for about a good half an hour. The path ahead of them was a bright as it could be thanks to the firefly-powered lantern. Fluttershy stayed close as she could to Cadence, her light green hood lay upon her head whilst her sister had drawn it low over her head.

They were now approaching a little apple farm where a good friend of theirs, Applejack, lived and worked. Cadence had to admit, it did, in fact, looked creepy at night. As they reached the farmhouse, the eldest set down the lantern and flew up to Applejack’s bedroom window.

She lightly tapped a few times, trying not to wake the rest of the Apple family up. Eventually, the pony she wanted to talk to had awakened. She turned on her lamp before opening up her window.

“Cadence,” the southern pony said in confusion, “Wha-what are ya doing here at this hour,” she asked, a little groggy from sleeping. She covered her mouth with hoof as she yawned.

The pink pegasus gave her a tiny smile, her wings still flapping in the air as she spoke. “I’m so sorry to wake you when it’s so late, Applejack,” Cadence apologized. “But I was just hoping that you wouldn’t mind by me asking if you can lend us some snacks for the journey Fluttershy and I are about to take.”

Applejack gave her a confused look when she mentioned Fluttershy. She looked down from her window to see that she was on the ground staring up at them, with a lantern beside her. The yellow pegasus waved her hoof at her country pal. The mare smiled and waved in return. “How ya doin’, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, fine. Yes, just fine,” she responded.

The earth pony smiled once again before bringing her attention back to the still flying pegasus. “Yeah, sure. Ah’ll bring ya’ll some snacks.”

Applejack was able to bring about a week’s worth of snacks into their saddle bags. There were apple pies, apple fritters, muffins, and all kinds of treats. She had also packed their bags with a few bottles of apple juice.

“Thank you, very much, Applejack,” said Fluttershy.

“Awe, no problem, Sugar Cube,” Applejack responded as she helped her put her saddle bag back where it belonged. “Now, what’s this journey a’yers ya taking?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She turned her head to the direction where her older sister stood. “Oh . . . should we tell her?”

“I don’t see why not.”

The southern mare crossed her hooves, waiting patiently. “Yeah, c’mon. Tell me! Ah wanna know about this journey yer going on.”

The two pegasi ponies looked at each other before taking a deep breath. Fluttershy was the first to speak. “Cadence and I are going to go in search of a legend.”

Applejack’s eyebrows furrowed together. “A legend?” She gave them both a questioning look.

The two sisters went on to tell their friend about the story their father had told them. Everything from the king and queen, the loss of the prince to the unknown about the princess. “And so we’re going to find out what came of Princess Twilight and her brother Prince Shining Armor,” said Cadence.

The blonde-haired pony raised an eyebrow at them, especially at Cadence. “Cadence why in the world would ya want ta find out about something like that when it probably happened a hundred or even a thousand years ago?”

Cadence shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not sure. I know it seems crazy to go after something that probably never happened or did happened before probably even our great-great-grandparents,” she explained, “but I just feel as though there is something more to the story that father told my sister and I.”

Applejack just sighed, shaking her head in the process. “Ya always were the optimistic one, Cadence. How long do ya think ya’ll be gone?”

The two of them tapped their chins, unsure. They should be gone a week at the most. Journeys of this kind should take a few days, if not a week. Both told their friend they shouldn’t be gone for more than that.

The mare nodded, giving them both hug goodbyes. “Take care yerselves, ya hear?”

“We will,” they said in unison.

As they released each other from the hug, Fluttershy went on ahead, taking the lantern and starting to walk off the farm. Applejack took this time to quickly talk to her friend one last time. “Watch out fer Fluttershy, alright,” she said. “Ya know how fragile and sensitive she is. Who can tell what’s waiting on the journey?”

The colorful pegasus smiled slyly before turning her head to the direction of her best friend. “Believe me, I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure no harm comes her way. I’ll always be there for her.”

Applejack gave her a great big smile. Cadence’s friendship and love for her sister, was nearly as strong as her own with Apple Bloom. “Ya better get goin’. Don’t wanna keep her waiting.”

She nodded her head before giving her friend one last hug. The mare waved goodbye as she caught up with her little sister. The two then began their journey. First stop: The Everfree Forest.

Author's Note:

Yay!!!! A new chapter is here!!!! I'm gonna try to make the rest of the chapters at least 2,000 words each from here on out. Also, we got to see another member of the Mane 6 besides Fluttershy. Whoa!!! Thanks again to BluegrassBrooke for helping me edit. Couldn't have posted this without you.

I would also like to thank ChaosQueen for the WONDERFUL cover art!!! It's EXACTLY how I imagined it!!! Thank you, I love it!!!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Tell me your favorite part. Don't forget to like, favorite and LEAVE A REVIEW!!!!