• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 12,670 Views, 779 Comments

Family Secrets: The Reveal - Schrodinger's Pony

The Mane Six are keeping secrets from each other. All of their secrets are uncovered.

  • ...

Family Creeds

Not one tear of hers fell to the floor.

As she sobbed, a pink bubble had enveloped itself around her, gathering her tears in a pool in the bottom.

Twilight’s horn glowed with a righteous fury.

She didn’t know why Fluttershy’s dad would do something like that, but she wasn’t going to stand by and let it happen, especially if what the other dragons said was true, and tears falling was illegal.

She’d only seen Fluttershy cry like this once. After the Grand Galloping Gala, when she realized how mean she must have looked to the animals. This was a line crossed, and she felt Rainbow dash and Applejack on either side of her, ready to start a major diplomatic incident over their friend’s tears. ‘Let Celestia handle this’. She mouthed. Applejack nodded, and bit hard on Rainbow Dash’s tail just as a precaution.

Smaug looked to the other ponies. “Welcome to my Cave, your Royal Majesty Celestia, The Queen-Who-Would-Be-Called-Princess, The Sun-Bearer, The Sky-Master, The Gemstone-Maned, The Great-Trickster, The Unseen-Hand, The Silent Watcher, The Mirror-Match of All-Dragons, The Gardener, The Sunland Lord, Tan-Kthulthu the World Serpent’s Daughter, Equestria’s Mother-Of-Hearts, Discord-Bane, Tenderhoof, and Haerth’s Fire.”

Princess Celestia stepped forward, putting a comforting wing around Fluttershy before answering. “I am Welcomed… Smaug. Have you other honorifics?”

“I am Smaug.” The dragon king boasted. “I need no other honorifics.”

“Then Smaug, may I ask leave of you to have my subject leave the room? She is clearly distraught for some reason.”

“She is not your subject, Princess Celestia.” Smaug said. “She is our daughter, and our princess. Let us instead finish matters with all haste, so she may leave quicker, to dry her eyes.”

“Some dad.” Spike growled, and the rest of the ponies, who hadn’t yet realized Fluttershy’s father was dead, nodded in wary agreement. Fluttershy was still crying, and she’d filled up a fifth of the orb with her tears.

“We have invited you’re here, to bear witness to our daughter’s marriage. But also, to bring about a new peace between Dragons and Ponies. Before we begin peace talks, one matter must be addressed.” He pointed to Spike. “Your use of dragons as slave labor.”

Princess Celestia tittered. “Oh Smaug, Spike is not a dragon. He is a pony, who merely looks like a dragon. If you take a closer look, you will see that he is not any type of dragon you know.”

Smaug leaned in and took in Spike with his one eye. Spike stood there, anxiously, as Smaug looked him over and Fluttershy cried in the background.

“You are right.” Smaug said, after considerable inspection. “I apologize for the assumption, Your Majesty. From Fluttershy’s reports it seemed…” He waved a claw. “But no matter. For the duration of your stay, you will be the honored guest of Lady Babbage’s cave. You will unfortunately be escorted by my Knights at all times and require advanced notice to go elsewhere, so as not to disturb my subjects, but otherwise it is my hope that you enjoy the hospitality of the Great Pack.”

Lady Babbage looked like she was close to tears as well.

Then Smaug turned to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, you are obviously distraught.” That was the polite way of saying it. The force field was halfway full of her tears as she continued bawling. “Before you leave, I would like you to meet your future husband.” Smaug waved. “As it turns out, Lord Krastos was secretly raising his own monster.” One of the three strategically placed side doors opened, and out came the last pony anypony expected to see.

He was a Pegasus. His wings were small, and shriveled up, probably from the same malnutrition that had almost claimed Fluttershy. But the rest of him was immense, as large as an alicorn, built like a brick house that was built by dragons. His muscle’s muscles had muscles. His cutie mark was a set of weights, and upon closer observation, the weights on his cutie mark weighed one hundred tons. Who knew what age he was at when he got his cutie mark, but if he was at any normal pony’s age and he somehow managed to lift that? Apparantly, being raised by a dragon was better for strength then being raised by the Apples.

“I’ve seen this guy before.” Rainbow Dash whispered. “He showed up in Ponyville for the twister event. What was his name again…”

The stallion opened his mouth. “I AM TARZAN THE MIGHTY!” He roared.

“I know you two are going to be very happy together.” Smaug smiled. “But for now, you seem distressed for some reason. So please, by all means, go back to your cave and get some rest. I’ll be all ears if you want to talk about it later.” To the ponies, his smile was kindly. To the dragons, it was full of mockery.

Pinkie Pie jumped onto the force field, and began to roll it out of the room, Fluttershy still attached to it. The orb was now almost full of her tears, and she still didn’t stop crying. They made it halway out of the atrium before the Great Pack adjourned, and Lady Babbage scooped Fluttershy up and rested her on her back, where she hugged her mother and cried.


She woke up the next morning, after crying herself to sleep.

She was fairly surprised to see the warm charcoal nest she’d grown up in instead of the bed she had in her cottage. Then she remembered the previous day. She sniffled, weakly, and for a moment she considered not getting up at all.

Then she heard somepony snoring beside her.

She screamed and shot up to the ceiling in a panic. Did it already happen? Did I already marry that Tarzan?

But no. It was just Twilight Sparkle. The snore was coming from next to her nest, not in it, where Twilight had been sleeping on one of her dad’s books. Twilight snorted awake. “Fluttershy? You’re awake?”

Fluttershy sighed with relief, and landed. “Y-yes, I am.”

Twilight got up from where she had laid down. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy frowned. “F-for what?”

“I’m sorry about your dad.” Twilight said. “He sounds like a great dragon. You mother explained everything last night. About how your dad’s stare didn’t work on Smooze because he had only one eye. We’re so sorry Rainbow Dash, Rarity and I stayed up with you. I don’t know where they are now.” Twilight blushed. “Also… I’m sorry for what I said before then. After the whole ‘Queen of the hoard’ thing. I just over-analyzed everything and I made it so much worse for you –”

“It’s okay Twilight.” Fluttershy said with a smiled. It had hurt when Twilight had said them, but she would hurt more if she continued watching Twilight blame herself for it. Besides, any debt she might have held against her for her harsh words was erased because Twilight had thought to save her from her tears. “You’re a good friend.”

Twilight sighed with relief, and hugged Fluttershy. Fluttershy buried herself into the warmth of Twilight’s mane. Fluttershy felt safe with Twilight around. With her in her arms, she felt the troubles of the previous day melt away like Nightmare Moon or Discord. With her, she was sure she could find a way to face her father’s death, and her impending marriage to… Tarzan…

Suddenly, she felt twilight tense up, and sniff experimentally. “Smoke?”

Fluttershy sniffed as well. Her nose wasn't as sensitive to smoke, but she soon realized it wasn’t normal dragons smoke. “A fire! Ohmigoodness ohmigoodness, ohmigoodness!”

The two of them ran down to the kitchen, where they were met with the sight of Rainbow Dash, covered in something yellow and sticky, trying to cook ash. “I was just trying to make pancakes!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

Twilight ran forward. “Did you blend the batter before cooking it?” She asked.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t find the blender, so I just mixed it with a miniature tornado.”

Fluttershy flew to the pantry and grabbed the blender. “It’s okay Rainbow Dash. We’ll make a new batch.”

“Hey Flutters! You’re up! And… why do your parents have a model of Celestia’s Palace in their kitchen cupboards?”

“It’s a blender.”

Twilight cleared the smoke away with her magic. “Odd, why didn’t anypony else notice the smoke?”

And that was when Fluttershy’s ears picked up the soft scratching of claws against stone, and wings preparing to flare.

She spun around just as a teenage purple dragon with long golden hair leaped out at her, and brought a hoof down on his face.

The other dragon snarled and blew fire at her, but Fluttershy ducked out of the way and put him in a chokehold. He reached behind him and flipped her off of his back and onto the stone floor. The pair of them rolled across the floor until they hit a wall, where Fluttershy finally pinned the dragon. They glared at each other for a while.

And then Fluttershy began to tickle him.

He laughed and tried to swat her away, but she pressed on. She finally relented, and the two pulled each other into a hug.



“It’s so good to see you again!”

“Look at how much you’ve grown!”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash stared on in bemusement.

“Howdie all.” Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie walked into the room. “Rarity heard Fluttershy wake up, and Pinkie figured we oughta give her a dose of normality again to get her smiling as soon as possible.”

“Good idea.” Twilight said, watching the two siblings wrestle.

Spike walked into the room, yawning. “I’m up Twi. You didn’t need to start the pancakes without me. You know I can –” Spike saw Rainbow Dash looking sheepish, and tried to cover the pan.

Spike’s entrance picked up Vulcas’ attention. But the attention was held by something different. “WOAH!” Vulcas stood up. “Is my hair straight?”

Fluttershy blinked. “Um… yes?”

Vulcas strode towards Rarity, and began to do a mating dance.

Rarity was visibly distressed. “Oh dear… Twilight, when did you find the time to teach Fluttershy’s brother to dance?”

“Ohmigoodness, ohmigoodness, ohmigoodness!” Fluttershy blushed, and hid her head in her hooves.


All heads turned, as Lady Babbage strode into the kitchen, Princess Celestia behind her. She had aged gracefully. No longer the young mother of Fluttershy, she was a grand draconis queen. And though she still had some elements of her former ‘cute’ self, the only word to describe her now was ‘regal’.

“That is not the way we raised you, young drake.” She said. “Other dragons may go straight for the dance, but you should get to know her first, give her flowers and gemstones, maybe ask Fluttershy about pony courtship rituals.”

“Wait, what?” Rarity squeaked.

“Yes mom.” Vulcas bowed his head.

“Woah, woah waoh!” Spike stalked up to Vulcas. “Courtship rituals?”

“Well… I know it’s a bit weird.” Vulcas rubbed his head. “I’m a scaly reptile, she’s a fuzzy pony.”

“Fuzzy?” Rarity was affronted.

“But… well… look at her and tell me you don’t think she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”

Spike looked at Rarity. “She’s the most beautiful pony I’ve ever seen.” He said. Then he turned back. “And thus, she’s off limits to you.”

“Hold on, who are you to decide whether I’m off limits or not?” Rarity asked.

“So you will go on a date with me?” Vulcas asked. “Or… hang on, Fluttershy, what are pony courtship rituals?”

Fluttershy was too busy burying her face in her hoofs to participate in the conversation.

Her mother brushed a wingtip against her. “Fluttershy? Do you want to talk?”

Fluttershy nodded, and Lady Babbage carefully lifted Fluttershy onto her back. She carried her through the hallways of their cave, past the stairs, and the Hoard Room, and into the Library.

Stockholm’s library was the biggest dragon library in the world, in every sense of the word. Most of the books on his shelves wouldn’t fit through the door of any normal pony’s home. And there were so many shelves filled with them, they descended down for two more floors, which in pony terms was thirty more floors. Judging from the disorganized mess on the enormous study desk, Twilight had already been at the books, voraciously taking in anything she could while she was here.

Lady Babbage set her daughter down on the desk. “You have good friends Fluttershy. A fine pack. I’m so proud of you.”
Fluttershy nodded.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t get in touch with you earlier. Ever since the… fight… I’ve been under an unofficial house arrest.”

“It’s not your fault.” Fluttershy shivered. “It was… so shocking. Yesterday was the worst day of my life.”

“Do you want a shoulder to cry on?” Her mother offered.

“No thanks.”Fluttershy shook her head. “I’ve cried enough. Now I have to… I have to…”

“You don’t have to do anything.” Her mother nuzzled her. “You don’t have to do anything at all.”

“I have to get married…”

“NO!” Lady Babbage roared, her clawed fists banging down on the desk top.

Fluttershy jumped back, surprised. “Mom…?”

Her mother sighed, and swayed, almost sinking to the floor before she regained her regal bearing. “Fluttershy… before fighting your father, Lord Smooze fought Lord Krastos. Unusually, Lord Krastos let his survive the fight, but before the fight ended Krastos had torn out Smooze’s eye. Without his depth perception, Lord Smooze wouldn’t be effected by your father’s Stare.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “You think Lord Krastos…”

“I think it’s a bit too convenient that all of a sudden he has a son you can marry.” Lady Babbage snarled. “I think that he’s trying to attack me from the shadows, just like the coward he is. I think he’s been playing the long game, planning this week out since the moment he realized you existed. I think that oing anything he wants, including getting married to his… whatever that pony is to him, would be a very bad idea.”

Fluttershy bowed her head. “But… I’m a princess. If Smaug tells me to get married, there’s not much I can…”

“You can say no.” Lady Babbage said. “And I would start a war for you.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh no! Mom, you’d be killed!”

“And that would buy enough time for you to escape.” Lady Babbage lifted her chin. “Fluttershy…”

“No.” Fluttershy shook her head. “No mom. You leave everything to me.” She smiled. “I’ve grown so much stronger since my last visit. My friends have grown so much stronger. They’ll help me, whatever I do. I don’t want you to risk you life for me.”

“No mother would do less for her child.” Lady Babbaged glared. But her glare softened, and she nuzzled Fluttershy again. “Oh… my Fluttershy…” She whispered softly. “You have grown.”

“I know Mom.” Fluttershy hugged her in return.

The two of them shared the blissful peace and quiet of the library.

Fluttershy broke the silence. “So… you’ve been talking to Princess Celestia?” Fluttershy asked.

Lady Babbage giggled excitedly. “She has a phoenix!”

“I know. Isn’t it exciting?”

“She’d been telling me all about her! Oh, but I must visit Canterlot some day and meet Philomena!”

Fluttershy giggled. “It’s good to be home mom. Despite everything. Right here, right now, I’m happy.”


From deep in the dark basement of his cave, Lord Krastos watched Lady Babbage and Fluttershy hug through a mirror. He cackled wickedly, only for the cackle to turn into a cough.

“You’re getting worse.” Smaug gloated from the shadows behind him.

Lord Krastos reached out a claw for a goblet at his side. He crushed some emeralds into the chalice and took a long, deep draught. He took a fresh breath of air through his throat. “No, Smaug… I’ve never felt more alive.”

“You and I have vastly different opinions on the word ‘alive’.” Smaug growled. “You’re near death. You should be entering the Deep Sleep, instead of constantly staying awake.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Lord Krastos chuckled.

Smaug squirmed slightly, as Lord Krastos turned to look at him. “You never would have had the chance to become Smaug without me. Now everything is going exactly according to plan… and you want me to sleep?”

Smaug frowned. “Careful how you speak to me.”

“I am careful.” Lord Krastos said. “I am very careful not to provoke you. You would destroy me utterly in a fight, and then where would we both be?” Lord Krastos took another draught. “Leave me.”

“You do not order Smaug.” Smaug growled, but it was a half hearted growl.

“The rest of the world may believe that, but you and I know better.” Lord Krastos sighed. “I tore out your eye so you would be immune to Stockholm’s stare. I boosted your fighting prowess with magic to defeat him in ‘fair’ combat. And if you want to have the same chance against Celestia, you won’t dare harm me. So leave… please.”

“Just have your magic ready.” Smaug growled and left.

Lord Krastos listened, and waited, until Smaug closed the door to the basement behind him. “… And my mind, your majesty. My magic… and my mind. Of the two, I know which one is the more powerful.”

He traced a claw along the mirror, watching Lady Babbage talking with Princess Celestia. “Aaahh… Babbage… Smaug’s dragon age will fade, as all empires do. And I will go to my own rest soon enough. All things in life, are only temporary pleasures. But there is one temporary pleasure, I have yet to have… A final joy to steal…”

He turned, cracked his claws, and reached out towards the coral growing on the wall. The coral’s tubes spiraled the full length of the basement’s walls. Various small creatures used to live inside the corals, but Krastos had burned them out long ago, while polishing the tubes with his fire. Reaching out, he began to play on the keyboard he’d attached to the coral, melodies floating around the perfectly acoustic basement.

My mother dear, she called me sickly…
And my father proud, he called me weak…
But when I look into your eye I find,
The presence of a willful mind,
The same that made my life not look so bleak.

I was never the leader of any pack,
And every dragon called me a creep.
But I found they changed their tune,
When under cover of the moon,
I murdered both my parents in their sleep!

He began hacking again, and took another draught from his chalice, then picking up the music in a faster pace.

Lesson One: Being a coward means being alive!
Lesson Two: Don’t let on that you can connive!
Lesson Three: Strike when they least expect your strike!
Lesson Four: Know exactly where to swing that pike!

This is the Creed of Cunning!
The art of Krastos the Great!
And, you’ll never see me coming,
Until it’s far too late!

But then I her eyes met mine across the crater…
And I knew at last I’d met my mirror-match!
She turned away each of my tricks,
I had to learn to take my licks,
Because she was just too good of a catch!

But no you had to marry that grandstander!
And our duels piled up without an end!
He turned you against me,
But I’m going to set you free,
And then your sweetness will make amends.

Lesson five: Patient is your greatest ally!
Lesson six: Know exactly where to ply!
Lesson seven: Stay in the darkest shadows!
Lesson eight: Don’t stop till the reaper crows!

This is the Creed of Cunning!
The adventure of Krastos the Great!
And I hope that she can see me coming,
So that we can properly enjoy our date!

The music turned more sinister, darker, and Krastos began to play the corals like a dragon possessed.

Everything is going according to plan,
Call it genius, or destiny, or fate!
My mirror-match no longer she,
Shall bow, this is her destiny,
It’s time for her final checkmate!

Oh, I can’t wait to get her to the altar!
Where she can finally say I do!
And make no mistake,
It’ll be a piece of cake!
Because if she doesn’t, I’ll turn her Precious Pony Daughter

From deep in his dark basement cave, Krastos began to laugh, punctuation occasionally by a hacking cough. Flame spilled out of his mouth, enchanted with an illusion spell. The green flame transformed into a vision of Fluttershy, and as the caricature smiled, a green tendril of flame formed the head of a dragon, opened its jaws wide, and devoured Fluttershy’s image, leaving only a faint green smoke, and the sick laughter of Krastos.