• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 3,418 Views, 171 Comments

The Sleeping Princess - Cora Zone Unicorn

Sisters, Cadence and Fluttershy, are told the legend of the "Sleeping Princess" by their father, Soarin', only to find that it is indeed true and it's up to the two of them to break a curse and also find the lost Prince of the Everfree Forest.

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Haven't You Ever Wanted to Go on an Adventure?

Saturday was always Cadence and Fluttershy’s favorite day of the week. It was the day that they got to spend the most with their father. It didn’t matter what they did, as long as they did it together. Even if they didn’t have anything planned, they always found something to do and make it as fun as possible. This Saturday, the two sisters decided to help their father with their chores around the house.

The elder pegasus stallion looked out the kitchen window from where he was cleaning the dishes. A wide smile spread across his face at the sight of his two little girls look to be playing a game of some sort as they they washed and hung the clothes on the clothesline.

His youngest, Fluttershy, was washing each piece of fabric one at time inside in a little tub of water. She then lay the clothing against the washboard, scrubbing them as best as she could. After scrubbing the piece of fabric, she then tossed, what looked to be her light green hood, in the air. Cadence, his eldest, had caught it in the knick of time while also getting them a bit wet as well.

He chuckled at their little game. Though they were both young mares at the appropriate age for marriage, Cadence especially, the two of them will always be little girls in his eyes. Soarin’ loved his children, he truly did. After his wife passed years before, they had been the one thing keeping him going.

The blue pegasus had finally finished the dishes, deciding then to get the duster and begin cleaning the little living room area. Before doing so, however, he thought he would take this time to see how his little angels were doing. Though, considering he could see from the little kitchen window… he did so, anyway.

His feathered wings flapped together, lifting him about two feet from the ground. A slight gust of air gently hit his face as he flew toward the door that lead to the backyard. “How’s everything with the laundry, girls?”

The mares turned their heads toward their father, still a bit wet from the new little game they invented. “Swell, father,” they said together.

Soarin’ put himself gently on the ground, walking over to the two little ponies. Cadence landed as well, her wings retracting a few moments after her hooves settled with the now slightly wet soil.

He stood in between the two of them, his head moving back and forth from Cadence to Fluttershy. One of his hooves lifted Fluttershy’s chin ever so slowly. Her face had beads of water and a bit of soap that had been lathered into little bubbles. Some soap remained in her hair as well, resembling the laundry she was cleaning just a little earlier.

He then looked over at Cadence who had the same as her little sister. He gave off a small laugh. “Well, I say you two had a bit too much fun with the laundry,” he commented, causing both mares to look at each other and blush from a little bit of embarrassment. “Why don’t you girls go and get yourselves cleaned up? I’ll finish up here.”

The two nodded their heads before entering the little house. Soarin’ then began to wash and hang the what was left of the clothes onto the clothesline.

Cadence and Fluttershy were now in the room they shared together. The walls were painted light shades of blue and green. Their beds were on both sides of the room, facing the door. The room was illuminated by little lanterns hanging beside their beds which showed the covers of their beds; Fluttershy’s being yellow and green and Cadence’s being purple and blue.

The two of them had just finished cleaning themselves after doing the laundry. Their manes both wrapped up in towels, drying. Both looking into the mirror, they began to fix each other’s hair.

“Fluttershy,” Cadence began, helping to take the towel off of her little sister’s head. “I’ve been thinking about that legend father told us the other night.”

Fluttershy squeaked at the mention of their father’s story. She too had been thinking about it lately. But she had been thinking more about that frightening creature that took the prince away from his family. If that were either herself or her best friend who were taken by that monster, she wouldn’t know what she would do. “S-so have I,” she said in her usual quiet voice.

Cadence took a hold of her sister’s hair brush, hoping not to drop it considering how wet her face was. The brush combed through Fluttershy’s pink mane smoothly and easily. Not a single knot to be found. She put the hairbrush down on top of the little drawer. “Oh, is that so?”

The yellow pegasus just simply nodded. Her sister’s hooves ran through hair a couple times to make sure she didn’t miss a single strand. Once she was through, it was Fluttershy’s turn to fix her hair.

“Well, I was up last night thought to myself, ‘What if the legend is true?’,” she explained as Fluttershy began to comb her best friend’s hair with a different brush. Her eyes widened at the thought.

“What makes you think the story father told us was true,” she asked after putting the brush back down. She then grabbed the blue ribbon that Cadence wore from the top of the drawer and began to tie her hair into a ponytail.

Cadence simply shrugged. “I’m not really sure,” she admitted. “I just feel as if there’s something more to the story. There are some questions to be answered.”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, not sure where Cadence was going with this. She finished tightening the bow, but to not too tight to the point it hurt her hair.

Cadence turned around facing her sister. “Think about it: The prince hasn’t been seen ever since Discord took him away. He was the ruler of the most forbidden part of the Everfree forest. Not to mention, he’s immortal. Which means, Prince Shining Armor could still be alive after all these years!”

“I-I guess. But how do you know that this ‘Discord’ beast, is immortal? Father never mentioned him being immortal,” she pointed out.

“I was up last night reading more about the legend. Father also said that no pony was quite sure what had happened to Princess Twilight.”

Fluttershy gave her big sister a strange look. “Where are you going with this?”

Cadence gave sister a great big smile, the kind she hadn’t seen her sister use before. It was not one of her loving and caring smiles. No. This smile she was wearing had sort of a mischievous glint to it, and it worried her.

“I think we should go and find out what happened to Prince Shining Armor and Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Cadence’s smile grew even bigger and her eyes began to gleam in the light from the lanterns.

“WHAT?” Fluttershy shouted much louder than intended. Very rarely would she ever yell like that. Whenever she did try to yell, it was also so soft. “Are you crazy?”

The older sister placed her hooves on the younger pegasus’s shoulders. “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, calm down,” she said, looking into her teal-blue eyes. “No, I am not crazy.”

“Cadence, you want us to go and search for a lost Prince and a Princess! Don’t you realize that that story father told us is probably about 1,000 years old? There’s no way it can be true.”

“Oh, c’mon now, Flutters. Do you think it’s truly just a legend?”

Fluttershy looked down at the wood floor, brushing a strand of her pink hair out of her eyes. She tried her best to avoid eye contact. “Even if we were to find out what happened to Princess Twilight and her brother, I don’t think it would be safe.”

A slight squeeze came upon her shoulder. The mare looked up to see her sister giving her a sly smile. “Don’t worry, sis. Listen, I’ll make sure nothing horrible happens, if you agree to go and search for the lost prince and Princess Twilight with me.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment. “I . . . I don’t know . . .”

“Wouldn’t you like to go out on a little adventure once in a while?”

“But what would father say,” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m sure he’ll understand,” she said, simply. “Now are you in? Or are you out?” She extended her hoof, waiting for her best friend to take it.

Fluttershy thought for a moment once again. I’ve always wanted to go out on an adventure. But then again, if the legend is more than that, I don’t want to end up like Prince Shining Armor; taken by Discord never to be seen again. I mean, how would father react? He couldn’t risk losing me . . . or both of us, for that matter. Although, Cadence did promise that she wouldn’t let anything bad happen . . .

After thinking for what felt like forever, she finally came to terms with her decision. She simply smiled, “I’m in,” she said, placing her hoof on top of Cadence’s.

Cadence then enveloped Fluttershy into a great big hug. She released her soon after, going towards their bedroom door. “Great! We’ll head out before the sun rises tomorrow.”

A concern look spread across her sister’s face. “Tomorrow morning? But won’t father be worried once he realizes we’re not here? We’re all he has, you know.”

She had a point. Cadence thought of a quick solution to that little problem before a light bulb went off in her head. “We’ll just leave him a little note telling him we’re fine and we’ll be back soon.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure father will be fine,” she assured her. “Now, before we leave in the morning, we best get our capes . . .”

And with that, Cadence left the room, leaving Fluttershy to bobble her head a couple times before she came right back in. “I think we should let them dry first . . .”

Fluttershy laughed at her, shaking her head to the side. “Why don’t we help father with the rest of the chores?”

The older pegasus nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, good idea.”

The two mares then shut the door behind them, going down the steps toward the living room to help their father.

Author's Note:

Yay!!! The adventure is about to begin. I thought about Cadence always wanting to go on an adventure because of that one little quote she said in the episode "Three's a Crowd" where she said to Twilight, "I enjoy a little excitement now and then," so thought that this chapter would be great to show that.

A little bit about Soarin' being a loving father. I'm going to try have Soarin' in the story as much as possible. I have a little game plan in mind.

Thanks again to BluegrassBrooke for proofreading and helping me edit. Doing a fantastic job, as always. Make sure to follow her if you haven't already.

If you have any predictions as to what you think will happen or simply have something you would like to see in the story, feel free to comment down below. Also, don't forget to like, favorite and LEAVE A REVIEW!!!